[討論] 5/27 今日維尼

看板Matsuzaka_18作者 (好朋友)時間14年前 (2010/05/28 10:18), 編輯推噓24(24013)
留言37則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA PITCHES 4.2 2 3 3 8 1 0 5.77 112 第一局 BB 右飛 中飛 BB 中飛 24-11 24-11 第二局 左飛 中飛 三滾 7-6 31-17 第三局 左飛 中飛 右飛 13-9 44-26 第四局 BB 一安 觸身球 一直 二直 中飛 26-15 70-41 第五局 BB 倒K BB 一安 BB BB 三滾 BB 42-19 112-60 第一局 壞球開局被黏九球BB,接著連續兩個外野飛球出局,又BB中飛結束 第二局 好球開局兩個飛球與三滾 三上三下 第三局 壞球開局三個飛球三上三下 第四局 壞球開局BB之後被一安觸身球滿壘,連續三出局結束 第五局 壞球開局連續六顆壞球,見逃K BB,一安掉分,連續兩BB掉分,三滾出局後又爆投掉分,又BB被換下去 第一局球速在91-94,球速多落在91。 第二局球速在91-93,球速多落在92。 第三局球速在-92-93,球速多落在93。 第四局球速在-91-94,球速多落在92。 第五局球速在91-93,球速多落在93。 我覺得今天應該只是單純沒力而已,前四局是還好 第五局開局連續六個壞球感覺應該是手軟了, 球速看起來是沒什麼問題,可能是上次一下子投太多球了 維尼3-2 我2-1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/28 10:19, , 1F
單局五個BB = =
05/28 10:19, 1F

05/28 10:30, , 2F
第五局93.94蠻多的 說沒力也是很奇怪~.~
05/28 10:30, 2F

05/28 10:33, , 3F
最近幾場下來 只能說球速還在甚至比之前還快了點..但是控
05/28 10:33, 3F

05/28 10:33, , 4F
球真的是看心情的 XDD
05/28 10:33, 4F

05/28 10:43, , 5F
今天的BB除了自己控球 大人也贊助不少
05/28 10:43, 5F

05/28 10:55, , 6F
不是啦 我的意思是說 你說沒力了 但是球速卻又更快起來...
05/28 10:55, 6F

05/28 10:55, , 7F
05/28 10:55, 7F
因為投球需要很多肌肉的配合啊 也許跟控球有關的部分不夠力了

05/28 11:01, , 8F
05/28 11:01, 8F

05/28 11:03, , 9F
那個外國人可能又要寫松坂玩完了 ....
05/28 11:03, 9F

05/28 11:04, , 10F
以前在日本控球不好 好像就狂投狂練 現在又不能練 那要怎
05/28 11:04, 10F

05/28 11:04, , 11F
樣才能改善呢 ? 年紀又越來越大了 再這樣下去真的不大妙
05/28 11:04, 11F

05/28 11:16, , 12F
今天控球差+主審好球帶小=單局5BB and 整場8BB..
05/28 11:16, 12F

05/28 12:00, , 13F
襪迷只會哭夭松坂.Lester Beckett 拉基 濫的時候都不講
05/28 12:00, 13F

05/28 12:49, , 14F
05/28 12:49, 14F

05/28 13:00, , 15F
05/28 13:00, 15F

05/28 13:02, , 16F
襪板都罵的好難聽啊!! 維尼哭哭...
05/28 13:02, 16F

05/28 13:41, , 17F
襪板最近很多ㄨㄨ 別跟他們一般見識
05/28 13:41, 17F

05/28 13:42, , 18F
投手投不好恨鐵不成鋼正常 但那些謾罵連對球員基本尊重
05/28 13:42, 18F

05/28 13:43, , 19F
都沒有做到 就是一堆非理性的嘴砲酸民而已
05/28 13:43, 19F

05/28 13:44, , 20F
維尼多跟投教溝通、確認手沒事吧 下一場對運動家再看看
05/28 13:44, 20F

05/28 14:00, , 21F
不爽不要簽阿 把六年的錢通通給松坂叫他滾就好了阿..
05/28 14:00, 21F

05/28 14:00, , 22F
瓦哥也投得蠻鳥的阿 我就沒看洋基版罵瓦哥罵像紅襪罵松坂
05/28 14:00, 22F

05/28 14:01, , 23F
05/28 14:01, 23F

05/28 14:02, , 24F
另外北極.拉基今年簽大約後也so so而已 怎沒被罵成這樣..
05/28 14:02, 24F

05/28 14:11, , 25F
跟樓上有同感 我一度還以為是反串 還特地找ID真的是襪迷
05/28 14:11, 25F

05/28 14:15, , 26F
恨鐵不成鋼吧 唉~ 一場好一場壞 但比北極好一些啦..不
05/28 14:15, 26F

05/28 14:15, , 27F
過還是要調一下狀況 唉 加油!!!!!
05/28 14:15, 27F

05/28 15:51, , 28F
台灣人就算是襪迷 還是一堆討厭松坂吧
05/28 15:51, 28F
討論維尼就好 不要討論其他有的沒的 "Obviously, he was struggling with his command and his release point," said catcher Jason Varitek. "At different times, he was able to throw through me, and at other times, his arm would drag or his arm would be in front. I don't know what the answer is, but I know he'll do the work to try and figure it out." "He seemingly lacked command pretty much from start to finish tonight," said pitching coach John Farrell. "He did a great job of pitching out of a bases-loaded, no-out situation in the fourth. But the walks in the end were catching up to him. We had to have our bullpen come in early and bail him out." "I'd have to say that command was an issue," said manager Terry Francona. "Obviously, eight walks [and a] hit batsman. Saying that, we're sitting at the edge of our seat with the seat belt on. He wiggles out of one inning, and pretty close the next inning -- got to two outs and the ball in the dirt. It's a hard way to pitch successful. He has a unique ability to get out of some of those situations. But that's a difficult way to pitch." "In my good outings, I can throw the ball without overthinking too much and still be able to pitch well," he said. "But when things are going bad, no matter what I try to get out of it, things just don't click and I can't build that momentum. But in general, I know that I can't be overly conscious of that. I still need to pitch. As for tonight, I just need to look back at my performance and find those bad elements and hopefully clear them up." "That's kind of part of the pitcher that he is," Farrell said. "While the overall strike percentage might not have been the highest, [he was] somewhat effectively wild to his advantage. Tonight, they laid off some pitches and there were some at-bats where he never really gave himself a chance to get into the count and make a pitch to get an out." More on this in tomorrow's Herald, but Daisuke Matsuzaka attributed some of his problems tonight to "lower body soreness" that he has been feeling since his eight-inning, one-hit gem last Saturday night against the Phillies. "It's tough to say how much effect there was because it's really a matter of my personal feel," Matsuzaka said through interpreter Masa Hoshino. "So, I don't think I can describe. I think, looking back on it, yes, there was an effect. I don't think that's the most important issue. It might have looked like I got out of those (first and fourth) innings OK, but in my mind, I still felt there were still adjustments I needed to make. It's been a long time since my body didn't cooperate like this. I had to rely a lot on my upper body. My velocity was there but there was no movement or bite to my pitches, not to mention any command."

05/28 17:13, , 29F
05/28 17:13, 29F

05/28 19:16, , 30F
他在賽後有跟隊長溝通 至少他很努力 想知道那邊出問題
05/28 19:16, 30F

05/28 19:17, , 31F
對於自己不喜的言論 忽略就好
05/28 19:17, 31F

05/28 20:21, , 32F
維尼加油!!! ^^
05/28 20:21, 32F

05/28 20:48, , 33F
05/28 20:48, 33F

05/29 22:38, , 34F
05/29 22:38, 34F
※ 編輯: phoenixtwo 來自: (05/29 22:43)

05/30 16:24, , 35F
05/30 16:24, 35F

05/30 19:02, , 36F
05/30 19:02, 36F

05/30 21:01, , 37F
投成這樣轉隊也很難看。還是先拿出成績吧。 :(
05/30 21:01, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1B_oVUJG (Matsuzaka_18)