[翻譯] Matsuzaka again proves to be perfect …

看板Matsuzaka_18作者 (賴打)時間16年前 (2008/05/19 01:55), 編輯推噓10(1003)
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http://tinyurl.com/6s34zd By Rob Bradford / Sunday, May 18, 2008 All together now: He's worth the money. 他真的值這個價錢。 Daisuke Matsuzaka wins games, gets outs and pitches innings. Forget the sometimes chalkboard-scraping appearances, or the optical illusion where the pitcher presents the air of uneasiness before ending up with a whimsically, mostly positive pitching line. And sure, it is easy to throw around the acceptance of John Henry's $103 million investment on days like yesterday. Believe me, there wasn't much room for interpretation when watching Matsuzaka's seventh win of the season. 松阪大輔現在就是贏球、拿下出局數然後吃局數,暫且不提有時候亂七八糟的表現,或是 他老是會把場面搞得緊張兮兮,但是就是有辦法全身而退讓我們以為這一切都是幻覺,不 過大多數的時間他都投得不錯。當然,昨天也證明John Henry的投資是對的。相信我,他 拿下第七勝就已經說明一切了不用我多說什麼。 This is a guy who, after surrendering just two unearned runs (the first of his career) over his 6 2/3-inning, 103-pitch outing in the Red Sox 5-3 win over Milwaukee in Game 1 at Fenway Park , has an ERA of 2.15 while allowing his team to come out victorious in all nine of his starts. 他丟了兩分非自責分(MLB生涯的第一次),主投6又2/3局,用了103球,率領紅襪以5:3 擊敗釀酒人。ERA來到2.15而且在他九次的先發中紅襪都贏球。 But too many times on days that don't turn out like the one against the Brewers , people won't take the time to truly peer into the total package the pitcher has presented. Matsuzaka continues to be routinely identified by a combination of brief history in the United States and an air of the unknown. 不過有很多次的表現並不像這場對上釀酒人一樣,球迷們還需要點時間去看看這位投手為 他們帶來了什麼,松阪在MLB的出賽還不夠多,以及某些未知數的事情仍需要持續的觀察。 For example, by the account of a few of his teammates, Matsuzaka throws twice as much even before he takes the mound on the date of his starts than any of the days in between. That's two sessions of long-toss, along with a game of catch before finally throwing more warm-up pitches in the bullpen than any other starter. Scary stuff for some. 舉個例子來說,他的隊友透漏松阪在預定出賽的前一天的練投是平常的兩倍多,也就是說 在正式比賽前,他在牛棚裡暖機的量比其他先發投手還要多,真是驚人的stuff。 Admit it, you are at least slightly frightened of the unfamiliar, and even after 41 regular-season starts, Matsuzaka still oozes a bit of mystery. 你不得不承認會對此感到有些擔憂,雖然他為我們先發了41場,但是他仍保有一點點的神 秘感。 But there really should be little conundrum left. As Red Sox bullpen coach Gary Tuck explained before Matsuzaka's latest start, 「He just really likes throwing a baseball.」 And when it comes to addictions, there could be a lot worse. 不過這個小小的難題可以暫時丟到一旁去,就像紅襪的牛棚教練評論他這次的表現,『他 只是個喜歡投球的孩子啊。』如果說松阪真的是對"投"球上癮,這可能會有一些不好的後 果。 What the 27-year-old should represent is the kind of prize most major league pitching staffs gladly welcome as their anchor. 現在他所拿出來的成績就是眾多大聯盟投手一直想追求的。 As was once again evidenced yesterday, Matsuzaka has shooed away another bit of the previous perception, doing away with those pesky big innings that made up 39 percent of his runs a year ago. 就如昨天呈現,松阪努力地奮戰,避免一年前那樣被對手製造大局的慘劇發生,他的表現 讓之前對他有所懷疑的人稍微安靜了一點。 Just once this season has Matsuzaka surrendered more than two runs in a single frame. This after allowing four or more eight times in his rookie season. Problem solved.「More than anything, beyond the obvious, it shows he's making adjustments in his game,」 Sox pitching coach John Farrell said. 「We all expected a lot this year, and he's done nothing to come up short.」 松阪本季至今單局最多只被攻下兩分,去年他曾經一次丟掉4分甚至是8分。看來有些問題 解決了。John Farrell表示:『顯而易見的,他漸漸地適應比賽節奏。我們今年都對他非 常期待,而松阪也的確證明他可以做到。』 Said Matsuzaka: 「I certainly feel less anxiety in facing these batters. I wouldn't say that I feel completely comfortable, but more comfortable than last year. 松阪說:『我現在面對打者的焦慮感稍微少了一點,當然也不是說完全感到很蘇胡,但至 少比去年蘇胡多了。』 「I guess I've stopped thinking that I'm actually a pitcher that can paint the corners so I'm dwelling a little bit less on that now.」 『我想大概是我停止去在意我是個會讓自己陷入困局的投手吧,現在我比較平靜了一些。 』 And then there is reality that is dismissed all too often. Matsuzaka shows up. He has missed a turn in the Red Sox' rotation just once (illness last month), with the injury bug rarely taking up residence in the hurler's right arm. 松阪在紅襪的先發輪值只被跳過了一次。 Since first putting on a Red Sox uniform with purpose, Matsuzaka has thrown more pitches (4,414) and more innings (259) than any Sox hurler. After yesterday he also watched his ERA with the team dip below 4.00. 松阪在所有第一次為紅襪效勞的投手中,用了最多的球數也吃下最多的局數。昨天的比賽 結束後,他的ERA遠低於全隊的平均。 Even when Matsuzaka's body doesn't cooperate, it is at the most opportune time, as was evidenced when he suffered a back problem last December. (這段不太懂…感覺很詭異…) He even has shown the ability to turn away potential curses, as the Japanese media pointed out yesterday. The last time Matsuzaka started a season 6-0, as was the case this time around, he was felled with an elbow ailment for the worst injury of his career. Yet, win No. 7 came and he was still standing. 日本的媒體昨天和我們說,上次松阪拿到開季6連勝時,差不多也是和現在同樣的時間,他 遭受到目前為止職業生涯最嚴重的手傷。然而現在他贏得第七勝,而且還好好得很有活力 。 Welcome to the wonderful world of the $103 million man, a residence in which Matsuzaka has earned his place. 讓我們由衷地歡迎這位花了1億3百萬的投手,松阪為自己贏得了一定的位置。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 01:56, , 1F
05/19 01:56, 1F

05/19 01:58, , 2F
呵呵 媒體都那樣 很現實的XD 感謝翻譯~:)
05/19 01:58, 2F

05/19 02:01, , 3F
paint the corners:從好球帶邊緣劃出 (形容投手之控球極佳)
05/19 02:01, 3F

05/19 02:03, , 4F
那段詭異的話 還真的很詭異 =.=
05/19 02:03, 4F

05/19 02:11, , 5F
維尼要保重啊 我希望你健健康康一直投下去啊 >_<
05/19 02:11, 5F

05/19 02:34, , 6F
05/19 02:34, 6F

05/19 02:36, , 7F
05/19 02:36, 7F

05/19 02:37, , 8F
例如去年12月的背部不適 (那時沒有比賽.結:就是說很值得啦)
05/19 02:37, 8F

05/19 03:29, , 9F
05/19 03:29, 9F

05/19 03:56, , 10F
05/19 03:56, 10F

05/19 08:18, , 11F
05/19 08:18, 11F

05/21 03:16, , 12F
沒打球的時候傷到背...很幸福喔 維尼 XD
05/21 03:16, 12F

05/21 03:21, , 13F
不幸福怎生兩個了 哈哈...:P
05/21 03:21, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #18C6rxwJ (Matsuzaka_18)