Fw: [徵才] 中研院BITS生物資訊誠徵研究夥伴 (學士/碩士/博士後)

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※ [本文轉錄自 AfterPhD 看板 #1KoAVDOa ] 作者: Zing119 (Mr.ㄡ) 站內: AfterPhD 標題: [徵才] 中研院BITS生物資訊誠徵研究夥伴 (學士/碩士/博士後) 時間: Wed Jan 28 17:11:40 2015 中研院BITS生物資訊誠徵研究夥伴 (學士/碩士/博士後) 【實驗室】 中央研究院BITS生物資訊研究團隊 http://bits.iis.sinica.edu.tw 主持人蔡懷寬老師網站 http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pages/hktsai/index_en.html 【工作職缺】 學士級研究助理 碩士級研究助理 博士後研究員 【工作內容】 基因體上千分之一不到的差異如何使人與人如此不同? 完全相同的基因體又如何產生出多種變化的細胞型態? 從DNA到RNA,再從RNA到蛋白質,我們找尋基因體上的蛛絲馬跡,嘗試了解生命體如何透過基因調控系統,成就多采多姿的生命萬象。如果你曾思考過類似的議題,或剛好你就是這方面的專家,竭誠歡迎加入我們!! 本研究室由中研院資訊所蔡懷寬老師帶領,以資訊技術與統計方法分析生物實驗大數據資料(big data),從基因體學的角度探討分子生物學在基因調控和遺傳演化上的重要議題,志在提升生命科學發展之進程。加入我們的夥伴將能學習生物資訊研究方法,包括程式設計與資料分析,並能建立文獻探討與論文撰寫等扎實的研究和學習能力。 【徵才條件】 我們正在募集各種領域的能人志士,只要你和我們一樣,對生命體的基因調控充滿好奇,都歡迎與我們聯繫。我們期待具生命科學背景的夥伴不要害怕寫程式,而會寫程式的夥伴不要討厭讀生科文獻。我們尤其盼望對學術研究工作充滿熱忱而有意攻讀PhD的夥伴加入我們。本研究室有多位成員就讀(及畢業)於中研院的生物資訊相關博士班學程(TIGP與GSB),其豐沛的研究資源與經費支援是在台灣攻讀生物資訊博士學位的首選,本研究室將提供豐富的申請指導與求學經驗分享。 應徵條件 1. 對生物資訊充滿旺盛的好奇心 2. 即將取得(或已取得)大學學士或以上學位 加分條件 1. 壯遊經驗 (環島、背包客、百岳、馬拉松、單車三橫一豎) 2. 以下任一專業技能: 機器學習/資料探勘、大數據技術、R統計程式語言 3. 英文能力認證 (托福、多益、全民英檢) 4. 喜好運動 (本研究室每年參加壘球比賽,因此棒壘球專長者尤佳) 5. 具程式撰寫能力 (任一程式語言皆可) 6. 具備基因體學知識 【工作地點】 中央研究院 資訊科學所 台北市南港區研究院路2段128號 大眾交通: 台大中研院交通車、捷運南港展覽館站轉乘10分鐘公車 【薪資範圍】 依中央研究院/科技部規定 學士級研究助理:$31,520起 碩士級研究助理:$36,050起 博士後研究員:$56,650 起 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 意者請準備履歷,Email給蔡懷寬老師hktsai@iis.sinica.edu.tw (觀望遲疑者,歡迎與研究室成員聯繫 zing119@gmail.com ) Recruiting Assistant or Post-Docs for BITS Bioinformatics Lab at Academia Sinica Lab BioIT Station (BITS) Lab: http://bits.iis.sinica.edu.tw PI: Dr. Huai-Kuang Tsai, Associate Research Fellow http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pages/hktsai/index_en.html Position Post-Doctoral Fellow Research Assistant Job Description What results in the differences between individuals from less than 0.1% variation in the human genomes? How does the same genetic content develop into various distinct cell types? Based on the central dogma of biology, where DNA is transcribed into RNA and then translated into proteins, we investigate how regulatory systems shape the myriads of life. If you have considered these issues or happens to be an expert, we would like to welcome you to join our lab. Our lab is led by Dr. Huai-Kuang Tsai, and we aim to deepen our knowledge in biological sciences through bioinformatics and genome sciences. We employ computational techniques and statistical methods to study gene regulatory mechanisms and molecular evolution by analyzing genomics big data. New members of our lab would learn and be proficient in programming and data analytic skills in bioinformatics. You would also acquire solid research experience such as continually being intellectually stimulated, and discussing and writing primary literature. Qualifications We are recruiting people from all backgrounds as long as you are curious about life science and gene regulation. We expect candidates to be comfortable with programming and keeping an interest in biology. Candidates who are considering a Ph.D. study are a plus. Our lab members include (and have trained) many Ph.D. students under the resourceful Academia Sinica’s Ph.D. curriculums (TIGP and GSB), which is a top choice for bioinformatics Ph.D. Degree. Our lab would provide ample guidance in applying and learning as a Ph.D. student. Candidates should 1. Be curious about bioinformatics 2. Have a Bachelor’s degree or above Bonus qualities include 1. Experiences in various kinds of grand tours (e.g. backpacking, cross-country cycling, mountain climbing, marathon etc.) 2. Skills in machine learning/data mining, big data analysis, statistical tool R 3. Like sports (our lab participates in Academia Sinica softball tournaments) 4. Programming ability (any language) 5. Basic biology knowledge Location Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan Public transportation: NTU-Academia Sinica shuttles, 10 minute bus ride from Nangang Exhibition Center Salary Range As specified by Ministry of Science and Technology Research Assistant (Bachelors): $31,520 or above Research Assistant (Masters): $36,050 or above Post-doc: $56,650 or above To Apply Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae to Dr. Huai-Kuang Tsai: hktsai@iis.sinica.edu.tw (02) 2788-3799 ext. 1718 Any questions could also be addressed to lab member Zing Tsung-Yeh Tsai zing119@gmail.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PhD/M.1422436090.A.DFA.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Zing119 (, 01/28/2015 17:11:40 ※ 編輯: Zing119 (, 01/28/2015 17:12:23

01/28 23:24, , 1F
01/28 23:24, 1F

01/29 11:20, , 2F
01/29 11:20, 2F

01/29 13:46, , 3F
歡迎踴躍參加~ 不要純推不下啊 XDDDDD
01/29 13:46, 3F

01/29 14:43, , 4F
完全不會程式 但是真的很想跳進這領域!
01/29 14:43, 4F

01/29 16:09, , 5F
不會程式也可以來試試 說不定骨骼驚奇一個月就學會了!
01/29 16:09, 5F

01/29 17:33, , 6F
01/29 17:33, 6F

01/30 08:52, , 7F
我猜暫無需求 但歡迎和老師聯繫
01/30 08:52, 7F

02/02 09:22, , 8F
02/02 09:22, 8F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: jhbamboo (, 02/05/2015 17:46:00
文章代碼(AID): #1KqplQ-8 (Master_D)