[翻譯] Ross' efforts not enough for Marlins

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Outfielder breaks up no-hit bid in eighth, hits slam in ninth By Joe Frisaro/MLB.com 05/17/09 5:51 PM ET http://tinyurl.com/phny6w MIAMI -- Being beaten is one thing. Being part of history is another. For that reason, Cody Ross gained a measure of relief by keeping his team out of the record books. 輸球是一回事。但是如果輸球又成為對方記錄的一部份,那就不太好了。因此今天Cody Ross的表現讓大家鬆了一口氣。 Ross, a former Dodger, foiled the hopes of Clayton Kershaw to place his name in Dodger lore. 曾經替躲人效力過的Ross今天讓Clayton Kershaw的無安打比賽破功。 Ross opened the eighth inning on Sunday with a double, which was the only hit Kershaw allowed on what was shaping up to be a historic afternoon at Land Shark Stadium. The 21-year-old left-hander flirted with a no-hitter but ended up exiting to a nice ovation from the 16,332 who watched the Dodgers defeat the Marlins, 12-5. Ross是八下的第一個打者,揮出今天Kershaw先發七局唯一的安打,是支二壘打。躲人的 21歲左投今天差點演出無安打比賽,他下班時全場16332名觀眾都起立鼓掌,終場馬林魚 以5比12敗給躲人。 With the Dodgers building a six-run lead through three innings, all eyes focused on Kershaw's no-hit bid. 前三局躲人打線替Kershaw打下六分基礎後,全場的焦點都在Kershaw的無安打比賽上面。 With the Marlins limited to four walks through seven innings, Ross doubled to left-center on a 1-2 Kershaw fastball. 前七局馬林魚沒有擊出任何安打,有四個保送,Ross在兩好一壞球數時相準速球擊出左 外野的二壘打。 "It's definitely the ultimate embarrassment," Ross said of being no-hit. “如果真的被他投出無安打那就尷尬柳。“Ross說。 As an organization, the Marlins have thrown four no-hitters, the last turned in by Anibal Sanchez against Arizona in 2006. Ross was part of that celebration, and he didn't want to be a footnote in Kershaw's day. 馬林魚隊史上有四次無安打,最近一次是阿尼伯在06年對響尾蛇所投出。那時Cody Ross也在隊上,今天他一點也不想成為Kershaw記錄的一部份。 "People still talk about Anibal no-hitting the Diamondbacks in '06," Ross said. "They still have a ceremony for him back in Venezuela, I think. When you get no-hit, you're in the record books for a long time. You don't want to be part of that. “阿尼伯06年那次大家都還津津樂道啊,“Ross說。“他們在委內瑞拉還每年都有個慶 祝儀式咧。我想如果被演出無安打,你的大名會永遠留在記錄裡面。我們可不想這樣。“ "You don't want to be on the lineup card of a pitcher inside of his house -- framed." “你不會想要自己的名字被裱起來放在那位投手家裡。“ With the no-hit bid erased, Dodgers manager Joe Torre replaced Kershaw, who exited to a standing ovation after 112 pitches. Ross scored that inning on Emilio Bonifacio's sacrifice fly. 當無安打比賽被Ross給破局,Joe Torre立馬把已經投了112球的Kershaw給換下來。後 來Ross被波妞的犧牲打給送回來得分。 "We're sitting here talking about how we didn't hit or we didn't pitch, but you've got to give Kershaw a lot of credit," Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez said. "He pitched terrific, with a no-hitter going into the eighth. You've got to give him a lot of credit." “你知道我們今天的打擊跟投球有多爛,但是真的這傢伙值得我們尊敬,“Fredi說。 “他投的很好,直到八下無安打才被破。他真的很棒。“ With the prospect of a no-hitter erased, the Marlins generated some offense in the ninth inning off Guillermo Mota. With two outs, Jeremy Hermida singled and Dan Uggla doubled. Ronny Paulino drew a walk, setting up a grand slam by Ross, his second homer of the series. 當無安打被破解之後,馬大魚在九下對Guillermo Mota啟動了一輪攻勢。兩人出局時, 賀米大與阿哥分別打出一安與二安。Ronny Paulino凹到保送,給了Ross一個擊出滿貫 砲的機會而他也把握住了。 It was his third career slam and first since April 13, 2006, at Pittsburgh. 這是他生涯第三發,上次演出要追溯到06年。 The Marlins have been no-hit once in their history, and it was by the Dodgers on July 14, 1995, at Dodger Stadium. Ramon Martinez registered the 7-0 no-hit win on a day he struck out eight and walked one. 大魚歷史上有一次被無安打,那是95年的夏天在洛杉磯對上躲人,投手是神之右手的哥 哥Ramon Martinez,他投出8K1保送。 Behind Kershaw's gem, the Dodgers took two of three in the series. 在Kershaw好投幫忙下,躲人在這個系列賽拿下了兩場。 "It just adds a little insult to injury right there if we did get no-hit," Uggla said. "Clayton, he was pitching his butt off. He had some great stuff, and his defense came up for him. We were lucky that Cody broke that up for us." “如果我們真被演出無安打其實也還好啦,因為我們終究還是輸球,“阿哥說。“ Clayton很賣力。他的狀況不差加上隊友打擊也很捧場。我們很幸運有Cody在陣中。“ While Kershaw was silencing the Marlins, Juan Pierre, a standout on Florida's 2003 World Series team, went 3-for-5 with three RBIs. In the series, Pierre was 8-for-14 with six runs scored and five RBIs. 除了Kershaw,03年的冠軍隊成員皮癢也有驚人的表現。他今天3 for 5還有三打點。這 個系列賽他8 for 14跑回六分打了五打點。 Taking over in left field because Manny Ramirez is serving a 50-game suspension, Pierre was the Dodgers' offensive star in the series. 皮癢代替服50場球監的隊友Manny Ramirez上場,他的火力展示是這次系列賽的焦點。 "Juan Pierre, I mean, Manny who?" Gonzalez said. "You almost wish Manny was here. But that is a good club, and Kershaw was very good." “有了皮癢萬事OK,讓我幾乎忘記了Manny的存在,“Fredi說。“躲人是支好隊伍, Kershaw也很棒。“ Early, the Marlins had some chances for hits off Kershaw, a dazzling talent who has a tantalizing breaking ball. In the first inning, two standout defensive plays by the Dodgers kept the Marlins without a hit. Bonifacio opened the first with a liner that was earmarked for center field. But second baseman Orlando Hudson made a diving catch. 一開始大魚們有機會從擅投變化球的Kershaw手中打些安打。一下時躲人堅強的內野守 備沒讓大魚得逞。波妞開局時的強勁滾地被Orlando Hudson沒收,不然有機會形成安 打。 Wes Helms followed Bonifacio by hitting a hard liner toward the left-field line, but Pierre raced over to make the catch. In the second inning, right fielder Xavier Paul snared a hard liner off the bat of Hermida, making a diving play. Wes Helms接著打出左外野飛球,但是皮癢衝過去完成接殺。二下時Xavier Paul美技 成功撲接賀米大的右外野飛球。 Hanley Ramirez had his 13-game hitting streak snapped, and Bonifacio's streak ended at eight games. 小亨利與波妞的連續安打都中斷。 The Dodgers jumped quickly on Marlins left-hander John Koronka. 躲人很快地就識破了大魚投手John Koronka。 Called up from Triple-A New Orleans on Tuesday, Koronka made his second start. It didn't last very long, as he was lifted after 2 2/3 innings, yielding six runs on four hits with four walks. Two of the runs were unearned but came in as a result of the left-hander's throwing errors. 上星期從3A叫上來頂阿尼伯空缺的Koronka今天是第二次先發。只投了2 2/3局,被打四 安掉六分送出四保送,其中兩分是因為Koronka的傳球失誤所造成。 Koronka was designated for assignment after the game, meaning the Marlins have 10 days to either trade him or have him clear waivers. If it reaches that point, Koronka would then have to accept the Minor League assignment. 賽後球團把Koronka給DFA,他接受採訪時置物櫃已經清空了。如果10天內沒有其他球隊 要撿他,那他必須接受大魚的小聯盟合約。 "It's a tough day," Koronka said. "There is one word to sum it up, it was kind of embarrassing the first couple of innings, throwing the balls away. It took us right out of the ballgame." “今天實在不順,“Koronka說。“比賽剛開始就炸掉實在尷尬。“ Notes 1. 不確定阿妹的膝蓋傷勢何時會完全復原,保險起見把3A的左打Alejandro De Aza叫 上來,他外野三個位置都能守。同時把Carlos Martinez送回農場,尚在復健中的Rick VandenHurk進入60天傷兵名單。因為先發不穩牛棚負擔大把右手牛Brian Sanches叫上 來幫忙,不過因為接下來幾天的先發包括了娜拉哥與JJ,比較穩定投手可以不用帶到 13隻那麼多。目前Kiko Calero與Renyel Pinto的出場次數並列聯盟一二名。 2. 目前週五先發人選尚未確定,不過Hayden Penn今天與Miller還有伏爾泰做了打擊 練習,到時會是他上嗎?? 3. 今天對響尾蛇的首戰因雨延賽,改成週三晚間雙重戰,不過據說明天的降雨機率是 100% XD 雙重賽第二場先發會是JJ,球團表示會對他特別注意,上次JJ先發完全是走 經。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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