[翻譯] Josh Johnson OK after scare, but Mar …

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Marlins fall below .500; right-hander leaves with stiff shoulder JUAN C. RODRIGUEZ | South Florida Sun-Sentinel 6:01 PM EDT, May 14, 2009 http://tinyurl.com/oasg6s MILWAUKEE - The bad news: The Marlins lost to the Brewers 5-3 Thursday and suffered their first three-game sweep here since 1998. After losing 17 of their last 23, the Marlins (17-18) are below .500 for the first time since they were 1-2 on April 2, 2008. 你要先聽好消息還是壞消息??壞消息是今天馬大魚5比3輸給酒鬼,這是1998年以來 第一次在酒鬼主場三連敗(!!)。過去23場球就輸了17場,目前17勝18敗,這是自 去年開季後第一次勝率低於五成。 The good news: Josh Johnson is healthy. 好消息是JJ沒有受傷。 It didn't look that way when he exited after four innings having allowed three runs on three hits (one homer), striking out three and walking five. Three of those walks came in one inning. Johnson had not walked more than two in any of his first seven starts. 但是當JJ主投四局下班時,看起來可不是這樣。他今天下午掉了三分被打三安(1HR) ,送出三K與五四死球。其中三次保送出現在同一個半局。這季JJ先發七場還沒有保 送超過兩次的。 While Johnson didn't complain of anything specific, telling pitching coach Mark Wiley that his shoulder didn't feel great was enough for the Marlins to yank him after 82 pitches (40 strikes). JJ倒是沒跟投教Mark Wiley說明什麼,只是告知他自己的肩膀不是很舒服。這個理由 就足夠馬林魚把他換下來了,今天他投了82球,其中40球是好球。 Thursday marked the second time in Johnson's career (first start), he failed to throw more strikes than balls in an outing. During a Sept. 16, 2005 relief outing, he threw 16 of 37 pitches for strikes. Two other times , including his major league debut in relief on Sept. 10, 2005, Johnson exited having thrown 50 percent strikes. 今天的表現是JJ生涯第二次投球內容的壞球數比好球多(先發第一次)。前一次是05 年的九月從牛棚上來支援,那次他丟37球其中只有16球是好球。還有兩次,05年九月 10日的大聯盟第一次登板救援是其中之一,JJ下場時好壞球比例是1比1。 "We had all intentions for him to go back out in the fifth," manager Fredi Gonzalez said. "Mark came up to me and said, 'You know what, let's not do this.' He's fine. He could have gone back out. We decided not to let him go back out. There's nothing there right now. “我們都有想過讓他繼續投,“Fredi說。“Mark告訴我JJ沒有問題,可以上去繼續 投,但是他覺得這樣做並不妥當。我們決定今天到此為止。JJ沒事的。“ "We didn't feel comfortable to let him back out there so it didn't get to a tightness or stiffness or whatever you want to call it. Right now it's caution." “我們沒有等到他說這裡痛那裡酸才讓他下去休息。這樣的警訊對我們來說已經足夠 了。“ Johnson described the problem as shoulder weakness, but upon exiting the game he did some strengthening work and the trainers assured him his shoulder was anything but weak. JJ用肩膀疲勞來形容目前的狀況,但是根據協助他收操的防護員的說法,他的肩膀一 點狀況也沒有。 Though Johnson's fastball was in the usual 94- to 96-mph range, he said it didn't seem to have the same giddy-up. In addition, the Brewers were spitting on Johnson's slider, which was not tight. 不過今天JJ的速球依然在94到96麥的區間跑,但是他自己說控球跑掉了。還有酒鬼打 者一直在抓他的滑球打。 "My mechanics were a little bit off," said Johnson, who in 2007 underwent Tommy John surgery. "It's one of those games where you have to try and find a way to do it. No pain. It just doesn't feel great ... I definitely could have gone back out there. I wanted to go back out there. “我的投球機制有點走掉,“JJ表示,他在07年時動了湯米強。“偶而會出現這樣的 情形,你要試著去找回球感。也不是哪裡受傷,就是感覺怪怪的。我可以,也想回去 場上繼續投下去。 "I don't know. Maybe one of those days, noon game, I've heard stories of people leaving Colorado and feeling absolutely awful the next start." “我不知道啦!也許是不習慣白天的賽事。我是有聽過在丹佛出賽過的投手,下一場 先發會受到詛咒之類的傳聞。“ The Marlins have been awful in a lot of ways. They went 2-4 on the road trip that saw Dan Uggla, Jeremy Hermida, Cody Ross and Jorge Cantu go a combined 11 for 73 (.151). 馬大魚最近真的很慘。客場征途出賽六場輸了四場。阿哥,賀米大,Cody Ross加上 Jorge Cantu打擊是難堪的11 for 73(一成五一)。 Added Gonzalez: "We're not real pretty to watch right now, but we've got a good clubI have all the confidence in the world these guys will get it going. Right now, it's just one of those stretches. Hopefully going home for a 10-day homestand will get us going again." 教頭補充說,“我們現在很虛,但是我對我的球員有信心。現在只是一個過程。希望 回到家後我們就會起死回生。“ Notes 1. 今天Gload有一支陽春砲,把比數追成平手。可惜後來波妞靠年輕人Coghlan的一 安想搶攻本壘但可惜被抓到。阿哥跟小亨利各一支2B也各跑回一分。不過總共也只疊 了三個壘包,下午的比賽很好補眠的樣子。 2. 高齡37的Mike Redmond目前在明尼蘇達混的還不錯。 http://tinyurl.com/puh4aq 3. Chris Coghlan花了一番工夫才把大聯盟首轟球從一名酒鬼球場禿鷹手中弄回來送 給媽媽,據說禿鷹先生開口就要北佬球票還有小亨利的簽名球跟球棒。Coghlan現在 才知道把球弄回來比打出去還難。這位酒鬼球迷在MLB官網還有專門Blog,後來靠著 大魚球團的協助總算是把球給拿了回來。 4. 福斯的TWIB製作小組在四月24到26日之間費城人作客大魚家時,採訪了阿哥,賀 米大,教頭跟Cantu。還有老人貝克跟小夥子美兵互相訪問搞笑的橋段,還有小亨利 本季打三番的感想。節目會在美東時間週六下午三點半播出,別錯過囉。 5. 目前馬大魚陷入四連敗,有三場是兩分差與一分差的比賽。希望接下來的主場連 戰可以討到一些便宜。明天是道奇系列賽開幕戰,由伏爾泰打先鋒。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Neoposer 來自: (05/15 18:18)

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