[外電] David Aardsma復活還要等等

看板Mariners作者時間13年前 (2011/05/06 13:49), 編輯推噓6(601)
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Rehab on hold for Mariners' Aardsma By Mark J. Miller David Aardsma, who has saved 69 games for the Seattle Mariners over the past two seasons, is getting closer to returning from January hip surgery to repair a torn labrum. But his rehab has hit a speed bump. 過去兩年在水兵救援成功69次的David Aardsma,一月時因為髖關節唇撕裂傷做了修補手術 ,但他的復活腳步也許會變慢。 Aardsma's return will be pushed back due to a stiff arm, according to MLB.com. "We'll shut him down for a couple days, then have him play catch, throw a bullpen and get him back out there," manager Eric Wedge said, according to the site. "It happens. He's feeling good in regard to his hip." The site notes that there is no timetable for the 29-year-old Denver native's return. Aardsma has been with five different teams in his seven seasons in the majors. 根據MLB官網,Aardsma回來時間會推遲的主因是手臂僵硬, 教頭Eric Wedge表示;我們將會讓他休息幾天,之後會做些傳接練習,最後才讓他回來。 另外讓人驚奇的是,他對他的屁股復原感覺美好。 官網也提到,對他自然康復沒有設下時間表, Aardsma在大聯盟生涯一共打了七季,5支不同球隊。 http://0rz.tw/hB9ZG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/06 13:50, , 1F
Wedge怎麼知道阿斯匹批感覺美好? 測試過了?
05/06 13:50, 1F

05/06 15:16, , 2F
05/06 15:16, 2F

05/06 15:44, , 3F
不要大驚小怪 這是水兵
05/06 15:44, 3F

05/06 15:51, , 4F
97伸卡看起來狀況很好 阿斯馬你就躺吧
05/06 15:51, 4F

05/06 16:38, , 5F
不要關注 說不定會更快好XD
05/06 16:38, 5F

05/06 23:02, , 6F
傷好再來...結果被拿去換棒子 XD
05/06 23:02, 6F

05/07 13:17, , 7F
05/07 13:17, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1DmultJK (Mariners)