[資訊] The Nut Graph 專訪陳亞才

看板Malaysia作者 (原來你也在這裡)時間13年前 (2010/09/16 14:45), 編輯推噓3(300)
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The Nut Graph 的 Found in Malaysia 是個很有趣的專題 找來各行各業的馬來西亞人去談他們的故事,人生經歷以及對馬來西亞的期許。 這期接受訪問的是曾經留台的陳亞才。 全篇訪問很長,還有提到茅草行動 這裡只節錄簡介以及提到留台的部分,有興趣閱讀全篇請點原版。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tang Ah Chai: Living through white terror 圖文原版:http://www.thenutgraph.com/tang-ah-chai-living-through-white-terror/ TANG Ah Chai is a public intellectual and political commentator in the Chinese Malaysian community. Over the past few decades, the former deputy director of the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies has been actively involved in research relating to Chinese Malaysian history. He has written and edited Mandarin books on Yap Ah Loy, the founder of Kuala Lumpur, and on Chinese Malaysian cultural heritage and historical figures. Besides that, Tang is part of the committee that helps to write and edit historical textbooks for Chinese independent schools. He speaks to The Nut Graph about growing up on an estate and his experience of Operasi Lalang, in an exclusive interview on 6 Aug 2010 in his Kuala Lumpur office. The interview was conducted in Mandarin and translated to English. What made you decide to return to Malaysia after your graduation? Didn't you think of staying back in Taiwan? No, I was actually quite eager to come back because to me, Taiwan was just a place to study. Malaysia is home. And somehow, I felt confident that there would be space for me to grow and develop my potential back home. I shipped 42 boxes of books back from Taiwan when I returned. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xykid 來自: (09/16 14:46)

09/16 16:06, , 1F
of course MALAYSIA is home .......but I can't find
09/16 16:06, 1F

09/16 16:07, , 2F
my interest in MALAYSIA
09/16 16:07, 2F

09/16 22:58, , 3F
09/16 22:58, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1CaRqOad (Malaysia)