看板M_Manson作者 (教父<閒雜人等,退散>)時間19年前 (2005/01/08 19:48), 編輯推噓0(000)
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關於英國那宗謀殺案。Manson 網站上有他的畫作,其中有些是在畫 40 年代 好萊塢新星 Elizabeth Short 的謀殺案件。病理學家說,被害者所受的傷, 和畫作裡面描述的情況相似。 http://tinyurl.com/5gdxf contactmusic.com - News MARILYN MANSON PAINTINGS SHOWN TO MURDER COURT Graphic paintings by MARILYN MANSON were yesterday (06JAN05) at the centre of a murder trial in Scotland, where prosecutors allege a teenage boy killed his 14-year-old girlfriend in a copycat knifing frenzy. Manson's pictures are based on the Hollywood murder of starlet ELIZABETH SHORT in the 40s and are posted on his website. The jury in Edinburgh heard how the TAINTED LOVE rocker had confessed to being obsessed with the infamous killing, in which the victim's torso had been cut in half. LUKE MITCHELL, 16 - a fan of the shock rocker - is accused of strangling and stabbing JODI JONES in woodland near her home in Dalkeith on 30 June 2003. Jurors were shown Manson's paintings alongside photographs of Short's mutilated body. Pathologist ANTHONY BUSUTTIL told the court the wounds inflicted on the victim were "approximately the same place and of the same variety" as those on Short, as illustrated in Manson's painted watercolours. He said, "In terms of the location and type of injuries there is a similarity." Mitchell denies murder. The trial continues. 07/01/2005 14:21 -- you came to see the mobscene i know it isn't your scene it's better than a sex scene and it's so fucking obscene obscene yeah You want commitment Put on your best suit, get your arms around me Now we're going down down down -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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