[情報] 大聯盟首席營收官:今年營收要破記錄啦

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MLB Revenue to Top Pre-Pandemic Levels https://reurl.cc/m31qWY Despite a 99-day lockout that delayed the season, Major League Baseball is set t o eclipse its 2019 revenue. It’s safe to say that we’ll be higher than we were in 2019,MLB chief revenue o fficer Noah Garden told Forbes. 雖然季前歷經了99天的封館 但大聯盟首席營收官Noah Garden接受《富比士》採訪時說到 今年MLB營收預計要超越疫情前的2019年,創歷史新高紀錄了 The league earned $10.7 billion in the last pre-pandemic season. 2019年大聯盟營收為107億美金(折合3387億台幣) 所以今年營收會超越這數字 Garden estimates that league attendance will finish the season at around 95-96% of 2019 levels, blaming the pandemic for reduced crowds earlier this year. 由於季初還是有受到一些疫情影響 Garden預估今年總進場人數只回到疫情前的95-96% He also said that this year will see the “most merchandise sold in the history of our sport, both domestically and internationally.” 但今年賣出史上最多的紀念品 無論國內還海外 MLB is celebrating its 20th year of its MLB.tv streaming service, which broadcas ts games not covered by local or national channels. Every other major league has followed suit, with the NFL finally joining the fray this year with the launch of NFL+. 今年也是MLB.tv創立的20週年 This year, MLB linked up with two other streaming services, striking broadcast d eals with Apple for $85 million annually for seven years and Peacock on a two-se ason deal worth $30 million annually. 今年大聯盟也額外談妥兩張串流轉播權($$$$$$) Apple(7yr/595M) NBC(2yr/60M) 每年多進帳85M+30M=115M的轉播金 The league is working to arrange its rights deals to show in-market games on MLB .tv. 聯盟也在處理轉播權問題,想讓MLB TV的當地Blackout能解除 讓MLB TV能播當地比賽 -- MLB歷年全聯盟營收 2021 $9.55 billion(疫情上半季容量限制) 2020 $3.66 billion(疫情縮水賽季+閉門打) 2019 $10.7 billion(歷年最高) 2018 $10.3 billion 2017 $9 billion 2016 $8.62 billion 2015 $8.18 billion 2014 $7.79 billion 2013 $7.16 billion 2012 $6.98 billion 2011 $6.29 billion 2010 $6.12 billion -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1665019476.A.02B.html

10/06 09:29, 1年前 , 1F
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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/06/2022 11:03:04

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美國職業運動真恐怖,隔壁NFL2021營收是17 billion
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10/06 14:20, 1年前 , 11F
今年話題多 不意外
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NBA比較猛 季賽只打80+場 球場也沒那麼大 棒球觀眾老化
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10/07 15:46, 1年前 , 18F
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