[閒聊] 一朗 x MJ

看板MLB作者 ( )時間4年前 (2020/05/05 04:15), 4年前編輯推噓7(702)
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https://www.mlb.com/news/ichiro-met-michael-jordan-in-1995 The Last Dance正夯 MLB官網前陣子除了撰文回顧MJ當年的小聯盟生涯 現在也挖出了一段一朗25年前和MJ相見的照片: https://twitter.com/Ben13Porter/status/1257145179041136640 日本媒體的採訪(日文): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fiEbEFfIvw
The mid-90's were a crazy time. The Warped Tour was starting its annual tours of the country. People were voluntarily wearing JNCO jeans for some reason. Michael Jordan played baseball for a year. 90年代中期是一段很瘋狂的日子:Vans Warped Tour正開始一年一度的全美巡迴;人們 不知為何開始自發性地穿上了JNCO牛仔褲(註);MJ甚至打了一年的棒球。 (註:大致上是長這樣的褲子https://imgur.com/gallery/pH5uXV0 And, Ichiro wasn't yet a member of the Mariners. In fact, just in his early 20's, he was already becoming a star in Japan, setting a single-season hits record and winning an MVP Award in 1994. He was -- in the parlance of the times -- the hottest thing since sliced bread. 而且,一朗當時還不是水手隊的一份子。事實上,在1994年他年紀才20出頭的時候,他 就已經打破日職單季安打紀錄、贏得最有價值球員獎並在日本成為大牌球星。套句俗話 說的:他是自切片吐司後最夯的當紅炸子雞。 Even stars can get starstruck. In 1995, Ichiro traveled to the United States to check out the scene in anticipation of an eventual move to MLB. When the best baseball player in Japan came face-to-face with Michael Jordan, he nearly melted: 就算是明星本身也會進入迷弟迷妹模式。在1995年的時候,一朗為日後進軍大聯盟而赴 美勘查。當這位當時日本最優秀的棒球選手與MJ面對面時,他徹底難掩亢奮之情: In 1995 Ichiro visited the US to see what it was like before coming to MLB. He wanted to meet two people while he was there: Ken Griffey Jr. and Michael Jordan. Here he is, incredibly starstruck, meeting MJ. pic.twitter.com/uVORtjBSMK — Ben Porter (@Ben13Porter) May 4, 2020 「一朗在加盟大聯盟前曾於1995年赴美訪問。那趟旅程他非常想見到兩個人:小葛瑞菲 和MJ。而如你所見,他見到MJ後徹底進入迷弟模式。」 At this point, Ichiro was still six years away from debuting with the Mariners and winning the AL MVP Award as a rookie. Even so, listening to the translator explain to MJ that, no, Ichiro is not a pitcher and, yes, he just got 210 hits a season ago is a fairly jarring experience with the perspective of history. 這個時候,一朗距離以水手隊球員初亮相並以菜鳥身份贏得美聯最有價值球員獎還有六 年的時間。即使如此,聽到翻譯員跟MJ解釋說「不,一朗不是投手。」以及「是的,他 才在前一年敲出210安」現在想想依然是歷史性的一刻。 Even though it's strange to see Ichiro this young and this unknown, the interaction is refreshingly familiar. After Jordan asked the Japanese superstar if he planned on playing in the Majors, Ichiro responded with classic Ichiro wit: "Once my arm get as big as yours, then I'll think about it." 雖然看到一朗這麼菜和陌生很令人感到不習慣,這兩人間的互動倒像是一見如故。當MJ 詢問這位日本來的大明星是否打算來打大聯盟時,一朗則以一慣的朗式幽默回應:「當 我的手臂練到跟你一樣粗壯的時候,也許會考慮看看。」 It's probably fair to say that Ichiro's arm never got as big as Jordan's, but that didn't seem to matter much in the end. 說實在的一朗的手臂從來就沒練到像MJ那樣粗壯,但到頭來好像也無所謂。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1588623314.A.3F3.html

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Ichio wit可以翻為一朗式幽默
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不錯,改改看 ※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/07/2020 01:14:03

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