[外電] 乳摸: 勇士有在考慮Keuchel

看板MLB作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間5年前 (2019/03/15 16:40), 5年前編輯推噓40(40024)
留言64則, 47人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
來源: Bleacher Report 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y6jch2yo MLB Rumors: Braves Monitoring Dallas Keuchel, Other SPs on Free-Agent Market 乳摸: 勇士有在觀察Dallas Keuchel,以及在FA市場的其他先發投手 Former Houston Astros starting pitcher Dallas Keuchel has gone to California— but only to keep in shape at his agent Scott Boras' training facility until a team signs him off the free-agent market. 前太色先發投手Dallas Keuchel已經去加州了--只是先去他的經紀人Scott Boras的訓練 場所好保持狀態,直到有球隊簽下他為止。 According to Jon Paul Morosi of MLB Network, the Atlanta Braves are considering Keuchel: 根據Jon Paul Morosi的報導,亞特蘭大勇士有在考慮Keuchel: "One source said the Braves have continued to monitor the market for Keuchel and other starting pitchers, but the team is wary of surrendering the draft pick required to sign Keuchel. Atlanta's rotation faces some uncertainty, given that Mike Foltynewicz will be unavailable to start the season due to an elbow injury." 「有消息來源說勇士一直有在觀察FA市場裡面,Keuchel以及其他一些先發投手,但是對於 為了要簽下Keuchel得要放棄選秀,球隊仍是保持謹慎的態度。勇士隊目前輪值狀況還不明 確,像是Mike Foltynewicz就因為手肘傷勢開季時無法上場。」 Keuchel won the American League Cy Young Award following a dominant 2015 season. Since then, Keuchel has been up and down—posting a 4.55 ERA in 2016, 2.90 in 2017 and 3.74 last season. Keuchel turned 31 in January. Keuchel在2015年表現傑出,拿下當年的美聯賽揚。而在那之後,Keuchel的表現就起起伏 伏,2016年ERA是4.55,2017年是2.90,去年則是3.74,他在今年一月滿31歲。 Boras said, per Morosi, "a couple teams have sent representatives to watch Keuchel pitch in California and speak with the southpaw in person." Morosi noted that Boras disclosed Keuchel is receiving offers but wouldn't specify further. Boras說,「有一些隊伍有派代表來加州看Keuchel投球,也跟他講了些話。」Morosi也提 到,Boras說Keuchel有收到報價,但沒說是哪些隊伍。 Jon Tayler of Sports Illustrated outlined why Keuchel should be concerned about his delayed free agency: Sports Illustrated記者Jon Taylor則寫到為何Keuchel應該要為他延遲許久的FA感到擔 心: "You can argue that, in today's MLB, a long-term deal for a 31-year-old who doesn't throw hard or strike batters out is a poor investment. But while it's unlikely that Keuchel is going to age particularly well, he remains a boost for most pitching staffs this year and probably 2020 as well. 「你當然可以說,現今的MLB生態,給一個31歲的不是丟強力火球或是可以三振對手的投手 長約是一樁爛買賣。但是,雖然Keuchel可能不會緩慢的衰退,但是他仍舊可以對於球隊投 手群帶來助力,可能可以到2020都還行。」 "The problem is that with so much of the league simply not trying, good teams have little incentive to pay for upgrades that lead to the marginal wins normally necessary to secure playoff spots. ... It's not as if Keuchel can start his own league. Either he buckles and takes short-term offers, or he holds out indefinitely." 「現在的問題是,聯盟裡很多隊就是不想試試看,好的隊伍不想去補強,多增加的一些勝 場通常是可以確保季後賽席位的...又不是Keuchel自己可以辦一個聯盟。要嘛他就是放 棄,拿個短約,不然就是這樣繼續耗下去。」 Keuchel does have one source for optimism within Boras' client list, as pitcher Kyle Lohse held out until the March 25, 2013, before the Milwaukee Brewers signed him to a three-year, $33 million contract. Lohse was 34 years old. Boras likened Keuchel to Lohse while speaking to Morosi. 身為Boras的客戶,Keuchel是有理由可以保持樂觀的,因為之前投手Kyle Lohse也是在 2013年撐到3/25,直到釀酒人給了他三年3300萬鎂的合約,那時Lohse是34歲。當Boras跟 Morosi談的時候,就說Keuchel跟Lohse很像。 The problem, though, is Keuchel is reportedly seeking a five-year pact—or at least he was in December when the Philadelphia Phillies were still pursuing him. 但是,問題是,在去年12月時當費城人還在追逐Keuchel的時候,有報導說Keuchel想要一 份至少五年的長約。 Per The Athletic's Ken Rosenthal, Keuchel turned down a five-year, $90 million extension offer from the Astros following his Cy Young season. Houston also extended Keuchel a $17.9 million qualifying offer following last season in November, but he declined it. 根據The Athletic記者Ken Rosenthal的報導,當Keuchel拿下賽揚後,太色有提供一份五 年9000萬鎂的延長合約,但是他拒絕了。去年11月太色也提供Keuchel一份1790萬鎂的合格 報價給他,他也拒絕了。 As March drones on, something has to give. 隨著三月的到來,總是有人得要讓步的。 -- 到底誰會撐不下去呢? -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

09/20 15:57,
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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1552639232.A.590.html

03/15 16:42, 5年前 , 1F
03/15 16:42, 1F
人家是Dallas Keuchel

03/15 16:52, 5年前 , 2F
03/15 16:52, 2F

03/15 16:54, 5年前 , 3F
03/15 16:54, 3F

03/15 16:59, 5年前 , 4F
03/15 16:59, 4F

03/15 17:00, 5年前 , 5F
03/15 17:00, 5F

03/15 17:02, 5年前 , 6F
03/15 17:02, 6F

03/15 17:02, 5年前 , 7F
03/15 17:02, 7F
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 03/15/2019 17:19:14

03/15 17:30, 5年前 , 8F
03/15 17:30, 8F

03/15 17:46, 5年前 , 9F
創世勇 這樣幾冠??
03/15 17:46, 9F

03/15 17:48, 5年前 , 10F
可是拉斯, Lohse 三年約第三年就丟超爛, 你提他不就正好
03/15 17:48, 10F

03/15 17:49, 5年前 , 11F
落人口實 Keuchel 長約會爛尾必須簽短約
03/15 17:49, 11F

03/15 18:01, 5年前 , 12F
03/15 18:01, 12F

03/15 18:04, 5年前 , 13F
03/15 18:04, 13F

03/15 18:20, 5年前 , 14F
沒辦法 Gohara Folty Gausman都狀況不明
03/15 18:20, 14F

03/15 18:21, 5年前 , 15F
當然要追一下先發 但是AA會不會又嘴砲就...
03/15 18:21, 15F

03/15 18:26, 5年前 , 16F
03/15 18:26, 16F

03/15 18:57, 5年前 , 17F
可能可以強到2020 但他又不只要2年約
03/15 18:57, 17F

03/15 18:58, 5年前 , 18F
03/15 18:58, 18F

03/15 19:32, 5年前 , 19F
勇士曾簽過一個也是在太色很強的左投 Mike Hampton ...
03/15 19:32, 19F

03/15 19:55, 5年前 , 20F
03/15 19:55, 20F

03/15 20:01, 5年前 , 21F
03/15 20:01, 21F

03/15 20:01, 5年前 , 22F
42M/3Y 不要拉倒
03/15 20:01, 22F

03/15 20:20, 5年前 , 23F
國東今年刺激了 我好興奮啊
03/15 20:20, 23F

03/15 21:04, 5年前 , 24F
03/15 21:04, 24F

03/15 21:09, 5年前 , 25F
勇士現在連牛都不穩 金寶QQ
03/15 21:09, 25F

03/15 21:49, 5年前 , 26F
Cobb都有$57MM/4YR了 Keuchel當然要更高才合理阿~
03/15 21:49, 26F

03/15 21:53, 5年前 , 27F
03/15 21:53, 27F

03/15 22:21, 5年前 , 28F
03/15 22:21, 28F
我重申 這裡是MLB

03/15 22:50, 5年前 , 29F
03/15 22:50, 29F
我再次重申 這裡是MLB ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 03/15/2019 22:57:18

03/15 23:08, 5年前 , 30F
03/15 23:08, 30F

03/15 23:08, 5年前 , 31F
想上車圓夢就乖乖領底薪 別討價還價要大約
03/15 23:08, 31F

03/15 23:14, 5年前 , 32F
求NBA迷解釋 上車在NBA版是甚麼意思@@
03/15 23:14, 32F

03/15 23:20, 5年前 , 33F
03/15 23:20, 33F

03/15 23:36, 5年前 , 34F
03/15 23:36, 34F

03/15 23:36, 5年前 , 35F
03/15 23:36, 35F

03/15 23:40, 5年前 , 36F
覺得以投球型態來說應該不會突然衰退很多 但去年有太空人
03/15 23:40, 36F

03/15 23:41, 5年前 , 37F
03/15 23:41, 37F

03/16 02:09, 5年前 , 38F
03/16 02:09, 38F

03/16 03:35, 5年前 , 39F
03/16 03:35, 39F

03/16 08:38, 5年前 , 40F
03/16 08:38, 40F

03/16 09:40, 5年前 , 41F
03/16 09:40, 41F

03/16 09:41, 5年前 , 42F
03/16 09:41, 42F

03/16 13:04, 5年前 , 43F
03/16 13:04, 43F

03/16 13:12, 5年前 , 44F
03/16 13:12, 44F

03/16 14:12, 5年前 , 45F
原來Hampton是交易到勇士的,記錯了 感謝指正
03/16 14:12, 45F

03/16 15:12, 5年前 , 46F
hampton 超爛....
03/16 15:12, 46F

03/16 15:12, 5年前 , 47F
03/16 15:12, 47F

03/16 16:31, 5年前 , 48F
Hampton雖然稱不上超級明星, 但是也拿了快150W,稱不
03/16 16:31, 48F

03/16 16:32, 5年前 , 49F
03/16 16:32, 49F

03/16 16:38, 5年前 , 50F
Hampton不到超爛 是一個表現不錯的投手
03/16 16:38, 50F

03/16 20:22, 5年前 , 51F
老漢超爛 呵呵
03/16 20:22, 51F

03/16 23:01, 5年前 , 52F
03/16 23:01, 52F

03/17 09:38, 5年前 , 53F
03/17 09:38, 53F

03/17 13:22, 5年前 , 54F
跳年表現給你五年/九千萬不簽 真有信心
03/17 13:22, 54F

03/17 13:38, 5年前 , 55F
03/17 13:38, 55F

03/18 10:05, 5年前 , 56F
照樓上這樣說, Pujols 也超爛囉
03/18 10:05, 56F

03/18 12:02, 5年前 , 57F
03/18 12:02, 57F

03/18 15:25, 5年前 , 58F
03/18 15:25, 58F

03/18 15:26, 5年前 , 59F
03/18 15:26, 59F

03/18 15:27, 5年前 , 60F
03/18 15:27, 60F

03/18 23:27, 5年前 , 61F
03/18 23:27, 61F

03/18 23:48, 5年前 , 62F
先看看 2001 2002 他在洛磯球場他的成績吧
03/18 23:48, 62F

03/18 23:49, 5年前 , 63F
03/18 23:49, 63F

03/20 13:02, 5年前 , 64F
Hampton不是強打者嗎? (誤)
03/20 13:02, 64F
文章代碼(AID): #1SYsK0MG (MLB)