[外電] 紅人守護神Iglesias拿到三年2412萬5千鎂

看板MLB作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間5年前 (2018/11/22 10:14), 5年前編輯推噓23(2529)
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來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycs3rczn Reds closer Iglesias agrees to $24,125,000, 3-year deal 紅人守護神Iglesias同意三年2412萬5千鎂的合約 CINCINNATI (AP) — Reds closer Raisel Iglesias agreed Wednesday to a three-year contract guaranteeing $24,125,000, a deal that avoided arbitration. 紅人守護神Raisel Iglesias星期三同意一份三年2412萬5千鎂的合約,避免薪資仲裁。 Iglesias reached a $27 million, seven-year agreement in 2014 that allowed him to void the remainder of the deal once he was eligible for salary arbitration. That agreement called for $5 million salaries in each of the next two seasons. Iglesias在2014年拿到7年2700萬鎂的合約,而且可以在當他可以提薪資仲裁的時候原本剩 下合約就會失效。那份舊約是接下來的兩個球季每年500萬鎂。 He made $4.5 million this year, when he had a career-high 30 saves in 34 chances and a 2.38 ERA. 今年他薪水是450萬鎂,34次出場,拿下生涯最高30救援成功,ERA 2.38。 Rather than having Iglesias eligible for arbitration each season, the Reds offered a restructured deal that gives both sides certainty. 與其讓Iglesias每年都提薪資仲裁,紅人重新提了新的合約,這讓雙方都有了確定感。 "If he does what we've seen him do over the next three years, there's all sorts of ways he can outperform these numbers," Reds president of baseball operations Dick Williams said. "Obviously both sides are taking on some risk here, and both sides getting paid to take on some risk." 「若是在未來三年他持續表現我們過去所看到的,他會有很多方式展現出比這價碼更好的 表現的,」紅人球隊營運長Dick Williams說。「很明顯的我們雙方都想要冒一點險,但是 雙方都會從冒險中得到回報。」 The Reds are trying to emerge from a massive rebuild that's left them with three straight 90-loss seasons. Last year, they added setup men Jared Hughes and David Hernandez to the bullpen and got significant improvement. Their priority this offseason is to add a couple of veteran starters. 紅人試著從重建中慢慢崛起,連續三年超過90敗。去年他們在牛棚裡加了佈局投手Jared Hughes跟David Hernandez收到了很好成效,今年休賽季的主要目標是加上幾位老將先發投 手。 They also hired David Bell as their manager in the offseason. Williams said Bell and his staff are looking at different ways to use Iglesias, who isn't limited to a ninth-inning role like many other closers. Over the last three seasons, Iglesias has 24 saves of more than one inning, the most in the majors. 他們也在休賽季新聘了David Bell當總教練,Williams表示Bell跟他的教練團對於如何使 用Iglesias有不同的看法,可以不用像其他隊伍終結者一樣只在9局上場。過去三季, Iglesias有過24次出賽超過一局,是聯盟最多的。 "He's appeared in crucial situations in the middle of games," Williams said. "Obviously he's done it as well as anybody at the end of the game. 「他在比賽中間段很重要的狀況就會上場,」Williams說。「很顯然,他中間段跟比賽末 段都做的一樣好。」 "We want to be able to maximize the value of Iglesias." 「我們希望把Iglesias的價值最大化。」 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1542852896.A.C3C.html

11/22 10:33, 5年前 , 1F
11/22 10:33, 1F

11/22 10:39, 5年前 , 2F
11/22 10:39, 2F

11/22 10:50, 5年前 , 3F
記得之前是先發 現在變cp了
11/22 10:50, 3F

11/22 10:54, 5年前 , 4F
讚 拚個100sv吧
11/22 10:54, 4F

11/22 10:59, 5年前 , 5F
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11/22 11:04, 5年前 , 6F
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11/22 11:05, 5年前 , 7F
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11/22 11:07, 5年前 , 8F
因為是新人 這合約算新秀紅利吧
11/22 11:07, 8F

11/22 11:25, 5年前 , 9F
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11/22 11:36, 5年前 , 10F
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11/22 13:02, 5年前 , 12F
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11/22 13:46, 5年前 , 13F
翻譯有點錯 500萬美金是指原本那張舊約剩下兩年每年5M
11/22 13:46, 13F

11/22 13:47, 5年前 , 14F
11/22 13:47, 14F
謝謝指正 修正

11/22 14:34, 5年前 , 15F
11/22 14:34, 15F

11/22 14:49, 5年前 , 16F
也沒啥好怪的 高階投手最怕的就是仲裁年 因為底薪高 不小
11/22 14:49, 16F

11/22 14:49, 5年前 , 17F
心TJ就有很高機會被non-tender 之後base又要重新開始
11/22 14:49, 17F
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 11/22/2018 15:22:53

11/22 15:52, 5年前 , 18F
11/22 15:52, 18F

11/22 16:41, 5年前 , 19F
11/22 16:41, 19F

11/22 18:25, 5年前 , 20F
剛好涵蓋三年仲裁這張很佛吧 仲裁三年24m也差不多吧?
11/22 18:25, 20F

11/22 18:59, 5年前 , 21F
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11/22 19:03, 5年前 , 24F
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11/22 19:08, 5年前 , 25F
紅人今年季賽後期滿猛的阿 開季大烙賽才是硬傷
11/22 19:08, 25F

11/22 19:16, 5年前 , 26F
11/22 19:16, 26F

11/22 20:23, 5年前 , 27F
常常八局上 就準備看那投手爛掉吧 又不是進入九月搶季後賽
11/22 20:23, 27F

11/22 20:26, 5年前 , 28F
紅人今年比較衰小 就是Votto明星賽後受傷又烙賽 Winker打的
11/22 20:26, 28F

11/22 20:28, 5年前 , 29F
正夯 結果受傷整季報銷 只是最大的罩門SP 沒補還是爐主命
11/22 20:28, 29F

11/22 22:15, 5年前 , 30F
outperform these numbers 的 numbers 應該是指薪水
11/22 22:15, 30F

11/22 22:16, 5年前 , 31F
11/22 22:16, 31F

11/22 22:19, 5年前 , 32F
其實中文意思好像也差不多 當我自己沒讀懂好了
11/22 22:19, 32F
小修了一下 看會不會比較好 謝謝建議 ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 11/22/2018 23:04:20

11/22 23:20, 5年前 , 33F
我紅在荷馬躺DL那段期間超猛 結果他一回來又烙賽了
11/22 23:20, 33F

11/22 23:41, 5年前 , 34F
11/22 23:41, 34F

11/23 00:43, 5年前 , 35F
對紅人本季的印象 單季被耶律奇完全打擊兩次
11/23 00:43, 35F

11/26 21:45, 5年前 , 36F
11/26 21:45, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #1RzX4Wmy (MLB)