[外電] 球隊跟經紀人懷疑緩慢的交易市場是否再現

看板MLB作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間5年前 (2018/11/07 15:54), 編輯推噓7(701)
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來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yal5jxjh Teams, agents wonder whether slow market will repeat 球隊與經紀人懷疑緩慢的交易市場是否再次出現 CARLSBAD, Calif. (AP) — Agent John Boggs stood in the lobby at the hotel hosting the general managers' meetings and talked about last winter, when dozens of free agents remained unsigned after spring training began, causing prices to plummet as opening day approached. 經紀人John Boggs站在球團總管會議所在的飯店大廳講著去年冬天的交易市場,那時一堆 FA在春訓開始之後都還沒人簽,導致簽約價跳水。 "It's the greatest thing for the owners because they've got a lot of players that are wanting to play and have a lot of game left in them, and all of a sudden are just sitting there dying to get an opportunity again, and so it's a gigantic Macy's basement sale," he said. "I hope it is an aberration because I think there's a lot of good players that are being deprived of getting an opportunity to continue their careers." 「對球團老闆來說是最好的事情了,因為一堆球員想打,也能打,但是忽然之間只能坐在 那邊乾等機會,所以那就像是百貨公司跳樓大拍賣一樣,」他說。「我希望那不是常態, 因為我認為那是很多很好的球員被剝奪他們打球的機會。」 As the offseason starts, teams and agents aren't sure whether the market will revert to its previous pace or whether clubs will try to wait out players again. 隨著休賽季開始,球隊跟經紀人不確定市場是否會跟以前一樣還是球隊又會再次開始慢慢 等,慢慢看。 Miami's efforts to trade Giancarlo Stanton and Shohei Ohtani's decision to leave Japan for the major leagues created roadblocks after the 2017 season. 去年馬林魚努力想交易Giancarlo Stanton以及大谷翔平決定離開日本投身MLB在2017年後 的休賽季鋪下了路障。 "I think the lesson to be drawn is don't hold your vacation off until late January, because everybody seemed to be pretty busy last year," Texas Rangers president of baseball operations Jon Daniels said. 「我認為這個教訓是告訴我們,不要把假期拖的太久,像是拖到一月底,因為去年大家似 乎都很忙,」條子球隊營運長Jon Daniel說。 This year's free-agent class is a far stronger group, led by outfielders Bryce Harper, A.J. Pollock and Michael Brantley, infielders Manny Machado and Josh Donaldson, starting pitchers Dallas Keuchel, Patrick Corbin, Hyun-Jin Ryu and Nathan Eovaldi, and closers Craig Kimbrel and Zach Britton. 今年的FA名單是強的多的,有外野手Bryce Harper,AJ Pollock跟Michael Brantley,內 野手Manny Machado跟Josh Donaldson,先發投手Dallas Keuchel,Patrick Corbin,柳賢 振跟Nathan Eovaldi,以及守護神Craig Kimbrel跟Zach Britton。 "The good ones will get their money," Philadelphia GM Matt Klentak said. "They'll sign. They'll end up in good places. And whether that's here in November or whether it's in December, January, February or even March, I don't know." 「好的球員會拿到他們的價碼,」費城人總管Matt Klentak說。「他們會簽到約,他們會 去到好的球隊,不管會是在11月,12月,1月,2月甚至是3月,我不知道。」 Washington GM Mike Rizzo said the Nationals attempted to reach a deal with Harper before he became a free agent. 國民總管Mike Rizzo說國民隊在Harper還沒成為FA之前有嘗試想跟他達成交易。 "We utilized our exclusivity to negotiate with him late in the season through when he became eligible to sign with a team," Rizzo said. "There is a reality that we would love to sign him but we may not." 「我們用了我們的專有權在正規賽快要結束前當他可以與球隊簽約時跟他協商,」Rizzo 說。「事實是我們很想把他簽下來,但是我們可能簽不到。」 Some teams have delayed their offseason planning because of front-office changes. Los Angeles Dodgers GM Farhan Zaidi was hired just Tuesday as San Francisco's president of baseball operations and Baltimore has not replaced Dan Duquette as its top baseball decision-maker. 一些球隊因為制服組的變動,所以延後了他們季後賽計畫。躲人原本的GM Farhan Zaidi星 期二才被聘為巨人的球隊營運長,而金鶯還沒找到替補在開除掉Dan Duquette後負責球隊 決定的空缺。 Brodie Van Wagenen, who had been an agent at CAA Baseball, replaced Sandy Alderson as the New York Mets' general manager. About two weeks before the start of spring training last winter, Van Wagenen suggested players considering boycotting spring training because of the slow market. 原本是CAA Baseball經紀人的Brodie Van Wagenen剛取代Sandy Alderson成為梅子的總 管。去年春訓開始前兩個禮拜,Van Wagenen還建議球員要抵制春訓,因為市場交易緩 慢。 "Hard to say about whether there will be any carry-over effect to this year," he said. "I think there was an element last year where the trade market was slowed, as well, which also pushed the free-agent market back." 「很難說去年的狀況會不會對今年有後續的影響,」他說。「我認為去年有個因素讓整個 交易市場被延宕,也因此讓FA市場推遲。」 Teams now project their rosters well into the future, and players who could be free agents after the 2019 World Series could be dealt this offseason for a bigger return than they would get ahead of next summer's trade deadline, especially if they don't agree to long-term deals. Among the possibilities are Arizona first baseman Paul Goldschmidt, Colorado third baseman Nolan Arenado, San Francisco left-hander Madison Bumgarner and Mets right-hander Zack Wheeler. 現在球隊都會對他們的球員名單做好預測,所以會在2019年世界大賽後成為FA的球員大概 會在今年休賽季而不是等夏天交易大限才被交易,因為這樣球隊可以拿更多回來,特別是 那些不想簽長約的球員。那些可能的球員包括響尾蛇一壘手Paul Goldschmidt,落磯三壘 手Nolan Arenado,巨人左投Madison Bumgarner,跟梅子右投Zack Wheeler。 Arizona general manager Mike Hazen said a multiyear deal with Goldschmidt would take creativity, and a trade had to be considered. 響尾蛇總管Mike Hazen說要跟Goldschmidt談多年約可能要有點創意,所以交易這件事要考 慮到。 "He's the consummate teammate, Diamondback. What he's done for the organization both on and off the field is everything you want in a player," Hazen said. "I met with Paul. I think there's an understanding of where the organization is at present. But I think it would pretty tough." 「他是一個完美的響尾蛇球員,他在場上或場外為球隊所做的都是我們期待一個球員應該 做的,」他說。「我跟他談過,我認為球團跟他之間目前有一定程度的了解,但是我認為 目前狀況有點困難。」 CC Sabathia became the first free agent to reach a deal since the market opened Saturday, agreeing to an $8 million, one-year contract with the New York Yankees. The 38-year-old left-hander accepted a $2 million cut to return to the Bronx for an 11th season in a deal subject to a successful physical. CC Sabathia在星期天球員市場開始後成為第一個達成交易的FA,與洋基簽下一年800萬鎂 的合約。這38歲的左投減薪200萬鎂,會在洋基投他第11個球季,一切就等體檢過後就成 交。 New York is being more aggressive this offseason after falling below the luxury tax threshold for the first time in 2018. 洋基今年不用付奢侈稅,所以可能會在今年休賽季會有比較積極的動作。 "Last year we had to be really careful about every step we took in terms of financial commitments, so it took longer because we were having to have that luxury-tax issue in the back of our minds," general manager Brian Cashman said. 「去年因為財務上的考量,所以我們要斤斤計較每一個步驟,因為奢侈稅的關係,去年我 們要花比較長的時間,」洋基總管Brian Cashman說。 The Los Angeles Dodgers dropped below the threshold for the first time since 2012 and won their second straight NL pennant — but lost the World Series for the second consecutive year. The only teams projected over this year were the World Series champion Boston Red Sox, who had the highest payroll for the first time in the free-agent era, and Washington. 躲人在2012年之後第一次低於奢侈稅門檻,連續拿下了國聯冠軍--但是也連續兩次在世界 大賽鎩羽而歸。今年唯一兩隊會超過門檻的是世界大賽冠軍紅襪,薪資總額第一,另外一 隊是國民。 Alan Nero, who negotiated first baseman Carlos Santana's $60 million, three-year deal with the Phillies last fall, said agents have to be realistic with their clients. Alan Nero去年春季幫一壘手Carlos Santana與費城人達成3年6000萬鎂的交易,他說經紀 人要幫他們的客戶面對現實。 "I think you have to understand we're in a changing market and you're not going to get a 10-year deal," he said. "It's a matter of managing expectations." 「我認為要了解我們現在所處的市場在改變中,不可能再有10年的約了,」他說。「就是 得要原本的期待有所調整。」 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1541577240.A.72B.html

11/07 17:51, 5年前 , 1F
要不要開賭盤 猜harper machado 去哪隊
11/07 17:51, 1F

11/07 17:59, 5年前 , 2F
11/07 17:59, 2F

11/07 18:57, 5年前 , 3F
11/07 18:57, 3F

11/07 19:43, 5年前 , 4F
11/07 19:43, 4F

11/07 20:59, 5年前 , 5F
如果想要簽14yrs 420M 應該緩慢到開季了還沒人會買
11/07 20:59, 5F

11/07 20:59, 5年前 , 6F
11/07 20:59, 6F

11/07 22:53, 5年前 , 7F
Sabathia那句reach a deal翻成簽約比較合適
11/07 22:53, 7F

11/08 12:00, 5年前 , 8F
11/08 12:00, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1RufeOSh (MLB)