[外電] Thank You, Pittsburgh

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這是Andrew McCutchen在The Players' Tribune發表的文章, 分享於此,如有翻譯不周請見諒。 好讀版本:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1517805650.A.605.html 原文連結:https://goo.gl/Usmf5m ************************************************************************** Thank You, Pittsburgh JAN 22 2018 Andrew McCutchen I forgot to say goodbye. 我忘了說聲再見。 It's always funny, how you picture something happening in your head, versus how it happens in real life. In my head, I pictured myself savoring every moment of my last game as a Pirate: This is my last time making that drive to the ballpark, as I'd come up on Sixth Street, by the Clemente Bridge, like a thousand times before. This is my last time putting on that black and yellow, as I'd fix up in the clubhouse mirror and make sure my hat looked just right. This is my last time poking my head out of that dugout … stepping into that batter's box … swinging that bat … hitting that ball … running those bases…. for the only fans I've ever known. 當腦海中描繪的光景和現實生活相衝突的時候,總是讓人覺得有些奇怪。我曾想像,自己 仔細感受作為海盜球員的最後一場比賽的每一刻:最後一次前往球場,就與之前那上千 次一樣,開上第六街,經過克萊門特橋;最後一次披上象徵海盜的黑與黃,在更衣室的 鏡子前整理好,讓自己看起來上軌道;最後一次,為了我所知道唯一的一群球迷,把頭探 出選手休息區、邁入打擊區、揮下球棒、擊出球、繞過壘包…… This is my last time being a Pittsburgh Pirate. 這是最後一次,作為海盜的一份子。 In your head, you think you’ll savor it, all of it, and really make it count. 你想著你會好好欣賞那一刻,每分每秒,讓一切都顯得有意義。 But the truth is — when the time comes, and it happens for real? 然而真相是:那何時來臨,並且真實的上演呢? It won’t even be on your mind. 你甚至不用再想了。 That’s the truth: It never actually sank in to me that September 27th, a Wednesday night game against the Orioles, might be my last home game ever as a Pirate. I’m sure that’s hard to believe for some people, with all of the trade talk that had been going on last season — but I guess that’s just how I dealt with it, you know? There had been so much talk, for so long … so many questions and rumors … that I think my only way of coping with it all was to block it out entirely. To say — You know what? That’s it. I’m a Pirate. And until the day that someone tells me different, man … being a Pirate is all I’m going to worry about. 事實就是如此。從未真正意識到9月27日,一個對上金鷹的週三夜晚,或許就是我在海盜 隊的最後一場主場賽事。有關交易的討論在上個賽季就已經開始,而相信這對一些人而言 還是難以置信──不過我猜這就只是我個人的看法罷了。許多討論進行了很久很久 ,謠言和疑問漫天飛舞,多到我唯一面對他們的方法就是將其隔絕在外。你們知道嗎?就 是這樣,我屬於海盜隊,直到有一天有人告訴我這將發生改變……所有我在乎的就只 剩下當個海盜球員了。 So when our last game of the season at PNC came around, I was really just treating it like any other night. Got to the park. Put on that number 22 jersey. Warmed up. Stretched out. Took BP. Played the field in the top of the first. And in the bottom, when they called my name — poked my head out of the home dugout, same as always, and stepped into the batter’s box. 所以當我們在上一季於PNC球場的最後一場比賽開始時,我真的就只將它看作另一個平常 的夜晚而已。到了球場,穿上22號球衣、暖身、伸展一下,接著做些打擊練習。守完上半 局,下半局名字被叫到的時候,就與往常一樣,探出主場休息區,走向打擊區。 And that’s when the most amazing thing happened. 然後最不可思議的事情發生了。 The fans … the fans, man. I don’t even know what to say. 球迷……那些球迷們,哇,我不曉得該怎麼形容。 They just erupted. 他們,爆發了。 They just got out of their seats, and stood up, and started cheering for me like crazy. I’m telling you — like crazy. I mean, I’ve gotten cheered loudly before … but this was out of that world, and into another. Like — Baltimore’s pitcher had to step off the rubber, it was so crazy. And at first, I was just thinking, you know, Alright — last home game of the season, fans are a little hype, they’re showing their appreciation for me, that’s humbling. But then it just kept … going. And going, and going. It kept going until there was nothing that I could do but tip my cap. Until there was nothing left for me but to acknowledge it, and embrace it. 大家都離開位子站了起來,發瘋似的為我歡呼。沒錯,發瘋似的。我以前也被大聲地 歡呼過,不過這一次可說是突破天際。巴爾的摩的投手還必須先走下投手板,這真的太瘋 狂了!而起初我在想:好吧,最後一場主場比賽了,球迷有些興奮,正在向我表達感謝之 意,令我感到十分榮幸。但他們沒有停下來,反而不停的,不停的喝采著。直到最後我沒 其他事能做了,輕輕提一下帽沿,完完全全的讓自己沉浸於此時此刻後,他們才平息下來 。 And for a moment, even — savor it. 在這一刻,細細體會。 It’s hard to explain, the relationship that you can develop with a city and its fans over the course of a career. But you get to this point where, I swear, it’s like you can almost … read each other’s minds. You get to this point where, at any given moment, the city will know how you’re feeling, and you’ll know how it’s feeling right back. Where it’s feeding off of your play, and you’re feeding off of its noise, and then around again. 真的很難解釋你的職業生涯中在一座城市與球迷建立起來的情感連結,可是我發誓,到了 這境地你幾乎可以……探知彼此的內心;走到了這裡,不論何時,城市會知道你正想什麼 ,而你同樣的能感受到它。這時候,它對你在場上的一舉一動做出回饋,你也對它的喧鬧 給予報答,如此不斷反覆、循環。 And I swear, man, on that night … it’s like they just knew. It’s like somehow those fans in PNC knew that I was too focused on baseball — too focused on treating it like any other game — to savor the moment on my own. Knew that I was too focused on still being a Pirate to have the ending that I ’d imagined I would. 而我保證,那一晚……像是他們都明白一樣,像是這些球迷就是明白我當時太專注於棒球 ──太專注於將它看作另一個平常的夜晚,而不能親自好好感受這時刻,明白我太專注於 為了原本我期待的結束而繼續作為一個海盜球員And so they had my back. They gave me the ovation of my life. 因此他們幫我一把,給予我人生中絕無僅有的熱烈掌聲。 They gave me the thank you that, now, I’m ready to give them. 他們對我說了我現在要向他們表達的感謝。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- People keep asking me for the inside story about the trade — but here’s the actual story: I found out about it in pretty much the same way as everyone else. 一直有人問我有關交易的內幕,這就是了──我也是用和其他人差不多的方式發現的。 My wife, Maria, and I had just put the baby down for a nap — it’s a team effort, let me tell you, getting that boy to go to sleep. And so by the time Steel was napping, it had already been a while since either of us had checked our phones. But when I finally checked mine … well, there it was: A bunch of missed calls, a bunch of texts — and a news alert about how, The Pirates are set to trade Andrew McCutchen to the Giants. 我的妻子Maria和我剛哄完寶寶入睡──告訴你吧,讓這男孩去睡覺需要點團隊合作,所 以在他睡著前,我們已經有段時間沒檢查手機。但是當我終於看了一下我的,來了,一大 堆的未接來電、大量的簡訊和新聞通知,上頭寫著:海盜要把Andrew McCutchen交易到巨 人了Man, wow. OK. 哇嗚,好的。 I got on the phone with Neal Huntington, our GM, and he told me that the trade actually wasn’t set in stone yet. And credit to Neal — he’s always treated me well over the years, and this was no exception. Most GMs, they’re not going to give you any sort of a heads-up or courtesy call about a transaction. They’re not going to call you until the deal is done. But Neal, you know, he was all class. And he made me feel like I was still a guy the Pirates cared about, even as they were giving me up. 我打給我們的總經理Neal Huntington,他說交易還沒完全確定。有一點要感謝Neal── 這幾年來他總是待我很好,從無例外。大部分的總經理都不會事先提醒或禮貌性的通知你 有關交易的消息,直到一切底定才會告訴你。可是Neal他很有風度,他讓我覺得即使正要 被送走,自己還是一個海盜隊在乎的人。 About an hour later, Neal called back to tell me that the trade had officially gone through. I can’t even explain what a wild feeling that was, and still is. It’s like, one minute I was just hanging out … and my biggest worry was if my son would fall asleep for his afternoon nap. 大約一鐘頭後,Neal打回來告訴我交易已正式完成。我沒辦法解釋當時那是什麼感覺,現 在的也是。前一會兒我還休閒的過著,最大的憂慮就是兒子的午睡時間能否如期進行。 And then the next, it was like, my life as I knew it wouldn’t ever be the same. 然後下一刻,我的一生將從此不同於以往。 I know I’m a luckier guy than most. I know that 13 years with an organization — that’s one heck of a run. And when my career is finally over, I’m sure I’ll look back on those 13 years and think to myself, you know, Man … that was impressive. That was something to be proud of. That was a pretty special thing. But right now? It’s just too hard to go there, too hard to get to that place. Right now, honestly, it just stings a little. 我知道我比大部分的人還幸運。13年來待在一支球隊,真是了不起的一段經歷。想必當我 在退休前回顧那段歲月會有所感觸,認為它值得驕傲又十分特別。然而現在呢?我已經不 能到達那裡,不能觸及那個地方了。現在,老實說,這有些令人難受。 Right now … I’m just thinking about the Derek Jeters, and the Cal Ripkens, the guys I grew up admiring the most in baseball — and how much I’ve always wanted to be like them. How much I always wanted to be my own version of them, for this franchise … for this city. It’s almost like this word association thing: New York … Jeter. Baltimore … Ripken. You know what I mean? Those guys earned the right, earned that honor, of being synonymous with their cities — because those cities were the only places they ever called home. 此刻,想著有關我從小仰慕的棒球員Derek Jeter和Cal Ripken的事,還有一直以來 我如何渴望成為像他們一般的人,和如何為了這座城市與這隻隊伍而渴望能加入他們。這 些幾乎到了單字聯想的程度:紐約對應Jeter,巴爾的摩對應Ripken。你懂我的意思嗎? 他們贏得和他們的城市成為同義詞的權利和榮耀,是因為他們從不稱呼另一個地方為家。 And I always wanted to be that guy for Pittsburgh. 我始終想成為能如此聯繫上匹茲堡的人。 So it just stings a little, now, to know that’s not in the cards for me. That was the first thing that crossed my mind after the phone call with Neal — how I’d thought I might’ve had a chance, a real chance, to wear only one cap for all my baseball life. 所以現在得知這些將不會發生在我身上,就有些令人難受。與Neal通完電話後我心中第 一個浮現的東西是:我怎麼會認為會有機會,一個真正的機會能在整個棒球生涯中只戴同 一頂球帽呢? And now I’m going to wear another one. 如今要我去戴另一頂了。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who am I? 我是誰? I thought about so many different things, in so many different ways, when I first got traded. 第一次被交易時,我用很多不同的方式想過很多事情。 I thought about the end of my time with the Pirates … and took stock of the person I’ve turned into: a team leader, a young veteran, an MVP, a husband, a dad. I also thought about the beginning of my time here … and reflected on the person I was at the start: this kid who barely knew what he was doing — but knew he wanted to win. 想過與海盜隊的最後時光,並仔細思量我扮演的角色:一個團隊領袖、有一定閱歷的球員、 最有價值球員、丈夫、父親。也想了想在這兒的起點,回憶起一開始的我:這孩子還搞不太 清楚他在做什麼,不過他知道心中對勝利的追求。 I thought about the highs and the lows, the successes and failures. I thought about that very first season, when I got called up, and our goal was, Let’s not lose 100. (We lost 99.) I thought about that 2012 season, when we entered the All-Star break in first, and got a taste of what these fans could be like if we ever gave them a winner. 想起那些高峰和低谷、成功和挫敗。記得第一個球季被叫上大聯盟時,我們的目標就是別 輸掉100場比賽(最後輸了99場)。想起2012年,我們以分區第一結束上半球季,並體驗到 如果我們帶來一支常勝軍,這些球迷會是什麼樣子。 I thought about 2013, when everything, finally, came together, with a wild-card win over the Reds — the first winning season and playoff berth here in 21 years. I thought about 2015, when we won 98 games and anything seemed possible — until we ran into a good, young Cubs team, and suddenly it wasn’t. And you know what — I even thought about these last couple years, when we haven’t been winning as much … but have still been fighting, still been grinding, still been making sure that every Pirate fan gets to watch a group that’s giving it their best. 2013年,當時許多部份終於能發揮確實,在外卡賽贏過紅人──21年來第一次勝率過 五成並進入季後賽。2015年,贏了98場比賽後,任何事都變得有希望,直到遇上年輕、優 秀的小熊隊。你知道嗎?我甚至想起前幾年我們不再贏那麼多,卻仍然奮鬥著、努力著, 仍然確定每個海盜球迷能看到一支使出全力拚搏的球隊。 I thought about the big-picture stuff, like my legacy: How will they remember me here? 想到一些長遠的事,像是我留下的影響:他們會如何記得我? I thought about the small-picture stuff, the logistics, like finding a house … a barbershop … a few places to eat. (Giants fans, y’all got recs? Hit me up on Twitter, I need’em — @TheCUTCH22. I’m a boring eater, but I’m loyal.) 還有一些小事、後勤補給,例如找間房子、一間理髮廳還有吃飯的去處。(巨人迷們,你 們有推薦的嗎?我需要它們,在Twitter上告訴我──@TheCUTCH22。我愛吃的種類不多, 但還滿忠誠的。) I thought about my manager, Clint Hurdle, who’s been more than just a manager — who will always be my friend and mentor, both on and off the field. Who said, in our first meeting together, that there were two things he wanted me to know the answer to: One … Can you trust me? And two … Do I care about you? And who made sure — whether we were on pace to win 95 games or 75 — that the answers to those two questions always were yes. 想到總教練Clint Hurdle,他不僅是一位總教練而已。場上場外他都有如朋友和導師。我 們第一次會面的時候,他說他要我回答他兩件事情:第一,我是否可以信任他?第二,他 是否在乎我?往後不管我們正準備在一季贏95或75場比賽,他都確保這兩個答案會是:「 是。」 I thought about the personal stuff, like my family: From my wife (we met in Pittsburgh), to my son (he was born in Pittsburgh) — and how this trade is going to impact not just my life, but their lives, too. 還想到一些私人事務,包括家人:從妻子(我們在匹茲堡相識)到孩子(他也在這裡誕生), 以及這樁交易將如何影響不只我的人生,還有他們的。 And I thought about the emotional stuff, all of those strong feelings that rush to the surface when you experience something new: Sadness, at leaving my original baseball family. Relief, at having moved past that awkward period — where I felt like both the face of a franchise and a walking trade rumor, all at once. And even fear — as a 31 year old who has only worked for one company his entire adult life, and now is about to move to another company, and start all over. 另外還有感情的部分,那些經歷全新事物後衝上表面的強烈情緒:離開原本棒球家庭的悲 傷,與脫離那段尷尬日子的舒坦──那時我覺得我既是球隊的招牌,同時也是會走路的交 易傳言。甚至是恐懼──31歲、不曾效力過其他公司的人,現在即將在另一個地方重新開 始。 When I first got traded, man … I thought about all of those things. 我第一次被交易時,都想了那些東西。 But then I also thought: Who am I? 但我也想:我是誰? Don’t get me wrong — I know who I am. But I guess I mean, more like … who am I now? 可別搞錯了,我知道我是誰。只是我的意思大概更像是……我現在會是誰? Because in my mind, for the rest of my life, I don’t think I’ll ever not be Andrew McCutchen, Pittsburgh Pirate. For me, that’s been more than just a job title. That’s been a part — a core part — of my identity, for so long. And it’s an identity that I feel on a level so much deeper than just, like, “Who’s he play for?” Being a Pirate, that’s been a part of who I am since I was drafted — all the way back in 2005. From an 18-year-old kid, trying to make the team and fit in … to a 30-year-old man, trying to get the team over that championship hump…. 因為在我的心中,不認為我在接下來的日子裡還是那個匹茲堡海盜隊的Andrew McCutchen 。對我而言,這不只是個職業頭銜而已,它是一個零件──一個核心零件──長久以來組 成我本身,而這身分使我感受到比「他為誰打球?」更深層得多的意義。作為海盜的球員 這件事自2005年被選中後就構成了我自己,從試圖融入球隊的18歲男孩,到想辦法帶領球 隊克服冠軍荒的30歲男人…… Andrew McCutchen, Pittsburgh Pirate has just been who I am. 我一直以來都是匹茲堡海盜隊的Andrew McCutchen。 But at the same time: Andrew McCutchen, San Francisco Giant? I’m EXCITED about that. That’s not me doing p.r. for anyone. That’s just … genuine and real. I’m excited for this journey. Like — anyone who knows me, knows that I ’m not just a baseball player. I’m also a fan. And any fan — anyone who loves and follows this game? You’ve been watching what the Giants have been doing for the last decade … in awe. This is an organization that is all about winning talent, and all about winning culture. And that’s what I’m about, too. So to say this is a good fit … it’s an understatement, man. For me to get traded to San Francisco — the fit is perfect. 於此同時也是舊金山巨人隊的Andrew McCutchen?真是令人激動。不是我在做好公共關 係,而是真真切切的,對這段旅程感到興奮。每個了解我的人都知道我不只是球員,還是 一個球迷。有沒有人喜愛並關注這項運動的?你也看見了巨人隊在過去十年間令人驚艷的 表現。這支球隊傾心投注在贏球天賦和文化上,而我也是如此,所以應該會配合得不錯, 這還算保守的說法。我要被交易到巨人隊了──真是絕配。 And I guess that’s where those mixed emotions come from, at first. After something like this happens … it’s just so much information, in so many directions. You’ve got these memories of the past, and these ideas about the future — all passing through you at once. You’re thinking about who you’ve been … but also who you’re about to become. And you care about both of those things, deeply. It all means so much to you. 我猜這就是那些複雜情緒的來源吧。像這種事情發生後,有太多各個方面的資訊。你立刻 開始一邊回憶起過往,一邊嚮往未來。想著過去扮演的角色和未來將擔任的工作,而兩樣 都緊緊地貼在心上。他們都太重要了。 And so I think that’s where your mind goes, at first — just on instinct. 所以全憑直覺,我想你會先思考: Who am I? 我是誰? Am I Pittsburgh? Am I San Francisco? Am I a Pirate? Am I a Giant? Am I the MVP who knows what it takes? Am I the new guy who has a lot to figure out? Am I … any of those things? 我是匹茲堡人?舊金山人?海盜隊員?巨人隊員?我是深諳其代價的最有價值球員?不太 清楚許多事的新人?我是……以上之一嗎? But then it hit me. 瞬間我又明白了什麼。 Man — I’m all of those things. 老兄,我都是Of course I am. Because this trade that I’m a part of … it’s just a trade. It’s just a trade. It’s not an eraser to my time as a Pirate, and it’s definitely not a goodbye to the city of Pittsburgh. My time playing for this team … it doesn’t go away, just because I’m about to go play for another. And my time living in this city — man, I don’t even have to finish that sentence. I’m not even leaving!! Come on, guys. I’m never leaving Pittsburgh. Maybe when I’m 100, they’ll drag my butt back down to Florida, snowbird-style … but until then? We’ve got a beautiful house here, and we plan on using it. Pittsburgh … it’s home. It will always be home. 我當然是,因為這樁牽涉我的交易就只不過是交易,一樁交易罷了。他不會抹殺我在海盜 隊上的日子,亦絕非我向匹茲堡的道別。我在隊上的時光不會因為轉隊而逝去,我在這城 市生活的歲月──不用再說下去了,因為我不會離開!拜託,我永不離開匹茲堡。也許我 100歲的時候,他們會像往南避寒的退休老人那樣,把我拖去佛羅里達,但在那之前,我 們在這裡有間漂亮的房子,而我們會繼續住在裡面。匹茲堡是我的家,永遠如此So I might be shipping out for the season — and I might be excited about this new beginning — but I’m not leaving. And I might be closing the door on this stage of my life … but it’s a glass door, I promise. I’m going to look back through it, fondly and often. And I’m going to walk back through it, when the time is right. This team will always mean a lot to me. 因此我可能在季中暫居外地,也對這全新的起點感到興奮,不過不會離開。或許就此關上 人生階段的一扇門,但我保證它是玻璃做的,並時常深情的回望。時機對的時候,我會往 回走過去。這支球隊永遠對我意義重大。 And this city will always mean everything. 這座城市永遠代表一切。 But just like I was too focused for a big goodbye, during that game in September — I’ve gotta be honest: I’m worried that I’m gonna be too focused for a big hello, when I come to town with the Giants in May. I’m worried that I’ll be doing the same as I always do: treating it like any other game. And that I’ll forget to do the one thing, in that moment, that would mean the most to me out of everything. 說真的,就像是9月的那場比賽中太專注而忽略道別,我還在意5月隨巨人拜訪時會太投入 而沒有好好打聲招呼,擔心我會一如往常的,將它看作另一個平常的夜晚而已。那時,我 甚至會忘記做一件事,一件最重要的事。 I’ll forget to savor it. 我會忘記要細細體會。 So I’m gonna need you all to have my back again, Pirate fans. 所以我要你們大家再幫我一把,海盜迷們。 If you see me, say hey — and maybe throw a “Cutch!” in if you’re in the mood. I’ll be the guy who looks familiar, walking around like he knows the place — with a few fresh tears, and a big ol’ smile. 如果你見到我,就說聲嘿,如果你想,再加上一聲「Cutch!」我就是你認識的那個人, 熟悉的走過這地方──帶著數滴未乾的淚珠和大大的微笑。 With San Francisco on his shirt. And Pittsburgh in his heart. 身披舊金山,心繫匹茲堡。 -- 影片支援:https://twitter.com/PlayersTribune/status/955838440616136706 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1517805650.A.605.html

02/05 12:41, 6年前 , 1F
02/05 12:41, 1F

02/05 12:44, 6年前 , 2F
02/05 12:44, 2F

02/05 12:48, 6年前 , 3F
02/05 12:48, 3F

02/05 12:52, 6年前 , 4F
02/05 12:52, 4F

02/05 12:53, 6年前 , 5F
02/05 12:53, 5F

02/05 12:54, 6年前 , 6F
02/05 12:54, 6F

02/05 12:54, 6年前 , 7F
那個 可是你今年打完就FA了 不一定會繼續待在舊金山說
02/05 12:54, 7F

02/05 12:54, 6年前 , 8F
推海賊王 也推翻譯
02/05 12:54, 8F

02/05 12:54, 6年前 , 9F
Push 叫做海賊的男人! 麥尻琴
02/05 12:54, 9F

02/05 12:59, 6年前 , 10F
推Cutch 感謝原PO翻譯
02/05 12:59, 10F

02/05 12:59, 6年前 , 11F
最後一句威力好強大 我起雞皮疙瘩
02/05 12:59, 11F

02/05 13:06, 6年前 , 12F
推 感謝翻譯
02/05 13:06, 12F

02/05 13:08, 6年前 , 13F
02/05 13:08, 13F

02/05 13:13, 6年前 , 14F
02/05 13:13, 14F

02/05 13:16, 6年前 , 15F
02/05 13:16, 15F

02/05 13:16, 6年前 , 16F
02/05 13:16, 16F

02/05 13:22, 6年前 , 17F
02/05 13:22, 17F

02/05 13:26, 6年前 , 18F
02/05 13:26, 18F

02/05 13:47, 6年前 , 19F
02/05 13:47, 19F

02/05 13:53, 6年前 , 20F
翻譯好棒 最後一句看原文 也很讓人感動!
02/05 13:53, 20F

02/05 13:54, 6年前 , 21F
02/05 13:54, 21F

02/05 14:01, 6年前 , 22F
推 感謝翻譯
02/05 14:01, 22F

02/05 14:09, 6年前 , 23F
02/05 14:09, 23F

02/05 14:22, 6年前 , 24F
02/05 14:22, 24F

02/05 14:25, 6年前 , 25F
02/05 14:25, 25F

02/05 14:32, 6年前 , 26F
02/05 14:32, 26F

02/05 14:40, 6年前 , 27F
感謝翻譯 看了好感動QQ
02/05 14:40, 27F

02/05 14:50, 6年前 , 28F
02/05 14:50, 28F

02/05 14:51, 6年前 , 29F
02/05 14:51, 29F

02/05 15:33, 6年前 , 30F
02/05 15:33, 30F

02/05 15:33, 6年前 , 31F
02/05 15:33, 31F

02/05 15:43, 6年前 , 32F
02/05 15:43, 32F
※ 編輯: Zauber (, 02/05/2018 16:08:24

02/05 16:10, 6年前 , 33F
02/05 16:10, 33F

02/05 16:18, 6年前 , 34F
02/05 16:18, 34F

02/05 16:27, 6年前 , 35F
02/05 16:27, 35F

02/05 16:29, 6年前 , 36F
02/05 16:29, 36F

02/05 16:33, 6年前 , 37F
02/05 16:33, 37F

02/05 16:50, 6年前 , 38F
Thank you, Cutch!
02/05 16:50, 38F

02/05 17:03, 6年前 , 39F
推 好感動
02/05 17:03, 39F

02/05 17:09, 6年前 , 40F
推 感謝翻譯
02/05 17:09, 40F

02/05 17:10, 6年前 , 41F
02/05 17:10, 41F

02/05 17:17, 6年前 , 42F
02/05 17:17, 42F

02/05 17:18, 6年前 , 43F
這翻譯真威 文章有夠長
02/05 17:18, 43F

02/05 17:29, 6年前 , 44F
02/05 17:29, 44F

02/05 17:34, 6年前 , 45F
02/05 17:34, 45F

02/05 17:50, 6年前 , 46F
想到Sports on Earth剛停止刊登新文章 還是多來這個網頁
02/05 17:50, 46F

02/05 17:50, 6年前 , 47F
02/05 17:50, 47F

02/05 17:56, 6年前 , 48F
推翻譯 真的很感人
02/05 17:56, 48F
※ 編輯: Zauber (, 02/05/2018 18:01:02

02/05 18:02, 6年前 , 49F
02/05 18:02, 49F

02/05 18:18, 6年前 , 50F
02/05 18:18, 50F

02/05 18:42, 6年前 , 51F
02/05 18:42, 51F

02/05 19:10, 6年前 , 52F
02/05 19:10, 52F

02/05 19:44, 6年前 , 53F
上一個海盜MVP到巨人 是Barry Bonds 好自為之吧
02/05 19:44, 53F

02/05 20:02, 6年前 , 54F
02/05 20:02, 54F

02/05 20:24, 6年前 , 55F
02/05 20:24, 55F

02/05 21:28, 6年前 , 56F
02/05 21:28, 56F

02/05 21:59, 6年前 , 57F
02/05 21:59, 57F

02/05 22:18, 6年前 , 58F
02/05 22:18, 58F

02/05 23:13, 6年前 , 59F
02/05 23:13, 59F

02/06 00:14, 6年前 , 60F
02/06 00:14, 60F

02/06 00:44, 6年前 , 61F
推 麥尻槍
02/06 00:44, 61F

02/06 01:08, 6年前 , 62F
02/06 01:08, 62F

02/06 01:10, 6年前 , 63F
推 好感人
02/06 01:10, 63F

02/06 02:10, 6年前 , 64F
02/06 02:10, 64F

02/06 05:26, 6年前 , 65F
推 too focused for a big goodbye應該是太專注比賽而
02/06 05:26, 65F

02/06 05:27, 6年前 , 66F
忽略big goodbye. 後面那句也是
02/06 05:27, 66F
的確如此,感謝指正<(_ _)> ※ 編輯: Zauber (, 02/06/2018 07:37:34

02/06 08:48, 6年前 , 67F
感性的球員 推 謝謝翻譯
02/06 08:48, 67F

02/06 18:12, 6年前 , 68F
02/06 18:12, 68F

02/06 20:11, 6年前 , 69F
推 很感動!
02/06 20:11, 69F

02/06 21:40, 6年前 , 70F
02/06 21:40, 70F

02/07 03:45, 6年前 , 71F
推 翻得很棒 海賊王寫得也好感人T_T
02/07 03:45, 71F

02/07 06:12, 6年前 , 72F
我也不忍看 QQ
02/07 06:12, 72F

02/07 08:13, 6年前 , 73F
翻譯很棒 推Q__Q
02/07 08:13, 73F

02/23 20:18, 6年前 , 74F
Thank you, Cutch
02/23 20:18, 74F
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