[外電] H-Town,Our Time Is Now(上)

看板MLB作者 (工業電風扇)時間6年前 (2017/11/10 23:27), 編輯推噓12(1203)
留言15則, 13人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
H-Town, Our Time Is Now By:Carlos Correa 這篇是寫在10/5的,當時太空人已經確立美西王座還沒打季後賽 https://goo.gl/WeG4kt Lots of people say the key to our success this year has been all the veteran leadership we’re getting. I also hear people talk a lot about the confidence we gained from a great start to the season. And I can see that. Those things are definitely important. But I want to make a case for the fog machine. Let me explain. 很多人說我們這一季成功的關鍵是因為有許多老將的帶領,我也聽到許多人對我們有優秀 的開季感到信心。 這些我都知道,這些事情絕對都是非常重要的,但是我想要特別講一下造霧機這件事情。 讓我來解釋一下 We’ve got this fog machine in the clubhouse, and it’s pretty much the greatest thing ever. When we get a big win in front of our fans at Minute Maid Park, it’s the best feeling in the world for us because everyone on the team knows what’s coming next. We shut off all the lights, and get some music going, and then…. It’s fog-machine time! We’ll hit the button on that thing and turn on these club lights we got, and then all of a sudden you look around and see the pitchers are all dancing, and the position players are going nuts. It gets loud in there. It’s mostly hip-hop, and Latin music, and reggaeton, but we throw some country in there, too. I’m always requesting Kendrick Lamar, but there’s lots of Migos and Daddy Yankee and Ozuna. It’s a good mix. 我們在休息室放了一台造霧機,而且這是一件真的很棒的事情 當我們在美麗果球場滿滿的粉絲前取得大勝時,這一刻對我們來說是世界上最棒的滋味了 因為球隊裡的每一個人都知道接下來會發生甚麼事情......。 我們把所有的燈都給關了,開始放一些音樂,然後!!               !!! 我們會按下底下的按鈕,然後打開那些像夜店的燈光,然後在這一瞬間環繞四周的時候, 就會發現投手們都在跳舞,其他人都跟著嗨起來 這邊會變得有點喧囂,最常放的音樂是嘻哈再來是拉丁音樂以及雷鬼,我們也放一些國家 的歌在裡面,我常點播Kendrick Lamar,但還有許多Migos或是Daddy Yankees以及Ozuna 的歌,這是不錯的組合 And people don’t hold back. No one is judging you or looking to see if you dance right. It’s just a big party. 沒有人在裝矜持,也沒有人會評論或是去看你跳得到底對不對,就是一個超大趴替 Here’s how I would describe it: Just imagine a nightclub, but without the drinks. (Well, I mean, there are drinks. You can still get something to drink. But it’s just Gatorade and water.) And at this club you actually like everyone in there. Everyone is one of your friends. We all love those fog machine nights. They’ve brought us closer together as a team, and they’ve been a big part of why this season has been the most fun I’ ve ever had playing baseball. Sure, Altuve should be named the league’s Most Valuable Player, but Fog Machine might just be the team MVP. 想像一下我怎麼描述他:想像你在夜店,但是沒有飲料(嗯,我說當然還是有一些飲料, 你還是可以拿一些來喝但是只有開特力跟水),在這個夜店裡所有人都是你喜愛的,你也 認識這裡的所有人。 我們所有人都愛這個造霧機的夜晚,他讓我們隊上的每個人更團結,而且這已經變成我棒 球生涯以來最好玩一季的重要一部分。 當然,Jose Altuve應該當選美聯MVP,但是造霧機,會成為隊上的MVP。 And speaking of Altuve…. Let me take a second here to tell you a story that says all you need to know about that guy. 接下來讓我們來談談Altuve 讓我再告訴你一個關於這個人你必須要了解的故事 So it’s pretty early in the season, sometime in May, and we’re playing in Minnesota. José comes up to me and Marwin González. He wants to talk. I’m hitting like .311 at the time. Marwin’s also at .311, and José’s sitting at .308. So we’re all kind of in the same range. 在剛開季可能是五月的時候,當時我們在明尼蘇達打球,Jose走到我跟Marwin Gonzalez 身旁,想跟我們聊天,當時我打擊率是.311,Marwin也是.311,而Jose落在.308,我們的 成績都差不多 Well, José’s got an idea. “We should make a bet!” 恩~~Jose提了一個點子 "讓我們來打個賭吧!" He says we should all agree that whoever gets to .320 first, the other two will have to buy that person something. Like I don’t know, I think he said a nice pair of shoes or a dress shirt. So he has the whole idea all planned out in his head, and he’s selling it to us … like exactly how it will all work. 首先我們都先得同意最先達到.320的那一個人,其他兩個人就得請客,我不太清楚是甚麼 但是我猜他可能是說一雙好鞋子或是一件衣服。 所以他開始劈哩啪啦的把他腦中所有的想法都講出來,像是這個該怎麼執行之類的 And the entire time, as he’s talking, Marwin and I are just looking back and forth at each other like, What’s happening here? 接下來時間他雞哩瓜啦講不停,我跟Marwin只是互相看著對方並且疑惑到底發生甚麼事情 When he finally stops talking, I speak up right away. “I’m not making any bet like that with you! Are you kidding me?” Marwin is just shaking his head from side to side at this point. And Altuve’s like, “Come on! Why not? It will be fun. And you guys already have a head start.” So I calmly tell José that I’ve never hit .320 in the majors, and point out that he’s someone who has hit over .330 multiple times in the big leagues. “I don’t like throwing my money away, man.” Marwin agrees, and José just kind of makes a face, and then we all go about our business. The next day, we all show up at the ballpark and Altuve goes out and gets four hits. One. Two. Three. Four. Four hits. Like it was nothing. And just like that, his average was at .320! The very next day after he wanted us to make that bet. It was unreal. Me and Marwin, we knew what was up, though. We’re not suckers. We weren’t going for it. After the game we both went up to him and were just like, Do you think we don’t know who you are or something? José just smiled at us and walked off to take some cuts in the cage or something. 當他終於停止他的五速嘴時,我馬上插話說:「才不要跟你打賭咧,在跟我開玩笑喔?」 在此同時,Marwin要跟著搖搖頭,接下來Altuve攻勢再起: 「來阿!!為什麼不!!這齁勝捏!而且你們都贏在起跑點耶!!」 所以我開始冷靜地告訴Altuve,我從來沒有在職業棒球打過.320的成績,還告訴他說你可 是個在大聯盟多次打出.330的男人。 「我才不想浪費錢啊,老兄」 Marwin同意我的想法,Jose這時候只做了個表情,我們就開始做自己的事情了。 隔天,我們都在現場看到Altuve跑出去然後擊出四支安打,1!2!3!4!四支安打 看起來像是甚麼都沒事一樣。就這樣,他的打擊率就來到了.320,第二天,他要我們兌現 賭注。                  「有夠豪洨」 我跟Marwin都知道發生甚麼事情,我們才不會主動走過去,在比賽結束之後,我們兩個人 朝著他的方向走過去然後表現出一副「你真的認為我們不會知道你是甚麼咖嗎?」 Jose對著我們微笑笑得心理發寒後離開,然後就開始做一些打擊練習 -- 待續 (ps.看看國外像日本、美國職棒的選手,有邊喝酒邊打球的嗎?) (大誤) -- ▂◢───────── ███◢ ████──╮ Rlung Rlung Rlung◢████ \\\\ ▅↖◥◢ `VRlung Rlung~~Pika◣▂= ι▋█ ◣】 φ ◥ ◥◤▂▁_ ̄ 灬◢◤ ╰── ▄▃▁_ MacrossΔ ↘▃  ̄● -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1510327669.A.31B.html

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