[外電] 小球迷在洋基球場被界外球打到後送醫

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原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/yc2cg9hb By Andrew Marchand of ESPN NEW YORK -- A young fan sitting in the lower-level seats at Yankee Stadium was bloodied by a 105 mph line drive that struck her in the face during Wednesday's Minnesota Twins-New York Yankees game. 禮拜三9/20雙城洋基的比賽中, 有一名坐在底層座位的小球迷遭到一顆時速105英哩的界外球直接打中臉部。 She was transported to nearby NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia Hospital. 她隨即被送往附近醫院。 Her father and grandfather spoke briefly with reporters there Wednesday night. When asked if his daughter would need surgery, the girl's father, who declined to give his name, said: "It's too early to tell." 她的父親及祖父在當天晚上也對記者們做了簡短的說明。 當被問到他女兒是否需要接受手術時, 這位不願具名的父親表示現階段還沒辦法確定。 The toddler was attending the game with her grandparents. 被球打到的小幼童是跟她的祖父母一同前往觀賽。 The game was delayed for about five minutes as medics attended to her. Yankees third baseman Todd Frazier looked visibly upset, while teammate Matt Holliday wiped away tears. 意外發生後,在她接受初步醫療照護的同時,比賽也因此暫停了約五分鐘。洋基隊三壘手 Todd Frazier看起來十分沮喪,而他的隊友Matt Holliday則是頻頻拭淚。 The Yankees declined to talk about her status, citing HIPAA laws that protect individuals' privacy. During Yankees manager Joe Girardi's postgame news conference, he said he was told by members of the team's security staff that the girl was doing OK, but he said that was only secondhand or thirdhand information. 由於HIPPA對於個人隱私的相關法律規定,洋基隊拒絕針對她的狀況進行說明。而洋基隊 總教練Joe Girardi在賽後訪問中提到球隊安管人員有跟她說這名女童的狀況還好,但他 也補充說這只是第二手甚至是第三手的消息。 Frazier had tears in his eyes as he spoke to reporters postgame. It was his fifth-inning liner that hit the girl in the face as she sat with her grandparents about five rows up on the third-base side of Yankee Stadium. Frazier said he thought of his own two children, who are around the same age as the little girl. Frazier在賽後接受訪問的時眼眶泛淚。因為那顆在第五局打到女童的界外飛球就是她所 擊出,當時這個女童是與她的祖父母一同坐在洋基球場三壘側的第五排座位。Frazier說 他事情發生後,他心中所想到的是他那與被擊中女童年紀相仿的兩個小孩子。 "It was terrible," Frazier said. "I was shaken up a little bit. I hope she is all right. It is something that I wish never happened. It was tough. Tough to watch. Tough to be a part of, to be honest." Frazier說: 「我感到十分震驚,真是太駭人了。 我希望她沒事,也希望這樣的事情永遠沒有發生過。 那實在是非常煎熬的一件事,讓人不忍直視。身處其中實在是非常折磨的。」 The protective netting at Yankee Stadium ends at the home plate side of each dugout. After the game, many players voiced support for more safeguards. 目前洋基球場的保護網是從本壘板後側開始向兩旁延伸直到兩隊休息室的前端結束。而這 場比賽結束後,有許多球員紛紛表態希望能夠有更大範圍的防護網。 "We need it," Yankees All-Star Aaron Judge said. Aaron Judge說:「我們就是需要它(防護網)。」 Twins second baseman Brian Dozier offered his impressions. 雙城隊二壘手Brian Dozier提出了他的想法: "Either, one, you don't bring kids down there, or No. 2, every stadium needs to have nets," Dozier said. "That's it. I don't care about the damn view of a fan or what. It's all about safety. 「要不就是全面禁止小孩幼童坐在該區域,要不就是所有球場都應該要有足夠的防護網。 就是這樣,我才不管有些球迷在那邊抗議他X的會妨礙觀看球賽。安全第一。」 "I still have a knot in my stomach ... I hope the kid's OK. We need nets, or don't put kids down there." 「我到現在內心依舊七上八下,我希望這個女童沒事。 我們就是需要安裝防護網,不然就不准小孩坐在那些區域。」 Major League Baseball issued recommendations for protective netting or screens in December 2015, encouraging teams to have it in place between the ends of the dugouts closest to home plate. 大聯盟官方從2015年12月起就開始建議所有球隊都應該在球場安裝防護網, 涵蓋的區域是從本壘板後側開始向兩旁延伸直到兩邊休息室最靠近本壘的地方。 "It remains an ongoing discussion in the industry,'' commissioner Rob Manfred said at Safeco Field before Wednesday night's game between the Seattle Mariners and Texas Rangers. "We gave some guidelines two years ago, and what we have done since then is that we have encouraged the individual clubs to engage in a localized process, look at their own stadiums -- every stadium's different -- and to try to make a good decision about how far the netting should go in order to promote fan safety. 主席Rob Manfred在當天稍晚時表示: 「我們持續地在討論這個措施的需求性。 約在兩年前,聯盟有提供給各隊一些參考指南, 同時也建議各個球隊針對自己主場的特性來進行相對應的修正, 藉此決定最適合各自球場的防護網所需長度。」 "If you look at what's happened, there has been a continuous focus-forward movement in terms of increased netting in stadiums around the leagues, and I expect that process will continue this offseason." 「而如果你有持續的關心這個事情,你會發現這個措施是有持續在被改善的。 而我也可以預見在球季結束後,各個球場也都會再進行補強。」 The Yankees have been examining the issue, which has been pushed to the forefront by New York City Council member Rafael L. Espinal Jr., who introduced legislation in May that city ballparks should extend their netting to protect fans. 洋基隊是有持續在針對這個問題進行審視,而這個議題在今年五月的時候也被紐約市議員 Rafael L. Espinal Jr.視為正式的法案給提出,要求紐約市內的所有球場都需要增加防 護網涵蓋的範圍。 The New York Mets already have followed making adjustments to Citi Field, extending netting beyond the outfield ends of the dugouts this season following the All-Star break. 大都會隊在今年明星賽休賽期間已經做出相對應的調整, 將防護網的長度一舉延伸到球員休息室靠外野的那一端。 "No one should ever go to a baseball game and leave severely injured," Espinal said in a statement on Wednesday. "Nor should any player have to feel the guilt associated with injuring a fan, especially when that injury could have been prevented by safety nets. Since introducing this legislation, I have been in contact with both teams, and I commend the Mets for stepping to the plate and leading the country by extending their netting farther than any other team. Since then, we have been waiting to hear from the Yankees on their plans on how they will move forward and urge them to let the public know as soon as possible where they stand." Espinal議員在週三表示: 「沒有任何人在看完球賽後應該帶著嚴重的傷勢離開球場, 也沒有任何球員應該抱著因為誤傷球迷產生的愧疚感在場上打球, 尤其是這些是在足夠的防護措施下就可以避免的情形。 在這個事件發生後, 我們希望洋基隊能夠針對這個事情向社會大眾提出一個交代, 讓大家知道他們接下來會怎麼處理問題。」 Over the summer, the Yankees said they were "seriously exploring" extending the netting for 2018. A team spokesman said the team had no comment or update on where it stood on those plans. 洋基隊在今年夏天時曾經表示他們有認真地考量於2018年增加防護網的長度。而他們的發 言人在這次事件發生後表示目前球隊沒有針對上述計畫進行到什麼階段有任何的評論或進 一步的消息。 On Wednesday, players from the Yankees and Twins wished the netting already had been extended as they saw the girl struck. 而這個週三,無論是雙城隊或是洋基隊的球員們, 當他們在看到這個小女童被球擊中時,大家都希望球場的防護網早已在那邊。 "Our players were very disturbed," Girardi said. "I was at Wrigley Field as a player and saw a young man get hit. And I think that he was in a coma for a day or two. And I was catching that game, and it really stuck with me. Girardi說: 「我們的球員感到十分的鬱悶。 當我還是球員時,有一次在Wrigley Field直擊一位年輕男性被球打到, 我記得他好像因此昏迷了一兩天,這件事我到現在仍然揮之不去。」 "Does it happen more now? I don't know. I do think the fans are closer to the home plate now, and that might need to be something that needs to be evaluated." 「我不敢斷言這種意外是否在現在更常發生。 但我的確認為現在球迷們跟本壘板的距離縮短不少。 而這樣的安排恰當恰當與否是值得深思熟慮的。」 球員們為小女童擔憂的照片:http://tinyurl.com/ya769u7a Matt Holiday拭淚:https://streamable.com/gsloq -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1505973634.A.9E2.html

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之前看現場 一堆小鬼坐超前面 根本沒在看球 不意外
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09/21 15:31, , 9F
父母親 也管不動~ 整個背對球場 在那打鬧 搖頭~
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二樓說的那個應該是 黑米要拋球給外野球迷
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小妹妹加油! 另推Dozier <3
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每次看到MLB超低的欄杆 都冒一身冷汗
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