[外電] 舊金山巨人與鳥屎的愛恨情仇

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來源:The Mercury Times 網址:http://tinyurl.com/y74ohtff Bird poop on the minds – and heads – of San Francisco baseball players 舊金山巨人與鳥屎的愛恨情仇 SAN FRANCISCO – Like any player, San Francisco Giants outfielder Denard Span worries about hitting nasty curveballs and losing fly balls in the sun. But he ’s got another concern when he’s playing at his home stadium: birds pooping on him in the field. 跟其他的球員一樣,巨人外野手Denard Span擔心在大太陽下打超噁曲球跟看不到高飛 球;但是他在主場打球的時候還有另外一件心事:鳥拉屎在他身上。 “I’m afraid of them dropping something, using the bathroom on top of me,” Span said. “Or maybe them dropping some food near me and then all of them just freaking swarming me.” 「我很怕他們會掉東西到我頭上,好像我頭上是他們的洗手間似的,」Span說到。「或者 他們掉了些食物到我身邊,然後一整群鳥像瘋了似的衝向我~」 It’s a possibility, considering how regularly flocks of gulls come in off the San Francisco Bay to hover low over the Giants’ AT&T Park. 這是很有可能的,尤其考慮到舊金山海灣的海鷗群們盤據在巨人球場上空。 Sports venues across the country struggle to wave off pigeons, bats and gulls, but the two Bay Area ballparks’ proximity to the water and dumps attracts birds in large flocks. It has been such a problem at the Oakland Coliseum that stadium operations officials added a pair of vinyl kites this season in an effort to fend them off. 美國各個球場都很努力在趕走一些動物,像是鴿子,蝙蝠跟海鷗;但是舊金山灣區的兩個 球場靠海又靠近垃圾掩埋場,更吸引了大批鳥類。奧克蘭運動家主場今年還加了一對風 箏,看能不能趕走鳥。 Gulls typically feed at dumps, but marine biologists say recent efforts taken by some nearby sites to bury the waste faster have kept the feathered creatures away. Now, the gulls circle Bay Area ballparks in the hundreds to scour for leftovers such as those popular garlic fries, creating a nuisance for fans and players – not to mention the grounds crew that goes back to work on the infield, basepaths and mound the moment a game ends. 海鷗通常吃垃圾掩埋場的東西,但是海洋生物學家表示最近掩埋場都很快的把垃圾蓋住, 已經把這些海鷗趕走了。現在,這些海鷗就盤據在舊金山灣區球場,搜尋看有沒有剩下的 食物,像是大蒜薯條;這對球迷跟球員都造成了麻煩--更不要說球場工作人員在球賽結束 後得要去場內,球場通道跟投手丘清理。 That prompted the two teams to experiment with unconventional measures of dealing with their respective bird business. 這讓灣區的兩個球隊嘗試用非正統方式來處理這樁「鳥」事。 In Oakland, the bird brigade was becoming such a problem that the Athletics added two falcon-shaped kites this season to try to scare off the gulls. The kites even have catchy nicknames chosen by fans: “Falcon McFalconface” and “Scott Hattebird,” after former A’s star Scott Hatteberg. 在奧克蘭,鳥類大軍實在太嚴重了,所以球場今年加了兩個獵鷹形狀的風箏來嚇走海鷗。 球迷對這兩隻獵鷹風箏實在太喜愛了,喜歡到幫他們取名字,一隻叫「麥獵鷹」(Falcon McFalconface),另外一隻用運動家的明星球員Scott Hatteberg來命名,叫「哈鳥史考 特」(Scott Hattebird)。 “We took off the tarps in the third deck for the first time in several years, so it seemed to open up the opportunity for the birds to come,” said David Rinetti, the A’s vice president of stadium operations. 「我們把三樓看台的柏油帆布這幾年第一次拿下來,這樣似乎讓這些鳥有機會可以來,」 運動家球場營運副總裁David Rinetti說到。 There were a few day games this season when more than 300 gulls circled in and around the ballpark. Players and fans noticed, complaining the birds were making a mess. So Rinetti and his staff needed a solution – and fast. 今年球季有幾場比賽竟有超過300隻海鷗盤旋在奧克蘭球場。球員跟球迷抱怨這群鳥搞破 壞,所以Rinetti跟他的工作人員得要找出解決之道--而且要快。 “I looked up ‘bird abatement, Bay Area’ online and came up with a company that provided these kites that are falcons that supposedly worked to keep seagulls away,” Rinetti said. 「我上網找了『灣區+除鳥』,找到了一個公司有賣獵鷹風箏,據稱可以趕走海鷗,」 Rinetti說到。 They are doing the job so far. The duo even startled Span when the Giants played a Bay Bridge Series game in Oakland earlier this month. 這兩隻「獵鷹風箏」效果不錯,甚至在這個月巨人來奧克蘭打球的時候嚇了Denard Span一 跳。 “It got me at first. I thought they were real,” the center fielder said. 「一開始真的嚇到我,我還以為他們是活的,」巨人中外野手Span說。 At the Giants’ waterfront ballpark, as fans leave, another competition begins: gulls fly in from McCovey Cove to hunt for snacks. 在巨人的球場,球迷離開後,另外一場競技才要開始:海鷗大軍大舉從右外野外的舊金山 灣飛入球場,尋找食物。 “They eat food, scoop it up, compost it,” Giants head groundskeeper Greg Elliott said. “It’s fine for us, but the birds are more of a nuisance for ballplayers.” 「他們把找到食物,挖起來,嗑掉,然後一切回歸大自然,」巨人場地看守組組長Greg Elliott說到。「對我們來說還好,但是對球員來說這群鳥軍就很討厭了。」 In 2012, the Giants were counting on a red-tailed hawk nicknamed Bruce Lee to solve their “gull-drums.” His presence kept the skies clear for a while. The team built a box for Lee to nest in, hoping to keep the gull-chasing predator at AT&T Park, Giants senior vice president of ballpark operations Jorge Costa explained at the time. 巨人資深球場營運副總裁Jorge Costa說到,在2012,巨人期盼一支暱稱叫「李小龍」的紅 尾鵟可以解決他們的「鳥事」。「李小龍」著實讓球場天空平靜了一陣子,球團甚至幫 「李小龍」建了個巢好讓牠住,希望這趕鳥高手可以常駐巨人球場。 Yet Lee has since left his post, and, naturally, the gulls are back. 不過,「李小龍」後來離開了,想當然,海鷗就回來了。 Eating leftovers is far from healthy for the birds, said marine biologist Dr. Jim Harvey, director of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Monterey County. 海洋生物學家哈維博士說吃剩食對鳥類來說是極不健康的。 “They’re supposed to be eating fish and squid,” he said, “so eating human food, especially ballpark food, that’s not good.” 「牠們應該要吃魚跟烏賊的,」海洋生物學家哈維博士表示,「吃人類的食物,尤其是球 場賣的,那是不健康的。」 Harvey, who also happens to be a longtime Giants season ticketholder, said he is hardly optimistic that baseball franchises will find a permanent, perfect solution because birds always adapt. 哈維博士自己本身也是巨人季票的持有者,他說他對球團是否能找到一個治本的方法感到 悲觀,因為鳥軍總是可以找到出路。 “You can put a physical barrier up, create netting around the whole park. But that’s not going to happen,” he said. 「你當然可以用個什麼東西把球場圍起來,像是用網子把整個球場包住,只是那是不可能 發生的,」哈維博士說。 Span just wishes fans might consider doing their part by cleaning up their own messes, if only to benefit the birds – and keep them as far as possible from his center field workspace, of course. Span只希望球迷可以考慮在離場的時候把他們的吃剩的東西帶走,另外看能不能把這群鳥 趕離他的中外野越遠越好。 “It is like a snow globe, and I’m surprised that one of them has not been struck by the ball,” longtime Giants bench coach Ron Wotus said. 「那一大群鳥看起來就像是風景禮品店裡賣的雪花水晶球,我很驚訝他們居然還沒被球打 到過,」巨人板凳教練Ron Wotus說。 Freak ballpark accidents involving birds have happened in the past. 不過棒球場的「鳥不可思議事件」倒是有發生過。 Hall of Fame left-handed pitcher Randy Johnson struck and killed a dove with a pitch in 2001. The now-infamous video clip shows the ball drilling the bird, sending an explosion of white feathers into the air. 名人堂左投「巨怪」Randy Johnson曾經在2001年投球時打死了一隻鴿子,那網路瘋傳的影 片顯示球打到了鴿子,「碰!」就爆炸了,然後鳥就GG惹。 In 1983, star Yankees outfielder Dave Winfield inadvertently took a gull’s life in Toronto making a throw between innings. Police charged him with animal cruelty, but the charges were later dropped. 在1983年,洋基明星外野手Dave Winfield在多倫多球場出賽,在局間轉換時練球不小心打 死了一隻海鷗。警方控他虐待動物,但是之後控訴就撤銷了。 Wotus joked that if an accident does happen again, perhaps the Giants might take advantage. 巨人板凳教練Wotus開玩笑說,若是那種狀況現在發生的話,或許巨人可以把握一下機會。 “We can use a seagull ricochet for an RBI double,” he said, chuckling. 「我們可以用『場地海鷗安打』打個有一分打點的的二壘打,」Wotus笑說。 -- 應該可以在球團網站徵主意,應該有不少人會提供才是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1503645902.A.1E3.html

08/25 15:42, , 1F
去年去舊金山 我的午餐漢堡直接被海鷗叼走
08/25 15:42, 1F

08/25 15:43, , 2F
比賽結束 大概有近百隻的海鷗飛進來球場找食物
08/25 15:43, 2F

08/25 15:44, , 3F
樓上好酷喔! 你的漢堡大概剩多大塊?
08/25 15:44, 3F

08/25 16:11, , 4F
08/25 16:11, 4F

08/25 17:01, , 5F
08/25 17:01, 5F

08/25 17:12, , 6F
記得幾年前有場比賽是再見鳥安 直接打到中外野草地上的鳥
08/25 17:12, 6F

08/25 17:13, , 7F
使得CF沒辦法處裡球XD 好像是印地安人的比賽
08/25 17:13, 7F

08/25 17:17, , 9F
08/25 17:17, 9F

08/25 17:32, , 10F
08/25 17:32, 10F

08/25 18:03, , 11F
08/25 18:03, 11F

08/25 18:15, , 12F
08/25 18:15, 12F

08/25 18:27, , 13F
08/25 18:27, 13F

08/25 19:24, , 14F
Scott Hattebird XDDDDDDD
08/25 19:24, 14F

08/25 20:23, , 15F
我的漢堡全沒了 再去買一個 in-N-out排有夠久的
08/25 20:23, 15F

08/25 23:34, , 16F
08/25 23:34, 16F

08/25 23:36, , 17F
,但沒想到會是這樣:P 另外幫ryan21100879推 Q_Q
08/25 23:36, 17F

08/25 23:36, , 18F
08/25 23:36, 18F

08/25 23:56, , 19F
為了鳥兒的身體健康, 建議以後改賣烤魚和烤烏賊好了(
08/25 23:56, 19F

08/26 00:11, , 20F
上次在灣區 一隻海鷗直接撞飛我的食物 其他的海鷗一湧而
08/26 00:11, 20F

08/26 00:11, , 21F
上 就消失了
08/26 00:11, 21F

08/26 00:32, , 22F
08/26 00:32, 22F

08/26 02:52, , 23F
08/26 02:52, 23F

08/26 02:55, , 24F
08/26 02:55, 24F

08/26 07:07, , 25F
08/26 07:07, 25F

08/26 09:29, , 26F
08/26 09:29, 26F

08/26 20:15, , 27F
08/26 20:15, 27F
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