[外電] 小熊帶來的世界大賽嬰兒潮

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原文連結:https://goo.gl/8sQEVY A Cubs World Series baby boom? Some parents and hospitals think so 小熊帶來的世界大賽嬰兒潮 -- Last fall, Jackie Young told her husband a joyous but unexpected bit of news: She was pregnant. 去年秋天,Jackie Young告訴她的丈夫一則有點出乎意料卻令人開心的消息:她懷孕了。 The couple did the math to figure out when their baby was conceived and landed on the night of Nov. 2 — Game 7 of the World Series. The two longtime Cubs fans, swept up by the magic of the Cubs' victory, marked the end of the 108-year championship drought with their own celebration. 這對夫妻算了算,發現小孩在11月2日晚間懷上的──正好是世界大賽第七戰。終結 108年的冠軍荒,小熊勝利的旋風朝這兩位長期支持小熊的球迷席捲而來,而他們自身也 有了慶祝此刻的理由。 "She was a surprise," said Jackie's husband, Phil, about his newborn daughter, born three weeks ago. The couple named her Ivy — a nod to the baseball team that did the unthinkable that November night. "I don't think you plan for a World Series baby," he said with a laugh. 「她是個驚喜。」老爸這麼形容他三周前出生的女兒。他們決定叫她Ivy,藉此向在那晚 達成不凡壯舉的球隊致意。「我不認為妳計畫好要生個世界大賽寶寶。」他笑著說。 Nine months after the World Series win, it appears other couples may not have planned for this either. Chicago hospitals are reporting a spike in the number of births this month, and doctors are hearing anecdotally that the mothers visiting their delivery rooms conceived their children during the Cubs' playoffs. The due dates typically start in July and carry into August. 九個月過去了,似乎有另一對夫妻也沒有事先計畫好。芝加哥的醫院報告本月的新生 兒人數有遽增的情形,而醫生們亦聽聞這群進產房的媽咪是在小熊打季後賽期間懷上的。 預產期差不多就在7、8月附近。 At Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, doctors say they've noticed the number of deliveries going up and expect the trend to continue through August. Between July 10 and 18, the stretch with the highest surge, the hospital had almost double the amount of deliveries each day compared with its normal average, said Dr. Melissa Dennis, vice chairwoman of obstetrics and gynecology. While she can't scientifically link the birth increase to the World Series, she said those babies' due dates could have easily fallen on July 26 — exactly 38 weeks after Game 7. An average pregnancy is 38 to 40 weeks depending on how it is measured. 在Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center,醫生表示他們注意到嬰兒誕生數攀升, 並預期會持續到8月。婦產科醫師Dennis說7月10至18日間誕生潮達到高峰時,院內的產房 幾乎變得比平時要忙碌兩倍。雖然無法發現該現象與世界大賽間存在科學性的連結,她提 到寶寶們的預產期大概落在7月26日,也就是第七戰後38週。或因測量標準而定,這差不多 是一般妊娠所需的時間。 "Whether it's the natural ebb and flow of labor and delivery or the Cubs celebration?" Dennis asked. "We can leave that up to the imagination." 「這是正常的起伏還是慶祝小熊奪冠之故?」Dennis問道,「我們能夠交予想像力決定。 」 Major sports victories are known to trigger baby booms, and some experts say the Cubs' World Series victory won't be an exception. Researchers with the BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal, concluded in a 2013 study that the heightened euphoria following a sports victory can spur sensations that lead to intimate celebrations, and, in turn, unplanned pregnancies. 已知職業運動的奪冠熱潮常導致嬰兒潮出現,有專家認為這次的小熊也不例外。英國醫學 期刊的學者在一份2013年的研究指出職業運動勝利造成的狂喜可引發人們用親密的方式慶 祝,還有隨之而來的意外懷孕。 They cite the group of children known as the "Iniesta generation" — who were conceived in the hours after FC Barcelona player Andres Iniesta scored a last-minute goal against Chelsea FC in May 2009, which put Barcelona in the UEFA Champions League Final. The study found that nine months later, births were up 16 percent. 學者引一群被稱為「伊涅斯塔世代」的孩子為例──2009年,巴塞隆納球員安德烈斯·伊 涅斯塔於最後一分鐘破門,帶領球隊晉級歐冠決賽後數小時內,他們的母親中獎了。九個 月後,新生人口數多了16%。 The Boston Globe in 2005 reported a "Red Sox phenomenon." Nine months after the Red Sox beat the St. Louis Cardinals and ended an 85-year championship drought, Red Sox onesies were flying off the shelves, and there was a spike in children named Manny, for Manny Ramirez, the 2004 World Series MVP. 波士頓環球報於2005年報導一種「紅襪現象」。紅襪擊敗紅雀結束85年的冠軍荒後九個月 ,店舖裡的紅襪嬰兒裝都被「下架」了,也多了一群叫Manny的小孩,而2004世界大賽MVP 就是Manny Ramirez。 But baby booms aren't exclusive to sports victories. Media reports have linked storms and natural disasters, like Hurricane Sandy, to increased birth rates. Dennis, the doctor at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, said the hospital noticed a baby boom after the 2011 Chicago blizzard. 然而嬰兒潮並非職業運動專屬,由媒體報導可知像颶風珊迪之類的天災也會提升出生率。 Dennis醫生說2011年的芝加哥暴雪後,亦有一陣嬰兒潮出現。 Researchers agree that births spike in September, nine months after December, as a result of the "Christmas effect." Some members of the media have tried to predict baby booms as well: The birth of Britain's Prince George in 2013 was expected to cause a "copy-Kate" effect, according to British media reports, but birth statistics show an increase likely never happened. 學者們一致同意「聖誕節效應」會使新生兒在翌年九月增多。有一些媒體試圖預測嬰兒潮 :英國媒體預測2013年誕生的喬治王子將引領一陣模仿效應,結果數據顯示一切如常。 Baby booms in general are often hard to track, especially if linked with an event or celebration, said Dr. Jessica Kiley, chief of general obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University. While she says families at the hospital have mentioned their babies' World Series ties, the hospital's labor delivery units almost always see a surge in births during the summer months. 任職於西北大學的婦產科醫師Kiley認為一般而言,嬰兒潮難以被追蹤,尤其當人們將其 和特定事件作連結時更是如此。儘管有家庭表示他們的寶寶和世界大賽有所關聯,但是醫 院的相關單位幾乎每年夏天都會發現出生人數增加。 "Anecdotally, we've had fun families that mentioned they think they conceived around the time of the victory," Kiley said. "That's fun for families here. But whether there's truth scientifically? I certainly can't comment." 「我們有些有趣的家屬說小孩是大約奪冠的時候有的。」Kiley說,「那對家屬來說很有 意思,不過究竟是否有科學根據呢?我實在無法評論。」 Don McDonough, a regional executive at Merrill Edge, an online brokerage service, said he has clients who've had unexpected pregnancies resulting from celebrations. He works with parents overwhelmed by the finances that come with unexpected pregnancies: child care, insurance and college savings. 提供線上經紀服務的Merrill Edge區域執行長說他的客戶就有因慶祝而意外得到小孩的人 ,這驚喜讓他們必須處理孩童照護、保險和課業支出等問題。 "I don't have hard data around it, but you do see stuff like this happen during jubilant times," McDonough said. 「我沒有明確的數據,但你真的能發現這種事就在令人喜悅的時候發生。」 He said he's certain there will be a Cubs baby boom simply because of the 108-year drought. While he knows parents may face financial stress, he encourages them to take it one day at a time. 他很確定108的冠軍荒後會有一陣小熊嬰兒潮。即使父母可能要面對一些財務壓力,他還 是鼓勵他們順其自然。 "Have fun," he said. "I'm a parent, and I think for parents it looks daunting. There's a lot to think about. But this goes by so fast, so have some fun with it." 「開心過吧。我也為人父母,雖然要操一堆心、令人畏縮,可是一下就過去了,所以就 開心過吧。」 Phil Young, Ivy's father, is a lifelong Cubs fan who grew up watching ballgames on his couch with his dad, listening to Harry Caray. He met Jackie Young in college at the University of Iowa, and she quickly became a Cubs fan too. They spent their first days as newlyweds in Wrigleyville in 2008, bringing a banner to a game that read "Honeymoon at Wrigley." They now live in the Quad Cities. Ivy的父親從小就是和爸爸一起窩在沙發上看Harry Caray播報球賽的小熊迷。他在大學遇 見Ivy的媽,然後她很快地就變成小熊迷了。新婚首日就在瑞格利球場度過,還帶上寫著 「瑞格利度蜜月」的橫幅。他們現居闊德城。 Both remember the moments after Game 7 as electric. 第七戰讓他們倆印象深刻。 "It was so dramatic in light of the history, there's just a ton of weight on the game, so when it went our way, the celebration for everyone, everywhere, was real," Phil Young said. 「從歷史的角度來看,太戲劇性了。這是場沉重的比賽,所以當我們贏了,每個人、每一 處都在真正的慶祝。」 Ivy, their third child, will be a living reminder of that pivotal night. But her birth represents another miracle too. Ivy was born prematurely, at 32 weeks, after a difficult pregnancy. 這孩子將時常讓人回憶起那關鍵的一夜,而她的誕生亦是一個奇蹟。Ivy是僅32週就出生 的早產兒,懷孕期間也遭遇一些困難。 "The fact that she's at home now breathing and eating and acting like a normal baby, it's miraculous. It kind of lines up with the drama and miracle that was the postseason," he said. 「她就在家裡像個普通嬰兒一樣呼吸、進食,行為也無異狀,真是神奇。像是隨著那年季 後賽的精采和奇蹟而來。」 -- 百年等級的嬰兒潮?漫長的等待開花結果時人們就克制不住了。 翻譯若有不足之處請多包涵。 -- Sent from PCMan on my ASUS K53S. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1501159417.A.367.html

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※ 編輯: Zauber (, 07/27/2017 21:05:04

07/27 21:06, , 7F
所以今年9/3號出生的嬰兒都是那一晚製造的 ?!
07/27 21:06, 7F

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07/27 21:09, , 10F
讓人充滿希望感就會懷孕~ 看台灣就知道這道理(反例)
07/27 21:09, 10F

07/27 21:32, , 11F
奪冠的打砲 被淘汰的只能尻槍 哭哭騎士
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07/27 21:53, , 13F
布萊恩的播種功力 我一向是服氣的
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07/27 21:57, , 15F
蹦出一堆菜市場名 女的叫Ivy,男的都叫Kris!
07/27 21:57, 15F

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07/27 22:16, , 18F
那種緊繃比賽後 奪冠瘋狂慶祝 結束還能推推 出來的一定是出
07/27 22:16, 18F

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middle name: Wrigley
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07/28 00:41, , 31F
我外甥就是去年騎士奪冠夜製造的 冠軍嬰兒潮是真的!
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Pique: 我就說吧!
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07/28 08:51, , 38F
竟然可以在這看到小白 現在是老白了
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