[情報]Padres discussing SP Weaver, Peavy

看板MLB作者 (天大地大)時間7年前 (2016/12/23 15:55), 6年前編輯推噓45(4507)
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Padres reportedly discussing a pair of veteran pitchers past their prime 據傳教士正在商議簽下兩位過氣的老將投手。 The San Diego Padres don't appear set for contention next season, and a duo of past-prime starting pitchers isn't going to change that, but here we are: The Padres are reportedly looking at free agent starting pitchers Jered Weaver and Jake Peavy. 看不出來教士隊在明年的球季有甚麼競爭力,就算找兩個過氣的投手來也不會改變甚麼,但 教士隊打算這麼做。據傳,他們正在與Jered Weaver還有Jake Peavy接洽當中。 Weaver, 34, was 12-12 with a 5.06 ERA, 1.46 WHIP and just 103 strikeouts in 178 innings last season. He led the AL with 37 home runs allowed. His velocity is dipping down into the low-80s and even high-70s. Yes, on his fastball. Weaver,34歲,在去年球季繳出了12勝12敗,防禦率5.06,WHIP1.46以及僅僅103次三振的成 績單,被打出的37支全壘打在美聯投手群中排第一,他的球速掉到了80mi出頭甚至剩7字頭, 你沒看錯,這是他速球的球速。 Peavy, 35, was 5-9 with a 5.54 ERA, 1.43 WHIP and 102 strikeouts in 118 2/3 innings for the Giants. Peavy,35歲,他去年在巨人隊的成績是5勝9敗,防禦率5.54,WHIP1.43,在118又2/3局的投球 投出了102次三振。 The Padres recently added Clayton Richard and Jhoulys Chacin. The rest of the rotation right now appears to be Luis Perdomo, Christian Friedrich and Paul Clemens. 教士隊剛簽下Clayton Richards和Jhoulys Chacin,而其他的輪值名單則由 Luis Perdomo , Christian Friedrich and Paul Clemens來填補。 Why would the Padres be talking to these guys? Three reasons: 教士隊為何還要考慮簽下織織和皮維呢? 1. Innings. Teams in a rebuild need to get through innings without overworking youngsters -- not to mention worries about running youngsters into the ground, confidence-wise, if they aren't yet ready to perform in the bigs. 原因(1)-局數:重建中的球隊需要一些手臂來分擔投球局數以避免年輕新秀被操壞,更不用 說把心智、信心尚未發展健全的新秀拉上來大聯盟會造成的傷害的疑慮了。 2. Locker room. Both of these guys have been around winning teams -- Peavy has two rings -- and it never hurts to have those types of voices around rebuilding teams. 原因(2)-休息室氣氛:這兩位老將之前都待過實力堅強的球隊,Peavy還拿過兩次冠軍,讓他 們來對這支重建球隊的年輕新秀耳提面命絕對不是件壞事。 3. Sign-and-flip possibility. If either of these guys pitches well in the first half of the season, there's a possibility the Padres can get something back for them in trade season. It might be a longshot, but the chance of flipping either is greater than zero, so it doesn't hurt anything. 原因(3)-開樂透並逢高賣出的可能:如果這兩位老將在球季前半段投得還不錯的話,那麼教 士就可能會以他們當作交易籌碼,雖然機會可能不大,但總是比0還要高,所以簽下來也無傷 大雅。 Note that the Padres right now are only committed to $27.9 million in post-arbitration salaries and including everyone, the estimated roster payroll, which doesn't even come to $55 million, is the lowest in baseball by a significant margin. 教士隊全隊薪資總額加起來連55M都沒有,是全聯盟最低,且跟倒數第二名還有一大段差距 So while it sounds incredibly unexciting -- and that's probably being nice -- adding either or both of these guys wouldn't be a terrible idea. 雖然聽起來不怎麼讓人興奮,但簽下兩位其中之一或者兩者都簽不會是個餿主意。 來源:goo.gl/zNFlbn -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1482479742.A.299.html

12/23 15:58, , 1F
12/23 15:58, 1F

12/23 16:05, , 2F
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12/23 16:12, , 3F
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12/23 16:12, , 4F
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12/23 16:15, , 5F
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12/23 16:17, , 6F
過7投手 時代眼淚
12/23 16:17, 6F

12/23 16:23, , 7F
過氣就過氣 過什麼7... 又哪來的語言阿
12/23 16:23, 7F

12/23 16:26, , 8F
幫QQ 時代眼淚希望有舞台發揮
12/23 16:26, 8F

12/23 16:32, , 9F
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12/23 16:34, , 10F
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12/23 16:40, , 11F
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12/23 16:45, , 12F
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12/23 16:47, , 13F
看看能不能調教成 ithrow87 XD
12/23 16:47, 13F

12/23 16:49, , 14F
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12/23 16:49, , 15F
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12/23 16:54, , 16F
總有錯覺PEAVY已經很老不知道是不是MVP BASEBALL04原因
12/23 16:54, 16F

12/23 16:57, , 17F
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12/23 16:58, , 18F
12/23 16:58, 18F

12/23 16:59, , 19F
12/23 16:59, 19F

12/23 17:02, , 20F
我記得之前好像有個影片酸Weaver 投一球像過一生XDD
12/23 17:02, 20F

12/23 17:26, , 21F
ithrow88 :林北準備復出啦
12/23 17:26, 21F

12/23 17:31, , 22F
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12/23 17:31, , 23F
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12/23 17:49, , 24F
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12/23 17:51, , 25F
沒事 讓棒球飛一會兒
12/23 17:51, 25F

12/23 17:51, , 26F
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12/23 17:52, , 27F
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12/23 17:55, , 28F
坦好幾年了 也坦不出什麼 外野三個新人看能不能養起來
12/23 17:55, 28F

12/23 18:23, , 29F
12/23 18:23, 29F

12/23 18:24, , 30F
12/23 18:24, 30F

12/23 18:36, , 31F
Peavy還算可啦 跟球隊也有淵源 Weaver就不推了..
12/23 18:36, 31F

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12/23 19:17, , 33F
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12/23 19:55, , 34F
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12/23 20:00, , 35F
what does 7 say
12/23 20:00, 35F

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12/23 21:56, , 38F
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12/23 22:06, , 39F
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12/23 23:33, , 40F
拜託關皮回教士 當年來不及買球衣現在有機會收了
12/23 23:33, 40F

12/24 00:04, , 41F
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12/24 00:27, , 43F
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12/24 00:37, , 44F
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12/24 09:36, , 45F
Peavy拿過兩次冠軍 不過那兩次他的表現.... 科科
12/24 09:36, 45F

12/24 09:57, , 46F
12/24 09:57, 46F

12/24 12:44, , 47F
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12/24 22:59, , 50F
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12/25 13:42, , 51F
麻煩是PV到季後賽就變了一個人 不過SD幾年內不必煩惱這個
12/25 13:42, 51F

01/02 23:22, , 52F
01/02 23:22, 52F
※ 編輯: NKUHT (, 10/21/2017 20:20:28
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