CARLOS CORREA - Every Single Day (PT)

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Every Single Day - Carlos Correa People ask me if I put pressure on myself. Honestly, I don't. To me, pressure creates distractions and there is no time for distractions in baseball. To play this game you need to be as focused as possible. When you work hard every single day and you prepare yourself the right way, there should be no doubt in your mind you are going to perform out there. 人們常問我會不會給自己壓力......老實說,我不這麼做。對我而言,壓力會使人分心,而且打棒球非常需要專注。你需要聚精會神才能打出好球。你如果每天好好的努力並為自己做出最適當的備戰訓練,那你在球場上肯定會表現得不錯。 That's what I'm focused on, during the season and during the offseason. My goal is just to get better every single day so I can make my team better — improve my skills so I can help our team compete for a ring. 無論是球季中或休賽期間,我都著重在這上面。我的目標就是每天都有進步,所以我才能為球隊貢獻......增進自己的球技以幫助球隊問鼎冠軍。 If the season started today, I'd be ready.I'm good to go. 我已經準備就緒了......如果今天球季開打,我馬上就能進入狀況。 Several times a week I start with a morning workout on the beach in Santa Isabel where I grew up. I've been coming here since I was five years old. 我經常在早上就到聖伊莎貝爾海灘作訓練。從五歲開始,我就常來這邊晃晃。 On the beach I concentrate on speed, agility, reaction time and plyometrics. I come here to strengthen my legs. This is my favorite workout. 在海灘上,我會針對速度、靈活度、反應時間以及彈跳力所訓練。在這,我練我的腿部,而這是我最喜歡的訓練。 Whenever I felt like I needed to gain more speed I would come to this beach to train. It made my legs stronger. It made me faster. It's been working for me so far, so I do it every year. 只要我覺得我需要增強我的速度,我就會來到這海灘上訓練。它讓我的腿部變得更強壯,也讓我變得更靈敏。多年來,這訓練對我非常有效,所以我一直堅持。 I got my work ethic from my dad. He worked construction when I was growing up. 我的工作態度是學習在我長大過程中,擔任建築工的家父。 My dad inspired me to work out really hard every single day. The focus I have, I work towards a goal. I have a goal every year — I have big goals for this year and I'm working to try to accomplish them. I always have goals that make me jump out of bed every morning. That's how I focus and look forward to something. 我父親啟發了我,讓我每天都很認真地訓練自己。我都著重在達到自每年所設下己的目標。今年我設下了幾個遠大的目標,而我正在為這些目標而奮鬥。擁有這些目標,讓我每天大清早就下床後作訓練。我的企盼及我的專注,由此而生。 Kayaking is a great workout because it's the best of all worlds. It's fun, it's exercise and it's spending time with the family. I always love to mix up my activities to make hard work fun. 划獨木舟是個很棒的運動因為它讓我受益良多。它除了好玩跟精實自己以外,最重要的是,它讓我可以讓我陪陪家人。我總是喜歡把東西混再一起,這樣可以苦中作樂。 Most days I wake up at 9 a.m. and head straight to the gym. I'll work out for two full hours before going home for a meal and to rest. 通常我都九點起床,然後跑到健身房。經過兩個小時後,我再回去吃飯休息。 I'm the weight I want to be. I'm 221 right now, which is a good weight for a shortstop of my size (6'4"). 我覺得我現在很好。我現在是100公斤左右,而這體重對像我這樣大(193公分)的游擊手來講非常適當。 I don't want to get too big. I want to be able to play shortstop for most of my career, so I need to stay lean, quick, fast, agile, strong and explosive. I'm building towards all of that with my work in the weight room. 我不想變得太大隻。我想要在我生涯大部分時間擔任游擊手,所以我必須保持我的身材、速度、靈敏度、爆發力等等......而這些我都在重訓時努力維持或增強。 This season my mentality is different because I know I have a spot on the big league roster. Last year I was coming off an injury, so I knew I'd be starting in the minors. I was just trying to make it to the big leagues. This season is different: I'm working knowing I'll be the starting shortstop for the Houston Astros. 今年我的心態比較不一樣,因為我知道我有位子了。去年剛傷癒復出,所以我知道我會從小聯盟開季。我當時只是想要升上去。今年就不一樣了......今年我就是要穩定先發,擔任太空人隊的當家游擊手。 Last season was amazing. I always pictured myself getting to the big leagues, but I didn't visualize it happening so quickly. Now it's about building on last year and staying focused on what's ahead. 去年真的是個神奇的一季。我以前總是幻想著自己上大聯盟的樣子,但未料到會這麼快就上去。現在就是要以去年為基準,持續的進步,專注在未來的表現。 There are so many things in the game that you can't control. You can be in great shape. You can be hitting the ball hard every time, but hitting it right at people. You can't control that. 在棒球場上,有許多東西是無法控制的。你可能狀況很棒、擊球都鏗鏘有力,但是結果是無法控制的。 Most nights I head to a nearby stadium to practice hitting and fielding. My brother comes and works out with me. My whole family is there, and fans come to encourage us. 我常在晚上,到附近的球場練打擊跟守備。我兄弟會來並跟我一起訓練。我的整個家庭和粉絲都會到場替我們打氣。 Heading into the off-season I wanted to improve on every single aspect of my game: get faster, get stronger, improve on defense, improve on offense, improve on everything. But most importantly my goal now is to have a solid season and to help my team make the playoffs again — and eventually, to win it all. 球季結束後,我就想要讓我的球技變得更全面,更強。但是,最重要的,我的目標是要在下一季有好的表現並幫助太空人隊重返季後賽,最後拿下世界大賽冠軍。 I love playing this game, so for me to be able to be a role model playing this beautiful game and be able to have kids at my practices watching me do what I do every day to get better … That is what I want to be able to do for the rest of my career, so they can follow in my footsteps and hopefully we can have more Carlos Correas out there in the big leagues. 我熱愛棒球,所以我希望我能在我的球員生涯中,成為孩子們的模範,讓這些圍觀我練習的孩子們,看到我的付出,我的堅持。希望這些孩子們能夠為自己的夢想而努力。也希望有朝一日,能看到更多的Carlos Correa,在大聯盟的球場上,展現球技,大放異彩。 -- I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee. -Joe Dimaggio, 1949. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: BHviolin88 (, 02/24/2016 13:06:19

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推 然後是重"訓"不是訊喔 再麻煩版大改一下!
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※ 編輯: BHviolin88 (, 02/24/2016 16:21:51

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