[閒聊] Dansby Swanson的故事

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剛好在上班的空檔看到去年的選秀狀元Dansby Swanson的故事 最近其實有點不順,看到其實有ㄧ些感觸想要一起跟大家分享 ㄧ直是個勇士迷之前也有在他關注他大學的賽事! 那時勇士隊可以交易他來讓我興奮了好多天也讓我變成他最大的球迷! 第一次做翻譯~希望大家有時間可以看完也希望不吝指教! 已經知道這兩三年勇士隊要在坦了!但假如能在中看到ㄧ些新秀成長成明星 也是看球的樂趣阿!! 原文在這: http://www.theplayerstribune.com/dansby-swanson-atlanta-braves-trade/ 以下故事開始~ 有點長但還是希望大家看完! I’m sure you’ve already heard.” My dad’s home in Marietta, my childhood home near Atlanta, and I already know exactly where he is in the house. Before he says it, I even know what channel he’s watching. “Yup,” my dad says, “I just turned on the MLB network.” My dad’s my go-to person in life. Always the first person I call when something big is going down. “我相信你早已經聽說了” 我長大的家在Marietta,一個很接近亞特蘭大市區的地方。甚至不用他說我就已經知道他 現在在房子裡的哪個地方或在看什麼頻道了! 不如我所意外地我爸回:我剛打開MLB頻道就看到了新聞! 當我人生有什麼重要事情發生時,我爸永遠是我第一個會打電話分享的人! I’m driving around Nashville and my phone’s buzzing from incoming texts — literally hundreds of texts, and lots of them from numbers I don’t recognize. My dad’s phone is blowing up too, so we keep the call short. We only talk for about 30 seconds, but I’ll never forget what he said before we hung up. “God always has a plan. It’s our job to figure out that plan. And that’s the beauty of life.” 當時我正在田納西州的那什米爾開車。而我的手機不停地在響,至少有上百封的簡訊傳進 來,其中大部分都是我從來沒看過的號碼。我爸的手機也同時在響,所以我們大概只講了 三十秒的話。但我永遠不會忘記在掛斷前他所講的一句話 “’上天對我們永遠都有安排。而我們的任務是去找出他對我們的安排是什麼。而這就是 人生美妙之處” * Let me take you back to when I found out the news. An hour before, it had been a normal day. I was at dinner at BB King’s in Nashville with my girlfriend and some Nike officials who were in town for Winter Meetings. It was still more than two months until I had to report back to the Diamondbacks — in what would be my first full season for a big league organization. In the middle of dinner, life decided to deal me some new cards. A text came in from a friend. It just said three words: “Is it true?” 回到我聽到交易的當下。大約在一個小時前~一切都是很平凡的一天!我正在跟我女友跟幾 個Nike的人在那什米爾一家爵士餐廳吃飯。離我回響尾蛇隊報到展開第一個開始的完整球 季還有兩個月。 在吃飯的當下我突然收到朋友傳來只有四個字的簡訊”是真的嗎” This is last December, right in the swing of trade season, so I knew the “ news” could really only mean two things: either the Diamondbacks landed a big-time pitcher … or I was getting traded. After a flurry of calls with my agent, it turned out that both things were true. The D-backs were getting Shelby Miller. And I was going to the Braves. When I got the call from my agent, he confirmed it. “You’re going to Atlanta.” 在去年12月交易頻傳時我知道這種簡訊通常只代表兩件事,要馬響尾蛇隊拿到了一個大投 手或我被交易了。我馬上打給我的經紀人而事實是兩件事都發生了! 響尾蛇隊得到Shelby Miller,而我要成為勇士隊的一員了 PHOTOGRAPH BY MATT KARTOZIAN/USA TODAY SPORTS I don’t think I processed it right away. I needed a getaway. After dinner, and after I called my dad, I knew exactly where I’d go. I drove to Memorial Gym, the home court of the Vanderbilt basketball team. I parked and went in, knowing I’d have the gym all to myself. It was just me, a basketball and my headphones. When I put my iPod on shuffle, Young Jeezy, the Atlanta-born rapper, came on. It felt like a sign — however small — of my pride in where I’m from. I started to shoot around. One shot after another. I was able to clear my mind and be alone with my thoughts. In between songs, there was just the sound of the ball echoing off the walls of the gym. 我當下沒有馬上反應過來。我開車到范德堡大學的籃球場。我打開我的ipod開始投籃。我 可以理清我的情緒在投籃跟rap 歌之間。我可以享受在這只有我的空間。 A lot of people may not know that I’ve always loved basketball. In fact, basketball has often been my way, my getaway, to refresh my mind and body from baseball. Shooting around, I thought back about how much has happened in the last year. Last spring, I was still playing college baseball at Vandy. In June, I was drafted by the Diamondbacks. In July, I moved to Arizona. Last fall, I played in a few dozen minor league games for the D-backs organization. I lifted, I trained, and I prepared for my first year with the D-backs organization. (Oh, and somewhere in there, I took a fastball to the face, followed by 14 stitches.) Now, only a few months later… 很多人不知道我一直愛著籃球!事實上籃球一直是我在想遠離棒球時最棒的運動。我開始 想著去年春天我還在范德堡打球!六月時我以選秀狀元的身分被響尾蛇選中。我在七月時 搬到Arizona。在去年秋天我打了幾場小聯盟比賽。我不停地訓練自己想要準備好在這個 球團的第一年。(在當下我也被一個快速直球擊中臉了14針) 而現在..幾個月後 I was going to the Braves 我要去勇士隊了. It was just hitting me. I was going back home, to the city that developed me, to where I am standing today. 我要回家了 回到孕育我的城市! * The timing of my trade was ironic, but not for reasons you might think. In the fall, I was invited back home to my former high school to give a speech to the student body. The title of my speech was “Homecoming.” I was really excited to be able to go back and share a few lessons, and maybe some words of inspiration, with kids who were sitting in the same seat I sat in just five years ago. It was great to be welcomed back by my old teachers: Mrs. Herrero, Principal Taylor, Dr. Colburn, Mrs. DeJarnett and Coach Hall. 其實這時間點很奇妙,幾個月前我才被邀請回到高中的母校。當天的標題是”回家”我當 下很興奮可以回母校分享自己的經歷看能不能鼓勵啟發學弟妹們 I talked to the students about one of the most important things I had learned in the past few years: recognizing the difference between natural talent and passion. You can only teach “talent” to a certain point, but there’s no ceiling for passion, dedication and enjoyment — whether it’s in sports or other parts of life. I truly believe that. I told the students: natural gifts are important, but only if they uncover our why for what we do. The why is what’s most important to figure out. Our why is what fuels us and helps us discover our purpose in life. 我當天分享最重要的事就是要理解到天分跟熱情。你可能只有特定的天分,但熱情則是沒 有極限的。不管是在運動還是人生,享受跟努力是最重要的。 Giving your own advice is easy. Now I was going to have to try to listen to it. “給出自己的建議很簡單,但現在我反而是要聽自己建議的那一個” I finished my speech with a challenge. I encouraged them to embrace changes that may lie ahead. I also advised them to stay close with the people who are most important to them. I reminded them not to forget that failure is going to exist on the road to success. At the time, I had no idea what was in store for me. I never imagined being traded so soon. But now I know that I may as well have been talking to myself in my “Homecoming” speech last fall. Giving your own advice is easy. Now I was going to have to try to listen to it. 我當下在結束演講時給了所有人一個挑戰,我希望他們去擁抱未來可能的難題,並且希望 他們可以不要忘記那些對自己重要的人。失敗在成功的路上是一定會出現的! 當下我完全想不到我會這麼快被交易~而當時的演講主題”回家”想起來也特別有意義 PHOTOGRAPH BY MIKE THEILER/AP IMAGES When I was traded, a lot of people brought up the same stat: I was the first #1 draft pick who was traded before the start of the first season. How did I feel about it? Was I going to embrace becoming the new hometown kid? Everyone wanted to know. Well, my first thought was instantaneous: it was a dream come true to join the Braves. I also considered it an honor to be traded in a deal for a big-time Major League pitcher. But more than that, the trade made me reflect on what it actually means to go #1 in the draft. The truth is, going #1 doesn’t mean all that much. 當我被交易時,很多人提出來我是第一個在完成第一個完整球季前就被交易的狀元。 很多人想知道我對加入勇士隊的想法是什麼。 我只能說,我當下第一個念頭就是,對我來說加入勇士隊很像夢想實現!我也感到很榮耀 自己可以成為一個已經是大聯盟的強投手中的交易籌碼 I’m not just saying that lightly. Of course, it was a big honor. It was humbling. Baseball is the love of my life and making the Majors was always the big goal. But #1 in the draft doesn’t have any bearing on what you’ll do next. 我不是要說選秀狀元沒什麼,他一定是一個絕大的榮耀!但狀元不會影響你接下來要做的 任何事。 Here’s another stat: Ken Griffey Jr. is the only #1 draft pick to make it into the Hall of Fame. 告訴大家一個數據,小葛瑞菲是唯一一個能進名人堂的狀元 Now obviously, I’m not in the same universe as Griffey. But what I mean is, going #1 doesn’t guarantee you anything. The lesson to me is: you can’t live off your draft status, it’s only a starting point. 當然,我跟小葛完全不在同一個世界,但我的意思是,狀元不代表任何事,他只是一個起 頭 It’s like if you get an A on your first paper in a class … and then you think you can coast through the rest of the semester. There’s always going to be more tests. You’ve got to keep learning and working to become the best. I like starting from the bottom again. It gives you the opportunity to embrace the journey to the top. That’s how I plan to approach my professional career. 這就只是像你再課堂上的第一個考試拿到一個A你就以為你這整個學期都無敵了。事實上 只會有更多的考試,而你要做更多的學習跟努力來成為最好 “我喜歡從底層開始,這才可以給我機會去擁抱到成功的旅程” 這是我目前希望擁抱我棒球生涯的一個目標 I like starting from the bottom again. It gives you the opportunity to embrace the journey to the top. It’s funny how a baseball career goes in cycles: only recently, I was a freshman scrapping for a spot on Vandy’s team. Then, before I knew it, I was a junior on a prestigious college baseball team, trying to win a second national title. Then I got picked #1 in the draft. All of a sudden I was on a minor league team, fighting for a chance to be called up to the Majors, like all of my other teammates. Top of the totem pole … to the bottom. That’s the beauty of baseball. 不久之前,我還只是范德堡大學的新鮮人,然後忽然間我就從大三跟著球隊試著要幫球隊 贏下第二個大學的冠軍。接著我被選上了狀元想要跟其他隊友一起努力著拼上大聯盟的機 會。從高到底再到高。這就是棒球的美妙之處。 I can’t wait for my first big league at-bat at Turner Field, and I hope it’ s this year, but right now I’m embracing the lessons of the minors. I’m starting to see how the minors prepare you for the Bigs. You might think the biggest difference between college ball and the pros is pure talent. But more than anything, I’m learning that the difference is consistency. 我當然等不及有上大聯盟的機會,但現在我知道我最重要的課題是在小聯盟中學習。你們 大概都以為大學棒球跟職業的差別最大的是天分,但其實最大的差異是穩定性。 In baseball, you have to find consistency in the hardest sport to be consistent in. The sport is all about dealing with failure. It’s built into the game. You can’t escape it. Too often, we get lost in results (grades, stat sheets, money, etc.). In life we aren’t perfect, and never will be. As bad as we want to never mess up, we will. In baseball, it’s the same. Even if you’re a great hitter, you’re likely to get out seven times out of ten. You won’t get a hit every time you come up. Maybe in high school you can do it. Maybe in college you can most of the time. But not in the big leagues — that isn’t how baseball operates. 棒球是一個充滿失敗的運動。而要找到穩定性是非常難的。你在人生也是一樣,你在成績 單上或工作薪水上面臨著各種失敗。盡管你是一個很強的打者,十次打擊機會你有七次會 是出局的。你沒辦法在每次打擊中擊出安打,這就是棒球運行的方式。 The lesson I’ve taken from that is simple: Work hard. Embrace each moment. And focus on being the best player and person you can be. 我學到的就這麼簡單,努力!擁抱每個時刻!然後努力成為更好的球員甚至是更好的人 PHOTOGRAPH BY COURTESY SWANSON FAMILY I’m from Marietta, a suburb of Atlanta, just a 30-minute drive from downtown and Turner Field. You may or may not have ever heard of my hometown, but Marietta represents my childhood. It’s everything I knew up to 18 years old. It’s my family. It’s my friends. It’s baseball. My church, my best friends ’ houses, my high school, my house — they’re all nearby. Marietta is my pride and joy. Marietta只有30分鐘的車程到勇士的主場。你可能從來沒聽過Marietta,但他代表了我的 童年,我的家人,我的朋友,我的教會,我的棒球。Marietta代表了我的驕傲跟一切。 Home truly is where the heart is, and for me, that is both Marietta and Atlanta. These places have built my character and shaped me to be the person I am today. There are so many people that have been influential in my life: parents, siblings, coaches, friends, and many more. I owe a lot of my success and growth to these people. Marietta跟亞特蘭大建立了我這個人。有太多人對我有許多的影響,我的家人,教練,甚 至朋友。假如我成功了這一切都要歸功給他們。 PHOTOGRAPH BY COURTESY SWANSON FAMILY Atlanta pride runs through my veins. I’m not just talking about sports. If you ask my friends, they’ll tell you that I talk about Atlanta — the city itself — all the time. So much that I think it annoys them sometimes. They often tease me by saying that I’m not even from Atlanta, I’m from Marietta. But if you’re from around here, there’s no real difference. 亞特蘭大驕傲穿過我的血液。不只有運動而是全部整個城市。人家常常會笑說我根本不來 自亞特蘭大而是Marietta。但假如你是當地人你就知道這兩個地方其實根本沒有什麼差。 Atlanta pride runs through my veins. I’m not just talking about sports. My homecoming is not only about playing for the Braves, it’s about my love for Atlanta. I have so much passion for this city. I want it to be the best it can be — a model for professional athletic success. I want the Braves to help bring prominence to this great community. I hope we — everyone in Atlanta and all the fans — can come together to make this vision a reality. I know we can do it, but it needs to be a community effort. A hometown effort. 我的”回家”並不只有為勇士隊打球。而是我的愛給這個城市。我有許多的任球給這個城 市。我希望帶給這個城市更好的運動上的成功。我相信我跟在亞特蘭大的每一個人可以一 起做到! To Braves fans, some of you know me, but most of you probably don’t. I can promise you this: I’ll keep playing with the same passion that made Vanderbilt a winning program. I’ll keep bringing the strong sense of work ethic instilled in me by all my mentors and coaches, including James Beavers, the legendary summer ball coach. 給勇士隊的球迷: 也許你們有些人知道我也些不知道。但我可以給你們的保證是,我會ㄧ 直保持我對棒球的熱情。我會把我的教練們交給我的工作道德帶來你們! As an athlete, I want to win above all. But as a person, I want to be the light I wish to see in this world. I believe that the community you live in is a direct reflection of that light. That means, no one can do it on his or her own. 身為一個運動員,我當然想要ㄧ直贏!但身為一個人,我希望可以當成大家的楷模! To my friends from Marietta and Atlanta, I’m sorry I’ve been kind of slow to call and text you back in the last month. It’s been hectic. I swear I will soon. Hey, Mom and Dad, one last thing. I have a big favor to ask of you. Now that I ’m back home, I’m going to adopt a puppy. You know how I’ve always wanted a dog but never had the time or space for one? When I’m on road trips, will you take him out for walks? I want him to feel comfortable at home. 給我在亞特蘭大的朋友。抱歉ㄧ直沒有回你們電話跟簡訊。最近實在是太忙了!我保證我 ㄧ定會回你們! 給我爸媽。我有ㄧ個大忙希望你們可以幫~既然我現在已經回家了,我想要認養ㄧ隻狗。 你們知道我ㄧ直想要ㄧ隻狗但之前就是沒有時間跟空間。當我在打客場時你們可以幫我遛 遛他嗎0.0?我希望他可以在家感到很自在! -- 人生會遇到的謊言,你目前遇到幾個呢?: 1.同學:我都沒唸啊,不知道為何考這麼高。 2.來賓:大家好,我只簡單講兩句。 3.老闆:我不會忘記你的貢獻。 4.職員:明天我就不幹了。 5.商人:跳樓大拍賣,只到今天。 6.明星:我們只是朋友。 7.男孩:乖,不會痛的。 8.女孩:這是我的第一次。 9.父母:我幫你把紅包存起來了。 10.小吃店歐巴桑:帥哥!你要吃什麼? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1454366233.A.D7A.htmldennis911199:轉錄至看板 Braves 02/02 06:39

02/02 07:07, , 1F
02/02 07:07, 1F

02/02 07:09, , 2F
02/02 07:09, 2F

02/02 07:59, , 3F
02/02 07:59, 3F

02/02 08:07, , 4F
02/02 08:07, 4F

02/02 08:17, , 5F
這樣看來斧軍這交易很划算啊, 換到一個家鄉狀元
02/02 08:17, 5F

02/02 08:32, , 6F
02/02 08:32, 6F

02/02 08:34, , 7F
02/02 08:34, 7F

02/02 08:55, , 8F
02/02 08:55, 8F

02/02 08:55, , 9F
02/02 08:55, 9F

02/02 09:07, , 10F
02/02 09:07, 10F

02/02 09:48, , 11F
02/02 09:48, 11F

02/02 09:54, , 12F
02/02 09:54, 12F

02/02 10:09, , 13F
Good luck to the hometown boy
02/02 10:09, 13F

02/02 10:24, , 14F
02/02 10:24, 14F

02/02 10:30, , 15F
02/02 10:30, 15F

02/02 11:07, , 16F
02/02 11:07, 16F

02/02 11:14, , 17F
02/02 11:14, 17F

02/02 11:57, , 18F
02/02 11:57, 18F

02/02 12:29, , 19F
狀元成功率算高了啦 Matt Bush那種才是真的難得一見
02/02 12:29, 19F

02/02 13:19, , 20F
02/02 13:19, 20F

02/02 13:49, , 21F
02/02 13:49, 21F

02/02 13:53, , 22F
02/02 13:53, 22F

02/02 14:59, , 23F
02/02 14:59, 23F

02/02 15:14, , 24F
02/02 15:14, 24F

02/02 15:36, , 25F
02/02 15:36, 25F

02/02 15:43, , 26F
02/02 15:43, 26F

02/02 15:49, , 27F
推 斧頭幫未來的希望!!
02/02 15:49, 27F

02/02 16:23, , 28F
近50年的狀元有23個進all star game 成功率不算低吧
02/02 16:23, 28F

02/02 18:33, , 29F
Rule 4 draft 就 51 年歷史, 夠名人堂年資的還不到一半
02/02 18:33, 29F

02/02 18:34, , 30F
加上近年球探技術進步, 之後進名人堂的機會只會越來越高
02/02 18:34, 30F

02/02 19:29, , 31F
最可惜的是草莓和貓耳 前者自毀生涯 後者傷痛太多
02/02 19:29, 31F

02/02 20:11, , 32F
我覺得洋基的Beien Taylor才是最可惜的
02/02 20:11, 32F

02/02 20:15, , 33F
另外身為條子迷 A-Gon才是令我感觸最多的狀元
02/02 20:15, 33F

02/02 20:25, , 34F
Brien Taylor 哀 自己犯蠢 他哥也犯蠢
02/02 20:25, 34F

02/02 20:26, , 35F
02/02 20:26, 35F

02/02 21:07, , 36F
02/02 21:07, 36F

02/02 23:38, , 37F
02/02 23:38, 37F

02/02 23:42, , 38F
Brien Taylor XD 以他的天賦來看的話蠻想看他沒出事會有什
02/02 23:42, 38F

02/02 23:42, , 39F
02/02 23:42, 39F

02/03 13:43, , 40F
02/03 13:43, 40F

02/03 18:25, , 41F
02/03 18:25, 41F

02/04 19:56, , 42F
02/04 19:56, 42F
Rodriguez:轉錄至看板 Braves 09/26 00:37
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