[外電] 10 biggest holes to fill at Winter Mee

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10 biggest holes to fill at Winter Meetings These teams have the most pressing needs this offseason 資料來源:MLB官網 http://tinyurl.com/zuq5dds (大致翻出重點,翻譯若有誤請指正,謝謝。) By Anthony Castrovince / MLB.com | @castrovince | 4:11 PM ET + 5 COMMENTS We've already seen quite a few instances of Major League needs being satisfied with some Hot Stove spending or swapping -- the most prominent move being the Red Sox's $217 million outlay for ace David Price. But with the Winter Meetings set to begin Monday in Nashville, Tenn., and several big free-agent fish and notable trade targets still being discussed, these are the 10 biggest needs yet to be met. ‧ Hot Stove Tracker 1. Giants and Dodgers: Zack Greinke We're lumping these two love birds together, because we know well that both of these clubs are vying for the services of one Donald Zachary Greinke. Wherever he lands, the need for an impact starting arm will be met. Wherever he doesn't, the need will be amplified. And because of the financial resources of both of these National League West behemoths, it will be fascinating to see what ripples Greinke's decision causes. 老人和躲人陷入Z魔神爭奪戰,不論他加入哪隊,都能對先發投手的市場造成影響, 也因為這兩支國西巨獸龐大的財力,Z魔神最終決定所引發的漣漪將會很吸引人。 2. D-backs: Rotation help Arizona is already being touted by many -- including yours truly -- as a team that could enjoy a surge in the standings in 2016. But all that talk is predicated upon the D-backs significantly improving their pitching staff. They'll of course continue to monitor the Johnny Cueto market after Cueto reportedly turned down their $120 million offer, and this is one of the clubs expected to bid on the rights to Kenta Maeda, if the Japanese pitcher is indeed posted. There are, of course, abundant other options in the free-agent market, and the D-backs also have position-player depth -- particularly in the outfield -- to move in the right deal. So this could be an active team at these Meetings. 小蛇絕大多數的討論都集中在提升他們的先發輪值,在Cueto拒絕他們所開出的120M合約 後,他們仍在持續追蹤Cueto的動向;此外,小蛇也是眾多對前田健太感興趣的球隊之一。 自由市場仍有豐富的魚群可供捕撈,他們的外野深度也提供他們在交易市場上有更多的 選擇,冬季會議上他們將可能非常活躍。 3. Cubs: Rotation help Team president Theo Epstein made note of the Cubs' lack of rotation depth at the end of 2015 and said free-agent pitching is sometimes a "necessary evil." The Cubs did meet with Price, but reportedly didn't extend him an offer. They're also known to have met with former Cub Jeff Samardzija. There is only going to be so much financial risk-tolerance on the part of the Cubs, because they already have $25 million a year committed to Jon Lester for the foreseeable future. What is enticing here is the wealth of position players both at and just below the Major League level that the Cubs could use to swing a trade. Shelby Miller? Carlos Carrasco? Tyson Ross? If any club has the ability to overwhelm with an offer, it's these Cubs. 百年總管Epstein在季末宣稱球隊缺乏輪值深度,並提到追求自由市場的優秀手腕是 必要之惡,他們曾經嘗試追求過Price,也問過鯊魚回鍋的可能。在花費上,賭注性簽約 是小熊能容忍的,因為他們在去年已經有個前例,平均一年25M簽下抗癌。 小熊在交易市場上的雷達已鎖定雪碧、Carrasco、Ross等人。 4. Cardinals: An impact bat Yes, the Cards have lost Lance Lynn to elbow surgery. Yes, John Lackey's insanely team-friendly 2015 contract has expired. And yes, St. Louis lost out to Boston in the Price bidding. We all know the Redbirds will continue to search for an impact starter in an effort to extend the effectiveness of a rotation that was their signature strength in a 100-win season. But a bat is an even bigger need here, be it an on-base threat like Jason Heyward, a bopper like Chris Davis or somebody else. I've argued (unsuccessfully, judging on the reaction from the average Cardinals fan) that Davis ought to be the key target here, because the Cards have had a sub-.400 slugging percentage each of the past two seasons and haven't even had a 30-homer hitter in the past three. Obviously, though, people in St. Louis were pretty happy with the lineup and defensive value Heyward provided in '15, so you can understand the argument for going all-in on him. 紅鳥因Lynn的肘部手術喪失了輪值戰力,雷姬的佛心合約也已經到期,他們同時也在Price 爭奪戰中敗給了肥襪。他們將持續搜尋有力的先發投手以增強原先最引以為傲的輪值群。 然而尋求一支強棒是更加迫切的,雖然過去兩年不乏長打率超過4成的打者,但過去三年 卻連一位30轟砲手都沒有,簽回黑蛙或簽下CD都是紅鳥迷殷切期盼的選擇。 5. Orioles: You name it Really, the Orioles need whatever upgrades they can get their hands on if they're going to be competitive in 2016 with a team built around Manny Machado, Adam Jones and a ton of question marks. With executive vice president of baseball operations Dan Duquette and manager Buck Showalter at the helm, this team has done as well as any other at working the margins of a roster wonderfully. But there's a clear need here to do something dramatic to upgrade the effort in an American League East that, because of the rise of the Blue Jays and now the big splashes made by the Red Sox, isn't getting any easier. Adding Mark Trumbo was a safeguard against the potential -- or perhaps likely -- loss of Davis, but it does nothing to achieve the need to improve the team-wide on-base percentage, and the O's have holes in both corner outfield spots. Alex Gordon makes a ton of sense for a club that places so much emphasis on defense. The O's also have spots to fill in their rotation (particularly if Wei-Yin Chen leaves) and the bullpen (particularly if Darren O'Day departs). This is a club with a ton of work to do at these Meetings. 金鳥需要可以補強陣容的任何方式,下一季將繼續以Machado和AJ為核心打造球隊以維持 競爭力,美東在藍鳥崛起及肥襪造成波瀾後,又變得更加難混。 在Trumbo加入後,將作為失去CD的保險;除了上壘率要增強外,左右兩側的角落外野手 也是個大洞,Gordon也許是個好的人選。此外,先發和牛棚亦是補強的目標,特別是在 如果殷仔和蚵爹都離隊的情況下,這支球隊這個冬天將有得忙了。 6. Indians: An outfielder The Tribe's outfield situation was loaded with uncertainty before the early November news that Michael Brantley will miss at least the first month of the season following shoulder surgery. Now, an outfielder -- preferably a center fielder -- is a high-level priority for a club with a legit chance to contend around its controllable pitching. Will the Indians take advantage of the outlandish prices in free agency and use Carrasco, Danny Salazar or Trevor Bauer as trade bait? If they do, you can bet they'd be getting a controllable outfield bat back. Potential trade targets include Marcell Ozuna, Ender Inciarte and Jackie Bradley Jr., to name a few. In the free-agent market, the Indians are sure to monitor the prices of second-tier or third-tier options like Austin Jackson, Rajai Davis, Drew Stubbs or Will Venable. There is a slight chance Denard Span could fall to them if other teams are leery of his hip condition. 笑臉人的外野充滿不確定性,Brantley的肩膀手術至少會錯過球季第一個月,尋求一名 外野手將是首要目標。 如果他們拿出Carrasco、Salazar或Bauer作為交易籌碼,他們必定要拿回外野大將,潛在 的目標包含馬大魚的Ozuna、小蛇的Inciarte和Bradley Jr.等人;自由市場上,A-Jax、 Rajai Davis、Stubbs或Venable可以挑選,也有些微的機會拿下有臀部受傷疑慮的Span。 7. White Sox: A productive third baseman The Sox offense cratered in a 2015 season that had been geared toward contention. If the South Siders are going to make that rise up the AL Central standings a year late, their huge hole to fill is at the hot corner, where neither Conor Gillaspie nor Gordon Beckham nor Tyler Saladino nor Mike Olt asserted himself last season. David Freese is a potential free-agent target and Brett Lawrie a potential trade target, though other options could materialize. A key question here is whether the Sox will spend big bucks on a bat or use their left-handed pitching depth to obtain one. As a cost-controlled effective starter, Jose Quintana has a ton of trade value, but the Sox would obviously prefer to go into 2016 with Quintana, Chris Sale and Carlos Rodon guiding what could be a terrific rotation. 白襪若要提升下一季的戰績,三壘大洞必須要加緊填補起來,包括Gillaspie、Beckham、 Saladino、Olt都不是目前這個位置的最佳答案,自由市場的Freese、交易市場的Lawrie 都是可以考慮的標的。 現在的問題是白襪到底是要花大錢補這個洞?還是用他們的左投深度透過交易來彌補? 檯面上Quintana有一定的交易價值,可是白襪也想留他下來和Sale、Rodon組成漂亮輪值。 8. Pirates: Rotation help The Bucs have amassed the second-best record in the sport over the past three seasons on a strict budget. But can they keep up with the Joneses in an NL Central in which the Cubs and Cardinals both have big talent and bigger budgets? It's an even more pressing question when you see a guy like J.A. Happ -- whose career was very much revived by the Pirates' pitching gurus midseason in 2015 -- sign for $36 million with the Blue Jays. The exorbitant price of pitching puts the Buccos, who not only lost Happ but also the retired A.J. Burnett, in a bind, and GM Neal Huntington and Co. will again have to be creative in their pursuit of pitching. Perhaps Doug Fister will fall to them as a buy-low, bounceback option, or maybe the Pirates take a chance on a guy like Trevor Cahill, who had success out of the Cubs' bullpen down the stretch last season, but still wants to start. 過去三個球季,走船壞人在緊縮的預算下仍然打出了很棒的戰績,但他們能否繼續跟上 國中兩大強權紅雀和小熊的腳步?這個問題在上季季中來到海盜復活的Happ卻於季末出走 後顯得更為急迫。 過高的價格讓海盜卻步,他們不但失去Happ,老將Burnett也在季末選擇退休,這讓他們的 投手戰力更加困窘。制服組正致力於補強投手,他們已盯上Fister,看好他能反彈,也將 目光投射到仍想重回先發行列的Cahill。 9. Astros: Bullpen help GM Jeff Luhnow successfully rebuilt the bullpen last offseason, but that 'pen began to wither late in the year and imploded against the Royals in the AL Division Series. With Tony Sipp, Chad Qualls and Joe Thatcher all free agents, the Astros have spots to fill in their relief corps, particularly from the left-hand side. Of more intriguing note is Houston's ability to dip into its prospect-laded farm system to acquire a closer -- perhaps Aroldis Chapman, Mark Melancon or Brad Boxberger. The Astros could certainly stand to upgrade the firepower coming out of their 'pen, which rated as more of a finesse group in '15. 太色人上個休賽季曾經成功重建過牛棚,但今年卻再度下滑,導致ALDS對戰明星隊時 遭炸裂而打包回家。Sipp、Qualls、Thatcher都成為FA,他們已經在物色填補的人選, 特別是左手牛。 終結者人選上,Chapman、Melancon、Boxberger都是可能的獵物。 10. Angels: A left-handed bat The Halos followed up a 98-win season by just barely missing out on October in 2015, largely because of a lineup that sagged beyond Mike Trout and bursts of brilliance from Albert Pujols. New GM Billy Eppler has already made one proactive move to improve the up-the-middle defensive effort with shortstop Andrelton Simmons. But the right-handed-heavy offense could still use some left-handed presence. For that reason, Daniel Murphy might make sense for this team. It's possible the Angels could use him at third base or second (some scouts think he's better suited for the hot corner) or perhaps even to spell Pujols at first. Another realistic option here is Gordon, who could fill an obvious opening in left field. 猴子前年風光拿下98勝,上季卻被屏除在季後賽大門外,很大一部分原因在於除了神鱒和 普神外,其他人成績的下滑上。新總管Eppler上任後迅速將游擊手Simmons招入麾下,補強 了中間防線,但他們還需要補強左打者。 找尋一位優秀的左打是當務之急,季後賽大發神威的Murphy是極佳的選擇,他可守二壘或 三壘;至於Gordon亦是一個不錯的替代方案。 Anthony Castrovince is a reporter for MLB.com. Read his columns and follow him on Twitter at @Castrovince. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1449196984.A.87A.html

12/04 10:46, , 1F
12/04 10:46, 1F

12/04 10:54, , 2F
12/04 10:54, 2F

12/04 11:02, , 3F
應該是說除了鱒和普之外其他人太爛 然後打線都右打 需要左手
12/04 11:02, 3F

12/04 11:13, , 4F
後面那句沒改到XD 要補左打者
12/04 11:13, 4F

12/04 11:14, , 5F
不是在說Simmons 是說打線都是右打
12/04 11:14, 5F
已修改,感謝。 ※ 編輯: Allenichiro (, 12/04/2015 11:17:12

12/04 11:19, , 6F
天使乾脆交易來Jay Bruce算惹 平衡一下打線
12/04 11:19, 6F

12/04 11:19, , 7F
12/04 11:19, 7F

12/04 12:06, , 8F
12/04 12:06, 8F

12/04 12:12, , 9F
12/04 12:12, 9F

12/04 12:26, , 10F
bruce 越打越鳥 還是算了吧
12/04 12:26, 10F

12/04 12:27, , 11F
百年不考慮殷仔嗎?白襪輪值清一色左投 不補個右sp?色人A
12/04 12:27, 11F

12/04 12:28, , 12F
LDS遇到明星隊 無誤
12/04 12:28, 12F

12/04 12:33, , 13F
12/04 12:33, 13F

12/04 13:09, , 14F
12/04 13:09, 14F

12/04 15:03, , 15F
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12/04 15:49, , 17F
12/04 15:49, 17F

12/04 16:04, , 18F
12/04 16:04, 18F

12/04 16:19, , 19F
哈 太空人遇到明星隊
12/04 16:19, 19F

12/04 17:19, , 20F
12/04 17:19, 20F

12/04 19:14, , 21F
12/04 19:14, 21F

12/04 22:38, , 22F
很想噓"連一個30轟的砲手都沒有" = =
12/04 22:38, 22F

12/05 02:54, , 23F
國民牛棚跟打線 其實都很大風險
12/05 02:54, 23F
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