[閒聊] Adam Jones on Baltimore riots

看板MLB作者 (Out of touch)時間9年前 (2015/05/01 00:10), 9年前編輯推噓37(38118)
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http://ppt.cc/gjM7 或許Jones並沒有像當年的Willie Horton那樣親自上街向暴動的青年們喊話, 但同樣從貧困中出人頭地,如今也在巴爾的摩積極回饋城市下層青少年的他, 對這些底層青年憤怒與挫折的理解與同情, 卻是這個城市要在大破壞之後療傷止痛,並且向前邁進所不可或缺的。 == "These kids are hurting. These kids have seen the pain in their parents' eyes, the pain in their grandparents' eyes over decades. This is their way of speaking on behalf of their parents and behalf of their grandparents and people who have been hurt." 「這些孩子都受傷了。他們幾十年來從父母、甚至祖父母的眼中看到的都是痛苦。這是他 們為父母、祖父母,還有其他受過傷害的人發聲的方式。」 "I say to the youth, 'Your frustration is warranted. The actions, I don't think are acceptable.' If you come from where they come from, you understand. But ruining the community that you have to live in is never the answer due to the fact that you're going to have to wake up in three or four days and go back to those convenience stores, go back to all these stores. "This is their cry. This isn't a cry that is acceptable, but this is their cry and, therefore, we have to understand it. They need hugs. They need love. They need support. As much as I can give, as much as I know people on the opposition can give, I'm going to try and give as much as I can, because the city needs it." 「我要對年輕人說:『你們的憤怒是正當的。但你們的行為是不能被接受的。』你要是和 他們從同樣一個環境出身,你就明白了。可是,把你必須生活在其中的社區破壞掉,這絕 對不是解答,事實上,過了三四天你一覺醒來,還是得去所有這些(被打砸搶的)便利商 店或店鋪買東西。 這是他們的怒吼,這樣的怒吼未必能被接受,但這是他們的怒吼,因此我們都必須理解。 他們需要擁抱。他們需要愛。他們需要支持。只要我有能力給,如同我知道我們的對手所 能付出的那樣,我都會盡全力付出,因為這個城市需要。」 "I'm not far from these kids, so I understand all the things they are going through, .........It's important to me to reach out to them. That's why my biggest thing is I like to reach out to 12- to 17-year-olds. Those are the ones that need the most help, the ones you are trying to effect their minds, get in their heads. Get them ready for the real world, as opposed to the false realities we see on TV." 「我的出身和這些孩子們差不了多少,所以我明白他們所經歷的這一切........對我來說 ,向他們伸出手是很重要的。因此我的當務之急是要幫助那些12歲到17歲的青少年,他們 是最需要幫助的,也是你最需要感化心靈,了解想法的。要讓他們準備好進入真實世界, 那跟我們在電視上看到的虛假現實完全相反。」 (以下是他回答記者問題前,對這次暴動的評論) "The last 72 hours have been tumultuous to say the least. We've seen good, we've seen bad, we've seen ugly," he said, speaking without notes. "It's a city that's hurting, a city that needs its [leaders] to stand up, step up and help the ones that are hurting. It's not an easy time right now for anybody. It doesn't matter what race you are. My prayers have been out for all the families, all the kids out there. "The big message is: Stay strong, Baltimore. Stay safe. Continue to be the great city that I've come to know and love over the eight years I've been here. Continue to be who you are. I know there's been a lot of damage in the city. There's also been a lot of good protesting, a lot of people standing up for the rights that they have in the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, and I'm just trying to make sure we're on the same page." 「過去的72小時至少可說是動盪不安的。我們看到了好人好事,也看到了壞人壞事,還看 到了醜惡。」他的這些話並沒有事先擬稿。「這是一座受傷的城市,需要它的領袖們站起 來、挺身而出,幫助受傷的人們。任何人在這個時候都不好過,無論你是哪個種族。我為 每一個家庭,還有街上的每個孩子全心禱告。 最重要的訊息:巴爾的摩,請保持堅強,平安度過難關。繼續成為那個八年來我所認識, 並且熱愛的偉大城市。保持你原來的模樣。我知道這座城市受到很多創傷。但也有很多好 的抗爭在進行,許多人站出來爭取他們受到憲法和權利法案保障的權利,我只是想確認我 們的理念是相同的。」 == 各家媒體節錄的Adam Jones發言重點及具體字句都不太一樣。 下面這個是太陽報的影片,一開始就是他接受記者訪問前發言的全文, 大家可以和MLB.com的內容對照一下。 http://ppt.cc/nid5 -- ※ 編輯: Fitzwilliam (, 05/01/2015 00:10:49

05/01 00:17, , 1F
05/01 00:17, 1F

05/01 00:20, , 2F
05/01 00:20, 2F

05/01 00:24, , 3F
Stay strong, Baltimore. Stay safe
05/01 00:24, 3F

05/01 00:46, , 4F
05/01 00:46, 4F

05/01 01:02, , 5F
05/01 01:02, 5F

05/01 01:03, , 6F
05/01 01:03, 6F

05/01 01:07, , 7F
推! btw,樓上用手機板被圖片騙了...
05/01 01:07, 7F

05/01 01:07, , 8F
05/01 01:07, 8F

05/01 01:26, , 9F
如果我是黑人青少年 我只會覺得你也不過就是靠運動娛樂
05/01 01:26, 9F

05/01 01:26, , 10F
05/01 01:26, 10F

05/01 01:27, , 11F
05/01 01:27, 11F
關於這個。其實MLB官網的報導還有他的這麼一段發言,可是我剛考慮了一下沒寫出來。 "Sports brings people together, black, white or indifferent," he said. "They bring us together, and for those three hours, they can have beers, can have hot dogs, nachos, some Boog's [barbecue] and forget about our daily lives. Sports unites communities. "It's not easy. This whole process is not easy. We need this game to be played, but we need this city to be healed first. That's what's important to me, that the city is healed. Because this is an ongoing issue. I just hope that the community of Baltimore heads the message of the city." 「運動把人們聯繫再一起,不論黑人、白人還是漠不關心的人。........運動讓我們齊聚 一堂,在這三個小時裡,可以盡情享用啤酒、熱狗、玉米片,再來些Boog's烤肉,拋開我 們的日常生活。運動讓社區團結起來。 這不容易。整個過程都不容易。我們要把棒球繼續打下去,但我們首先得讓這座城市療傷 止痛。對我來說,這座城市復元是最重要的。因為這是持續下去的課題。我只希望巴爾的 摩社群帶領(或聽見,heed?)這座城市發出的訊息。」 我以為他不是個只為了取悅白人而打球的明星。 他在巴爾的摩義務指導黑人青少年打棒球,到底還是為了幫助他們靠一技之長立足社會, 日後繼續回饋社區,而不是想要培養更多娛樂白人的運動演員才是?

05/01 01:34, , 12F
05/01 01:34, 12F

05/01 01:36, , 13F
有必要這麼自卑嗎 棒球又沒限制白人才能看
05/01 01:36, 13F

05/01 01:38, , 14F
這不太算自卑 這算透露他的歧視
05/01 01:38, 14F

05/01 01:49, , 15F
你又不是黑人 也沒在當地生活的經驗 你懂三小?
05/01 01:49, 15F

05/01 01:51, , 16F
他還在叛逆期 樓上你們都太認真了
05/01 01:51, 16F

05/01 01:53, , 17F
不過這時候Ray Lewis出來講話會更有號招力吧
05/01 01:53, 17F

05/01 01:53, , 18F
05/01 01:53, 18F
※ 編輯: Fitzwilliam (, 05/01/2015 02:09:53

05/01 02:29, , 19F
05/01 02:29, 19F

05/01 02:44, , 20F
Ray Lewis有出來講 很激動 他ESPN工作都暫停了
05/01 02:44, 20F

05/01 02:49, , 21F
05/01 02:49, 21F

05/01 03:32, , 22F
05/01 03:32, 22F

05/01 03:34, , 23F
Baltimore的問題就是全美的縮影 僅正向力量不可能改善
05/01 03:34, 23F

05/01 03:35, , 24F
05/01 03:35, 24F

05/01 03:36, , 25F
走了一批又來一批 再看看無力又腐化的教育、警察社政系統
05/01 03:36, 25F

05/01 03:36, , 26F
05/01 03:36, 26F

05/01 03:37, , 27F
少數我們能看到翻身的 就Adam Jones這種的
05/01 03:37, 27F

05/01 03:39, , 28F
但是...這些灰燼中的火星 不能當糧食阿
05/01 03:39, 28F

05/01 05:01, , 29F
05/01 05:01, 29F

05/01 05:27, , 30F
05/01 05:27, 30F

05/01 06:41, , 31F
Rey老大出來過了 連待會的選秀都不去了
05/01 06:41, 31F

05/01 07:45, , 32F
面冷心熱啊 這位
05/01 07:45, 32F

05/01 08:27, , 33F
05/01 08:27, 33F

05/01 08:34, , 34F
打MLB是娛樂白人? 唉…你可以不要看
05/01 08:34, 34F

05/01 09:01, , 35F
05/01 09:01, 35F

05/01 09:07, , 36F
05/01 09:07, 36F

05/01 09:08, , 37F
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05/01 09:08, , 38F
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05/01 10:11, , 40F
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05/01 10:12, , 41F
05/01 10:12, 41F

05/01 10:50, , 42F
05/01 10:50, 42F

05/01 10:56, , 43F
這些話真帥 推
05/01 10:56, 43F

05/01 11:24, , 44F
05/01 11:24, 44F

05/01 11:26, , 45F
05/01 11:26, 45F

05/01 12:11, , 46F
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05/01 12:12, , 47F
05/01 12:12, 47F

05/01 12:13, , 48F
05/01 12:13, 48F

05/01 12:13, , 49F
05/01 12:13, 49F

05/01 12:17, , 50F
黑人還不是歧視黃種人 呵呵
05/01 12:17, 50F

05/01 12:42, , 51F
05/01 12:42, 51F

05/01 12:51, , 52F
05/01 12:51, 52F

05/01 15:41, , 53F
講的超好 推!
05/01 15:41, 53F

05/01 16:34, , 54F
這段發言已經幫他贏得了一個No Trade Clause
05/01 16:34, 54F

05/01 17:02, , 55F
05/01 17:02, 55F

05/01 17:25, , 56F
05/01 17:25, 56F

05/01 17:41, , 57F
05/01 17:41, 57F
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