[外電] 爺爺續戰2015

看板MLB作者 (傻黑)時間10年前 (2014/07/30 13:33), 10年前編輯推噓25(25015)
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http://0rz.tw/vLdMX Best Dodgers news of the year came in the second inning Tuesday night via the stadium video boards. 週二晚上比賽的同時 道奇宣布了好消息 Vin Scully will return next season. Scully爺爺續戰2015 Apparently the game still gives him goose bumps – or maybe he didn’t want to go out in a season when some 70% of the Los Angeles area can’t hear him broadcast the TV games – because the Hall of Fame broadcaster will return for an unprecedented 66th season. 爺爺對比賽仍有激情 或者是不想要在70%的LA聽不到他的聲音的情況下退休 爺爺決定回來播報第66個球季 (LA因為跟TWC簽約 但LA只有30%的人家裡裝TWC 爺爺也說 家裡不是TWC 家人也看不到他) The Dodgers made the announcement in what you might call a unique way. In the middle of the second on their video boards, they flashed “breaking news” and showed team broadcaster Alanna Rizzo at the microphone. 道奇用特別的方式宣布這個大消息 Rizzo said they were turning to a news conference that showed Justin Turner, Yasiel Puig and Hyun-Jin Ryu at the table inside the stadium media room. First, Ryu spoke in Korean and then Puig in Spanish, and then supposedly Turner translated into English the news that Scully was coming back. 柳胖用韓文 溥儀哥用西文 然後Turner翻譯出 爺爺續戰2015的消息 Various players were seated in the media room and then charged the table in celebration, as the Dodger Stadium crowd erupted in applause. The crowd gave Scully a standing ovation and he stood up in the broadcast booth, hand over heart, seemingly moved by the reaction. 球員跟全場觀眾給爺爺Standing Ovation The Dodgers filmed the announcement prior to Tuesday’s batting practice so a lot of people knew about it and kept it quiet. 這影片BP的時候就錄了 所以很多球員知道 Scully, 86, makes annual announcements over whether he will return. His 65 consecutive years of broadcasting the Dodgers is already the longest for anyone with one team. 爺爺86歲了 連續播報65年道奇的比賽 是歷史紀錄 "Naturally there will come a time, when I will have to say goodbye, but I’ve soul-searched and this is not the time,” Scully said in a statement. 爺爺說 我想一想之後 覺得還不是說再見的時候 爺爺即歷史 裁判在道奇球場開賽前都會跟爺爺敬禮 爺爺開始播道奇比賽 英國女王都還沒登基呢.... 別再說爺爺播報不激動了 畢竟播過19場no-no 3場PG 全壘打對爺爺已經不是刺激的事了 爺爺已經進名人堂了 也拿過艾美獎終身成就 也入選了美國收音機名人堂 要好好把握爺爺播的每一場球賽了 -- blacklittle 2B 3B 這傢伙 在他的生涯中 有機會成為不錯的邊角內野手 但須克服脆弱的身體 避免成為DL常客 他仍有空間提升他平庸的打擊爆發力 但仍舊無法造成全壘打威脅 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1406698422.A.EAF.html ※ 編輯: blacklittle (, 07/30/2014 13:34:23 ※ 編輯: blacklittle (, 07/30/2014 13:41:11

07/30 13:36, , 1F
07/30 13:36, 1F

07/30 13:38, , 2F
07/30 13:38, 2F

07/30 13:40, , 3F
能親眼見証這麼多傳奇比賽 平淡是合理的...XDDD
07/30 13:40, 3F

07/30 13:41, , 4F
爺爺:嗯? 這些紀錄有什麼嗎
07/30 13:41, 4F

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07/30 13:51, , 11F
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07/30 13:52, , 12F
爺爺的轉播我覺得適合專心看球專心聽 很多小故事
07/30 13:52, 12F

07/30 13:53, , 13F
如果是輕鬆看做其他事順便看 會覺得平淡無奇
07/30 13:53, 13F

07/30 13:54, , 14F
07/30 13:54, 14F

07/30 14:06, , 15F
推 searoar:應該要貼這個影片 http://tinyurl.com/nhgo2cc
07/30 14:06, 15F

07/30 14:09, , 16F
進名人堂是1982年的事了 然後再過33年還在播 XD
07/30 14:09, 16F

07/30 14:12, , 17F
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07/30 14:15, , 18F
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07/30 14:15, , 19F
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07/30 14:42, , 20F
http://ppt.cc/~gyE 爺爺也曾來台過
07/30 14:42, 20F

07/30 14:53, , 21F
07/30 14:53, 21F

07/30 15:00, , 22F
小熊冠軍!!! 話說今天小熊贏的好辛苦...
07/30 15:00, 22F

07/30 15:34, , 23F
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07/30 17:47, , 27F
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07/30 17:49, , 28F
爺爺: 再給小熊一年機會吧~
07/30 17:49, 28F

07/30 18:10, , 29F
爺爺播報的內容是頂級的 現在年輕一輩很多只會尖叫
07/30 18:10, 29F

07/30 18:11, , 30F
但要他講講球員的故事說不出幾個 這種沒營養的播報和
07/30 18:11, 30F

07/30 18:12, , 31F
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07/30 18:49, , 32F
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07/30 19:37, , 33F
如果林煒停也播60年 不知道這裡會不會也推?
07/30 19:37, 33F

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07/31 00:59, , 40F
07/31 00:59, 40F
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