[外電] Triple Crown since 1967 -- Miggy

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在翻譯本篇之前,先恭喜OAK創下紀錄!! 他們是實行分區制度後兩個聯盟唯一一支以不到.240打擊率打進季後賽的隊伍 國聯的上一個紀錄保持者是1969的Mets .242 美聯的則是去年的光芒 .244 詳情請見很傷眼的這篇#1GK2-QwN ---------------------------------------------- KANSAS CITY -- In the ultimate sign of respect for a player, Miguel Cabrera received a standing ovation from the crowd at Kauffman Stadium as he stepped into the batter's box Wednesday night. Then, he stepped into history. Miguel Cabrera今天在皇家的主場接受觀眾的歡呼。 With a .330 average, 44 home runs and 139 RBIs, Cabrera became the first player in 45 years to achieve the Triple Crown, leading the league in all three categories. By Wednesday night, it was essentially a victory lap, with his closest competitors making no run at the leads he had piled up. .330的打擊率、44支全壘和139的打點領先聯盟,而今天他的競爭對手並沒有 追上他。恭喜他成為45年來第一位三冠王。 For the crowd in Kansas City and fans watching everywhere else, it was an appreciation. 不管你是在現場見證或是透過電視或電腦觀看這場比賽的朋友們,這都是令人振奮的。 Cabrera repeated his batting title, becoming the first Tiger with consecutive batting crowns since Ty Cobb won three from 1917-19. His 205 hits, along with his other totals, put him in the company of the great Lou Gehrig as the only big leaguers to combine those numbers in a season. Cabrera成為老虎隊史繼Ty Cobb(1917-1919,連續三次)後第二位蟬聯打擊王的打者。 他的205支安打和其他的數據,讓聯盟把他記載在跟偉大的Lou Gehrig同一頁的地方。 But it's the big three that earned him the accolades. Major League Baseball's 12th Triple Crown since the RBI became an official stat was the first for a Latino-born player. No player had done it since Boston's Carl Yastrzemski in 1967. 自從聯盟開始記錄打點這項紀錄後,Cabrera是第12為三冠王,也是拉丁裔球員的第 一位。自從1967年的Carl Yastrzemski後就沒有球員達到這項成就了。 Like Yastrzemski, Cabrera pulled away from his closest competitors with a playoff race pushing him. Unlike Yaz, who said he wasn't aware he had done it until the very end, Cabrera was enveloped by the attention in the final days. 跟Yaz一樣的,Cabrera同樣在為球隊競爭季後賽門票的壓力下把競爭對手甩開。 不同的是Yaz聲稱他隔天看報紙才知道這件事,Cabrera今晚則全場都是焦點。 Unlike Cabrera, Yaz didn't have two generations of history since the last one. He didn't have any gap at all; Frank Robinson had accomplished it one year before. 但兩人達成成就的時空背景截然不同,Yaz奪得三冠王的前一年Frank Robinson才 剛剛奪得。 Never had baseball gone this long without a Triple Crown, but Yastrzemski's standard held up far beyond the year of the pitcher in 1968. It somehow made it through the 1990s, past the millennium and into a new golden age of pitching. 但現在可以說是投手的黃金世代,所以硬要分辨的話... It was a feat five years in the making for Cabrera. He was a month into his Tigers career, having just hit one of his trademark opposite-field home runs the night before, when Jim Leyland laid down a challenge for him. 五年前Cabrera剛被交易到老虎的第一個月,他在客場只有擊出一支全壘打。 Leyland給了他一些挑戰。 "I want to see him bear down every at-bat for one week, show me what he can do," Leyland said on a Friday afternoon in a smelly hallway of the Metrodome in 2008. "我想要看他在每一個打席完爆投手,讓我看看他有甚麼料。" Leyland had seen Barry Bonds raise and lower his concentration level according to the situation when he was managing in Pittsburgh. But for him, the focus he saw out of Albert Pujols was the best he had ever seen. Leyland在海盜執教時曾經看過Bonds專注力的起伏,他認為Pujols在場上是專注力 最高的球員。 That's what he wanted to see out of Cabrera, then a National League transplant who had just turned 25. 他想要看到這個25歲剛從國聯轉過來的小伙子也能有這麼高的專注力。 "I think when the situation becomes big, he zeroes in. He locks in," Leyland said that day, "but I want to see what he can do if he locks in every at-bat. There's no telling what he could do. This guy's a special talent." "也許情況特別時他能夠保持高專注力,但我想要他每一個打席都辦到。" "我們還不知道他能達到甚麼高度,但他很有才華潛力是無庸置疑的。" It's no longer potential. It's etched in history. 這已不再是潛力,他已經被刻在歷史上了。 "For me, I get goosebumps talking about it," Justin Verlander said Tuesday, "because I'm sitting here [watching]. Hopefully he wins the Triple Crown and I was on the bench the entire year and got to watch history." "我已經起雞皮疙瘩了。" "因為我這整季都坐在這裡,坐在休息區看著他要怎麼創造歷史。" Justin Verlander says. This is the potential so many saw in Cabrera, from Leyland to Carlos Guillen, from Verlander to former teammate and mentor Magglio Ordonez. This is the talent, the quick bat and opposite-field power, Tigers assistant general manager Al Avila saw when he was the Marlins scouting director signing Cabrera more than a decade ago, and when he talked over hypothetical trades with the Marlins to get him to Detroit at the 2007 Winter Meetings. 這就是Cabrera展現潛力的樣子,Leyland、Guillen、Verlander和Ordonez等人都表示 不意外。他揮棒的速度和威力在他還在馬林魚時就已經有影子了,所以老虎的助理GM Avila在07年的冬天把他交易過來。 This is the potential. And yet the results are beyond what so many imagined. 現在看起來他的潛力可能更出乎我們想像。 The results are enough to make Leyland -- who absolutely hates comparing players -- think of Bonds, and think of Cabrera, and pause. 這個成果讓Leyland必須去做他最不想做的事 -- 比較球員 Bonds跟Cabrera? "I had a pretty good hitter over there in Pittsburgh that had some pretty good credentials," Leyland said the other day, "but this guy's awful good." "在匹茲堡我有非常棒的打者,但Cabrera好得太誇張了" Bonds owns home run records and batting titles. He never did this. Amazingly, he never won a home run title and a batting crown in the same season. Bonds是目前聯盟全壘打的紀錄保持者,但他從來沒有同時包辦打擊王和全壘打王。 Pujols came close in 2009, taking his bid into the final days before falling short in batting average and RBIs. Pujols2009年時很接近過,但在最後一天他的打點跟打擊率都落後了。 The potential was there for Cabrera. It just took a little time to come together. Cabrera是很有潛力的球員,只看他甚麼時候會好好展現。 Cabrera was a 24-year-old wunderkind when the Tigers traded for him, signed him to one of baseball's richest contracts, and placed on his shoulders the aspirations of a World Series. With that came the championship dreams of an aggressive-spending owner and the hopes of a city that needed some hope in the midst of economic calamity. And Cabrera probably wasn't ready for all of that. Not many kids that age are. Cabrera在老虎交易他時只有24歲,可以說是少年天才。老虎也拿了一張可以說大聯盟 前幾貴的合約給他簽,希望他可以為老虎帶來冠軍。但Cabrera顯然還沒準備好。 事實上這個年紀的孩子大部分都沒辦法。 He has grown into the role of superstar, personally and professionally, learned how to deal with the attention and the pressure. 但他很快就變成明星打者,也很快的學會怎麼保持專注力和面對壓力。 When the Tigers lost the AL Central tiebreaker game to Minnesota in 2009, again at the Metrodome, Cabrera sat at his locker inconsolable. He was a giant of a man, hunched over, sobbing, feeling like he had let the team down. He hit .280 with 21 RBIs in 33 games after Sept. 1, a good finishing stretch for a lot of players, but statistically his worst month of the season. A domestic incident in the season's final weekend had become a national headline, and it put his private life in the papers. 當老虎在09年對雙城的tiebreaker輸了的時候,Cabrera在更衣室非常的難過。 看著這麼壯的壯漢在啜泣,他覺得自己讓球團失望了。他在九月那33場比賽表現是 .280打擊率和21分打點,這對大部分球員已經是不錯的成績了,但這是他整季表現 最差的一個月。而球季的最後一個禮拜他才因為家庭的事件上了報紙頭版,這也把 他的私生活公開了。 When the Tigers celebrated their first division title in 24 years last September on a Friday night in a cramped clubhouse in Oakland, Cabrera sat by himself with a bottled water and a cigar and watched everybody else party. The look on his face showed he was clearly content, and maybe a little bit relieved that his team had done what he was brought here to do. 去年九月是老虎24年來第一次分區冠軍,他們在Oakland的一家酒吧慶祝。Cabrera 一個人坐在旁邊喝著水和抽雪茄,整個人看起來很平靜。也許他心裡在想他終於 達到球團的期望了吧。 He didn't just produce last September, he thrived. 他去年九月不再只是穩定產出,他表現得非常棒。 "That's just the sign of a great player," Verlander said. "If there's pressure, they do better. He realized in the last month that he had the chance to win a batting title and what did he do, hit .450 or whatever." "這就是偉大球員的象徵。" "在有壓力的情況下打得更好,他知道他有可能拿下打擊王然後他就繼續打,最後那個月 他打擊率是.450吧還是多少?" Verlander said He was exaggerating, but not by much. Cabrera hit .429 in the final month to win his first batting title, adding it to his home run title from 2008 and his RBI crown from 2010. 他有點誇大但是也還好啦,Cabrera最後那個月打出.429的成績並奪得打擊王。 再加上08年的全壘打王和10年的打點王。 He already had won all three Triple Crown categories, just in different seasons. The list of other active players to do that starts with Pujols and ends with Alex Rodriguez. 不算球季的話他已經是三冠王了。現役球員也只有Pujols和A-rod達到這項成就。 This is the year Cabrera put it all together, literally and figuratively, personally and professionally. For him, the end might have been the sweetest of all. 本季Cabrera三項數據一起奪冠,對他來說本季一定非常棒。 While the Tigers celebrated another division title Monday night, champagne flowing in the visiting clubhouse at Kauffman, Cabrera was off to the side, but he wasn't hiding. He was in Leyland's office, his young daughter in his arms, while owner Mike Ilitch and team president/general manager Dave Dombrowski sat with Leyland and the coaches and enjoyed the moment. 當老虎在慶祝再度奪得分區冠軍的同時,這次它們在Kauffman的一間酒吧,你看不到 Cabrera的蹤影,他沒有躲起來,他抱著他的小女兒在Leyland的辦公室,跟球團 高層一起享受這個時刻。 He took the field early that day, before the Tigers took batting practice, and said hello to just about every Royals player and coach near the batting cage. He talked hitting with Johnny Giavotella, and he hugged Royals coach Rusty Kuntz, a former coach with the Marlins. Then he went 4-for-5. 他那天在老虎開始打擊練習前就開始做守備練習了,他幾乎對每一位皇家球員打招呼。 他開始聊Giavotella的球要怎麼打,突然就跑去擁抱皇家的教練Rusty Kuntz,他是 馬林魚的前教練之一。當晚他就繳出了5-4的成績。 Then he came out the next day, the hangover game for most teams that clinch a playoff spot, and went 2-for-3 to pretty much clinch the batting title. 隔天則繳出3-2,這讓他幾乎確定奪得打擊王。這種時候大部分主力球員都會開始休息。 "I always like to play," Cabrera said. "I cannot sit down and see what's going to happen because it's boring. You're going to see me there, having fun and playing hard to win games." "我喜歡上場,我沒辦法坐在那裏看比賽進行。這對我來說太無聊了。" "我喜歡在場上找些樂子。" To watch Cabrera's demeanor on the field the past two weeks, it was impossible to tell he was in a playoff race, let alone a chase with hitting history. In the midst of a Twins scoring opportunity during Sunday's pitching duel, with speedy Ben Revere on third, Cabrera caught a popup behind third base, turned his head, snuck a suspicious look at Revere and smiled. Revere laughed out loud. 看Cabrera最近這兩個禮拜的守備態度,實在看不出來他在競爭季後賽,先撇開打擊 那一段不談。在某場對雙城時,雙城有得分機會。飛毛腿的Ben Revere在三壘, Cabrera接了一個三壘後方的小飛球後轉頭偷看一下Revere然後微笑。 Revere看到他那詭異的表情當場大笑出來。 Nobody on the Tigers, and maybe nobody in the game today, has a reputation for working harder and setting high standards than Verlander. He wouldn't have gotten to this point in his career otherwise. What Cabrera has done leaves him in awe. 在老虎隊裡,甚至是在球場上,沒有人對自己的標準和認真的程度比Verlander高, 但Cabrera的態度讓他也很佩服。 "It's surreal, unbelievable what he's done this year," Verlander said. "It's amazing to me how he continues to get better. You look at his numbers in the past, and he's like the best player in the game, and yet he turned it up to another level this year somehow." "他今年表現得實在很誇張耶,他每年都在越來越好。" "看著他在場上打擊,簡直就是場上最棒的球員,然後隔年他就有辦法再更上一層樓。" Verlander says For someone with so much weight of his team's fortunes on his shoulders, he has gotten precious little individual credit for it. It isn't just about MVP voting; Cabrera has never even been voted to start an All-Star Game. He started last year only because Justin Morneau was hurt. 對一個扛著球隊期望的球員,這對他應該要有些額外的好處。不只是MVP的票選,他甚 至沒有真的在明星賽先發過。去年是因為Morneau受傷他才先發的。 It says something that so many star players, many of whom have met Cabrera, have talked so glowingly of Cabrera as he closed in on the feat. Josh Hamilton, whose own personal struggles have been well-chronicled, was neck-and-neck with him for the home run crown, and even he was pulling for him. 聽說很多明星球員都在討論Cabrera火燙的棒子,猜測他拿下三冠王的可能。 那個人生很故事性的Josh Hamilton最後也在全壘打王的競爭敗陣下來。 "I enjoy watching guys succeed at what I do," Hamilton said last week. "What a great accomplishment that would be." "我喜歡有人一起競爭的感覺,這樣才會有成就感。" Hamilton said last week The journey has been pretty amazing, too. 三冠王之旅也是 http://tinyurl.com/d6socc6 有關鍵字 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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