[外電] 小史停機日 : 2012.09.12消失

看板MLB作者時間11年前 (2012/09/03 10:50), 編輯推噓19(1903)
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http://ppt.cc/~EWD Strasburg's final start of 2012 to come Sept. 12 WASHINGTON -- Nationals manager Davey Johnson announced Sunday that Stephen Strasburg's last game of the 2012 season will be Sept. 12 against the Mets at Citi Field. Strasburg will not pitch in the postseason. The news came after the Nationals defeated the Cardinals, 4-3, at Nationals Park on Sunday afternoon. Strasburg threw six shutout innings in Washington's victory, allowed two hits and struck out nine to raise his total to a National League-leading 195 in 156 1/3 innings. After having Tommy John surgery in late 2010 and coming back late last year, Strasburg is on an innings limit in '12. He is expected to pitch between 160 to 180 innings this year. The plan to shut down Strasburg has been in place since last year. The team had a similar plan for Jordan Zimmermann last year, and he's developed into one of the club's best pitchers. "We had parameters in place at the beginning of the season," general manager Mike Rizzo said. "We have our philosophies, protocols and that seemed like the right number of innings to end the season in. When we feel he has had enough -- stressful innings, pitches and that type of thing -- we'll make that decision and shut him down." Johnson said the team has faced adversity all year because of injuries and will survive without Strasburg. "I think two starts [for Strasburg]. Unless I let him pitch 10 [innings] the next one out, which I'm not going to. So I think his last start will be on the 12th," Johnson said. "We've faced adversity all year long. I mean, we didn't have our cleanup hitter [Michael Morse], we didn't have our closer [Drew Storen]. We lost our starting catcher [Wilson Ramos], we lost Jayson Werth for two months. "I mean, that's the way this year has been. We've been fortunate in the starting staff, with the exception of Chien-Ming [Wang] early on pulling his hamstring, everybody on the pitching staff has been very healthy. We've been through it." Strasburg said he has yet to have a conversation with Johnson or Rizzo about the rest of the season. "No, I'm just focused on the next start. That's all I can really focus on right now. But we're going to have to have a sit-down and talk here soon," Strasburg said. Rizzo said he knows that Strasburg will be upset over the decision. "I don't think he is going to fight me on it. I think he is not going to be unhappy about it," Rizzo said. "I know he will be unhappy about it. He is an ultra competitor. We have taken that out of his hands. This is a developmental decision and it ultimately falls on the doorstep on the general manager, and we made it five months ago and we are going to stick to it. ... "The plan was in place. It couldn't have gone any better. He has pitched extremely well. A couple of more starts under his belt, it will lay a solid foundation for 2013, where he can take the ball, run with it and win a lot of games for us." The Nationals will likely stick with a four-man rotation should they reach the postseason. There is no need to have five starters in a short series in October. "I think we have four of the top pitchers in the National League," Rizzo said. "I think all of them can go out there under a playoff atmosphere. I think they are ultra-talented and they are stuff guys, and I think they are going to be tough to deal with against any team we play against." Outfielder Jayson Werth said it doesn't come as a surprise that the team will shut down the talented young righty and agrees with management's decision on Strasburg's development. "I've known this is the way it has been since last year," Werth said. "I have no reaction. This has gone on all season. People have been talking about it this for the whole year. I don't know why everyone is so surprised. "This has been the protocol for two years now. It's real easy for people not in the organization and not on this team to point fingers and call people names and say this is what should happen or what shouldn't happen. But the bottom line is, this is our guy on our team. And [the Nationals] are doing what's right for him, what right for our club long term. I think it's great." ============================================================================== 國民在今天賽後宣布 Stephen Strasburg 的停機日將在 0912 @ Mets 的比賽 2010 年後半段去動 Tommy John 手術 並且花了一年的時間進行復健 終在去年九月重新回到大聯盟 今年成為國民不可或缺的主力投手之一 為了保護傷後復出的他 球團比照去年的 Jordan Zimmermann 的保護模式辦理 將他今年的投球局數設定在 160 - 180 局之間 目前也已經投到 156.1 局了 預計只剩 0907 vs MIA , 0912 @ NYM 的兩場比賽而已了 此後將會休息 大概今年的投球局數會落在 170 局上下 符合球團所設定的標準 屆時他所遺留下來的空缺將會由 John Lannan 來替代 不過到了十月的季後賽時 國民最多只會用到四名先發投手 G. Gonzalez , J. Zimmermann , E. Jackson , R. Detwiler 四人而已 不會用到第五號先發投手 目前國民暫居國聯東區第一 勝率也是全大聯盟第一 這是隊史成軍以來最佳紀錄 -- 有一次記者問洋基傳奇球星狄馬喬(Joseph Paul DiMaggio)︰ 「Mr. DiMaggio,你在大聯盟打了無數場比賽,為什麼每一場比賽都還要像菜鳥一般拚命 呢?」狄馬喬這樣回答︰「因為我知道每一場比賽數萬名觀眾裡頭,一定會有哪個小孩是 第一次來看我打球。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

09/03 10:52, , 1F
大樹開機日 : 2012.09.??
09/03 10:52, 1F

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09/03 10:56, , 3F
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09/03 18:23, , 14F
一樓在說笑話嗎 哈哈哈哈哈
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09/03 20:03, , 15F
等衝擊世界大賽的話 再來看他會不會銜命上場吧 :p
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09/03 20:29, , 16F
不會吧 關機季後賽又開機也只是炸掉
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