[外電] 猴子對 Z 魔神也有興趣消失

看板MLB作者時間12年前 (2012/07/11 23:34), 編輯推噓11(1107)
留言18則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ppt.cc/HqiA Angels Interested In Acquiring Zack Greinke The Angels plan to make a run at trading for Brewers starter Zack Greinke if the right-hander becomes available prior to the trade deadline, according to Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com. The Orioles, Rangers and Braves are also thought to be interested in dealing for Greinke, the 2009 American League Cy Young Award winner, although a person close to Greinke said that the Halos are a "perfect fit." The Angels lavished huge contracts on Albert Pujols and C.J. Wilson this offseason, but they may have payroll flexibility for 2013 with club options on right-handers Dan Haren and Ervin Santana, the latter of which is expected to be declined barring a "major turnaround," according to Heyman. The Brewers entered the break with a record of 40-45, eight games back in the NL Central and six back for one of two Wild Card spots. They've not yet decided whether they're sellers and will apparently use the first week or two after the All-Star break to sort that out. Brewers cornerstone Ryan Braun, for his part, wants to convince management to retain Greinke, according to Danny Knobler of CBSSports.com (via Twitter): "Realistically, we're still in this thing." ============================================================================== 隨著釀酒人的戰績還卡在要不要當賣家或是買家的尷尬區域 不過 Z 魔神的交易案 卻是越演越烈 目前檯面上除了金鳥 , 勇士 , 條子對這位 2009 AL CYA 有興趣之外 根據 Jon Heyman 的消息指出 天使對他有著某種程度的興趣 隨著去年底大手筆挖來的 C.J. Wilson 以及 Albert Pujols 一般以為這大概已經 是極限了 但是猴子老闆口袋裡富可敵國般的有錢 也跳出來對 Z 魔神有興趣 不過如果真要把他挖來 勢必得在團隊薪資上做犧牲 一般來說最有可能被犧牲掉的人 是 Dan Haren 以及 Ervin Santana 尤其後者近幾年的表現已被列入觀察名單中 不過也有人說猴子此次跳出來 只是不想讓同區死敵條子爽到而已 哄抬的成分居多 大洛杉磯週邊是有超大條的金錢礦脈嗎 LAA vs LAD ?? -- 有一次記者問洋基傳奇球星狄馬喬(Joseph Paul DiMaggio)︰ 「Mr. DiMaggio,你在大聯盟打了無數場比賽,為什麼每一場比賽都還要像菜鳥一般拚命 呢?」狄馬喬這樣回答︰「因為我知道每一場比賽數萬名觀眾裡頭,一定會有哪個小孩是 第一次來看我打球。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

07/11 23:37, , 1F
07/11 23:37, 1F

07/11 23:37, , 2F
07/11 23:37, 2F

07/11 23:37, , 3F
07/11 23:37, 3F

07/11 23:38, , 4F
Peter Boujours吧 ...另外猴子老闆是全美最大廣告商
07/11 23:38, 4F

07/11 23:39, , 5F
07/11 23:39, 5F

07/11 23:44, , 6F
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07/11 23:52, , 7F
Peter Boujours應該也覺得繼續留在LAA滿幹的XD
07/11 23:52, 7F

07/11 23:54, , 8F
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07/11 23:57, , 9F
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07/12 00:12, , 10F
07/12 00:12, 10F

07/12 00:24, , 11F
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07/12 00:31, , 12F
哈輪DL了 Santana超抖 只靠CJ跟Weaver強是很難追條子的
07/12 00:31, 12F

07/12 00:42, , 13F
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07/12 00:43, , 14F
費城:美西雙雄缺先發嗎? 好料快端上來 (誤?!)
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07/12 00:45, , 15F
會不會最後一個拿到ZG 一個拿到Hamels 還是不相上下
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07/12 08:08, , 16F
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07/12 10:58, , 17F
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07/13 00:51, , 18F
說威廉被犧牲不太對 因為犧牲他也清不出啥薪資空間啊 囧
07/13 00:51, 18F
※ 編輯: alex2426chen 來自: (08/11 13:55)
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