[外電] Showalter: "洋基的抱怨對Flanny不敬"

看板MLB作者 (希望你在這裡)時間13年前 (2011/08/29 16:18), 編輯推噓38(39159)
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  金鶯隊的總教練Buck Sowalter 不滿的表示: 洋基抱怨金鶯不在週五排雙重賽, 而讓洋基犠牲原本9月8日與金鶯比一場,是對悲劇自殺過世的前賽揚投手金鶯隊的 Mike Flanagan不敬。他表示: "據我瞭解,洋基隊是在不到24小時前連絡Andy (MacPhail)的。首先,坦白來說, 我覺得這樣的種反應,是對過世的Flanny有點不敬,讓我覺得不好受,讓金鶯球團 來難過之餘,還要處理洋基的抱怨。想想當初四月因雨延賽時,洋基隊只通知我們 什麼時候補賽,我們就什麼時候比賽。" "我知道有時候是沒有人在意我們的意見。洋基覺得除了金鶯以外,其他隊都在週五 先作雙重賽,根本不該勞煩洋基9月8日再來補賽,這樣根本不是用棒球的觀點來作 補賽的決定。我覺得這麼是有點虛偽,但我不會一直在意這件事。洋基說金鶯該如 何作才是對得起洋基球團和洋基的球迷,這跟我個人一點關係都沒有。我想告訴你 的是我們只會儘全力去作,對得起金鶯球團和金鶯球迷的事情。我也希望洋基隊對 得起自己球團和洋基迷就夠了。" "有些人還建議將補賽改到他們主場去比賽,然後會給我們部份門票的收入。這話是 挺有趣的,我們也知道這邊會有很多洋基球迷來看球賽,所以該有不同的考量。我 也確認球團已經考慮到所有的事情,我希望未來不會發生相同的事了。如果洋基可 以停止抱怨好好想想這件事,未來再發生相同的事,就不會只想到自己,也會有不 同的考量了。" "要我算了注意比賽就行了?很多人根本不在意我們這種弱小球隊的意見,我們也在 打棒球,發生一些事時,我們也會有不同的考量,想想怎麼才是對我們球迷最好的。 什麼才是球隊在主客場間來回,對金鶯球員的旅程和吃宿等問題是最好的...如果下 雨或下雪,該一天打18局或9局?" "我希望我們有一天也可能像洋基一樣有競爭力。我尊重他們本季可以打那麼好,打 得好的人說話就比較大聲。但也尊重一下我們,我們也要想想怎麼才是對金鶯球團 和球迷是最好的。就這樣..." 總結:打得不好的球隊也是人,別以為打得好的球隊說話才比較大聲... http://0rz.tw/NTMiu Showalter says Yankees' complaints were "disrespectful to Flanny" August 28, 2011 12:01 PM by Roch Kubatko Manager Buck Showalter knows that the Yankees are chafed at the Orioles for refusing to schedule a doubleheader on Friday and costing them the Sept. 8 off-day. And he really doesn't care. Showalter spoke calmly today, but he didn't pull any punches while addressing the topic with reporters before Game 1. He also referenced the tragic death of former Orioles pitcher Mike Flanagan. "The way I understand, I think they approached Andy (MacPhail) less than 24 hours before," he said. "First of all, I felt that some of the stuff was a little disrespectful to Flanny, quite frankly. That didn't sit well with me very well. I can tell you that. I think we had an April rainout there and they just told us when we were playing. We were OK with that. Like I told you the other day, you tell us when we're playing, we'll play. "We understand that sometimes our opinions on things are not relevant. They come to me when there are two options and talk about it from a baseball standpoint. Every club does that. But some of it kind of has a feeling of hypocrisy. I don't know. I don't dwell on it. Their opinion on what the Baltimore Orioles should do for their fans and for their organization isn't really that relevant to me personally. I can tell you that. We'll do what's best for our fans and for our organization, and we expect it back that they're going to do the same on their side. "Somebody said they offered us to play them there and they were going to give us part of the gate. That's interesting. We also realize that there's a lot of Yankees fans here that come to the games and there are a lot of different things to think about. I'm real confident that our guys have thought about every possible thing and we hope that the scenario we've had coming back home here never presents itself again. I'm sure if they stopped and thought about it, if the same thing happened to one of their greats, that they probably would have given a lot of consideration to how they were going to handle that day. "You want me to keep going? A lot of people don't really care about what our opinions are about different parts of baseball. We play baseball. If there's something out there, it's all about what's best for the fans and a lot of different things. Where it fits into us with all the great modes of how we're able to do this between travel and food, I just find it... Is it raining, is it snowing, is it 18 innings, nine? Let's go. "We hope one day that we can be as competitive as they are. I respect where they are in the season and what their people are saying about the competitive part of it, but it means something to us, too. We'll continue to do what's best for the Baltimore Orioles and the fans, which are the same thing. Along the way, we'll wear that. Sometimes we confuse some things from a real life standpoint compared to what we're actually doing here, OK? Obviously, there's more, but I'll stop there." Also, Showalter said Jake Arrieta has more flexibility in his right elbow now than he did before the surgery to remove a bone spur. Chris Davis (shoulder) could begin baseball-related activities Wednesday or Thursday. Cesar Izturis (groin) could begin his injury-rehab assignment on Friday or Saturday. Jason Berken's wife will have induced labor on Tuesday. Alfredo Simon and Jo-Jo Reyes are in the bullpen today. Showalter listed two reasons why Mark Hendrickson was chosen to replace Troy Patton on the 25-man roster. "Mark was pitching fairly well, and with his family in York, I'm sure they liked having him home for the storm." Hendrickson has signed another consent form allowing the Orioles to option him to Triple-A Norfolk. However, it's "not a given" that he'll come off the roster once Patton returns Monday or Tuesday, Showalter said. -- A tribute song to Syd Barrett http://0rz.tw/JuE5L The Man Who Invented Himself -- Robyn Hitchcock -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/29 16:25, , 1F
tsna有新聞 可惜是中文
08/29 16:25, 1F

08/29 16:31, , 2F
08/29 16:31, 2F

08/29 16:32, , 3F
08/29 16:32, 3F

08/29 16:34, , 4F
完全看不出來比雙重賽跟不敬有啥關聯 =.=a
08/29 16:34, 4F

08/29 16:34, , 5F
鄉親耶 拉板凳看戲啦 φ(._. )>
08/29 16:34, 5F

08/29 16:35, , 6F
被砲轟了當然奇模子不爽啦 尊敬只是拿來說嘴用的而已
08/29 16:35, 6F

08/29 16:36, , 7F
08/29 16:36, 7F

08/29 16:42, , 8F
關Mike Flanagan屁事啊拿出來當藉口的而已吧這才是不尊重
08/29 16:42, 8F

08/29 16:44, , 9F
08/29 16:44, 9F

08/29 16:44, , 10F
消費死人 何況他是自殺死亡的
08/29 16:44, 10F

08/29 16:45, , 11F
自殺死會怎樣? 上不了天堂嗎?
08/29 16:45, 11F

08/29 16:45, , 12F
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08/29 16:46, , 13F
08/29 16:46, 13F

08/29 16:47, , 14F
四月延賽跟八月的延賽根本不能相提並論啊 後期吃緊多了
08/29 16:47, 14F

08/29 16:48, , 15F
對於一個不珍惜生命 做出不好示範的 我不想評論
08/29 16:48, 15F

08/29 16:49, , 16F
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08/29 16:50, , 17F
08/29 16:50, 17F

08/29 17:05, , 18F
感覺就是嘴砲不用錢 笑死人 他季初不是也一直放話嗎
08/29 17:05, 18F

08/29 17:06, , 19F
在金鶯主場金鶯爽就好阿 難不成金鶯還要替洋基隊考慮要不要
08/29 17:06, 19F

08/29 17:07, , 20F
08/29 17:07, 20F

08/29 17:11, , 21F
沒打那場也沒什麼差 會不會進季後賽比較重要
08/29 17:11, 21F

08/29 17:20, , 22F
08/29 17:20, 22F

08/29 17:28, , 23F
不過今年美聯沒有長賽程可以選就是了 主要就1.主場優勢 2.
08/29 17:28, 23F

08/29 17:28, , 24F
08/29 17:28, 24F

08/29 17:34, , 25F
Mike Flanagan: XXX 也中槍...
08/29 17:34, 25F

08/29 17:35, , 26F
08/29 17:35, 26F

08/29 17:37, , 27F
金鳥很會推拖 -.-
08/29 17:37, 27F

08/29 18:15, , 28F
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08/29 18:32, , 33F
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08/29 18:33, , 34F
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08/29 18:34, , 35F
抱怨跟反駁都無可厚非啊 這什麼爛反駁才是重點
08/29 18:34, 35F

08/29 18:35, , 36F
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08/29 18:37, , 37F
不同意週一也打DH (週二開始要打BOS), 所以就
08/29 18:37, 37F

08/29 18:39, , 38F
08/29 18:39, 38F

08/29 18:40, , 39F
提出抱怨, Showalter 提出反擊罷了. 感想:
08/29 18:40, 39F
還有 21 則推文
08/29 19:26, , 61F
08/29 19:26, 61F

08/29 19:38, , 62F
在PTT打嘴砲的優勢? 笑死我了XD
08/29 19:38, 62F

08/29 19:44, , 63F
無理取鬧都有人支持 真是超棒的!
08/29 19:44, 63F

08/29 19:55, , 64F
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08/29 19:58, , 65F
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08/29 20:14, , 66F
08/29 20:14, 66F

08/29 20:28, , 67F
講到Lidle時又是另一種反應了 顆顆
08/29 20:28, 67F

08/29 20:44, , 68F
翻譯只翻一半 部份只讀譯文的讀者自然容易誤解
08/29 20:44, 68F

08/29 20:56, , 69F
以此文來說 不加譯注說明Flanny與此事的關係便不適當
08/29 20:56, 69F

08/29 21:18, , 70F
08/29 21:18, 70F

08/29 21:19, , 71F
本季各隊XX文, 比較爽...愛怎麼PO就怎麼PO
08/29 21:19, 71F

08/29 21:19, , 72F
譯文還有一點有誤,Somebody (in NYY camp)說的不是
08/29 21:19, 72F

08/29 21:21, , 73F
08/29 21:21, 73F

08/29 21:23, , 74F
08/29 21:23, 74F

08/29 21:27, , 75F
分給金鶯吃紅的建議". 感想: 戰績差沒人愛的球隊真悲哀
08/29 21:27, 75F

08/29 21:27, , 76F
我也有注意到 但會提出這種意見的人真是腦子有洞
08/29 21:27, 76F

08/29 21:29, , 77F
自以為NYY人氣高就可以不尊重主場球隊 還提出對自己有利
08/29 21:29, 77F

08/29 21:29, , 78F
08/29 21:29, 78F

08/29 21:29, , 79F
08/29 21:29, 79F
※ 編輯: RogerWaters 來自: (08/29 21:32)

08/29 21:54, , 80F
尊重 理性 很難嗎?
08/29 21:54, 80F

08/29 22:27, , 81F
這樣排抱怨很正常吧? 如果立場顛倒金鳥會不會抱怨? XD
08/29 22:27, 81F

08/29 22:28, , 82F
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08/29 22:31, , 83F
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08/29 22:32, , 84F
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08/29 22:35, , 85F
金鶯會抱怨 但沒有媒體會當一回事 洋基是全國主場 所以去哪
08/29 22:35, 85F

08/29 22:35, , 86F
補賽都沒差 這應該是提議人的想法
08/29 22:35, 86F

08/29 22:40, , 87F
08/29 22:40, 87F

08/29 22:50, , 88F
就嘴砲兩句 就被酸成這樣 不是媒體寵 是酸迷放大罷了
08/29 22:50, 88F

08/29 23:16, , 89F
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08/29 23:39, , 90F
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08/29 23:47, , 91F
08/29 23:47, 91F

08/30 00:38, , 92F
08/30 00:38, 92F

08/30 02:17, , 93F
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08/30 02:19, , 96F
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08/30 08:30, , 97F
08/30 08:30, 97F

08/30 12:28, , 98F
08/30 12:28, 98F

08/30 12:35, , 99F
正常yankees 一堆whine babies
08/30 12:35, 99F
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