[分享] 做女兒的好老爸

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※ [本文轉錄自 Cardinals 看板 #1E1TkcUO ] 作者: poplc () 看板: Cardinals 標題: [報導] Cardinals’ Trever Miller pitches for Grace 時間: Sat Jun 25 20:59:16 2011 推薦搭配Gord Bamford這首歌 "My Daughter's Father" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fdeyEJ1s_k
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ His daughter’s father: Cardinals’ Trever Miller pitches for Grace 做女兒的好老爸:紅雀Trever Miller為Grace而投 By David Brown/Sun Jun 19 08:01am EDT Part of what motivates Trever Miller(notes) to keep pitching is a devotion to his youngest daughter, Grace. Because she was born with two defects in her heart caused by a chromosomal disorder so rare it has no name, doctors did not expect Grace to live a year. She turns 7 on June 28. On Sunday, Joe Strauss of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote a touching and dignified Father's Day feature on Miller, a 38-year-old pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. After breaking in with the Tigers during the 1996 season, Miller has accrued nearly 10 years of service time as a left-handed relief specialist. 激勵Trever Miller繼續投球的其中一項原因,就是為了奉獻給他的小女兒,Grace。 自她一出生就伴隨著心臟兩個先天缺陷,造成原因是染色體異常,這病過於罕見也因 此沒有名字,醫生也預計她活不過一年。但今年的6月28號她就要滿七歲了。 在週日,聖路易派遣報的記者Joe Strauss寫了一篇觸動人心的偉大父親日專題,關於 Miller,這位在聖路易紅雀的38歲老投手。自1996 年在底特律老虎隊首度闖進大聯盟 後,Miller 當了將近十年的一人左投。 Some may wonder how or why Miller continues to pitch knowing his daughter's life balances so precariously. In his way, it's a tribute to her tenacity. "I know she would want to walk if she could. I know she would talk if she could," Miller said. "I've been given the ability to pitch. And if I can continue to do that until I'm 50, that's what I'll do." 有些人或許會好奇,Miller在知道他女兒的生命是如此搖搖欲墜後,如何或者為什麼 還能繼續投下去。在他想法裡,投球會讓小女兒更堅強。Miller是這樣說的:『我知 道如果她能,她會想站起來行走,我知道如果她能,她會想說說話。我被上天賦予投 球的能力,如果我能投到50歲,那麼我就會繼續投下去。』 Strauss writes that Cardinals GM John Mozeliak and manager Tony La Russa think so highly of Miller that he is free to take as much time as needed to be with his daughter in case of a crisis. Crises frequently happen for Grace, and have throughout her often grueling life. Genetic defects to the 16th and 20th chromosomes led to an atrial septal defect and Parent Ductus Arteriosus within her heart. Grace's case is only the 21st of its kind, reportedly, in recorded medical history. Strauss寫到紅雀總管 John Mozeliak和總教練Tony La Russa對Miller有高度評價, 他們認為Miller一有空總是盡最多的時間陪在小女兒身邊,他知道萬一有病危關頭她 需要和老爸一起度過。 但危機總是發生在Grace身上,從頭到尾都讓她的生活受到折磨。 第十六與二十號染色體上的基因缺陷,導致她有心室隔膜缺陷以及心臟裡有開放性動脈 導管(註1)。據報導,Grace的問題在醫療史裡不過是第21件案例。 She is unable to walk or talk, she rarely cries, and even breathing can be tricky because she usually requires a ventilator. She has endured several operations, starting with the heart surgery at 4 months old that gave her a chance to live longer than anyone else with her set of conditions. Grace has nearly died several times — most recently in May after surgery to remove a kidney stone went wrong. Two times, Pari has needed to revive Grace all by herself. One harrowing experience happened in 2008 at Tropicana Field as Miller — then with the Tampa Bay Rays — celebrated the last out of the 2008 ALCS with his teammates. 她不能走路或講話,也很少哭,甚至呼吸也有些困難,因為她通常都需要掛著呼吸器 。她也已經遇過數次手術,第一次動心臟手術是在她四個月大時,因這手術讓她比起 相同遭遇的人有機會活久一點。 Grace好幾次都差點過世,最近的一次是在五月,原因是移除腎結石的手術出了問題。 其中兩次,他老婆Pari全靠著自己讓Grace甦醒。另外一次可怕經驗是發生在2008年的 Tropicana Field,當時Miller正和隊友慶祝光芒隊在季後賽拿下美聯冠軍。 It is tough to even imagine being in the Millers' position. Despite the constant hardships, Grace gets — and seems to give — love and happiness. The Millers say they count Grace as a blessing, and cherish every moment they spend with her and their two older, healthier children. And Grace does more than merely exist; she's trying to learn sign language. 即使你站在Miller家族的角度也很難想像,儘管有接連不斷的苦難,Grace 獲得(也似 乎散播著)愛和快樂。Miller家族提到他們把 Grace視為上帝的恩寵,珍惜每個相處的 時刻,把時間用在她和其他兩位較大又健康的小孩。而Grace現在不僅僅只是活著,她 還試著學習手語。 At a fundraiser in Chicago a year ago, Miller succinctly explained why he and Pari attempted to extend Grace's life with heart surgery rather than, as Strauss wrote, "letting nature take its course": 一年前在芝加哥有場募款餐會,Miller簡單的說明他和老婆Pari為什麼藉由手術嘗試著 延長Grace的生命,就像Strauss所寫到的“順其自然”。 "A lot of doctors are apprehensive to even do the surgery," Miller said. "God blessed us with Dr. [Jim] Quintessenza, who took a chance. "He said. 'A lot of doctors are telling you about the 'quality of life' — but they don't know what the quality of life would be with your daughter. So maybe I can give you some time and you can work out the quality for yourself.' " Miller提到:『許多醫生都很擔憂,遑論動上一刀,上帝保佑我們和擔下這個責任的 Dr.Jim Quintessenza。他說:“許多醫生告訴你“生活品質”(讓不治之症患者有尊 嚴地走完生命最後) 的重要性,但他們不知道哪種生活品質才是寶貝小女兒所要的, 那麼也許我會給你點時間思考,讓你能弄懂你自己的品質。”』 The Stew also touched on Miller's story back in February, after a feature ran in "Runner's World" about his offseason marathon training sessions pushing Grace in her stroller. Both have been in it for the long haul. The Stew(yahoo專欄作家群)也曾在二月時提及Miller的故事,而更之前在"跑者的世界" 還有刊載篇專欄提到他在休季時的馬拉松訓練課程是為了幫助Grace能起身散步。 兩人皆在其中走了一段遙遠的旅程。 http://tinyurl.com/6etpmna -- 註:1.開放性動脈導管( Patent ductus arteriosus )- 開放性動脈導管(簡稱PDA),約占 先天性心臟病5-10 %,引起PDA的真正原因尚不是很清楚。可能的原因有早產、缺氧 、胎兒期的感染(如德國麻疹)、遺傳或環境因子的影響。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/25 21:05, , 1F
06/25 21:05, 1F

06/25 21:13, , 2F
推~~~ 請加油喔!!!
06/25 21:13, 2F

06/25 21:14, , 3F
06/25 21:14, 3F

06/25 21:14, , 4F
06/25 21:14, 4F

06/25 21:26, , 5F
加油 小妹妹QQ
06/25 21:26, 5F

06/25 21:35, , 6F
after breaking in with Tigers 那句翻的不對
06/25 21:35, 6F

06/25 21:36, , 7F
不是中斷合約 主要句是breaking in the big leauges
06/25 21:36, 7F

06/25 21:37, , 8F
這個翻成打入/闖進 大聯盟, 然後中間插入with the Tigers
06/25 21:37, 8F

06/25 21:37, , 9F
06/25 21:37, 9F

06/25 21:39, , 10F
大致意思是"自1996 年在底特律老虎隊首度闖進大聯盟後...
06/25 21:39, 10F

06/25 21:39, , 11F
很感動的故事!加油 今天MLBMO排你當頭號MR
06/25 21:39, 11F

06/25 21:42, , 12F
原po很認真翻譯 不過目前英文還不夠好 我感覺是如果一個字
06/25 21:42, 12F

06/25 21:43, , 13F
有幾個意思 他容易挑不出來在原文裡用的是哪一個意思
06/25 21:43, 13F

06/25 21:43, , 14F
06/25 21:43, 14F

06/25 22:24, , 15F
06/25 22:24, 15F

06/25 22:24, , 16F
推 好爸爸
06/25 22:24, 16F

06/25 22:26, , 17F
06/25 22:26, 17F

06/25 22:48, , 18F
06/25 22:48, 18F

06/25 22:53, , 19F
好爸爸 Q_Q
06/25 22:53, 19F

06/25 22:54, , 20F
'quality of life'是指讓不治之症患者有尊嚴地走完生命最後
06/25 22:54, 20F

06/25 22:55, , 21F
06/25 22:55, 21F

06/25 23:19, , 22F
06/25 23:19, 22F

06/25 23:45, , 23F
genetic defects指基因缺陷,不是缺少染色體
06/25 23:45, 23F

06/25 23:46, , 24F
06/25 23:46, 24F

06/25 23:50, , 25F
不小心看成 做好女兒的張爸= =
06/25 23:50, 25F

06/25 23:51, , 26F
06/25 23:51, 26F

06/26 00:05, , 27F
06/26 00:05, 27F

06/26 00:27, , 28F
06/26 00:27, 28F

06/26 00:54, , 29F
06/26 00:54, 29F

06/26 02:37, , 30F
正常人的動脈弓會退化 不過這種病會讓含氧血跟缺氧血
06/26 02:37, 30F

06/26 02:38, , 31F
06/26 02:38, 31F

06/26 06:18, , 32F
好感人QQ 但是翻譯有錯誤@@ 不是缺少第16和第20號染色體
06/26 06:18, 32F

06/26 06:18, , 33F
06/26 06:18, 33F

06/26 06:25, , 34F
06/26 06:25, 34F

06/26 08:11, , 35F
06/26 08:11, 35F

06/26 10:10, , 36F
06/26 10:10, 36F
※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (06/26 14:59)

06/26 15:14, , 37F
06/26 15:14, 37F

06/26 16:26, , 38F
06/26 16:26, 38F

06/26 22:23, , 39F
06/26 22:23, 39F

06/27 10:58, , 40F
06/27 10:58, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1E1TmcYi (MLB)