[影片] 2011 04/22 MLB 賽事精華

看板MLB作者 (香帥 )時間13年前 (2011/04/23 17:09), 編輯推噓20(2001)
留言21則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) VS 小熊 (CHC) (12 : 2) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gdybiQ http://bit.ly/hiofQw Aramis' diving stop http://bit.ly/ee9VEa http://bit.ly/eTaOGr Uribe RBI single http://bit.ly/dWBcZJ http://bit.ly/dMUjMe Ramirez scores on passed ball http://bit.ly/hKQiBa http://bit.ly/eBWgtm Ethier RBI single http://bit.ly/eVRQ4O http://bit.ly/hQPCDF Thames' two-run homer http://bit.ly/hAd0LP http://bit.ly/fdajRO Barney RBI single http://bit.ly/i6E1nr http://bit.ly/f3XG33 Uribe two-run homer http://bit.ly/hO3jwj http://bit.ly/dVO5Mw Jansen stellar relief http://bit.ly/gaS3KX http://bit.ly/fAFZLn Quade on loss to Dodgers http://bit.ly/hfWxPt http://bit.ly/hOpNlg Recap: LAD 12, CHC 2 http://bit.ly/fGLdQD http://bit.ly/etvMRH Billingsley solid start http://bit.ly/emkQvB http://bit.ly/fY6bTw Young fan returns souvenir http://bit.ly/fMjpdm http://bit.ly/fXuD0x Dodgers' six-run third http://bit.ly/e7NQlU http://bit.ly/e1fOuu Ellis' two-run single http://bit.ly/eRYLQk http://bit.ly/gmjiOK Gwynn RBI single 白襪 (CWS) VS 老虎 (DET) (3 : 9) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gv1iMr http://bit.ly/fSZzPM Recap: CWS 3, DET 9 http://bit.ly/fI0TDV http://bit.ly/hgDdoi Verlander 1,000th strikeout http://bit.ly/fOD7L1 http://bit.ly/e1i12C Quentin second solo homer http://bit.ly/fogCMW http://bit.ly/fVdY7H Raburn two-run homer http://bit.ly/efz7jS http://bit.ly/hZHUEo Pierre diving catch http://bit.ly/ew2NHx http://bit.ly/gee7GU Cabrera diving play http://bit.ly/fzt7oM http://bit.ly/fWYBlw Konerko solo blast http://bit.ly/i6pazE http://bit.ly/e3jKtE Avila RBI double http://bit.ly/i0qx4G http://bit.ly/i00Yir Peralta RBI triple http://bit.ly/eFxJoe http://bit.ly/ed7tbg Quentin solo shot http://bit.ly/ezNMUy http://bit.ly/eW7jrv Verlander eight strikeouts http://bit.ly/hOcxZi http://bit.ly/evpViB Raburn two-run single http://bit.ly/fCM83O http://bit.ly/hVStxj Wells' RBI single http://bit.ly/eVoAcx http://bit.ly/gevzMe White Sox turn two http://bit.ly/i1bdU9 http://bit.ly/eYVM6V Wells' RBI double http://bit.ly/dNJx1O http://bit.ly/h6pwXk Boesch sac fly 光芒 (TB) VS 藍鳥 (TOR) (4 : 6) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/g8WLEb http://bit.ly/gfmnDf Recap: TB 4, TOR 6 http://bit.ly/fxe6VW http://bit.ly/esKGnJ Farrell on Jays' walk-off win http://bit.ly/hfqR9V http://bit.ly/hLjaEY Must C: Clutch http://bit.ly/h8KmMN http://bit.ly/h80QGG Bautista three hits http://bit.ly/dZ0N7E http://bit.ly/fBu21P Damon RBI double http://bit.ly/fmZBgt http://bit.ly/dQajZP Encarnacion game-tying double http://bit.ly/hIg6iW http://bit.ly/hMKqaI Lind RBI double http://bit.ly/fBjYz5 http://bit.ly/hQIeeB Upton RBI single http://bit.ly/gKzIwE http://bit.ly/fubim6 McDonald walk-off homer http://bit.ly/hgBbvq http://bit.ly/dMHYgQ Upton sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/iahDpI http://bit.ly/egUBEA Bautista solo blast http://bit.ly/eRoCma http://bit.ly/gkKpS1 Fuld RBI triple http://bit.ly/hTkas6 http://bit.ly/i4UHWV Lind RBI single http://bit.ly/gqp7iy http://bit.ly/hQwG9r Rays surrender walk-off homer http://bit.ly/eLgHwi http://bit.ly/gSJlE1 Rays turn two http://bit.ly/igELQ4 http://bit.ly/fQU1rf Bautista double http://bit.ly/ibUE9v http://bit.ly/gAOfL8 McDonald diving stop http://bit.ly/eTE1FI http://bit.ly/fPsC7I Lind nice catch 響尾蛇 (ARI) VS 大都會 (NYM) (1 : 4) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/g1sP7c http://bit.ly/ecixHP Recap: ARI 1, NYM 4 http://bit.ly/f8vIPX http://bit.ly/gMnnQe Pelfrey stellar start http://bit.ly/hQnbMJ http://bit.ly/dHeuM8 Drew diving catch http://bit.ly/fDiprc http://bit.ly/eD0OGb Murphy scores on an error http://bit.ly/fckqqh http://bit.ly/eqMUQy Davis awarded homer http://bit.ly/hXSJA3 http://bit.ly/fScjXb Upton RBI double http://bit.ly/filVCA http://bit.ly/exqKLb Parra tough catch http://bit.ly/gMq0Ob http://bit.ly/hjhX9I Beltran RBI single 落磯 (COL) VS 馬林魚 (FLA) (1 : 4) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/g5hNaj http://bit.ly/hPT4uz Sanchez, Buck on gem vs. Rockies http://bit.ly/heMR3V http://bit.ly/hoPNSf Recap: COL 1, FLA 4 http://bit.ly/gR87Cx http://bit.ly/eRiySi Sanchez on his stellar start http://bit.ly/folCke http://bit.ly/fJhr1C Sanchez one-hitter http://bit.ly/fNYOLc http://bit.ly/eqacaQ Sanchez gets Lopez http://bit.ly/hGnbV3 http://bit.ly/i6VozR Sanchez squeeze bunt http://bit.ly/gltpIJ http://bit.ly/e1DWQV Cousins turns two http://bit.ly/eBYC7R http://bit.ly/fdWGpO Fowler scores on error http://bit.ly/hDG2j3 http://bit.ly/i4wsHb Sanchez solo homer http://bit.ly/eSkv69 http://bit.ly/gs8zmj Fowler breaks up Sanchez no-no http://bit.ly/g2GSwh http://bit.ly/fUEaGN Coghlan solo blast http://bit.ly/f3QDz1 http://bit.ly/gpnNNP Vonn attends Marlins game http://bit.ly/gNTgYJ http://bit.ly/fIB7q2 Coghlan RBI groundout 皇家 (KC) VS 遊騎兵 (TEX) (6 : 11) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/i5fXHj http://bit.ly/g5ER5J Recap: KC 6, TEX 11 http://bit.ly/feI95K http://bit.ly/h9RRYS Getz out on interference http://bit.ly/h4fEkU http://bit.ly/f8NN8F Rangers' five homers http://bit.ly/fVi4BZ http://bit.ly/gUBvNL Gordon extends hitting streak http://bit.ly/i2aWWV http://bit.ly/i3Bolk Murphy two-run shot http://bit.ly/fHAKMT http://bit.ly/gCYLNc Moreland two-run shot http://bit.ly/fQwSFy http://bit.ly/dNwXkn Betemit RBI single http://bit.ly/f959Gf http://bit.ly/gHMDmD Beltre solo shot http://bit.ly/h8rMPH http://bit.ly/fOhRJV Kinsler solo homer http://bit.ly/fJcyYa http://bit.ly/gTvKwx Beltre RBI double http://bit.ly/h4Opac http://bit.ly/ePMTHU Young RBI single http://bit.ly/hPA45F http://bit.ly/haRgEx Napoli two-run blast http://bit.ly/gdNLWI http://bit.ly/h0klMH Pena three-run blast http://bit.ly/fv9NgU http://bit.ly/hg4hoK Francoeur RBI double 太空人 (HOU) VS 釀酒人 (MIL) (7 : 14) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/f4dXTD http://bit.ly/fwIdQ5 Brewers owner on Braun http://bit.ly/gftEBb http://bit.ly/gAVp7I Braun tries to call Brewers fan http://bit.ly/gHYC1d http://bit.ly/h8IBTk Recap: HOU 7, MIL 14 http://bit.ly/fUXuIt http://bit.ly/dX12Jn Mills, Arnsberg ejected http://bit.ly/i3p42f http://bit.ly/e6JB35 Quintero RBI single http://bit.ly/hHsiDR http://bit.ly/ewUhuQ Kotsay two-run single http://bit.ly/h3nj61 http://bit.ly/fXk3Go Lee RBI double http://bit.ly/fq5UDd http://bit.ly/e8iZ2Y Pence RBI single http://bit.ly/i9L7cB http://bit.ly/h8eOMA Betancourt two-run single http://bit.ly/dEsc56 http://bit.ly/fKzkcg Bourn RBI single http://bit.ly/eJisLW http://bit.ly/fqDIov Gallardo solo shot http://bit.ly/fD3GcT http://bit.ly/i3oXzS Braun three-run blast http://bit.ly/eZZXEA http://bit.ly/ig3N5P Hall triple http://bit.ly/dVBjyT http://bit.ly/eJ7vk3 Lucroy RBI groundout http://bit.ly/hM5owW http://bit.ly/gVo3Q6 Gomez three-run shot http://bit.ly/fUAL54 http://bit.ly/gx8WRk McGehee two-run double 紅人 (CIN) VS 紅雀 (STL) (2 : 4) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/dWF21j http://bit.ly/hNIEXv Cards' defense ends the inning http://bit.ly/hArr1b http://bit.ly/hZKGvd Gomes' sac fly http://bit.ly/fnKmiR http://bit.ly/dYYrKj Molina RBI single http://bit.ly/hcSMa9 http://bit.ly/eHJ1jF Bruce throws out Holliday http://bit.ly/h6lXC7 http://bit.ly/gC27lv Phillips' solo shot http://bit.ly/hQX9IJ http://bit.ly/go6bpA Recap: CIN 2, STL 4 http://bit.ly/g8YHkp http://bit.ly/g120x0 MassMutual Good Decisions http://bit.ly/fOpGyc http://bit.ly/hj4Onk Cairo taps Molina http://bit.ly/g5sdr1 http://bit.ly/hDvZEZ Cards fans greet Phillips http://bit.ly/ebacOk http://bit.ly/eYki0o McClellan solid relief http://bit.ly/eDHP8g http://bit.ly/fGf2eO Berkman scores on error http://bit.ly/eNw653 http://bit.ly/f4eJD3 Cards catch Gomes in rundown http://bit.ly/i6BRQ7 http://bit.ly/hA0jer Hernandez throws out Molina http://bit.ly/gdjYh8 http://bit.ly/fFu2sp Maloney strikes out Molina http://bit.ly/g9M92x http://bit.ly/ifBM3x Renteria nice play http://bit.ly/gPGqLA http://bit.ly/efK55G Gomes' game-ending popup http://bit.ly/g0NA40 http://bit.ly/dEn3Kk Pujols' RBI single http://bit.ly/gD7ccE http://bit.ly/i5Pnsa Pujols' sac fly 紅襪 (BOS) VS 天使 (LAA) (4 : 3) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gwmOb8 http://bit.ly/guDvPh Bourjos' running catch http://bit.ly/eZVGrF http://bit.ly/edObnf Abreu RBI single http://bit.ly/haf2jo http://bit.ly/gLvqQR Pedroia turns two http://bit.ly/hJglpk http://bit.ly/fvFAfC Drew RBI single http://bit.ly/hz5MbB http://bit.ly/eD0Tuq Mathis' RBI single http://bit.ly/i2nCPZ http://bit.ly/ibxS5N Recap: BOS 4, LAA 3 http://bit.ly/h9MYWk http://bit.ly/e8GiYf Saltalamacchia injury http://bit.ly/i0MbHq http://bit.ly/dTrAvv Lester dominant start http://bit.ly/ftK5l7 http://bit.ly/gcoc8R Papelbon earns the save http://bit.ly/gXyZq7 http://bit.ly/i1nZH7 Haren six strikeouts http://bit.ly/eyyRhq http://bit.ly/gSZ4k8 Abreu scores on a passed ball http://bit.ly/i2deuH http://bit.ly/g4vx7J Red Sox score two on error http://bit.ly/gWAmhs http://bit.ly/i9WNhW Ellsbury RBI double 費城人 (PHI) VS 教士 (SD) (2 : 0) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gOkqjC http://bit.ly/gu9QpN Richard picks off Hamels http://bit.ly/gZCyUN http://bit.ly/ezX9Ax Phillies turn two http://bit.ly/fPzDBw http://bit.ly/hqKpZ7 Richard solid start http://bit.ly/dPr9ot http://bit.ly/hdI7IV Recap: PHI 2, SD 0 http://bit.ly/hjQQZX http://bit.ly/fLtohq Black on Padres' struggles http://bit.ly/f4pmHq http://bit.ly/eLibs3 Hamels' dominant start http://bit.ly/fniKcd http://bit.ly/fUfDR3 Howard two-run triple 運動家 (OAK) VS 水手 (SEA) (0 : 4) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/fYAukZ http://bit.ly/h3zXgZ Recap: OAK 0, SEA 4 http://bit.ly/hFgRC9 http://bit.ly/gG6iTZ Pineda scoreless start http://bit.ly/fjLkhW http://bit.ly/gJA2S4 Wilson starts slick double play http://bit.ly/e83xOy http://bit.ly/h4Zky2 Athletics turn two http://bit.ly/h1Ne0C http://bit.ly/e68UQE Suzuki single http://bit.ly/fkDT3A http://bit.ly/eEtdRe Cust RBI walk http://bit.ly/eK7Zgn http://bit.ly/h4ZEex Figgins' sliding catch http://bit.ly/gi8KqO http://bit.ly/elwBZr Kennedy two-run single http://bit.ly/dXWh43 http://bit.ly/ifVlfi Barton sliding catch http://bit.ly/fElIfz http://bit.ly/eXNMvs Kennedy throws out Kouzmanoff http://bit.ly/gWf6Ol http://bit.ly/hShgcW Wilson RBI single 勇士 (ATL) VS 巨人 (SF) (4 : 1) >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/eJvtkH http://bit.ly/hoSfHB Burrell RBI groundout http://bit.ly/gLoFhf http://bit.ly/h1f90t Recap: ATL 4, SF 1 http://bit.ly/i1lQLO http://bit.ly/gVwXap Braves on win vs. the Giants http://bit.ly/ftKrW1 http://bit.ly/fHCqQC Hanson stellar start http://bit.ly/eJyNDZ http://bit.ly/gpXir8 Bochy on 4-1 loss vs. the Braves http://bit.ly/gCYF65 http://bit.ly/hXEQfa Giants turn two http://bit.ly/i6kHPW http://bit.ly/giK2iJ Gonzalez nice play http://bit.ly/fO9p4D http://bit.ly/dFFnrv Freeman RBI single http://bit.ly/ftrxtp http://bit.ly/fftPj0 Posey throws out Freeman http://bit.ly/fxHIKz http://bit.ly/gF9Psh McLouth running catch http://bit.ly/fr84C9 http://bit.ly/enbbrl Chipper two-run double http://bit.ly/fOR5aC http://bit.ly/gsQ4xA Tejada outstanding catch http://bit.ly/igd9Yx http://bit.ly/hU6yJc Huff nice grab http://bit.ly/e266Iw http://bit.ly/fkPEZP Heyward RBI single 每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/hfWxPt http://bit.ly/hOpNlg Recap: LAD 12,CHC 2 http://bit.ly/gv1iMr http://bit.ly/fSZzPM Recap: CWS 3, DET 9 http://bit.ly/g8WLEb http://bit.ly/gfmnDf Recap: TB 4, TOR 6 http://bit.ly/g1sP7c http://bit.ly/ecixHP Recap: ARI 1, NYM 4 http://bit.ly/heMR3V http://bit.ly/hoPNSf Recap: COL 1, FLA 4 http://bit.ly/i5fXHj http://bit.ly/g5ER5J Recap: KC 6, TEX 11 http://bit.ly/gHYC1d http://bit.ly/h8IBTk Recap: HOU 7, MIL 14 http://bit.ly/hQX9IJ http://bit.ly/go6bpA Recap: CIN 2, STL 4 http://bit.ly/i2nCPZ http://bit.ly/ibxS5N Recap: BOS 4, LAA 3 http://bit.ly/dPr9ot http://bit.ly/hdI7IV Recap: PHI 2, SD 0 http://bit.ly/fYAukZ http://bit.ly/h3zXgZ Recap: OAK 0, SEA 4 http://bit.ly/gLoFhf http://bit.ly/h1f90t Recap: ATL 4, SF 1 http://bit.ly/hGoQmn http://bit.ly/hEhWvk 今日快速掃描 http://bit.ly/fH9JXP http://bit.ly/fo7DU7 今日五大好球 -- http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog MLB/NBA每日線上高光 & 線上Top10 http://nbafilm.summerhost.info NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/23 17:10, , 1F
香帥 必推
04/23 17:10, 1F

04/23 17:47, , 2F
04/23 17:47, 2F

04/23 17:49, , 3F
04/23 17:49, 3F

04/23 17:51, , 4F
04/23 17:51, 4F

04/23 17:53, , 5F
04/23 17:53, 5F

04/23 18:04, , 6F
看完影片... Haren輸的有點冤枉
04/23 18:04, 6F

04/23 18:27, , 7F
04/23 18:27, 7F

04/23 18:41, , 8F
04/23 18:41, 8F

04/23 18:46, , 9F
04/23 18:46, 9F

04/23 19:37, , 10F
請問一下我看 recap 很順看 mlb.tv 很 lag 是電腦太慢嗎?
04/23 19:37, 10F

04/23 19:45, , 11F
04/23 19:45, 11F

04/23 21:03, , 12F
04/23 21:03, 12F

04/23 21:05, , 13F
04/23 21:05, 13F

04/23 21:06, , 14F
兩者不太相同 MLB.TV會lag可能是網因為路速度太慢
04/23 21:06, 14F

04/23 22:02, , 15F
04/23 22:02, 15F

04/23 22:55, , 16F
04/23 22:55, 16F

04/23 23:32, , 17F
今天又克蛋 對不起球迷了
04/23 23:32, 17F

04/23 23:55, , 18F
04/23 23:55, 18F

04/24 00:59, , 19F
04/24 00:59, 19F

04/24 01:08, , 20F
04/24 01:08, 20F

04/24 12:30, , 21F
04/24 12:30, 21F
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