[影片] 2011.04.21 MLB 賽事精華 大螢幕

看板MLB作者 (小鳥)時間13年前 (2011/04/22 15:20), 編輯推噓12(1204)
留言16則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
[1;32m亞利桑那響尾蛇 (ARI) VS 辛辛那提紅人 (CIN) (4 : 7) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/fXexYa http://bit.ly/fkbkzq Recap: ARI 4, CIN 7 http://bit.ly/hXkJsr http://bit.ly/gvCHxW Cairo's two-run single http://bit.ly/dKfQa1 http://bit.ly/gmcK9a Leake's strong start http://bit.ly/e19kYX http://bit.ly/hqx2RB Leake on his tumultuous week http://bit.ly/dZr0aL http://bit.ly/hxtYvq Hernandez's RBI double http://bit.ly/eUou1H http://bit.ly/gDRln5 Johnson's solo shot http://bit.ly/g1d9eu http://bit.ly/gLPIPg Janish's RBI single http://bit.ly/fFz6rt http://bit.ly/dXrBzo Gomes' tough catch http://bit.ly/fONxJN http://bit.ly/hVWXOe Roberts snares liner http://bit.ly/gQqeHW http://bit.ly/hj62i1 Drew's dinger http://bit.ly/hlX9pc http://bit.ly/edhQZW Hudson's squeeze bunt http://bit.ly/f7uPxR http://bit.ly/fl4jjd Drew's RBI single http://bit.ly/dZsE4P http://bit.ly/gepbXj Phillips' diving stop http://bit.ly/hWScsN http://bit.ly/g6rm2O Votto's moonshot http://bit.ly/emY56B http://bit.ly/hjP0vQ D-backs turn two 華盛頓國民 (WSH) VS 聖路易紅雀 (STL) (0 : 5) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/dXNQ6x http://bit.ly/hTRsBo Gorzelanny's solid start http://bit.ly/gqynu5 http://bit.ly/gVXNxP Desmond's heads-up catch http://bit.ly/fW1av0 http://bit.ly/dS6KoT Lohse's shutout http://bit.ly/hgJiGW http://bit.ly/hGA9vf Pujols snares liner http://bit.ly/ggZQWa http://bit.ly/eyWD9L Punto's tough catch http://bit.ly/hlAMbu http://bit.ly/g0kMn3 Cards turn two http://bit.ly/g4uqFS http://bit.ly/flo923 Broderick's scoreless relief http://bit.ly/gW6TEm http://bit.ly/hPNx1n Recap: WSH 0, STL 5 http://bit.ly/hoGcVw http://bit.ly/eGnZqt 普神離開地球了 兩分砲 http://bit.ly/fr1RyD http://bit.ly/f8Hh4U Freese's RBI double http://bit.ly/hnVbkx http://bit.ly/i5knuX Nats turn two 亞特蘭大勇士 (ATL) VS 洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) (3 : 5) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/eHdzhC http://bit.ly/f02Xff Uribe's solo homer http://bit.ly/gAEjbY http://bit.ly/fMk7k0 Freeman's long homer http://bit.ly/hPasTR http://bit.ly/exKc1r Kershaw picks off Gonzalez http://bit.ly/fW0hfQ http://bit.ly/iacVor Ross' clutch RBI single http://bit.ly/gv4OSV http://bit.ly/fyoggU Blake's game-tying single http://bit.ly/eyVCzb http://bit.ly/gwygOi Braves fall in the 12th http://bit.ly/eaFZVe http://bit.ly/gQtmLq Blake's solo blast http://bit.ly/gJwMDV http://bit.ly/gqOWTC Young's nice catch http://bit.ly/ee3ZKY http://bit.ly/i4Nwsh Kemp's walk-off blast http://bit.ly/i6U9QC http://bit.ly/i0GKVn McLouth's tough catch http://bit.ly/hXN57R http://bit.ly/gjEgPd Ross cuts down Ethier http://bit.ly/hhaySs http://bit.ly/hBT4gT Jurrjens' solid start http://bit.ly/dV3ebe http://bit.ly/e7CKI2 Recap: ATL 3, LAD 5 F/12 http://bit.ly/g2UyL3 http://bit.ly/h0sI1u Kershaw battles the Braves http://bit.ly/guNdxu http://bit.ly/gruyu3 道奇再見全壘打 http://bit.ly/fs46bC http://bit.ly/hFNG14 Ethier extends hit streak 匹茲堡海盜 (PIT) VS 佛羅里達馬林魚 (FLA) (5 : 9) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gHP3T6 http://bit.ly/i5zZaG 精彩雙殺 http://bit.ly/gEJSnA http://bit.ly/eiQ4EJ Snyder's RBI single http://bit.ly/dKWNzy http://bit.ly/hA4iQP Bowker's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/egEOww http://bit.ly/eIWY56 Alvarez's RBI single http://bit.ly/fJAKvd http://bit.ly/hbcQCL Stanton's solo blast http://bit.ly/hSoVk3 http://bit.ly/gDZqoJ Hanley's RBI fielder's choice http://bit.ly/ibgqYl http://bit.ly/hLZ8qo Bonifacio's running catch http://bit.ly/eAjHyx http://bit.ly/ijcgVq 滿貫砲...觀眾好帥 (黑色那個) http://bit.ly/fZw4II http://bit.ly/h1SuH5 Alvarez's solo shot http://bit.ly/ftuZKH http://bit.ly/h4RFtH Rodriguez's RBI hit-by-pitch http://bit.ly/fGtYmC http://bit.ly/i0ILOr Hayes' three-run shot http://bit.ly/egByLn http://bit.ly/dP9q0F Recap: PIT 5, FLA 9 休士頓太空人 (HOU) VS 紐約大都會 (NYM) (1 : 9) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/haUcJ2 http://bit.ly/fLGSBa 這球應該二壘手接,他手勢都打出來了 http://bit.ly/dXoa4v http://bit.ly/gh8dbO Pagan 因為上面影片而受傷 http://bit.ly/eru87o http://bit.ly/gTJSsX Bay's ground-rule double http://bit.ly/e2G9Oe http://bit.ly/hwTXKj Downs' RBI single http://bit.ly/gkL1s0 http://bit.ly/iidN43 Nickeas' first career home run http://bit.ly/exR8Wd http://bit.ly/e1xzst Davis' solo shot http://bit.ly/evA6en http://bit.ly/eFzZIu Davis' sacrifice fly http://bit.ly/eXUfdO http://bit.ly/hlacAf 好大一個挖地瓜 http://bit.ly/dEfuok http://bit.ly/f0ztMV 投手精彩雙殺 http://bit.ly/fAwbo9 http://bit.ly/hfBR2V Wright's solo shot http://bit.ly/iazIbI http://bit.ly/g8NQWO Wright's two-run double http://bit.ly/fPbfE8 http://bit.ly/eFASmA 捕手傳的真準阿 http://bit.ly/i6hJiB http://bit.ly/hOnopl 主審好大一個誤判 http://bit.ly/h343Uv http://bit.ly/ge7Ypj Del Rosario's great snag http://bit.ly/g6eMWw http://bit.ly/hBzJuE Capuano's strong start http://bit.ly/hutIhK http://bit.ly/gXHQGh 一個失誤跑一整圈 XD 搞笑嘛 http://bit.ly/hf3dGj http://bit.ly/gXUTfu Must C: Crushed http://bit.ly/fXH2JE http://bit.ly/i4Sa2v Recap: HOU 1, NYM 9 http://bit.ly/g5sPqw http://bit.ly/gDrEM8 Collins on Mets 9-1 win http://bit.ly/eCo5pK http://bit.ly/fwf6VK Pagan pulls oblique http://bit.ly/hkEdtk http://bit.ly/gOj4Rm Wright, Bay score on error 芝加哥白襪 (CWS) VS 坦帕灣光芒 (TB) (9 : 2) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/hdPaml http://bit.ly/eMuJEd Konerko's RBI single http://bit.ly/hl8czx http://bit.ly/hpsS1j Quentin's two-run double http://bit.ly/hckObi http://bit.ly/fqKp4l Vizquel's RBI double http://bit.ly/dI6Lgf http://bit.ly/dMl9VJ Fuld's two-run single http://bit.ly/hvIkDC http://bit.ly/hqMlKE Pierzynski's RBI single http://bit.ly/esYsjR http://bit.ly/gobHzM Vizquel's RBI groundout http://bit.ly/f3cc4F http://bit.ly/gCUyy7 B.J. Upton steals second http://bit.ly/hNiNAJ http://bit.ly/gkHetC Lopez steals second http://bit.ly/eRzRwc http://bit.ly/e8GA2Q Konerko's second RBI single http://bit.ly/gVMITS http://bit.ly/e0Uu34 Jaso throws out Quentin http://bit.ly/eSOitU http://bit.ly/geNwqJ Pierzynski's sac fly http://bit.ly/gF2sGl http://bit.ly/eBglAH White Sox induce big double play http://bit.ly/gEiOYn http://bit.ly/ew2DmL Dunn's RBI single http://bit.ly/hi6mQ0 http://bit.ly/huIOfG Floyd's strong start http://bit.ly/g6SEGj http://bit.ly/e44Udh Maddon on Rays' loss http://bit.ly/gG7kKU http://bit.ly/fBPRvl Recap: CWS 9, TB 2 明尼蘇達雙城 (MIN) VS 巴爾的摩金鶯 (BAL) (3 : 1) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gOfj3A http://bit.ly/gxaxz3 Cuddyer's solo shot http://bit.ly/h9aDe7 http://bit.ly/dKMJyw Guthrie's kick save http://bit.ly/dQ9m5I http://bit.ly/hUWxtq Thome blasts homer No. 591 http://bit.ly/iiv60q http://bit.ly/hO65jY Guerrero's RBI single http://bit.ly/hRAYhD http://bit.ly/hnDRMj Thome's RBI single http://bit.ly/dTzpbl http://bit.ly/i6DcRQ Baker's dominant start http://bit.ly/g5ocqR http://bit.ly/hG7Kio Guerrero's double http://bit.ly/fcPXtk http://bit.ly/hQ1fqw Guthrie's strong start http://bit.ly/g2Mz8b http://bit.ly/hRKNNU Recap: MIN 3, BAL 1 克里夫蘭印地安人 (CLE) VS 堪薩斯城皇家 (KC) (2 : 3) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/ek2HNN http://bit.ly/hQa7oG Indians turn two http://bit.ly/eJxAYy http://bit.ly/esWo49 Melky's walk-off single http://bit.ly/gwiD0j http://bit.ly/fOquos O'Sullivan handles comebacker http://bit.ly/ewcQuW http://bit.ly/hIyjkI Francoeur's RBI single http://bit.ly/f2kQBB http://bit.ly/fgTDEj Sizemore's RBI single http://bit.ly/heQ8vX http://bit.ly/hiABam Gordon's diving play http://bit.ly/ex7RyM http://bit.ly/fABEAP Melky throws out Santana http://bit.ly/ig25Gd http://bit.ly/fxz5wu Gordon extends hit streak http://bit.ly/fK25xg http://bit.ly/ijG1qv Indians lose on a walk-off http://bit.ly/ieB0Nm http://bit.ly/gBXwvr Choo's RBI force out http://bit.ly/hFYYJw http://bit.ly/idvtGC Maier's single http://bit.ly/hRqgmB http://bit.ly/hBcJSM Hannahan throws out Aviles http://bit.ly/f093AK http://bit.ly/exGe50 Recap: CLE 2, KC 3 http://bit.ly/fAShWe http://bit.ly/f8NBdy Coleman's MLB debut http://bit.ly/eTaDWk http://bit.ly/dO4H39 Tomlin's strong start http://bit.ly/fQaCRp http://bit.ly/i5VM1n Yost on Royals' walk-off win http://bit.ly/hbSRKo http://bit.ly/gx5SRh MassMutual Good Decisions 費城費城人 (PHI) VS 聖地牙哥教士 (SD) (3 : 0) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/eIJVZG http://bit.ly/egRB45 Polanco scores on error http://bit.ly/f3ZdyC http://bit.ly/grjKUd Bartlett steals second http://bit.ly/hZCEGL http://bit.ly/fYxvOI Francisco's solo shot http://bit.ly/dTWdKJ http://bit.ly/feVnJL Denorfia breaks up no-hitter http://bit.ly/fIiqhS http://bit.ly/e4kCsV Maybin's double http://bit.ly/fHTLQ9 http://bit.ly/dFC2SD Bartlett starts the double play http://bit.ly/gjES4U http://bit.ly/fXNuq1 Gulbis golfs at PETCO http://bit.ly/fLYoOu http://bit.ly/i2DfO1 Schneider's solo home run http://bit.ly/efXlzF http://bit.ly/fFRBwV Latos' seven strikeouts http://bit.ly/dWPDC7 http://bit.ly/fymOaU Oswalt's scoreless start http://bit.ly/hM0TTB http://bit.ly/gqpzzB Recap: PHI 3, SD 0 http://bit.ly/fJ8Wq2 http://bit.ly/e5IkFl Black on struggling Padres' bats 波士頓紅襪 (BOS) VS 洛杉磯天使 (LAA) (4 : 2) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gNdOZq http://bit.ly/h7YZs9 Conger throws out Ellsbury http://bit.ly/e3oqGg http://bit.ly/ecvxUI Pedroia steals second http://bit.ly/gDCqnm http://bit.ly/fetvj8 Hunter's two-run shot http://bit.ly/hcvhvH http://bit.ly/gXScFJ Gonzalez's go-ahead double http://bit.ly/gBxiDP http://bit.ly/eak02Q Aybar breaks up Beckett's no-no http://bit.ly/hBFyjZ http://bit.ly/h6l18i Lowrie's sac fly http://bit.ly/gjSTrd http://bit.ly/hFD8kK Drew's nice catch http://bit.ly/erzqC5 http://bit.ly/gj5NS7 Ellsbury's two-run single http://bit.ly/hqrsqS http://bit.ly/edQe2A Pedroia's great relay throw http://bit.ly/gO7nnh http://bit.ly/gdhNeN Adrian's diving play http://bit.ly/gCS7w8 http://bit.ly/hRHIbM Angels turn two http://bit.ly/icliBe http://bit.ly/h4CX1W Scutaro's great play http://bit.ly/gfOYVi http://bit.ly/fiD3iT Crawford steals second http://bit.ly/ia18Rw http://bit.ly/gLtj5W Chatwood's solid start http://bit.ly/ijPCUc http://bit.ly/fJgMzo Youkilis' injury http://bit.ly/hncTJw http://bit.ly/gDdOyT Beckett's stellar start 奧克蘭運動家 (OAK) VS 西雅圖水手 (SEA) (0 : 1) >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/dSi534 http://bit.ly/eWkLaK McCarthy picks off Peguero http://bit.ly/f8Mayc http://bit.ly/fgEMY3 Mariners turn two http://bit.ly/f83RjZ http://bit.ly/fU7ZKd Kennedy's solo shot http://bit.ly/eOvBAK http://bit.ly/hIZq3G Kennedy's running catch http://bit.ly/egw3d2 http://bit.ly/eL5AFC Pennington, Ellis turn two http://bit.ly/gDXqm3 http://bit.ly/gdCJ82 Figgins starts the double play http://bit.ly/eEwThb http://bit.ly/fYXUZj Recap: OAK 0, SEA 1 http://bit.ly/dWVz6F http://bit.ly/gdZhe3 Felix dominates the A's http://bit.ly/dSfTdT http://bit.ly/eB1a5o McCarthy's complete-game effort 特殊影音 >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>大螢幕<<<<<<< http://bit.ly/gZh2hx http://bit.ly/i666FT 2011-04-22 Top 5 Plays of the Day http://bit.ly/i3V2n5 http://bit.ly/eZfBPO 2011-04-21 Top 5 Plays of the Day http://bit.ly/gDkRPf http://bit.ly/gGeEhM 2011-04-21 Top 10 Plays of the Week http://bit.ly/f9ZPrQ http://bit.ly/fc3lzc 2011-04-22 快速掃瞄 http://bit.ly/hj3rMq http://bit.ly/fyxvhp 2011-04-21 快速掃瞄 --

04/22 15:21, , 1F
04/22 15:21, 1F

04/22 15:28, , 2F
04/22 15:28, 2F
※ 編輯: user043 來自: (04/22 16:41)

04/22 16:48, , 3F
04/22 16:48, 3F

04/22 17:11, , 4F
04/22 17:11, 4F

04/22 17:14, , 5F
既然大家都有能力發相同文章 衷心希望您依之前照默認的原則
04/22 17:14, 5F

04/22 17:15, , 6F
帥哥講話了 默認原則是?
04/22 17:15, 6F

04/22 17:29, , 7F
04/22 17:29, 7F

04/22 17:35, , 8F
應該是起碼RECAP要完整吧 這篇的BOS vs LAA就沒有
04/22 17:35, 8F

04/22 17:47, , 9F
我指的是 Top5 Play of the Day
04/22 17:47, 9F

04/22 18:37, , 10F
04/22 18:37, 10F

04/22 21:35, , 11F
推Bay 跑很快www
04/22 21:35, 11F

04/22 21:35, , 12F
04/22 21:35, 12F

04/23 00:16, , 13F
04/23 00:16, 13F

04/23 00:31, , 14F
04/23 00:31, 14F

04/23 01:01, , 15F
奶弟... 傳球有進步
04/23 01:01, 15F

04/23 06:24, , 16F
04/23 06:24, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1DiInKHo (MLB)