Five questions: Arizona Diamondbacks

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括號內為本人補充,並非原文內容。 --- Five questions: Arizona Diamondbacks by Jim McLennan March 31, 2011 Will the bullpen improve? 爛透了的牛棚會有所改善嗎? Yes - simply because there is almost no scope for it to get any worse. The Diamondbacks relief corps were historically bad in 2010: They could have had an ERA an entire run better and still would have ranked dead last in the majors. There's no doubt this cost Arizona a large number of games; the team went 6-18 in contests which were tied at the end of the seventh, and 2-14 in those tied after eight innings. 會啊,不過純粹是因為已經爛到沒有再爛的空間了。去年的小蛇後援投手們可說是歷史性 的爛,就算你把他們的平均ERA整整減去1仍然在全聯盟吊車尾(ARI: 5.76, CHC: 4.74)。 毋庸置疑,這影響了小蛇隊的戰績,在比賽七局之後兩隊平手的狀況下的比賽的戰績是 6-18,八局之後則是更慘的2-14。 Rebuilding the bullpen this winter thus became new GM Kevin Towers' top priority. J.J.Putz was signed as a free agent to become the closer, and when slugger Mark Reynolds was traded to the Orioles, relievers David Hernandez and Kam Mickolio came back. If Putz can remain healthy, he should provide a much better foundation for the ninth—that's no shoo-in, as his last fully fit season was 2007. However, when he pitched last year for the White Sox, Putz was excellent, with a 2.52 FIP. 重建牛棚成為新任GM Kevin Towers去年冬天的首要任務。球隊簽下了J. J. Putz擔任終 結者,將大砲Mark Reynolds交易到金鶯換來David Hernandez與Kam Mickolio。如果Putz 能夠保持健康,他應該能夠提供球隊在第九局時更好的保障,不過這並不能作為保證,因 為他上一個完整的球季是遠在2007年。但他去年在白襪的成績是有目共睹的好,繳出2.52 的FIP值(ERA+ 154)。 At this point, there is no obvious eighth inning guy. Hernandez is one possibility, while another may be Juan Gutierrez, who took over from the ineffective Chad Qualls as closer, after the latter was traded to Tampa Bay. Aaron Heilman may also be a candidate, though that depends on what happens with regard to the rotation, which is a smooth segue into... 截至目前為止球隊沒有明確的setup man人選,Hernandez可能會是候選人,另一個則是 Juan Gutierrez,去年從爆炸的Chad Qualls手中接下終結者的工作,Qualls後來被交易 到Tampa Bay去。Aaron Heilman或許也是一個選擇,雖然這要看先發輪值有沒有出什麼問 題,他可以勝任這先發後援兩頭跑的工作。(segue: 音樂演奏中不間斷地演奏到下一個樂 章。smooth segue into: 意指可以順利銜接或適應。) How does the back of the rotation shake down? 輪值後段怎麼辦? Changes to the starting pitching have been even more drastic, with Ian Kennedy the sole survivor of the 2010 Opening Day rotation. Dan Haren and Edwin Jackson were traded, Rodrigo Lopez signed with Atlanta and Kris Benson retired. Alongside Kennedy, Joe Saunders and Daniel Hudson went into spring training virtually guaranteed spots; Hudson was phenomenal after coming over with the White Sox, albeit assisted by a .212 BABIP. 先發投手的改變更大,2010年的開幕先發輪值名單中,只剩下Ian Kennedy還在,Dan Haren與Edwin Jackson被交易走了,Rodrigo Lopez跑去當勇士,Kris Benson則退休。 Kennedy、Joe Saunders與Daniel Hudson基本上在春訓中保有先發的三席。Hudson從白襪 交易過來之後表現傑出,儘管.212的BABIP值有點僥倖。(謝謝jdtrue板友指正) But the last couple of spots were very much up for grabs, though there was no shortage of contenders for those roles.Zach Duke appeared to have the inside track on the No. 4 slot due to the $4.25 million free-agent contract he signed in the offseason, but a line drive off his pitching hand a couple weeks ago will keep him on the shelf until mid-May. 不過輪值後段空缺的競爭十分激烈,雖說多點人來搶這些位置保持競爭沒什麼不好。 Zach Duke本來應該要帶著他那份去年季後簽下的4.25M合約佔據輪值的四號先發,但是一 顆平飛球砸在他的左手上讓他得多休息幾個禮拜,要到五月中旬左右。 Barry Enright pitched solidly after being pulled up from Double-A last season, following the failure of "Operation Rescue"Dontrelle Willis. Though he has options left, Duke's injury and his acceptable spring performance have earned him a place in the rotation. Enright will be joined by fifth starter Armando Galarraga, he of the not-quite-perfect game with the Tigers last year. Barry Enright去年從2A拉上大聯盟頂替Dontrell Willis之後一直都丟得不錯,雖說他還 有下放的選擇權,但Duke的受傷給了他在輪值表現的機會。緊跟Enright後面的則是去年 效力老虎隊的「不完美先生」Armando Galarraga。 Heilman, who has wanted to start for some time, came into camp as an interesting dark horse and was promised a chance to try out for the rotation this spring. His early performances were promising but, with an overall spring ERA of 7.03, he's lucky to be part of the revamped Arizona bullpen. 球團在今年春訓讓表態想要先發的黑馬Aaron Heilman 與其他人競爭,一開始表現不錯, 但整個春訓下來的ERA卻是 7.03,這樣的成績能加入改頭換面過的牛棚可以說是非常幸運 。 Can the offense survive the power cuts? 打擊火力能夠彌補損失嗎? According to Towers, "Strikeouts are part of the game, but if you have four or five or six guys in your lineup, it's hard to sustain any sort of rally." Prior to last year, only the 1991 Tigers and 2001 Brewers had even a trio with 145 Ks each—the 2010 D-backs had five such players. Reynolds and Adam LaRoche combined for 383 whiffs, the most ever by two teammates, but they also hit 57 homers and drove in 185 runs. Will Arizona still be able to score without them? Towers表示:「三振沒什麼,但是如果整條打線上有四、五、六個天天被K的傢伙的話, 就很難去維持球隊的競爭力。」在去年之前,只有1991年的老虎隊以及2001年的釀酒人隊 的打線上有三個145K的打者,但是小蛇去年卻有五位!Reynolds與Adam LaRoche加起來有 383次三振,是史上單季合計最多三振的雙人組。但話說回來他們也一起幹了57發全壘打 ,打回185分打點。球隊有辦法在沒有他們的情況下得分嗎? It's probably safe to say that their replacements on the corner infield, Melvin Mora and Yankees prospect Juan Miranda, will not match those power totals, and the team will need to make up the difference with small-ball tactics. This doesn't mean the Diamondbacks will become the Mets, leading the league in stolen bases. Justin Upton and Chris Youngshould still be good for 25-30 homers each, with Kelly Johnson and Stephen Drew providing above-average power from the middle infield. 保守點來講,取代他們的Melvin Mora與前洋基新秀Juan Miranda沒有辦法彌補這些火力 上的不足,而球隊也勢必要採用一些小球戰術來因應這樣的改變,當然這並不代表說小蛇 隊會搖身一變成為最會盜壘的大都會隊。Justin Upton與Chris Young應該還可以各轟個 25~30發,另外Kelly Johnson跟Stephen Drew也能在二游這個位置提供優於聯盟平均的火 力。 It's clear Towers prefers hitters who put the ball in play, and the team he has built tends, overall, to reflect this—despite some acquisitions that don't quite fit the mold, such as Russell Branyan. While there is scope for improvement in some aspects of the Arizona game, they will struggle to match last year's total of 713 runs. As well as improvement from the young players, beating that will take surprising performances from the older ones, like Mora and Xavier Nady. 顯而易見的Towers偏好能把球打進場內的球員,而他截至目前的建軍走向也充分顯示這個 情況,即便有些簽約或交易並不符合這個方針,像是簽下了Russell Branyan。今年整支 球隊的攻擊面還有很多需要進步的地方,想要追上去年打了713分的成績可能還得加把勁 。除了年輕小將們必須持續進步之外,老將們像是Mora和Xavier Nady也必須要有令人驚 艷的表現才行。 How important is the draft? 今年的選秀有多重要呢? The Diamondbacks are in what appears to be a unique position in history, possessing two of the first seven picks in the 2011 draft. They 'earned' the third spot as a result of their record, and were among the first teams to benefit from the new 'failure to sign' compensation picks, getting the No. 7 selection because they didn't ink the sixth pick last year, Barret Loux. That looks likely to turn out a bonus, with this year's talent generally regarded as much more impressive than in 2010. 今年小蛇有著非常特別的選秀順位,在前七順位中有兩個選秀權。他們用超爛的戰績拼到 了第三順位,並是今年所有球隊中第一支輪到「簽約失敗」補償順位的球隊,得到了第七 順位來作為沒有成功簽下去年第六順位Barret Loux的補償。(蛇板曾討論過這是不是球團 的陰謀論,簽個好像有傷的Loux,用體檢婊掉之後拿素質較好的今年的選秀權)看起來好像 賺翻了,因為似乎今年參加選秀的球員資質比起去年來講更棒。 Arizona fans are hoping the team has budgeted appropriately; it would be excruciating if they were unable to sign the best player available due to the signing of, say, Geoff Blum. Some caution will need to be exercised, as the seventh pick is unprotected—if the Diamondbacks don't sign him, no further compensation is offered. 球迷們希望球隊能夠好好的運用他們的預算,如果因為簽了…那個,呃…Geoff Blum(2.7M/2y 此君目前開季躺DL中)而沒辦簽下最好的球員,他們應該會暴動。其中應該 要注意的是第七順位是沒有被保護的,如果球隊沒簽下今年第七順位的球員,就不再做任 何補償了。(應該的,選秀不就是考驗球探眼光嗎?有補償一次就不錯了) But it's an unprecedented opportunity, and the upside would be something like the 2006 draft, where the No. 3 and No. 7 picks were Evan Longoria and Clayton Kershaw—with Tim Lincecum left on the board! Of course, the downside is 2001, with Dewon Brazelton and Chris Smith the picks in those slots. Still, even if it it's no guarantee, it certainly is nice to have. 但這種情況可說是史無前例的,最好的情況就有點像2006年的選秀,當年的第三跟第七順 位的球員分別叫做Evan Longoria與Clayton Kershaw,Tim Lincecum還在後面的順位呢! 當然啦,也有發生像2001年的悲劇,當年該順位的人是Dewon Brazelton(2007年就不見了) 及Chris Smith(2005後消失)。儘管誰也無法保證未來會怎麼樣,但至少這樣的機會是千載 難逢的,必須好好把握。 Can the team realistically hope to compete? 說真的,今年有搞頭嗎? Probably not. The biggest turnaround by any team last year was the Padres' 15-game swing, and if the Diamondbacks were to match that, they'd still be below .500. One-year acquisitions like Mora and Henry Blanco suggest the signing of veterans to teach the "right way" to play the game and set down a foundation upon which Arizona can build going forward. 應該沒有。去年最精采的鹹魚翻身秀莫過於教士的15連勝了,但就算拿到去年的小蛇身上 ,他們的全年勝率仍然低於五成。像跟Mora還有Henry Blanco這種老將簽一年約主要是希 望他們能夠傳承隊上年輕球員「正確的打球方式」,並為未來埋下能夠走得更遠的基石。 While management is making the appropriate noises about competing, it's probably more reasonable to suggest they are simply looking for improvement this season. As noted, reaching .500 would be an impressive achievement. 雖然高層嚷嚷著說今年要拼戰績,但與其說拼戰績不如說是希望球隊能有進步就阿彌陀佛 了,今年能夠站上五成勝率就很讚了說。 The farm system was left all but devoid of high-level prospects after the Dan Haren trade—I'm sure the team now wish it had kept Carlos Gonzalez—but it has improved since the 2009 draft, when the team had seven of the first 64 picks. The resulting strength is, however, still some way from helping Arizona, with pitcher Jarrod Parker the only blue-chip rookie even remotely likely to have much impact this year. 整個農場在交易Dan Haren的時候就已經掏空了,球團現在應該很希望留下Carlos Gonzalez吧。但自2009年以來農場已經有所改善,那年球團有前64個順位中的7個,雖然 現在我們還看不到什麼成果,今年整個系統裡也只有Jarrod Parker這位傑出的新秀比較 有看頭。 With a somewhat restricted payroll—the team have still to pay off $40 million in deferred salaries from the Colangelo era—2013 is a reasonable timetable for the D-backs to contend again, give or take a year. 因尚有自前任老闆Jerry Colangelo時代遺留下來的40M延後給付薪資,團隊薪資多少會受 限。理論上,要到約莫2013年前後應該才是球隊東山再起的時候。 -- ╭───╮ 2010/11/13 Arindbacks and San Francisco Giants won't open 2011 in ∕◢██◣﹨ Kennedy眉頭一鬆, Taiwan. \ ㄧ ㄧ / 【 ㄧ..ㄧ + 發現自己明年不來台灣投開幕戰先發了。原作snegi /o\ 改編seeyou1002 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/01 19:10, , 1F
albeit是儘管 意思是說.212的BABIP有點僥倖 翻出來較好
04/01 19:10, 1F
感謝指正。 ※ 編輯: seeyou1002 來自: (04/01 19:42)
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