[情報] AL MVP Race - Offense Plus Defense ( …

看板MLB作者 (TheStoryGoes)時間16年前 (2008/09/07 22:35), 編輯推噓19(1904)
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AL MVP Race - Offense Plus Defense (OPD) - Through Sept 02, 2008 原文:http://tinyurl.com/5uz86r Carlos Quentin? Dustin Pedrioia? Alex Rodriguez? Who is the best candidate for the AL MVP? Has Pedroia’s recent hot streak and media hype lifted him to a top five candidate? He’s certainly played well enough to be the best player on his team. Or has he? Quentin?Pedroia?A-Rod?誰才是美聯MVP的最佳人選?Pedroia最近火熱的表現和媒體大 大肆的宣傳是否會讓他進入候選人的前五名嗎?他最近的成績足以令他成為隊上最好的 球員。 What follows is a discussion of the AL OPD (offense plus defense) leaders and who should be headed for the MVP. Sometimes the month of September can be enough to move players in this ranking when they are tightly bunched. So, while these are the leaders, the rankings are not cemented. 下面是關於美聯OPD(打擊和守備)的領先者和誰應該成為MVP的討論。有時候九月就已經 足夠令成績接近的球員排名出現變動。所以,雖然他們現在是領先群,但這個排名仍不 是確定的。 The runs are rated above average at position. The offense is XR, park-adjusted, and specific to the number of outs a player has used up. The defense is DRS (Defensive Runs Saved: ZR converted to runs), explained in my previous work. It is runs, not plays, above average. The units are the same, so I simply add the numbers together. The decimal places are for consistency ’s sake, not meant to represent accuracy. There are several runs of give in these (and any) numbers, offense or defense. 評分以聯盟中同一個位置的平均成績做為依據。打擊的代表數據是XR,經過了球場跟 出局數的調整。守備則是DRS(球員守住了多少分數:以ZR換算)這是比平均多守住的分數, 而不是守住的球。單位是一樣的,所以我就直接將他們相加。 In this data, the catcher defense is properly calculated, including all passed ball, stolen base data, as well as incorporating the ZR data. This is different from previous datasets, but the complaining about it was enough to get me to make the effort. 在這份資料中,捕手的守備包括補逸、盜壘和ZR計算的數據。 There is some taint in some of the defensive data. If a player played more than one position, I have summed all of his defensive contributions and using that total number for his DRS at his Primary defensive position. There are very few players this affects, and none are impacted significantly. Marco Scutaro is significantly affected. He is a +4 at SS, but plays all over well enough to boost that to a +12 defender. I believe using all the data more accurately reflects his total contribution to his team’s successes. I also include Tony Pena’s and Jamie Burke’s pitching runs. All of the AL, plus team totals is shared in a Google Doc here. The green represents the top mark in a category at a position and the yellow represents the worst mark. 這些守備的資料仍有些缺點,假如一個球員打超過一個以上的位置,我就必須把他所有的 防守貢獻全部加總做為他主要位置的DRS。但很少球員有巨大的影響。Marco Scutaro則被 嚴重的影響了。他是一個+4的游擊手,但能打所有位置已經好到足夠讓他成為一個+12的 守備者。相信這些數據能更準確地反映出球員對球隊的貢獻。 All that done, let’s talk about some players. Scroll to the bottom if you want to see who the AL MVP leader is. 好啦 該說的都說完了,讓我們來看看各位置領先的球員,假如你想知道誰是美聯MVP的 領先者,就直接拉到最下面吧 Designated Hitter Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD J.Thome CHW DH 0.00 15.79 15.79 D.Ortiz BOS DH 0.00 9.88 9.88 C.Floyd TBR DH 0.00 7.65 7.65 Well, these guys are out of the running. They have a smaller set to be compared to, so perhaps I should lump them in with 1Bs? No, that drops these guys by three runs. 這些人是在排名之外的,他們的比較集合很小,所以也許我應該把他們跟1B一起比較? 不,這樣會讓他們下降3分。 First Base Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD K.Youkilis BOS 1B 6.37 23.15 29.52 A.Huff BAL 1B -3.86 31.99 28.12 J.Morneau MIN 1B -1.30 25.30 24.00 C.Pena TBR 1B 2.24 19.04 21.28 Youkilis is a very strong player. He is presently fifth in the league in OPD, with Huff at seventh. Here’s the first Oriole in the top performers list. They had some players with terrific seasons. Some people have suggested Morneau for MVP, but I don’t see it. Youkilis是個非常優秀的球員,在聯盟OPD的排名中位於第五名,而Huff則是第七名, 他是金鶯在這份名單中的第一個球員,他們有些打者有著非常棒的一個球季。有些人認 為Morneau會是MVP,但我實在不這麼認為。 Second Base Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD D.Pedroia BOS 2B 8.70 18.88 27.58 I.Kinsler TEX 2B -0.44 26.29 25.85 B.Roberts BAL 2B 0.49 23.46 23.95 Pedroia is the best second baseman after his hot streak. It’s hard to say if he’ll be there on October 3rd. His defense gives him an edge, but Roberts and Kinsler are better hitters and Pedroia could lose ground there quickly. He does have lots of home games, so we’ll see. Pedroia is 8th in the AL, three slots behind his teammate Youkilis. I don’t think he’s the MVP. And Roberts - another Oriole. 經過最近火熱的表現,Pedroia成為了二壘手的第一名,很難說他在十月三號後還在這裡 ,他的守備是他的優勢,但Roberts和Kinsler是較好的打者,Pedroia將很快失去領先地 位。但他還有許多的主場比賽,所以我們可以持續觀察。Pedroia是美聯的第8名,落後隊 友Youkilis三名。我不覺得他會是MVP。還有Roberts-這份名單上的第二個金鶯球員。 Shortstop Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD M.Scutaro TOR SS 12.38 7.11 19.49 M.Aviles KCR SS 2.85 14.24 17.10 D.Jeter NYY SS -0.09 11.72 11.62 Marco Scutaro is getting an eight run boost playing defense all around the diamond, so the real leader here is Aviles. Look at Derek Jeter being average at defense! You go, Derek Marco Scutaro因為全能的守備因此加了8分,所以真正的領先者其實是Aviles。看看 Jeter的守備分數吧,Derek得加油了。 Third Base Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD A.Rodriguez NYY 3B -3.28 34.73 31.45 A.Beltre SEA 3B 13.94 6.23 20.17 C.Guillen DET 3B 9.34 10.46 19.80 E.Longoria TBR 3B 0.12 19.60 19.72 It turns out that Alex Rodriguez is a superior player. His defense isn’t good, but close to average. Adrian Beltre is giving the Mariners what they paid for this year. A great glove and a good bat. What? His OPS+ is 109? That sounds about right. Evan Longoria chased up the charts pretty good. ARod is number four on the AL OPD chart. 結果顯示A-Rod是個十分卓越的打者。他的守備分數雖然不高,但接近平均。Beltre給了 水手他們希望看到的成績,優秀的防守和好的打擊。什麼?他的OPS+是109?這聽起來似乎 是真的。Longoria靠著非常好的打擊緊追在後。A-Rod是美聯的第四名。 Catcher Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD J.Mauer MIN C 3.15 29.25 32.39 K.Shoppach CLE C 5.07 14.14 19.21 Joe Mauer is just a great player. Too bad he’s too tall to be good for very long. That injury to Victor Martinez is positively Bledsoe-ian. At the end of the page, I extended the top twenty to twenty-two so I could capture Scutaro and Shoppach. Just a little recognition for players that couldn’t possibly be getting the attention they deserve. Mauer is third in teh AL MVP race, and still seeing his teammate get the most attention. Mauer是個偉大的球員,但他成績好到無法維持太久。最後的名單我擴充到了前22名,這樣 才能讓Scutaro和Shoppach進榜。只是對這些沒得到應有注意的球員一個小小的表揚。 Mauer是美聯的第三名,但獲得最多注意的仍是他的隊友。 Left Field Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD C.Quentin CHW LF -0.90 29.77 28.88 L.Scott BAL LF 8.78 13.63 22.40 J.Damon NYY LF -2.40 22.53 20.13 Carlos Quentin and Luke Scott. Who? What? Quentin is 6th in the league in OPD, and really been just tremendous all year. Here’s the third Oriole. How is that team so bad? Quentin和Luke Scott。誰?什麼?Quentin是聯盟的第六名,而且真的持續讓我們驚豔了 一整年。這裡又出現了另一名金鶯球員了。這球隊到底為什麼戰績會這麼糟? Right Field Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD M.Bradley TEX RF -1.96 36.06 34.10 N.Markakis BAL RF -2.65 25.56 22.91 The old dinosaur Milton Bradley is having a great year. Not being body-slammed by your coach is helpful. Bradley has the second highest OPD in the AL, but I don’t suspect he’ll see any MVP votes. And another Oriole. Bradley有著美好的一年,沒有被你的教練揍果然有幫助。Bradley有著美聯第二高的OPD 不過我想他在MVP票選上不會拿到票。這裡又出現另一個金鶯球員了。 Center Field Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD G.Sizemore CLE CF 9.27 35.47 44.74 C.Grandersn DET CF 1.01 22.66 23.67 J.Hamilton TEX CF -4.57 25.03 20.47 Josh Hamilton will get the Texas MVP votes because he has the story, and he’ s really helped my fantasy baseball this sason (as has Bradley). Curtis Granderson is having a great season as well. But the league MVP should be Grady Sizemore (if not Cliff Lee). Sizemore has been everything a player can be - top hitter in the league and the best defensive center fielder. That’s a great player. the Indians are staging a furious, albeit futile, comeback, so perhaps he will get some votes. Hamilton會拿到遊騎兵的MVP因為他的故事,還有他在我這季FB上貢獻良多。Granderson 也有著一個非常棒的球技。但聯盟的MVP應該是Sizemore(假如不是Lee的話)。Sizemore 擁有任何一個打者所能拿到的頭銜。聯盟頂尖的打擊者和最好的中外野手。他真是個偉大 的球員。印地安人正上演著猛烈但希望渺小的反攻,所以他應該會拿到一些票。 The Top Twenty (Two) Player Name Team Primary DRS XRa+ OPD G.Sizemore CLE CF 9.27 35.47 44.74 M.Bradley TEX RF -1.96 36.06 34.10 J.Mauer MIN C 3.15 29.25 32.39 A.Rodriguez NYY 3B -3.28 34.73 31.45 K.Youkilis BOS 1B 6.37 23.15 29.52 C.Quentin CHW LF -0.90 29.77 28.88 A.Huff BAL 1B -3.86 31.99 28.12 D.Pedroia BOS 2B 8.70 18.88 27.58 I.Kinsler TEX 2B -0.44 26.29 25.85 J.Morneau MIN 1B -1.30 25.30 24.00 B.Roberts BAL 2B 0.49 23.46 23.95 C.Grandersn DET CF 1.01 22.66 23.67 N.Markakis BAL RF -2.65 25.56 22.91 L.Scott BAL LF 8.78 13.63 22.40 C.Pena TBR 1B 2.24 19.04 21.28 J.Hamilton TEX CF -4.57 25.03 20.47 A.Beltre SEA 3B 13.94 6.23 20.17 J.Damon NYY LF -2.40 22.53 20.13 C.Guillen DET 3B 9.34 10.46 19.80 E.Longoria TBR 3B 0.12 19.60 19.72 M.Scutaro TOR SS 12.38 7.11 19.49 K.Shoppach CLE C 5.07 14.14 19.21 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: gaga19900329 來自: (09/07 22:40)

09/07 22:47, , 1F
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09/07 22:53, 2F

09/07 22:53, , 3F
答案是ERA 團隊ERA 5.13 AL只贏條子
09/07 22:53, 3F

09/07 22:58, , 4F
09/07 22:58, 4F
goopa:轉錄至看板 Indians 09/07 23:02

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09/07 23:19, , 9F
這篇的重點是酸BAL XDD
09/07 23:19, 9F

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09/07 23:20, 11F

09/07 23:23, , 12F
我覺得 Daniel Cabrera快不行了控球一直練不好
09/07 23:23, 12F

09/07 23:26, , 13F
鬼帝啦 鬼帝FOR MVP!!
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推錯篇= =
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09/08 00:59, , 21F
團隊ERA 5.13就是說全隊投手比Ponson還不如XD
09/08 00:59, 21F

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09/08 01:08, 22F

09/08 01:20, , 23F
09/08 01:20, 23F
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