[情報] Lee強運的第十七勝

看板MLB作者 (除此之外)時間16年前 (2008/08/16 12:37), 編輯推噓22(2206)
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CLEVELAND (AP)—Cliff Lee has a proven formula for success: get two outs with one pitch. Lee有著自己的勝利方程式:一球殺兩個! Lee became the AL’s first 17-game winner by pitching his third complete game, and the Cleveland Indians turned four double plays in a 3-2 victory over the Los Angeles Angels on Friday night. Lee成為美聯首位17勝的投手。 “The guys made a lot of big plays behind me, Asdrubal (Cabrera) especially. I’ve told him about it four times since the game ended,” said Lee, who won for the sixth time in seven starts and lowered his ERA to 2.43. Lee:我之所以能夠在美聯勝投榜上位,靠的全是兄弟們挺我。 我李可夫出來混靠的就是夠強運,講義氣,還有兄弟們的支持!! 特別是二壘手卡布雷拉,他在我身後用手套構築了一道銅牆鐵壁般的防線! 賽後我起碼跟他說了四次,你這小子真是好樣的! The Angels have baseball’s best record (75-45) and had scored 48 runs in their last six games but could muster just eight hits and two runs against the left-h ander. 天使有著全大聯盟最佳的75勝,過去六場以每場8分的進度狂轟爛炸了快50分... 但他們闖不過 Lee 身後的銅牆鐵壁,被雙殺了四次而敗下陣來。 “That might be the best lineup I’ve ever faced,” Lee said. “They are in first place for a reason.” Lee:這或許是我本季遭遇最強的先發打線(之前都挑軟柿子吃撿了16勝真是不好意思喔.:p) Lee (17-2) struck out six and moved closer to becoming Cleveland’s first 20-ga me winner since Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry did it in 1974. He also has a shot at giving Cleveland its second straight Cy Young Award winner. CC Sabathia, tra ded to Milwaukee on July 7, won the award a year ago. Lee想要把賽揚獎連續兩年留在印地安人隊.... “It’s too early to think of those things, but Cliff has had as good a year as anybody,” Indians manager Eric Wedge. “He’s never wavered.” 總教練魏吉說:現在講這些都還太早,不過今年的Lee狀況絕佳! The Indians turned double plays in four straight innings, including one started by Lee. After walking Jeff Mathis in the fifth, Lee lunged off the mound to bac khand a bunt by Figgins and throw to first to easily double off Mathis. 印地安人對上以快腿著稱的天使隊,卻意外的在五六七八連續四個半局演出雙殺! 五局上半,Figgins觸擊,Lee一個箭步衝下投手丘反手接殺,再傳一壘完成雙殺。 “With the ball in the air, I don’t know why the guy was running but I thank him for that,” Lee said. “Maybe he thought it would drop. All I know is that Figgins is so fast, I had to get off the mound and try to make a play.” Lee:當那個球被點成小飛球時,我不知道為什麼壘上的跑者會跑,但我很感謝他! XD 或許他以為我接不到那球,但不管他在想什麼,我想的就是Figgins很快, 所以我要第一時間下投手丘接球才能殺掉他,要不然被點成內野安打就糟糕了! In the sixth, Lee got Guerrero to hit into a double play. Then second baseman Cabrera barehanded a ball on the shortstop side of the bag and threw to first to retire Torii Hunter for the final out. 第六局,Lee讓天使主砲 Guerrero 打出中間方向幾乎穿出去的安打.. 但二壘手 Cabrera 幾乎撈過界跑到游擊手那邊硬生生把球攔了下來.... 而且他是空手接的,所以才來得及殺掉一壘的跑者! “I always play hard, but with Cliff I bear down more because I know he gets groundballs,” Cabrera said through first-base coach Luis Rivera serving as interpreter. “The barehand play, I practice that I lot.” 卡布雷拉:我打球總是很拼,但當Lee先發時我更是會爆發小宇宙! 空手接球是前輩 Vizquel 留下來的光榮傳統,我平常練習就練過很多次了! 這是Lee本季第三場完投... 也讓他一舉以170.2局跟三場完投都晉升到美聯第二的位置... 其中三場完投與Sabathia並列第二(C.C.到國聯以後又拿了四場完投,國聯第一) 同時他也是本季除了C.C跟Halladay以外唯一每場超過七局的先發投手! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: goopa:轉錄至看板 Indians 08/16 12:38

08/16 12:38, , 1F
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08/16 12:39, , 2F
08/16 12:39, 2F

08/16 12:41, , 3F
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08/16 12:44, , 4F
C.Lee 台灣也有 C.C.Lee
08/16 12:44, 4F

08/16 12:44, , 5F
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08/16 12:48, , 6F
08/16 12:48, 6F

08/16 12:49, , 7F
翻譯有夠好笑XD 給個推
08/16 12:49, 7F

08/16 12:49, , 8F
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08/16 12:49, , 9F
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08/16 12:52, , 10F
08/16 12:52, 10F

08/16 12:53, , 11F
這是浩南哥的名言嗎 ^^"
08/16 12:53, 11F

08/16 12:56, , 12F
08/16 12:56, 12F

08/16 13:18, , 13F
光榮傳統 XDDDD
08/16 13:18, 13F

08/16 13:20, , 14F
美聯CY已經拿到一半了 20勝也快了XD
08/16 13:20, 14F

08/16 13:23, , 15F
08/16 13:23, 15F

08/16 13:23, , 16F
Lee GJ!!
08/16 13:23, 16F

08/16 14:04, , 17F
我李可夫出來混 就是運氣 實力 還有兄弟多 XD
08/16 14:04, 17F

08/16 14:49, , 18F
我李可夫出來混 就是運氣 實力 還有兄弟多
08/16 14:49, 18F

08/16 16:28, , 19F
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08/16 16:29, , 20F
我李可夫出來混 就是運氣 實力 還有兄弟多 XD
08/16 16:29, 20F

08/16 16:29, , 21F
應該已經拿到CV了 還差小小的I
08/16 16:29, 21F

08/16 16:38, , 22F
CV是啥 定容熱容量嗎XD
08/16 16:38, 22F

08/16 17:09, , 23F
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08/16 17:20, , 24F
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08/16 20:46, , 25F
08/16 20:46, 25F

08/16 21:02, , 26F
李可夫 不會油油(台語) (誤)~
08/16 21:02, 26F

08/17 01:54, , 27F
愈看愈覺得好笑 XD
08/17 01:54, 27F

08/17 23:44, , 28F
推翻譯 XD
08/17 23:44, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #18fbcUdl (MLB)