[翻譯] Prospectus Q&A: Brandon Webb

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July 13, 2008 Prospectus Q&A Brandon Webb 原文連結:http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=7793 by David Laurila A National League All-Star for the third straight season, Brandon Webb has clearly established himself as one of the best pitchers in the game. The possessor of what is arguably the best sinker in baseball—Webb’s 3.74 GB/FB-ratio over the past four seasons is tops among all MLB starters—he goes into the midsummer classic with an NL-best 13 wins. Last season, Webb put together a 42 1/3 consecutive scoreless-innings streak, the 12th-longest in big league history, en route to leading the senior circuit in innings pitched. A 29-year-old native of Ashland, Kentucky, Webb captured the National League Cy Young Award in 2006. 連續三年被選為國聯全明星,Brandon Webb 無庸置疑是最頂級的投手之一。他擁有著世界 上最犀利的深卡球(Webb 在過去四個球季以 3.74 的滾飛比領先所有 MLB 的先發投手) ,而他將帶著國聯最佳的 13 勝參加這場仲夏的經典賽事。上個球季,Webb 擁有著連續 42 1/3 局未被得分的紀錄(這是大聯盟第 12 長的紀錄),而他的投球局數也在國聯排名 第一(譯按:文中的 the senior circuit 指的是國家聯盟)。現年 29 歲,出生於肯塔 基州的 Ashland,Webb 在 2006 年獲得了國聯賽揚獎的殊榮。 David Laurila: How would you describe Brandon Webb’s approach on the mound? 可以說明一下你的投球策略嗎? Brandon Webb: I try to pitch to contact. That’s the biggest thing for me, trying to throw quality strikes down in the zone with the sinking action I have. I like to get early contact, and if you can do that, and have good defense behind you, you’re going to pitch a lot of innings and keep yourself in the game with a low pitch count. So I want early contact, a lot of ground balls, and early outs. That’s kind of how I go about it. 我試著投給打者打。對我而言,這是很重要的一件事,試著投出有水準並帶有我獨特下沉 味道的好球。我喜歡讓打者在一開始就出棒碰我的球,如果你能夠做到這件事,而且你的 身後有著不錯的防守的話,你就可以吃下很多局數,同時投球數也不會過量。所以我希望 打者一上場就立刻揮擊,然後就有一大堆滾地球,和超快的出局數。這就是我的投球策略 。 DL: A lot of guys talk about pitching to contact, but how do you go about doing that—how can pitchers consistently induce weak contact? 有很多人常在說投給打者打,但是你可以說一下你是怎麼辦到的嗎--我是指要怎樣投才 可以投給打者打,卻又讓打者沒有辦法把球打得很強勁呢? BW: By keeping the ball down in the zone and making quality pitches instead of just throwing it down the middle without any movement. If you do that—if you leave pitches out over the plate—you’re going to get tattooed. So it’s all about throwing good quality pitches down in the zone, and hopefully you’ ll get outs more often than not. 你要把球控制在好球帶低的位置,並且要投有水準的球,而不是只把一顆完全沒有任何位 移的球往好球帶中央偏低的地方丟過去。如果你這麼做的話--如果你讓你的球留在好球 帶中央的話--你就等著看煙火秀吧。所以重點在於要把有水準的球投在好球帶低的位置 ,這樣你應該就可以順利的拿到出局數了。 DL: When asked why your sinker is so good, your usual response is to say that it’s mostly just a result of your natural arm action. How would you describe your arm action? 每次有人問你為什麼你的深卡球那麼棒的時候,你都會說這跟你手臂的動作有關。你可以 說一下到底是什麼樣的手臂動作呢? BW: When I throw, I try to think about working on top of the ball and creating a two-point movement, instead of just a lateral movement that a lot of people have by working on the side of the ball. I really concentrate on getting my two fingers that I throw the ball with over on top to get that two-point movement. 當我投球的時候,我會試著由球的上方去製造出橫向及縱向的位移,而不是像其他人只注 意由球的側面去產生橫向的移動。我會一直提醒自己把兩根手指放在球的上方以產生橫向 及縱向的位移。 DL: Can you describe, in specific terms, how you grip your sinker? 你可以仔細介紹一下你深卡球的握法嗎? BW: It’s just a two-seam fastball. You can basically throw a curveball with any grip; you can throw a slider or a changeup with any grip. It’s the same with a sinker. It really doesn’t have anything to do with the grip; it’s the way you manipulate the ball with your arm action. I do grip the ball the same each time, though; it’s what feels most comfortable to me. 那就是一般的二縫線而已。就像曲球有很多種握法,滑球跟變速球有很多種握法。深卡球 也一樣有很多不同的握法。深卡球投得好不好真的和怎麼握沒有關係,重要的是你的手臂 動作。不過,我倒是有固定投深卡球的握法,但那只是我覺得最舒服的握法而已。 DL: The ability to make adjustments is a big part of pitching. What type of adjustments do you typically make on the mound? 能夠適時調整對投球來說是很重要的。你在投手丘上通常會做什麼樣的調整呢? BW: A lot of times I have a tendency to throw across my body, so I have to watch out for that and kind of bring my landing foot back over toward the first-base side; I have to concentrate on working my body toward the plate instead of around it. I also have to make sure that I get my arm up—get my elbow up—so that I’m not rushing. I need to get a good balance point so that my elbow is in the proper spot, at the proper time, to consistently throw quality strikes. 我跨步常常會出現問題,這會讓我沒有辦法好好運用腿部的力量,所以我會注意這方面的 東西,並且在跨步時我會把我的前腳稍微往一壘方向偏,同時我也會注意把身體面對本壘 而不是側向著本壘(譯按:throw across one's body 就跟字面上的意思一樣,是指投球 時手部揮出的軌跡會與身體相交,而這是一個不好的動作,因為這樣投球只能用到手部的 力量,卻沒有辦法同時運用腿部的力量)。我還要確定我有把手臂舉高--我是指把我的 手肘抬高--這樣我的投球動作才不會太趕。我需要找到一個平衡點,以讓我的手肘在正 確的時間點會在正確的位置,這樣才可以穩定的投出有水準的好球。 DL: How would you describe your overall pitching mechanics? 可以談一下你的投球機制嗎? BW: I think I’m pretty basic. I have the same arm angle that a lot of guys have. My lower half is pretty identical to most every pitcher; every pitcher has a good balance point and things like that. My mechanics are pretty ordinary. 我覺得我的投球機制還滿基本的。我的手臂角度和一般人的沒有什麼不同。至於下半身的 機制也和大部分的投手一樣,每個投手都有一個最好的平衡點或者其他類似的東西。我的 投球機制倒是滿普通的。 DL: Do you view your sinker as just one pitch, or as multiple pitches with different velocity and movement to different zones? 你覺得你的深卡球只是一種固定球路而已,還是一種在投到不同位置時會有不同球速、不 同位移的球路呢? BW: Yeah, I do sometimes take a little velocity off and work differently against right-handers and left-handers. I’ll try to bring it off the body to left-handers, and I’ll get a lot of strikeouts with that when it’s going good. I’ll do the same thing to lock up a right-hander, getting it to come back on the outside. Behind on the count, I’ll take a little off to try to get a hitter too far out front so he’ll hopefully roll the ball over. So sure, you can definitely look at them as different pitches. 沒錯,我有時候會稍微降低球速,而且對左打及右打時我會採取不同的策略。我會試著攻 擊左打者的內角,而當我狀況好的時候,他們只能乖乖被我三振。我會用同樣的方法對付 右打者,不過這次球會從外側轉進來。在球數落後時,我會稍微降低球速,試著讓打者揮 擊過早,而製造出滾地球。所以你當然可以說這是一種多樣的球路。 DL: Last year, left-handed hitters hit more balls in the air against you than did right-handed hitters. Why? 去年在面對你的時候,左打者比右打者打出更多的飛球。你覺得是為什麼? BW: Left-handers, because they’re so used to seeing the ball sink away, sink away—they dive out over the plate and try to shoot the ball to left field. I think it’s probably that as much as anything. 因為左打者已經習慣球會一直往外跑,往外跑--他們會往外側傾,然後試著把球帶到左 外野。我覺得那是最主要的原因。 DL: Have you made any adjustments in an attempt to induce more ground balls from left-handed hitters? 你有試過讓左打者打出更多滾地球嗎? BW: Yes, we’ve tried to come inside with a four-seamer and cutters this year to try to get them off of that outside pitch. That way I’m opening up the outside so they won’t be diving after that pitch as much. 當然有啦,我們今年試著多往內角塞四縫線或卡特球,這樣他們就沒有辦法一直等著我的 外角深卡球。如此一來,當我利用外角時,他們就沒有辦法像以前一樣往外側傾了。 DL: Do you buy into the theory that sinkerball pitchers are more effective when their arms aren’t quite as fresh? 你相信深卡球投手在疲勞時反而會更有效率的說法嗎? BW: It’s probably different for different people, but in my case, if I’m really strong I think the ball does tend to flatten out a little bit. If I’m around 87 to 89, maybe 91, it’s a lot better than in some games where in the first few innings I’ll be 89 to 93. It can be kind of flat then. 這個應該是對不同人有不同的情況吧,就我的來說,假如我的手臂太有力的話,我想我投 出去球的變化幅度會減少一些。如果我的球速在 87 到 89 英里,或者在 91 英里,那時 的情況通常會比我在球賽一開始球速有 89 到 93 英里時好的多。在球速快的時候變化幅 度反而比較小。 DL: You led the National League in innings pitched last year, and are among the league leaders again this season. What are your thoughts on workload? 去年你在國聯投球局數排名第一,今年也是在聯盟領先群裡。你對於負擔的局數有什麼看 法呢? BW: I take pride in having a lot of innings, because if you’re leading the league, or are even close to leading the league, it means you’re out there doing well and keeping your team in the game. So I take a lot of pride in that. As far as workload, if you do your exercises and keep in shape, you should be fine. I don’t really worry about working too much. 我認為能吃下越多局數越好,因為當你在這方面領先全聯盟時,或者只是位於領先群時, 這代表你的投球表現不錯,而且還可以讓你的球隊有勝利的機會。所以我認為這是值得驕 傲的一件事。對於負擔的局數,我想只要持續健身並保持身體狀態,這應該是沒有問題的 。我並不會因為負擔太多局數而擔心。 DL: How do you prepare for games? 你賽前會做什麼準備呢? BW: I actually don’t do a whole lot of preparation. I go over the scouting report with the catcher for about five minutes, but other than that I basically just go out there and do my thing. There’s stretching and all that, but I don’t go too much in depth with the other stuff. I like to keep it simple. 事實上我並沒有做太多的準備。我會花個五分鐘跟捕手討論打者的資料,除了這個之外, 我基本上只是做我自己的事。我會做做伸展或是其他的東西,不過我不會深入得作其他的 事情。我喜歡簡單的感覺。 DL: It sounds like you don’t start to really focus until closer to game time? 感覺上你好像是在比賽快開始的時候才開始集中精神? BW: Exactly. I start stretching my legs and arm with the trainer about an hour before the game, and that’s when I kind of start locking in. Some people take the whole day, but I’d be worn out if I did that. I like to interact with guys and don’t change my routine too much from the everyday, because I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I take it like any other day up until the point that I go to the trainer to start getting ready. I’m pretty open to anything before that. 沒有錯。在比賽前一個小時,我會開始和訓練員做腿部跟手部的伸展,而那時才是我開始 專心的時候。有些人會整天都集中在今天的比賽,但是這樣的話我會受不了。我喜歡和其 他人有互動,而且我不想改變我的生活習慣,因為我不想有太多的壓力。我會把比賽那天 當作一般的日子,而到我跟訓練員報到時再開始專心準備比賽。在那之前我是不會刻意限 制自己的行動的。 DL: Lenny DiNardo of the A’s has said that there’s a correlation between pitching and playing the guitar, in part because of the pressure he puts on the seams. As someone who also plays the guitar, do you agree with him? 運動家的 Lenny DiNardo 說投球跟彈吉他是有關係的,而有一部分的原因是因為對縫線以 及弦的施力方式。就一個也有在玩吉他的投手,你覺得他的說法可信嗎? BW: Personally, I don’t correlate that too much, because I don’t put any extra pressure on my index finger to throw the sinker; I keep it pretty equal. I suppose there might be for some guys who do both—pitch and play the guitar—but not for me. 我個人認為這兩件事似乎沒有什麼關聯,因為我在投深卡球時並不會刻意用食指施力,我 的施力方式還滿平均的。我認為或許有人會同意這種的說法--我是指同時有在投球和彈 吉他的人--只不過我自己不這麼想。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/15 07:38, , 1F
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很棒的一篇 推
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感謝翻譯 好文
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