[翻譯] 21 MLB strange Injuries

看板MLB作者 (耿秋)時間16年前 (2008/04/22 03:08), 編輯推噓23(2306)
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看到上面那一篇, 分享一下這個 資料來源: http://0rz.tw/e63YC MLB 21個奇怪的傷 1. Hunter Pence, Astros The hotshot outfielder was the early talk of spring training this year after he suffered lacerations on his knee and right index finger from walking through a sliding glass door at his apartment in Kissimmee while hot-tubbing with a female friend. But he isn't alone in baseball injury lore. 太空人的Hunter Pence今年春訓時, 與他的女性朋友洗熱水澡時, 走過他在Kissimmee的 公寓的玻璃門時,卻割傷膝蓋和右手的食指。 2.Clint Barmes, Rockies The 2005 NL Rookie of the Year candidate short-circuited his season, and ultimately his career, by taking a tumble on a flight of stairs while carrying groceries. Barmes, who injured his left shoulder, later admitted he was actually hauling a slab of deer meat procured while hunting with teammate Todd Helton. 2005年國聯年度最佳新人的候選人洛磯隊的Clint Barmes, 因搬雜物爬樓梯時跌倒而結 束了風光的新人球季。Barmes弄傷了他的左肩膀, 之後他承認是搬運與隊友Todd Helton 共同獵得的鹿肉而受傷。 3. Chris Brown, Giants According to legend, the former Giants infielder once begged out of a minor league game because he said he'd strained his eyelid by "sleeping on it funny." 根據傳說,前巨人隊的內野手Chris Brown曾經因為拉傷眼皮而錯失了一場小聯盟的比賽, 原因是"睡覺時奇怪地壓到了眼皮"。 4. Kevin Brown, Yankees The cantankerous hurler punched a wall in frustration and broke his non-pitching hand after being removed from a start in 2004. Unfortunately for the Yankees, Brown returned in time to take a pounding from the archrival Red Sox in Game 7 of the ALCS. 洋基隊脾氣暴躁的投手Kevin Brown因2004年一場先發投不好被換下場, 因為感到挫折而捶 打牆壁卻打斷了他不必投球的左手。對洋基更不幸的是, 在美聯冠軍系列賽第七戰他傷好 及時復出,卻被宿敵紅襪隊打得慘不忍睹。 5. David Cone, Yankees Talk about the dog days of summer, the hurler missed a start in June 1998 after he was bitten on the ring finger of his pitching hand by his mother's Jack Russell terrier, Veronica. 談起夏天悶熱潮溼的日子, 就要提到1998年6月洋基隊的投手David Cone錯失了一場先發, 原因是被他媽媽的傑克羅素梗犬Veronica咬傷了無名指。 6. Marty Cordova, Orioles Opting for lamps over natural sunlight (perhaps the logical option for a baseball player) to stay bronzed, Marty Cordova was burnt to a crisp and ordered to ride the bench for a game. 在健身房以自然的日光燈照射讓皮膚保持為古銅色 (或許對棒球選手是合理的選擇), 但金鶯的外野手Marty Cordova卻因此燒傷了臉, 而被迫在一場比賽坐板凳。 7. Adam Eaton, Padres The right-hander wound up in an emergency room after stabbing himself in the gut while trying to open a DVD with a paring knife. 教士隊的右投手Adam Eaton用一把削皮刀打開DVD時卻刺進自己的內臟, 因此被送進急診 室。 8. Rickey Henderson, Blue Jays No stranger to injuries or bizarre behavior, baseball's all-time stolen base king missed three mid-summer games after allegedly falling asleep with an ice pack on his foot and developing frostbite. 史上的盜壘王藍鳥隊的Richkey Henderson錯失了三場夏天中旬的比賽, 依他陳述是他把 冰袋放在腳上卻睡著了,使得腳部冰得過久而凍傷。 9. Glenallen Hill, Blue Jays The arachnophobic outfielder cut himself up in 1990 by falling out of bed and onto a glass table in a fit of panic induced by a nightmare about being covered in spiders. 有蜘蛛恐懼症的藍鳥外野手Glenallen Hill 1990年因作夢被蜘蛛追趕,造成恐慌摔下床 掉在一張玻璃桌上而弄傷了自己。 10. Randy Keisler, Yankees After arthroscopic shoulder surgery, a demotion to the minors, and a tiff with reporters, Randy Keisler's baseball luck ran out when he was bitten by a pygmy rattlesnake in his backyard. 在作完肩膀關節鏡手術後,又被下放到小聯盟,以及和記者發生口角後,洋基的投手Randy Keisler的棒球的運氣似乎也用完了,因為他在自己家裡後院被一條侏儒響尾蛇咬傷。 11. Oddibe McDowell, Rangers Talk about a warm welcome! At the Rangers' annual welcome home luncheon, Oddibe McDowell attempted to butter a roll, but, instead, sliced his right hand. Welcome to the DL? 談談熱誠的歡迎盛會! 在游騎兵年度主場歡迎盛宴上,中外野手Oddibe McDowell企圖在 捲餅上塗奶油不成,卻劃傷了他的右手。難不成這是場歡迎來到傷兵名單的盛會嗎? 12. Akinori Otsuka, Padres Who knew signing autographs could be more dangerous than the sport? Akinori Otsuka was nailed by a flying bat while giving his John Hancock to fans before a game. 有誰會曉得簽名是比運動還危險的動作? 教士隊的投手大塚晶則賽前將親筆簽名送給球迷 時, 卻被一支飛來的球棒擊中。 13. Oliver Perez, Pirates Frustrated over his lack of pitching control, Perez chose to take his anger out on the team's laundry bucket in the locker room. The laundry bucket won, giving Perez a broken toe and a trip to the DL. 因控球不好感到挫折,海盜隊的Oliver Perez選擇把他的憤怒發在放在球員置物間內的 洗衣桶上。結果這場決鬥是洗衣桶獲勝了,Perez弄斷了腳指頭因而進到傷兵名單。 14. Kaz Sasaki, Mariners The closer missed two months of the 2003 season due to rib injuries sustained in a fall while hauling a suitcase up a flight of stairs in his home. 水手隊的救援投手佐佐木主浩錯失2003年球季兩個月的比賽,原因是在家裡提行李箱上 樓時摔下來弄傷了肋骨。 15. John Smoltz, Braves The 1996 Cy Young Award-winner allegedly burned himself in 1990 by ironing a shirt while he was still wearing it. Steamed by the story, Smoltz adamantly denies the injury ever happened. 1996年賽揚獎的得主勇士隊的John Smoltz 1990年燒傷了自己,據他自己陳敘是去燙一件 自己仍然穿在身上的衣服而受傷。但這個傳說卻惹怒了Smoltz,他堅決表示這件事從來都 沒有發生過。 16. Sammy Sosa, Cubs No wonder the wind blows out at Wrigley. This slugging outfielder missed a 2004 game with back spasms brought on by a hearty sneeze. 別懷疑Wringley的風很強。小熊隊外野的長打者Sammy Sosa錯失了一場2004年球季的比 賽, 原因是他痛快地打了個噴涕卻引發背部抽痙。 17. Steve Sparks, Brewers Milwaukee's knucklehead, er, knuckleballer dislocated his left shoulder while trying to rip a phonebook in half at a motivational seminar hosted by the team in 1994. 釀酒人隊的蝴蝶白痴,咳咳咳,蝴蝶球投手Steve Spark1994年在一場球隊舉辦的鬥志激 發的討論會上企圖將一本電話簿拆成兩半,卻讓他的左肩膀脫臼。 18. John Tudor, Cardinals Sitting quietly in the dugout, Cardinals ace John Tudor was pummeled by Mets catcher Barry Lyons as he attempted to catch a foul ball. The ball stayed foul, but Tudor's knee was shattered. 紅雀隊的王牌投手John Tudor沒事坐在球員休息區,卻被大都會的捕手Barry Lyons想要接 界外球時衝過來時,很衰地被他的拳頭擊中。結果界外球沒接到,卻打碎了Tudor的膝蓋。 19. Joel Zumaya, Tigers The fireballing reliever missed three games of the 2006 ALCS after developing inflammation in his right wrist from playing the video game Guitar Hero. Zumaya, who presumably does a killer version of Smoke on The Water, recovered in time for the World Series. 老虎的火球後援投手Joel Zumaya玩電動吉他英雄玩得太火, 引發他右手腕發炎,而錯失了 2006年美聯冠軍三場的系列賽。期間Zumaya想必是彈出殺手版的"Smoke on The Water" 之後,才即時復原趕上了世界大賽。 20. Vince Coleman, Cardinals Vince Coleman set a rookie record with 110 stolen bases for St. Louis in 1985, but he will forever be known as the "man who got swallowed by the tarp." Relaxing on the Busch Stadium tarp path during that year's NLCS, Coleman got caught underneath a mechanized tarp that was trying to cover the field before Game 4. Coleman injured his knee and missed the rest of the post-season--including the Cardinals seven-game World Series loss to the Royals. 1985年紅雀隊的Vince Coleman為紅雀隊寫下了新人球季110盜壘的記錄, 但他永遠被津津 樂道的卻是他是唯一被"被防水布吞掉的傢伙"。那年國聯冠軍系列賽第四場賽前, Busch 球場的防水布鬆開準備去覆蓋內野時, Coleman卻吸到一塊機械化的防水布下方。Coleman 弄傷了膝蓋也錯失了之後所有的季後賽--包括紅雀隊在七場世界大賽中輸給了皇家隊。 21. Doug Mirabelli, Red Sox Doug Mirabelli may only trail David Ortiz by a few inches and about 10 pounds, but Big Papi's bat appeared to be too much for Sox catcher to handle back in 2005. Mirabelli sprained his wrist trying to swing Ortiz's lumber and missed 21 games. 紅襪隊的Doug Mirabelli的身材可能只比David Ortiz少幾吋和大約10磅左右, 但2005年 球季老爹的球棒對這位紅襪的捕手來講恐怕是重到揮不動,Mirabelli借了老爹的大棒子 揮擊卻扭傷了手腕, 結果錯失了21場比賽。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/22 03:13, , 1F
04/22 03:13, 1F
leddy:轉錄至看板 NY-Yankees 04/22 03:19

04/22 03:50, , 2F
推 不過Barmes還在打... 怎麼會結束短暫的生涯了呢?
04/22 03:50, 2F

04/22 04:17, , 3F
04/22 04:17, 3F

04/22 04:36, , 4F
David Cone被狗咬傷XDD 這系列就是看名將出糗XDrz
04/22 04:36, 4F

04/22 04:46, , 5F
Cone他媽媽不叫Jack Russell,Jack Russell terrier是一
04/22 04:46, 5F

04/22 04:47, , 6F
04/22 04:47, 6F

04/22 04:52, , 7F
另外Marty Cordova是被tanning lamp曬傷,不是陽光
04/22 04:52, 7F

04/22 05:22, , 8F
Pence和female friend洗澡....不是girlfriend喔?
04/22 05:22, 8F

04/22 07:06, , 9F
04/22 07:06, 9F

04/22 08:20, , 10F
04/22 08:20, 10F

04/22 08:27, , 11F
04/22 08:27, 11F

04/22 08:36, , 12F
female friend莫非不叫女性朋友
04/22 08:36, 12F

04/22 08:50, , 13F
04/22 08:50, 13F

04/22 09:01, , 14F
04/22 09:01, 14F

04/22 09:13, , 15F
04/22 09:13, 15F

04/22 09:55, , 16F
第一項的地點:kissimee=kissingme? 好有趣的地名
04/22 09:55, 16F

04/22 11:05, , 17F
至夜球員是很脆弱低 像KENT洗車可以洗到手骨折 XD
04/22 11:05, 17F

04/22 11:06, , 18F
04/22 11:06, 18F

04/22 11:33, , 19F
04/22 11:33, 19F

04/22 11:50, , 20F
04/22 11:50, 20F

04/22 11:52, , 21F
Jeff Kent手骨折有另一種說法是騎摩托車(違反合約)摔倒
04/22 11:52, 21F

04/22 12:27, , 22F
官方說法是洗車骨折 事實上大家都知道是騎機車摔的...
04/22 12:27, 22F

04/22 12:35, , 23F
Smoltz是見笑轉生氣嗎 科科
04/22 12:35, 23F

04/22 14:04, , 24F
04/22 14:04, 24F

04/22 14:28, , 25F

04/22 14:29, , 26F
04/22 14:29, 26F

04/22 14:30, , 27F
04/22 14:30, 27F

04/22 19:36, , 28F
我曾經連打兩個大噴嚏而腰痛一個禮拜,所以我相信No.16 >_<
04/22 19:36, 28F

04/22 21:25, , 29F
7. Adam Eaton 這個也很蠢耶 XD
04/22 21:25, 29F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (12/10 00:30)
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