[戰況] 神之左手II-Santana 今天KKKKK KKKKK K …

看板MLB作者時間17年前 (2007/08/20 09:18), 編輯推噓49(4906)
留言55則, 48人參與, 最新討論串1/1
MINNEAPOLIS -- There are dominant performances and then there are those for the record books. Johan Santana clearly left his own indelible mark in the Twins record books on Sunday afternoon. 球場上宰制對手的表現總有些是要成為紀錄的。 Santana在今天(星期天下午)也毫無疑問的留下了難以抹滅的紀錄。 Santana struck out a career-high 17 batters and established a new club record as he held the Rangers scoreless for eight innings in a 1-0 victory at the Metrodome. Santana在主場以八局無失分、生涯新高的17K帶領球隊打敗遊騎兵以1-0獲勝。 "What a performance," manager Ron Gardenhire said. "That was special. It's just like he said to me, 'Sometimes it happens.' Well, it happened." 「媽呀~太屌了!」總教練說,「這真的很特別,就像他跟我說的:出來走,總有一天要 還的...,恩...就這樣啦~」 Santana's 17 strikeouts broke the previous club record, which had been 15 strikeouts. It had been accomplished five times previously, the last by Bert Blyleven against the Oakland A's on Aug. 1, 1986. 今天的單場十七次三振創下了雙城隊的隊史紀錄,原先的紀錄為單場十五次三振,而保持 一同保持紀錄的共有五人,前一次單場十五次三振要追溯到1986.08.01的對運動家之戰, 創下紀錄的是Bert Blyleven。 It was clear early in Santana's outing that there was something magical going on. After getting the first batter to ground out, Santana struck out five batters in a row. He would strike out 10 of the first 12 batters he faced in the game. 在今天Santana剛上場就有一股大事要發生的感覺,因為他除了第一個人滾地外,前兩 局都用三振讓打者回休息室,他今天面對的前12個人他K了10個。 "Honestly, right away I thought, 'Wow, he's got good stuff today,'" Gardenhire said. "It was effortless. His fastball was darting and he had a great changeup from the first hitter on. You can see it. That was like no-hitter stuff." 事實上,我想,「哇靠,他今天的球金豪洨」總教練又說,「謀豪ㄝ啦,他的速球超快,而 且從比賽開始他的變速球就根本打不到嘛,他今天的球根本是想投無安打。 It wasn't the day for a no-hitter, as Sammy Sosa led off the fifth inning with a single to left field. It was one of only two hits that Santana would give up on the day. Sosa also recorded the only other hit when he tallied a double to left in the seventh. 今天不是無安打的日子,因為Sosa不同意。Sosa今天2-3,1K,五局一壘安、七局二壘安。 There was only one inning that Santana didn't record a strikeout, and that came in the sixth. He still retired the side and would only get better over his final two innings, striking out six of seven batters he faced. 今天他只有第六局沒K,不過他依舊讓對手三上三下,後面兩個半局他抓狂了7人6K。 "I was left in awe today," Torii Hunter said. "He seldom missed. Most of those guys were down, 0-2, before you know it. Johan was pretty impressive today. I was glad to be a part of that. I'd never seen that before, not even in Little League." 「他今天嚇到我了」外野手杭特說,「他今天沒失投多少,你還沒反應過來Santana就讓 他們領K下場了,他今天真屌!!」「我真的很高興參與了今天的比賽,以前從來沒看過的 說,連小馬聯盟都沒有。」 This wasn't the first time Santana (13-9) demonstrated a knack for making the Rangers whiff. In his previous outing against the Rangers, Santana struck out 13 batters. 這不是第一次Santana證明自己可以讓遊騎兵打者亂揮棒,前一次先發對上游騎兵他就 K了13個。 Still, there was no sign that this type of day was in Santana's future. His 5.05 career ERA against the Rangers coming into the outing was his highest against any American League opponent, and Santana had recorded double-digit strikeouts just once in his last 15 outings. 可是,Santana以後對上遊騎兵是如何?? 現況看來並不好,因為遊騎兵是Santana所對 上的對手中對他傷害最高的,ERA5.05,而這場比賽前的15場先發也只有一次達到10K。 But the difference on this day was Santana's command of his pitches, and it's what caused Rangers shortstop Michael Young to strike out four times in the game while Marlon Byrd, Gerald Laird and Brad Wilkerson each tallied three strikeouts of their own. 但是今天的不同點在於他對球路的掌控度,這就是為什麼遊騎兵的游擊手Micjael Young 今天拿到幸運的鐵支,Marlon Byrd、Gerald Laird 和 Brad Wilkerson 也都拿三條。 "[Santana] was great," Young said. "That's as good as I've seen his changeup, and that's saying something. Johan always has a chance to be good. He's the best pitcher in the game for a reason. Once he gets going full steam, it's tough to break it up." 「Santana太狠啦」Young說,「他今天的變速狀況是我看過最好的,Santana總是有機會 投出好成績,只要他開始投順手了,我們就挫屎了」 It was a Twins victory that teetered on edge for much of the afternoon. Despite Santana's dominance, the Rangers were just one good swing away from knotting up the game and erasing Santana's chance at a win. 雙城今天的勝利得來不易,感覺就像颱風夜去泛土石流,因為可能只要遊騎兵大棒一揮就會 追平比數。 The Twins' offense could muster just one run off Rangers starter Kevin Millwood. That run came in the second inning when Michael Cuddyer led off with his 12th home run of the year, a 425-foot shot over the left-center-field wall. 雙城只能從遊騎兵先發Kevin Millwood手上拿一分,那是Cuddyer本季第12轟,飛躍中左外 野大牆的425呎HR。 And the one good swing for Texas almost came in the seventh when Sosa belted a 1-2 pitch high down the left-field line that looked like it might stay fair. But at the last minute, the ball curved and landed just a few feet outside of the foul pole. 而那支可能的強振在第七局幾乎成真,當Sosa揮出了一支直衝左外野的強勁飛球,不過 在最後一秒鐘它畫出了一道曲線衝出界外。 "For two seconds, I thought it was gone," Santana said. 有那麼兩秒鐘,我還以為那顆球高潮(HR)了。(誤) Once he got past that double by Sosa, Santana cruised to the finish of his outing. He struck out Byrd to end the seventh, which tied his previous personal record of 14 strikeouts. 當他被Sosa打出二壘安打之後,Santana爆衝到比賽結束,當七局投完他已經追平自己的 14K紀錄。 And with the crowd growing louder with each K recorded, Santana's teammates were growing more aware of what was going on around them. 當觀眾為每一次的三振開心尖叫之後,隊友開始發現特別的事情正在接近著。 "They've got that thing up there on the scoreboard, and whenever he's pitching I'm constantly checking it," Cuddyer said. "When you're sitting on the bench and it's like the seventh or eighth inning and it's like 14, 15, 16, you definitely see it." 「他們把那些數字掛在板子上」「當第七八局上面掛著14 15 16,那你肯定會看到的」 Santana came out for the eighth inning having thrown 99 pitches and on a mission to finish what he started. Backup catcher Mike Redmond was concerned that the energy inside the Metrodome would affect his pitcher, but that was far from the case. Santana從休息室出來準備投第八局的時候他已經投了99球,二號捕手Mike Redmond很擔 心過大的壓力會影響他的投手,但是...並沒有。 "He wanted me to calm down and I was like, 'I'm fine,'" Santana said. "After that, I mean, you hear the fans, but it was fun. It's always great to do something like that. 「他要我冷靜下來,但是我本來就是阿。」Santana說「我是有聽到球迷的聲音,不過 那很好玩哪,投出這種球總是很好玩的。」 "You don't have that many chances to do something very special like that. I was living by the moment but at the same time, I was enjoying everything I was doing out there." 「你並沒有很多機會來投這樣的一場球,我確實在那裡,不過我更享受這樣的感覺。」 After Santana struck out the side in the eighth, he exited to a standing ovation. Rather than leave the fans wondering whether he would come out in the eighth, Santana instead delivered his own curtain call -- tipping his cap to the raucous crowd of 36,353. Santana讓打者在八局連三K之後,他獲得了全場的鼓掌,為了不讓全場觀眾還對他是 否上場投九局感到疑惑,他直接對全場觀眾舉帽致意。 So what might have been a difficult decision for Gardenhire, whether to send Santana back out or go to closer Joe Nathan, suddenly became easy. 這也讓教練的投手調度容易的多,九局,一比○,終結者。 "I felt good, but at the same time we knew that in that game situation, Nathan would be the right guy to go back out there and shut everything out," Santana said. "He's one of the best closers in the game and I trust him." 「我下場的時候感覺真是爽翻了,我知道現在這個狀況會讓Nathan上場,他是MLB最好 的終結者之一,我也相信他今天不會有劇場」 The crowd didn't quite agree with Santana's decision, booing as Nathan jogged to the mound. 不過觀眾可不同意Santana的想法,他們居然對著慢跑上投手丘的終結者狂噓。 Nathan would allow one baserunner to reach in the ninth on his fielding error at first base. He then struck out the next two batters to set a new single-game club record with 19 total strikeouts. Nathan還真的讓大家嚇了一跳,他守備失誤了...,不過接下來他連兩K,也讓球隊的單 場三振推升到19次。 The win pulled the Twins to within six games of the American League Central-leading Indians. 這場勝利讓雙城隊距離美聯中區龍頭印地安人的勝差縮小到六場。 "Wow, we needed that," Redmond said. "We needed zeros and like he always does, he went out there and stepped up in a huge situation to give us a chance to win. That's what's great about catching, you just never know when you're going to have an opportunity where you have a guy pitch like that. To be back there during that one was fun." 「挖~我們很需要這樣的勝利,我們需要讓對手拿一堆蛋,在那樣的情況下給球隊一場勝利 讓當一個捕手非常的有趣,你永遠不知道當一個投手投出這樣的內容會發生什麼事,而 經歷這樣的一場比賽真的很好玩。」 翻這個真辛苦= = 好長.............. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Benitez 來自: (08/20 09:20)

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08/20 09:39, , 13F
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08/20 09:40, , 14F
樓上BS了 囧
08/20 09:40, 14F

08/20 09:50, , 15F
翻譯的真傳神 經典!
08/20 09:50, 15F

08/20 09:51, , 16F
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08/20 09:55, , 17F
哈 好翻譯
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08/20 09:54, , 18F
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08/20 09:55, , 19F
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08/20 10:03, , 20F
有看有推 真傳神的翻譯
08/20 10:03, 20F

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08/20 10:57, , 25F
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08/20 11:15, , 26F
謝推 生動的翻譯 "哇靠,他今天的球金豪洨"
08/20 11:15, 26F

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08/20 11:46, , 31F
有看有推 ^^
08/20 11:46, 31F

08/20 12:14, , 32F
翻得好阿 老皮!
08/20 12:14, 32F

08/20 12:16, , 33F
翻得很"愛台灣" 也就是台XD
08/20 12:16, 33F

08/20 12:18, , 34F
翻的太生動了!!! 推推推!!
08/20 12:18, 34F

08/20 12:25, , 35F
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08/20 14:23, , 39F
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08/20 14:38, , 40F
請問come out in the eighth未啥翻成九局上場??
08/20 14:38, 40F

08/20 14:39, , 41F
好銷魂的山大王 不愧是大王
08/20 14:39, 41F

08/20 15:07, , 42F
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08/20 16:26, , 43F
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08/20 17:02, , 44F
To David6067 - 因為他八局已經投完 按照意思應該是球迷懷
08/20 17:02, 44F

08/20 17:02, , 45F
疑他九局會不會出來 那個eighth可能是一開始就有的錯誤吧
08/20 17:02, 45F

08/20 17:21, , 46F
Rangers快跟Tigers一樣愛揮了 只是一個打的到一個打不到..
08/20 17:21, 46F

08/20 17:24, , 47F
恩...team BB 23.TEX 379 > 27.DET 369 > 30.SEA 308...XD
08/20 17:24, 47F

08/20 17:27, , 48F
team SO 5.TEX 927 > 18.DET 807 > 30.MIN 624
08/20 17:27, 48F

08/20 17:43, , 49F
08/20 17:43, 49F

08/20 18:48, , 50F
這是我生平見過最生動的翻譯文之一 XDDD
08/20 18:48, 50F

08/20 19:24, , 51F
我只能說深的鄉民的心~好翻譯~!!! 推!!!
08/20 19:24, 51F

08/20 21:25, , 52F
哇靠,他今天的翻譯金豪洨 XD
08/20 21:25, 52F

08/21 00:39, , 53F
翻的好讚 XD
08/21 00:39, 53F

08/21 01:20, , 54F
08/21 01:20, 54F

08/21 12:26, , 55F
佩服 近期之內的佳作啊
08/21 12:26, 55F
文章代碼(AID): #16oEm3QQ (MLB)