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看板MARIAH作者 (自我感覺良好)時間9年前 (2015/05/10 22:39), 9年前編輯推噓17(17021)
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http://tinyurl.com/kz8hbfl 咪咪在賭城造勢當天深夜,接受英國《每日郵報》專訪; 首次透露當年流產,以及最近風風雨雨的心路歷程。 "I've bruised so many times but it hasn't stopped me": In her most revealing interview yet, Mariah Carey discusses her miscarriage and the loneliness of mega stardom 【以下重點節錄】 1. 談到內心孤獨:不容易相信別人,但奶粉是安全感的來源,因為奶粉不會利用她。 "Stardom is a magical yet freakish situation at times. It's a cliché but very true that at times you feel so alone even when you're surrounded by so many people. Trust is not very easy for me at all. I want to be a trusting person but I've been bruised so many times – not to sound woe-is-me about my life. "I'm thankful for my fans who make up for the lack of closeness I feel to most people who start out as friends and ultimately take advantage of me. I'm a very loyal person and it takes a lot for me to actually un-friend someone." She pauses. Reflects. "I'm actually very loyal, to my detriment. Yeah, the past few years have had their ups and downs." 2. 聊到離婚:從不在雙胞胎面前掉淚,孩子是無辜的,怕自己一哭就停不下來。 It's been a difficult time, which Mariah has steadfastly refused to speak about. Nick is, after all, the father of her four-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe. She's never shed a tear in front of them. She says she daren't. ‘I don't want them to see a mother who's saying, “I'm going through this. I'm going through that.” They're babies – innocents. They don't have to see that yet – if ever. So I try to keep everything together because, in some instances, if you cry you're not going to stop crying.’ 為了小孩,願意和前夫一起過節 (講到一半突然唱起Side Effects副歌 XD); 學會習慣小孩有時候不跟她住的日子。 Instead, she and Nick put their differences aside to share Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter as a family. ‘Christmas was a rough time for me personally but I got through it and you know what? It was for the kids. That was the whole thing. I have a song called Side Effects which goes, “I kept my tears inside because I knew if I started I'd keep crying for the rest of my life with you. I finally built up the strength to walk away, don't regret it but I still live with the side effects.”’ She looks down at her glass and her eyes mist over with the tears she won’t let fall. ‘I'm just getting used to when the kids have days out and overnight stays. I have to get used to that but I’m finding it hard. It is what it is. I want them to have great relationships with all their family and I wouldn’t want to do anything to undermine that.’ 3. 談到流產: 當年和Nick戀愛六週後就結婚,雖然差了11歲,但咪咪覺得自己終於找到靈魂伴侶。 幾個月後的聖誕前夕咪咪懷孕了,卻在前往亞斯本當天的超音波檢查,發現自己流產。 咪咪說,流產是她人生中最低潮的一段; 當時忙著宣傳Touch My Body, 激瘦的咪咪過度運動、做瑜珈,卻沒有人告訴她過度運動這樣對孕婦不好; 之後懷了雙胞胎,便異常戒慎恐懼。 She and Nick married in a secret ceremony at her home in the Bahamas (there are also homes in New York, Los Angeles, now Las Vegas and... I lose count) following a whirlwind six-week romance. He's 11 years her junior but she truly believed – following an earlier desperately unhappy five-year marriage to former Sony chief Tommy Mottola, who launched her career – that she'd finally found her soulmate. Within a few short months she was delighted to discover she was going to be a mother, then devastated when an ultrasound scan revealed she had miscarried the day they were due to travel to Aspen in Colorado to celebrate Christmas with friends. ‘I was going to tell them I was pregnant and make little baby ornaments with them because obviously I didn't know [what had happened] until the scan. That was a difficult Christmas. It was huge. There are really no words and it's difficult to talk about. 'That was the lowest point for me,' she says in a whisper. 'I wasn't sure why it happened. I was working on Touch My Body [a song from her 11th Album E=MC2 ] so I was very thin and working out a lot. I didn't know you had to stop exercising and stop doing yoga when you’re pregnant. Nobody told me these things. 順利懷孕後,咪咪得了產前高血壓、糖尿病 (有請愛摸醫師詳解), 醫生建議懷孕32週進行人工催生,但咪咪無法接受孩子被這樣對待, 於是又在床上躺了三個禮拜,努力撐到35週; 在這段期間裡,咪咪在腰上綁了iPod讓寶寶聽歌。 咪咪說,這段懷孕過程,是她這輩子感受到與家人連結最強的一段時間。 Mariah suffered with pre-eclampsia (a pregnancy disorder involving high blood pressure) and gestational , which causes women without diabetes to develop high blood-glucose levels during pregnancy. Doctors suggested inducing labour at 32 weeks but she couldn’t bear the thought of having her babies taken from her and placed in neonatal care, so she rested in bed for three weeks to give them the best chance she could. ‘I wore a bellyband with an iPod attached to it so the babies could feel the music. I managed to hang on for 35 weeks because I just didn’t want to see them go through things they didn’ t have to go through.’ 4. 接著聊到一年半前的肩膀脫臼事件。 受傷隔天與紐約愛樂合作的慈善演出(為Hurricane Sandy災民募款), 不顧醫生阻止,咪咪還是硬上。 My All: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xJ-BhGvZNc
Looking In: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcYjv8sT2s4
#Beautiful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE34TWLR8JQ
Hero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRllzU8L9do
(Looking In 太催淚了,衛生紙來一下謝謝) Among those hard times was an accident on the set of a music video 18 months ago that left her with a dislocated shoulder. She was due to perform with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in a fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Sandy the next night. Against the advice of doctors, she went ahead. 當時會哭,是因為太痛了;醫生說她的傷勢嚴重性等同於被一台卡車撞到。 受傷當時連醫生都被嚇到,因為他們在咪咪受傷的手臂上,無法找到脈搏; 她一度擔心自己手臂從此無法正常使用,幸好後來靠物理治療師的協助,慢慢復原。 'I didn't not want to do it so I performed in a sling with bruises all over me in this sparkly dress. I was in tears. It was moving, but the tears weren't out of self-pity. I was in pain and singing a very sad song. The doctors said the injury was the equivalent of being hit by a truck. They were looking at me in shock because they couldn't find a pulse in this arm. ‘I was bedridden for a while, but I didn't really want to talk about it because I was worried I wouldn't regain the use of the arm. Being stuck in bed was terrible but I had really good physical therapists who came and moved the arm up and down for me to retrain my mind in that muscle memory. I got through it but it wasn't easy.’ 目前手臂仍無法運作自如,對此咪咪無奈聳肩。 (編按:所以大家別再苛責她的體態了,咪咪加油!XD) She shakes her head and sips her wine. ‘I'm still recovering from it now in terms of getting my body back to where it was. Before that I was in a really good place and I think, “Why?” She slaps the extra inches of flesh she’s trying to shift in the way we women do. Then she shrugs. 5. 咪咪坦承去年是難過的一年,但老娘不是被嚇大的,誰也擋不住我。 孩子是幫助她復原的最大動力, 但咪咪也覺得一邊唱歌、一邊創作、又要處理和小孩分離的苦,令她心煩; 每次與孩子相聚,一邊想彌補他們,又怕他們因此被寵壞; 咪咪盡量在家工作,但即便如此,因為房子太大,還是覺得和他們有距離。 甚至有時候為了護嗓,只能自私丟下孩子去睡覺。 'There's a reason for everything and that's how I look at it. Last year was not a pleasant year for me, but I've had unpleasant times before and it hasn't stopped me.' Being a mum has helped Mariah overcome everything she’s faced recently. There's constant conflict between her need to sing, her need to create and the dreadful wrench of being apart from her children. ‘It's tough because you want to make it up to them for when you're not there but you don't want to spoil them. I work at home whenever I can but even that's being away from them because it's a big house. And I have to be selfish sometimes with my voice and say, “I have to go to bed now.”’ 6. 咪咪育兒經: 咪咪最近很喜歡「柏靈頓:熊愛趴趴走」這部電影, 因為這是小時候爸爸念給她聽的睡前故事。 她試著給小孩一些規定,譬如學會說請、謝謝這一類的話, 她也不讓小孩在電腦前面太久,希望孩子們有與人互動的健全人格。 Their latest thing is Paddington Bear, she says. ‘Have you seen the movie? Isn't it great? I loved it and I didn't think I would but it was something my dad read to me when I was little. We love Paddington. Don’t you hate having to be the one to say, “You have to go to bed now?” But I try to give them as many boundaries as possible – everything from, “Please” and "Thank you" to "Not too long on the computer" because it sucks the life out of us. I'd rather they're interacting and have a personality... 她已經和女兒開始用唱歌對話了 譬如說,女兒會對她唱 "I love Mummy" 這感覺像是兩人一起寫歌,而夢露就像小時候的她。 'Sometimes I sing with my daughter. We sing in conversation, "I love Mummy," and I’ll sing back to her. We have a whole conversation in song. When you're doing that it’s really writing a song. It’s freestyling. 2009年演了珍愛人生之後,有許多電影邀約,後來因為懷孕而放棄。 最後聲明自己目前單身,跟Brett就像兄妹一樣,不是情侶啦。 'That's the new version of me as a little kid hiding and writing music, but I still do that. I still sit up and write and work on music and love it. I use it as escapism. I love all forms of creativity. I still love acting. I did Precious [the 2009 film for which she was highly praised in her role as a dowdy social worker] and got lots of offers, but then I got pregnant and so I wasn't able to explore them, as I didn’t want to tell the world in the beginning because with twins it's a high-risk pregnancy.’ 'Brett and I are like brother and sister,' she says. 'I think we have a similar work ethic and are both eternal kids.' So you're not with anyone? 'No, I’m definitely single.' Anyone you'd like to be with? She laughs. ‘ Drink your wine.' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MARIAH/M.1431268741.A.33B.html ※ 編輯: mlunlun (, 05/10/2015 22:56:47

05/10 22:53, , 1F
大心!! 咪咪真是好媽媽! 母親節快樂
05/10 22:53, 1F

05/10 22:54, , 2F
TMB那時的MV是真的超瘦 瘦到想說現在電腦科技已經進步到
05/10 22:54, 2F

05/10 22:55, , 3F
可以修影片裡的身材XD 簡直是重現1996年的咪咪!
05/10 22:55, 3F

05/10 22:56, , 4F
不過很高興她現在愈來愈知道照顧自己 加油!
05/10 22:56, 4F

05/10 22:57, , 5F
05/10 22:57, 5F

05/10 22:57, , 6F
05/10 22:57, 6F

05/10 23:03, , 7F
05/10 23:03, 7F

05/10 23:14, , 8F
05/10 23:14, 8F

05/11 00:04, , 9F
謝謝翻譯 咪咪母親節快樂!
05/11 00:04, 9F

05/11 00:11, , 10F
05/11 00:11, 10F

05/11 00:12, , 11F
話說5/17 Billboard要唱Emotions跟Infinity
05/11 00:12, 11F

05/11 00:22, , 12F
謝謝版主翻譯~ 謝謝咪咪永遠這麼堅強!
05/11 00:22, 12F

05/11 00:23, , 13F
每個部分都看得很感動QQ Love you forever~~~
05/11 00:23, 13F

05/11 00:29, , 14F
關於第一點很諷刺的是 當時nick跟媒體說咪咪身邊有一堆
05/11 00:29, 14F

05/11 00:30, , 15F
05/11 00:30, 15F

05/11 00:36, , 16F
05/11 00:36, 16F

05/11 00:36, , 17F
某露露 你才不要臉!! 說好今天要帶我回你家見家長
05/11 00:36, 17F

05/11 00:37, , 18F
05/11 00:37, 18F

05/11 00:37, , 19F
結果任我在高鐵烏日站 等了整整兩天一夜!!
05/11 00:37, 19F

05/11 00:38, , 20F
05/11 00:38, 20F

05/11 00:39, , 22F
我才要罵你勒 我好不容易找到亂入的機會 被你破壞!!
05/11 00:39, 22F

05/11 00:39, , 23F
05/11 00:39, 23F

05/11 00:40, , 24F
05/11 00:40, 24F

05/11 00:56, , 25F
好啦 看在我都沒貢獻的份上 說一下產前XXX的東西啦
05/11 00:56, 25F

05/11 00:57, , 26F
產前XXX 台灣應該是叫妊娠糖尿病 妊娠高血壓
05/11 00:57, 26F

05/11 00:58, , 27F
我姊兩胎都有輕微現象 就注意飲食 偶爾不舒服就放血
05/11 00:58, 27F

05/11 00:59, , 28F
不是拿刀割 就 做糖尿檢測時(手指要插細針)驗血糖
05/11 00:59, 28F

05/11 01:00, , 29F
然後就順便十根手指腳指都一起插破 讓血流出來
05/11 01:00, 29F

05/11 01:01, , 30F
然後生小孩危險度比較高 我是聽說不少孕婦都有症狀
05/11 01:01, 30F

05/11 01:02, , 31F
不是咪咪特別衰中獎 那台機器還在我家
05/11 01:02, 31F

05/11 01:02, , 32F
姆露露要生第一胎的時候我再送你齁 要記得講喔
05/11 01:02, 32F

05/11 01:05, , 33F
05/11 01:05, 33F

05/11 01:06, , 34F
05/11 01:06, 34F

05/11 01:06, , 35F
對了 最近超愛TLC我的夢幻婚紗 要試穿的請記得找我去
05/11 01:06, 35F

05/11 13:26, , 36F
05/11 13:26, 36F

05/11 21:20, , 37F
I was very thin 居然標重點XD
05/11 21:20, 37F

05/16 18:45, , 38F
好珍貴的 Looking In
05/16 18:45, 38F
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