[情報] 'Yes, we are pregnant, this is true!'

看板MARIAH作者 (自我感覺良好)時間13年前 (2010/10/28 22:09), 編輯推噓57(57035)
留言92則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/27ycqsp 兩年前流產過,所以這次不敢太早公布消息。 現在回想起來,當時大家一直罵她懶X婆不宣傳;唉,咪咪的喜悲沒人看見。 Mariah Carey confirms, 'Yes, we are pregnant, this is true!' In an exclusive interview with "Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush, Mariah Carey confirms, "yes we are pregnant, this is true!" 保密很辛苦,經歷過一番掙扎。 Carey told Bush -- in a segment which aired on TODAY Thursday morning -- that it's been a struggle to keep the news private. "It's been a long journey, but it's been tough because I've been trying to have ... to hold onto a shred of privacy. And that was not easy." 明年春天生,此外不想透露太多。 In the spirit of some privacy, Carey, who shared the news with Bush from her home in Tribeca, didn't divulge how far along she is. "It's still early, I'm expecting in the spring, I'll say that. I don't want to give too much of like, specific outlines." 尼尼一起受訪,透露他們一起經歷過的一段辛酸之路。 Carey chose to share the happy news now because her new album, "Merry Christmas 2 U" drops next week. Her husband Nick Cannon, who was also on hand for the interview, describes the journey as an emotional one. 尼尼說:世界上最棒的禮物就是baby了 "Uh, it's absolutely emotional, but first, so many reasons I mean obviously the greatest gift on earth is a child," Cannon said. "But ... you know how much we have been through, you know." Cannon is referring to something that's not been made public until now, that Carey suffered a miscarriage. 兩年前,剛結婚馬上懷孕,結果一個多月就流掉了! Two years ago, shortly after the couple's secret wedding, Carey and Cannon were in Monte Carlo for the World Music Awards when Carey took a pregnancy test, and it turned out to be positive. "Only one person knew about this and we were like, um, 'let's not tell anybody else,'" Carey said. 咪咪雖然難過,還是要故做堅強面對攝影機,晚上哭著睡去。 A little more than a month later, she miscarried. "It was really sad so we had to just, we had really to absorb this and take it in," Carey said. Cannon added, "And that's what I said, like her strength would literally be during the day so festive and smiling obviously for cameras and spending time with everyone and you know, literally that night crying herself to sleep." 這次是自然懷孕,孩子出生前不會刻意去注意是男是女。 Bush added on TODAY that the couple conceived naturally, and that they would not be finding out whether the baby was a boy or a girl before its birth. For more details, tune in to "Access Hollywood" Thursday. 台灣時間明天一早,Access Hollywood 會播出完整訪談! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/28 22:11, , 1F
剛結婚馬上懷孕 一個多月又流掉 好難過ˊˋ
10/28 22:11, 1F

10/28 22:11, , 2F
Yes, we are pregnant. ← 表示尼尼也懷孕了! XD
10/28 22:11, 2F
※ 編輯: mlunlun 來自: (10/28 22:12)

10/28 22:12, , 3F
真的是自然懷孕耶 咪咪加油
10/28 22:12, 3F

10/28 22:13, , 4F
好可憐的海象咪 T.T 流產很傷身體耶
10/28 22:13, 4F

10/28 22:13, , 5F
Q_Q 咪咪加油!!
10/28 22:13, 5F

10/28 22:14, , 6F
10/28 22:14, 6F

10/28 22:17, , 7F
10/28 22:17, 7F

10/28 22:17, , 8F
看一下世界音樂獎大約是08年11月,就是上X FACTOR的時
10/28 22:17, 8F

10/28 22:18, , 9F
10/28 22:18, 9F

10/28 22:19, , 10F
10/28 22:19, 10F

10/28 22:19, , 11F
咦婚不是四月嗎 怎麼是在11月驗出來@@
10/28 22:19, 11F

10/28 22:20, , 12F
我也想到那一摔 真是難為了...
10/28 22:20, 12F

10/28 22:24, , 13F
10/28 22:24, 13F

10/28 22:30, , 14F
原來是這樣Q Q 我誤會她了!!!!!!!!
10/28 22:30, 14F

10/28 22:31, , 15F
結果劇情急轉直下變成一個惹人憐愛的咪咪公主 XDDDDDDD
10/28 22:31, 15F

10/28 22:32, , 16F
這的確是這兩年來難得一個讓人愛她的消息 XD
10/28 22:32, 16F

10/28 22:33, , 17F
推爆這篇好了 不然都沒冠軍文可以推爆XDDD
10/28 22:33, 17F

10/28 22:33, , 18F
10/28 22:33, 18F

10/28 22:36, , 19F
10/28 22:36, 19F

10/28 22:37, , 20F
10/28 22:37, 20F

10/28 22:37, , 21F
10/28 22:37, 21F

10/28 22:37, , 22F
10/28 22:37, 22F

10/28 22:38, , 23F
10/28 22:38, 23F

10/28 22:39, , 24F
原來咪咪擴張身材是有原因的 樹頭顧乎在 不驚樹尾作風颱
10/28 22:39, 24F

10/28 22:40, , 25F
One child是寫給小寶寶的歌嗎~?
10/28 22:40, 25F

10/28 22:40, , 26F
10/28 22:40, 26F

10/28 22:43, , 27F
地球升那篇我記得我有發漏到 可是那時不能推文XDDDD
10/28 22:43, 27F

10/28 22:44, , 28F
推咪咪~~~記得作月子XDDD (國外有這個習慣嗎
10/28 22:44, 28F

10/28 22:46, , 29F
10/28 22:46, 29F

10/28 22:46, , 30F
10/28 22:46, 30F

10/28 22:47, , 31F
10/28 22:47, 31F

10/28 22:56, , 32F
10/28 22:56, 32F

10/28 23:01, , 33F
我也是想到那一摔 旁邊的人應該嚇慘了 ><
10/28 23:01, 33F

10/28 23:02, , 34F
10/28 23:02, 34F

10/28 23:03, , 35F
10/28 23:03, 35F

10/28 23:04, , 36F
咪咪說他在家都踮著腳走路XD 不知道現在有沒有改
10/28 23:04, 36F

10/28 23:05, , 37F
想到咪咪挺著肚子 火力全開錄聖誕專輯 感覺好辛苦XDDD
10/28 23:05, 37F

10/28 23:07, , 38F
10/28 23:07, 38F

10/28 23:15, , 39F
原來尼克真的能幹!! 不是單純吃軟飯 我錯怪他了 >"<
10/28 23:15, 39F

10/28 23:17, , 40F
10/28 23:17, 40F

10/28 23:17, , 41F
10/28 23:17, 41F

10/28 23:17, , 42F
很多夫婦都走不過流產這一關 尼咪婚姻看好度+20points
10/28 23:17, 42F

10/28 23:21, , 43F
從兩年懷有兩胎的紀錄 看來應該會生好幾胎吧... XDD
10/28 23:21, 43F

10/28 23:21, , 44F
10/28 23:21, 44F

10/28 23:22, , 45F
咪咪現在什麼都有就差一堆小孩XD 應該會盡量多生XDD
10/28 23:22, 45F

10/28 23:24, , 46F
陽帆:22points? 再高!! 尼咪婚姻看好度+25points
10/28 23:24, 46F

10/28 23:26, , 47F
10/28 23:26, 47F

10/28 23:27, , 48F
10/28 23:27, 48F

10/28 23:37, , 49F
10/28 23:37, 49F

10/28 23:37, , 50F
快來懺悔室告解 解救你這兩年毀咪的罪惡 不法惡行
10/28 23:37, 50F

10/28 23:37, , 51F
只要寄100P幣 到免費帳戶中 即可獲得贖罪券乙張
10/28 23:37, 51F

10/28 23:38, , 52F
數量有限 要買要快喔 不然等著跟我一起下地獄囉!! ^_<
10/28 23:38, 52F

10/28 23:45, , 53F
心疼咪咪的二姐聲援 http://tinyurl.com/ygaeh3r
10/28 23:45, 53F

10/28 23:45, , 54F
台灣咪咪不捨美國咪咪 http://tinyurl.com/6f64p4
10/28 23:45, 54F

10/28 23:59, , 55F
難 怪 當 時 不 跑 宣 傳.....
10/28 23:59, 55F

10/28 23:59, , 56F
大 家 原 諒 她 要 修 養 身 心!
10/28 23:59, 56F

10/29 00:03, , 57F
10/29 00:03, 57F

10/29 00:03, , 58F
10/29 00:03, 58F

10/29 00:10, , 59F
35 points (蓋章)
10/29 00:10, 59F

10/29 00:16, , 60F
10/29 00:16, 60F

10/29 00:30, , 61F
10/29 00:30, 61F

10/29 00:34, , 62F
真的超準 X factor 葛萊美 加拿大超偶 癌症義演
10/29 00:34, 62F

10/29 00:35, , 63F
好一陣子演唱都沒走動 而且臉色超差的 超心疼的
10/29 00:35, 63F

10/29 00:36, , 64F
10/29 00:36, 64F

10/29 00:46, , 65F
10/29 00:46, 65F

10/29 00:50, , 66F

10/29 00:51, , 67F
我還在跟桃樂絲 一起找奧茲大王中...
10/29 00:51, 67F

10/29 01:19, , 68F
10/29 01:19, 68F

10/29 01:20, , 69F
10/29 01:20, 69F

10/29 09:32, , 70F
當全世界都笑咪咪胖時 咪咪卻只能往肚裡吞!
10/29 09:32, 70F

10/29 09:33, , 71F
我真快哭了! 我要買衣服給海豚寶寶
10/29 09:33, 71F

10/29 09:36, , 72F
10/29 09:36, 72F

10/29 10:51, , 73F
10/29 10:51, 73F

10/29 11:26, , 74F
看到她曾經流產真的有難過到:( 真是個堅強的女人!
10/29 11:26, 74F

10/29 11:28, , 75F
10/29 11:28, 75F

10/29 11:30, , 76F
現在對於專輯大修片一點都不在意了:P 其實真實呈現也不賴
10/29 11:30, 76F

10/29 11:30, , 77F
畢竟懷孕中的女人最美了~~~ 瑪咪咪加油!
10/29 11:30, 77F

10/29 11:43, , 78F
10/29 11:43, 78F

10/29 11:43, , 79F
10/29 11:43, 79F

10/29 11:55, , 80F
哭杯啦哈哈 她懶又不是懷孕才懶 咪咪加油喔~(硬拉回來
10/29 11:55, 80F

10/29 12:22, , 81F
10/29 12:22, 81F

10/29 12:22, , 82F
10/29 12:22, 82F

10/29 12:53, , 83F
加油!! 偉大的女性!
10/29 12:53, 83F

10/29 13:51, , 84F
咪咪在夜裡哭泣 > < 好心疼~ 希望瑪寶寶跟咪都可以健康
10/29 13:51, 84F

10/29 15:00, , 85F
10/29 15:00, 85F

10/29 15:59, , 86F
10/29 15:59, 86F

10/29 21:41, , 87F
10/29 21:41, 87F

10/29 21:42, , 88F
10/29 21:42, 88F

10/29 22:11, , 89F

10/29 22:11, , 90F
http://tinyurl.com/2dhmjza 結果卻是在當時小產的...
10/29 22:11, 90F

10/29 22:29, , 91F
http://tinyurl.com/26kwhf9 狗仔好機車~ 但我還是笑了...
10/29 22:29, 91F

10/29 23:39, , 92F
10/29 23:39, 92F
文章代碼(AID): #1CoOGpaZ (MARIAH)