[情報] 亞瑪遜Memoirs專輯樂評

看板MARIAH作者 (I'm tired of you)時間14年前 (2009/08/28 17:52), 編輯推噓12(1204)
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「不完美」出自於旁觀者之眼。你可以將它們視為缺陷、或者人之所以為人珍貴的特質。 因為不完美,讓我們得以努力使自己成為更好的人,為了那些明知不可能的目標而奮鬥。 在瑪麗亞凱莉這張由十三首歌組成的最新專輯「不完美天使回憶錄」當中,瑪麗亞發掘了 你我人性難以窺見的深度、誠實、以及寬廣的心。這也是她屹立不搖的歌唱生涯當中意識 最強的一張作品。 Imperfections are in the eye of the beholder. You can see them as flaws, or as the very qualities that make us human -- and that make us strive to be better people in search of a perfection that we know we can never fully achieve. In the thirteen songs on her spellbinding new album, Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, Mariah Carey explores those aspects of our shared humanity with a rare depth, honesty and open-heartedness. It's one of the strongest statements in her long, distinguished career. 「不完美天使回憶錄」(下簡稱「回憶錄」)專輯的主題是關於我們人生當中所得到 各式各樣的愛。第一次體驗愛的感覺、第一次失去、那些永遠無法忘懷的痛苦、那些 最純真最喜悅的時光。我們渴望愛、從愛當中學習、因為愛而成長茁壯、失而復得之 後開始懂得感謝。最後,我們都學會了謙虛,對這個世界充滿了讚嘆,因為這些愛而 達到更高的境界。帶著這樣的感覺,「回憶錄」就好比是一場無垠無涯、讓人心滿意 足的一場豐富旅程。 The subject of Memoirs is love at all its stages in our lives. Experiencing it for the first time. Losing it. Remembering its most painful moments, and also its times of greatest innocence and joy. Yearning for it. Learning from it. Growing as a result of its profound power. Finding it again and being grateful for so great a gift. And, finally, being humbled, filled with wonder and elevated by love's mysterious ways. In that sense and more, Memoirs is a full, immensely satisfying journey. 凱莉自己說道:「每一首歌都像是我與你親暱的對話、或是我私密日記當中的點點滴滴, 這些歌曲反映了我生活中許多的片段。其他也包括由電影、親身經歷的許多事件、朋友的 故事而得到的啟發。」儘管是這樣私密的一張專輯,凱莉卻放手讓最近才剛謀合的新合作 伙伴The-dream and Tricky Stewart包辦了幾乎所有歌曲的創作和製作。這個合唱團肯定 也提供了「回憶錄」許多點子。歌曲之間充滿了流暢的音樂性與讓人印象深刻的旋律,歌 詞當中也有許多巧思與親切感,就像你身邊好友的耳語般。這一首首精緻的歌曲結合起來 ,「回憶錄」自始自終忠實地展現了音樂的經典與美好。 "Each song is like an intimate conversation or entry in a private diary," Carey says about the album. "A lot of the songs reflect specific, different times in my life. Others were inspired by movies, actual events that happened to me, or the stories of friends who told me about experiences that they've gone through." With just one exception, Carey wrote and produced the entire album in collaboration with The-Dream and Tricky Stewart. The trio clearly shared an inspired sense of what Memoirs should be. Sinuous grooves and instantly memorable melodies flow from track to track, while the wit and intimacy of the lyrics create the feel of one friend talking to another. As well-defined as each song is, Memoirs plays with the beauty and consistency of a classic, start-to-finish album. 「我的目標是和各種不同類型的音樂人合作,免得我的作品流於累贅或陳腐。我認為 Tricky是當下最有潛力的製作人,和他合作非常愉快。而我特別喜歡和The-Dream一起 創作,因為我們都很喜歡這些歌曲的旋律和歌詞,且能夠將某幾首涵意深遠的歌完整 呈現。我和他們一起創作時總感覺毫無拘束,儘管我讓他在錄音室裡頭徹夜未眠,他差點 沒把我給殺了~L0L」 "My main goal was to work with people I could collaborate with without it seeming redundant or stale," Carey says. "In my opinion Tricky is one of the most underrated major producers out there right now. I really enjoyed collaborating with him. And I especially liked writing with The-Dream, basically because we both love having fun with lyrics and melodies, and we're also capable of getting more serious on deeper songs. There is a particular sense of freedom I feel when we write together -- even though I make him stay in the studio all night until he is ready to kill me! LOL!" 「回憶錄」的首波單曲是強勢的Obsessed,音樂錄影帶由Brett Ratner執導,凱莉在當中 同時扮演了巨星和瘋狂歌迷。就像音樂錄影帶一樣,歌詞當中充滿了挖苦而幽默的字句。 在另一首妙語如珠的歌曲Up Out My Face中凱莉也同樣揶揄了一位過去的老情人。 It's a Wrap則和這些爛桃花都撇清了關係。Standing O有著巧妙的副歌,用諷刺的口吻 讚美了那個有輝煌成就卻不忠的戀人、Betcha Gon' Know用讓人會心一笑的歌詞暗示 死纏爛打的肖狗因果報應的道理。 Memoirs' first single is the hard-hitting "Obsessed," which is accompanied by a video directed by Brett Ratner (the Rush Hour trilogy) in which Carey plays both the glamorous star and her stalker fan. Like the video, the song's lyrics combine devastating putdowns ("Last man on the Earth still couldn't get this") with humor ("See right through you like you're bathin' in Windex"). The no-nonsense "Up Out My Face" captures a similar caustic mood, dismissing a former lover with the send-off, "When I break, I break, boy." "It's a Wrap" delivers a similar message about the end of an affair: "When it's gone, it's gone." "Standing O," with its irresistible chorus, sardonically applauds a faithless ex for his signature achievement: "You played the one that loved you the most." "Betcha Gon' Know" foresees karmic revenge for a wayward lover, but, once again, the clever lyrics ("Oprah Winfrey whole segment for real, for real / 20/20 Barbara Walters for real, for real") encourage a smile amid the pain. 抒情歌曲H.A.T.E.U.則像是瑪麗亞從前面那幾次錯愛當中重新振作,將失落與悔恨轉化為 女性的憤怒。「這是這張專輯我所寫的第一首歌,歌名是Having A Typical Emotional Upset的縮寫。」 The ballad "H.A.T.E.U.," meanwhile, finds the singer seeing life in the wake of a breakup and longing for the moment when loss and regret transform into a cleansing anger. But the title of the song doesn't necessarily stand for what you think it might. "H.A.T.E.U. is the first song I wrote for the album," Carey says, "and it stands for Having A Typical Emotional Upset." 雖然擁有無與倫比的歌唱技巧和音域,凱莉在這首歌當中達到了更高的層次。「我用我 的高音域演唱了這首歌不斷重複的一段旋律,它可不是段即興的發揮,而是這首歌最 重要的片段。我從來沒做過這樣的嘗試,現在重新聽這首歌,會讓我想到Minnie Riperton 用她的海豚音唱Lovin' You的感覺。很諷刺地,她的那首歌叫作Lovin' You而我這首叫作 H.A.T.E.U,可是都用了海豚音來表現最主要的旋律。所以這是一首向Minnie致敬的歌曲 ,因為她著實影響了我的演唱方式。」 Always a brilliant technical singer with an extraordinary vocal range, Carey rises to new heights on that track. "I sing a recurring melody in the upper register of my voice; it's not an ad-lib, but an integral part of the song's hook," she says. "That's not something I've done before, and when listening back to it, it reminded me of how Minnie Riperton used her upper register on her hit song `Lovin' You.' I thought how ironic that her song was called `Lovin' You' and my song is called, 'H.A.T.E.U.' - and both use that upper `whistle register' as a major part of the melody. So it's sort of an homage to Minnie Riperton, a tribute to her since she has been so influential in my singing style." Candy Bling是首比較溫和的歌曲,讓人回憶起年少青澀戀情的甜美。而Inseparable 則唱出愛情當中因無法彌補的過錯造成的遺憾與傷痛。More Than Just Friends是關於 曖昧關係裡種種讓人嚮往的遐想。Ribbon和The Impossible則沈浸在終於得到的這段、 讓生活重新變得有意義的愛情的喜悅當中。 On a tender note, the wistful "Candy Bling" beautifully evokes the blissful realm of young love ("Anklets, name plates that you gave to me/Sweet tarts, ring pops had that candy bling/And you were my world"), while "Inseparable" aches for a love that went wrong for reasons that seem impossible to comprehend. "More Than Just Friends" floats off into a fantasy of what a casual relationship might become ("Permanently paint me in your picture like Picasso/Love me down till I hit the top of my soprano!"). "Ribbon" and "The Impossible" swoon with happiness and thankfulness over redemptive love that has returned to make life rich again. "You did the impossible," Carey sings. "You rescued my love." 至於「回憶錄」的最後一首歌是首充滿力量的靈魂重唱歌曲I Want to Know What Love Is 。凱莉的嗓音最後直上天際,和讓人熱血沸騰的合唱團一同道出了「追尋真愛是這世上 所有人都必須體驗的最美好的歷程」。 Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel ends with a spectacularly powerful gospel rendition of Foreigner's gorgeous ballad, "I Want to Know What Love Is." Carey's voice soars into the heavens as a soul-stirring choir makes it clear that the search for love is the closest that any human being ever gets to the divine. 最後回到這張專輯的名稱,凱莉說:「其實我寫了一首叫作Imperfect的歌,但最後我沒 把它放到專輯裡。那首歌道出這個世界給了我們--尤其身為女人--太多壓力,要我們一定 得完美無瑕。但那是不可能的,因為除了上帝,沒有人是完美的。我曾經努力想成為一個 毫無缺陷的人,但我終究不是有潔白羽翼的天使。」 Which brings us back to the angel of the album's title. "I had written a song called 'Imperfect,'" Carey says, "but it didn't make it onto the album. The lyrics of that song address the fact that the world puts so much pressure on us -- especially on women -- to be perfect and look a certain way, and that is impossible because nobody is perfect. Only God is perfect. I know I've tried to be a good person, but I am definitely no angel!" 「但當我把這張專輯的歌曲都結合在一起之後,我決定要把它取名為『不完美天使回憶 錄』。Minnie Riperton那張唱了Lovin' You的專輯叫作『完美天使』(Perfect Angel) ,我的直覺告訴我這就是這張專輯該有的名字。」 "But after I put this album together and decided to name it Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel," she concludes, "I remembered that the Minnie Riperton album that contained 'Lovin' You' was called Perfect Angel. So I felt in so many ways that it was meant to be." -- 如果有錯請多包涵... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/28 17:58, , 1F
08/28 17:58, 1F

08/28 18:02, , 2F
我越來越期待專輯了~我已經預購了喔 ^_<~*
08/28 18:02, 2F

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08/28 21:35, , 7F
謝謝 愛摸大的翻譯
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文章代碼(AID): #1AbwZvUC (MARIAH)