[閒聊] 給PSG的一封信

看板LoL作者 (walteryui)時間3年前 (2020/10/03 22:10), 編輯推噓-38(387627)
留言141則, 124人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
1. 首發有問題請見諒 2. 歡迎轉載,如果能讓PSG的隊員們看到並且觸發到他們一點點我就很開心了 3. 自己寫自己翻英文不好請見諒XD 以下正文 看著網路上的尖酸評論 After watching the critical comments on the internet, 實在很難想像 it is so hard to imagine, 比我還小的你們在經歷這場難看的比賽後需要承受多大的壓力 how much pressure you guys need to suffer. 但實際上來說 As a matter of fact, 這場比賽確實打得不好 this game really didn't play well. 連我這個一般人都可以看出來的低級失誤 Some stupid errors that even normal people like me can notice, 一些連在單雙積分都不會犯的失誤 some errors that you can't even make in solo q, 竟然都發生了 unexpectedly happened. 不知道你們怎麼想 I have no idea what you think. 我或許想得多了點 I might think a little bit more. 現在我所關心的 Now all I concerned, 是下一步你們怎麼做 is what you guys do next. 英雄聯盟是一款5V5比賽 League of Legends is a 5 vs 5 competition. 誰的團隊打得比較好誰就會獲勝 The team that play better wins the game. 但團隊的好壞可不是隨便決定的 But the good or bad of the team cannot be easily decided. 觀眾無法決定 The audience can’t decide. 評論員無法決定 The commentator can’t decide. 教練們也無法決定 The coaches can’t decide. 甚至連你們之前打的任何團戰都無法決定 Even the last team fight you guys played can’t decide. 能決定你們團隊好壞的 The only thing that can decide the good or bad of your team, 是你們每次做的下一個決定 is the decision you guys make every next time. 所以,戰吧! Therefore,fight! 戰吧!戰吧!戰吧! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! 我們都知道這場打得有多難堪 We all know how bad you guys played last game, 但那又如何 but so what? 回首過去的不堪 Looking the stupid things you make in the past, 化為自己的食糧 make those be your experience, 下場依舊用盡全力戰吧 and still fight as hard as you can next game. 我們都知道對手有多強大 We all know how strong your rivals are, 但那又如何 but so what? 只要能持續做出正確的事 If you can keep doing the right things, 最好最驕傲的選手都不會小看你 even the best player in the world can’t underestimate you. 比賽有輸有贏 There is always win and lose every game. 面對強大的對手敗了也不是什麼可恥的事 Losing to strong rivals is also not something shameful, 但我覺得 but for me, 面對與自己同等級甚至更厲害的對手 facing rivals who are in the same level or even more powerful than you, 尤其在世界賽這最盛大的舞台 especially on the most fabulous stage, the world championship, 因為各式各樣的問題無法全力對抗 due to all kinds of problem can’t fight with all your strength, 那真的會很遺憾吧 that would be really a pity! 戰吧! FIGHT! 願你們接下來能夠盡全力發揮 Hope you guys can do your best. 希望可以看到精采的比賽 Wish to see great games. 對我而言 For me, 能參加世界賽的你們早就是天選之人了 players that can play on the stage like you guys, are already “The ChOSEN ONE ”! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1601734239.A.8BE.html

10/03 22:11, 3年前 , 1F
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10/03 22:11, 3年前 , 3F
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10/03 22:11, 3年前 , 4F
可以 PSG正式成為LEC四號種子
10/03 22:11, 4F

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10/03 22:12, 3年前 , 11F
讚 留言 分享
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10/03 22:13, 3年前 , 24F
讚 留言 分享
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10/03 22:13, 3年前 , 25F
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10/03 22:13, 3年前 , 26F
I'm still the same 都好像沒有變
10/03 22:13, 26F

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10/03 22:14, 3年前 , 29F
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10/03 22:14, 3年前 , 30F
反串創意真的很多 有笑
10/03 22:14, 30F

10/03 22:14, 3年前 , 31F
讚 留言 分享
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10/03 22:15, 3年前 , 35F
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10/03 22:15, 3年前 , 36F
每次世界賽都會出現這種怪咖 要取暖去fb啦
10/03 22:15, 36F

10/03 22:16, 3年前 , 37F
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10/03 22:16, 3年前 , 38F
這年頭反串還要翻譯 真不好混= =
10/03 22:16, 38F

10/03 22:16, 3年前 , 39F
嗯 你這文章比Tank的球女還廢 可憐
10/03 22:16, 39F
還有 62 則推文
10/03 23:02, 3年前 , 102F
這題會考 明年學測考生注意
10/03 23:02, 102F

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10/03 23:05, 3年前 , 106F
鼓勵很好阿 不過這耍寶是從低能卡來的?
10/03 23:05, 106F

10/03 23:05, 3年前 , 107F
先別急著噓 大家太嚴格了吧
10/03 23:05, 107F

10/03 23:07, 3年前 , 108F
這聯盟都快沒人看了 還在這趕人走 自掘墳墓ㄟ
10/03 23:07, 108F

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10/03 23:31, 3年前 , 113F
好尷尬 NotLikeThis
10/03 23:31, 113F

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10/03 23:56, 3年前 , 121F
要也是 中文和韓文好不好
10/03 23:56, 121F

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10/04 01:41, 3年前 , 133F
推 blsy4300145 : 原PO的鼓勵與意見我們都收到了
10/04 01:41, 133F

10/04 02:31, 3年前 , 134F
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10/04 03:14, 3年前 , 135F
推勇氣 建議發在個版然後叫PSG來看或私訊給他們
10/04 03:14, 135F

10/04 03:14, 3年前 , 136F
願意鼓勵支持 給推
10/04 03:14, 136F

10/04 03:24, 3年前 , 137F
滾 當個板用?
10/04 03:24, 137F

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10/04 04:17, 3年前 , 140F
用鉛筆 寫日記?
10/04 04:17, 140F

10/04 14:11, 3年前 , 141F
看得我尷尬癌末期 好啦 白癡賽區只要拿一顆頭就給過
10/04 14:11, 141F
文章代碼(AID): #1VU8PVY- (LoL)