[外絮]【LMS 職業聯賽】LMS 聚光燈:2016 春季賽第 1 週

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介紹 Introduction LMS(League of Legends Master Series)是英雄聯盟職業聯賽中的第五大聯盟,並擁有 2 隊世界大賽參賽資格。LMS 廣納台灣、香港、澳門三個地區,成功孕育出世界冠軍台 北暗殺星(TPA),去年的世界賽 LMS 雙雄也並肩打進八強。我們希望”LMS 聚光燈”能 提供國際觀眾一個穩定的賽事新聞來源。兼具娛樂與資訊的內容是我們主要目標,聚光燈 將替玩家捕捉 LMS 聯賽最高潮迭起的精彩時刻,深入報導每一位明星選手。想要跟上我 們的節奏,就鎖定 LMS 聚光燈吧! League of Legends Master Series(LMS) is the fifth major league in League of Legends Esports, with two guaranteed spots at the Worlds Championships. Encompassing Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, the region has produced previous World Champions Taipei Assassins and two quarter-final squads last year. "LMS Spotlight" is a returning segment from Garena. We aim to provide our international viewers with a statistically look into the games, while also capturing the best moments of our brightest stars. Fun and informative are our goals. Bring yourself up-to-date with LMS starting here! 本內容是由賽評「克萊門」每周定期撰寫。 Content is edited by our color caster Clement Chu on a weekly basis. I. 本週戰況 Standings LMS 是以 BO2(兩局積分制)為常規賽制,獲勝取得 3 分,平局取得 1 分,敗局則是 0 分。 Regular season in LMS is played in BO2s, Winners are awarded 3pts, Draws 1pts, and Losses 0pts. 本週賽事由 FW vs. ahq 高調開戰。 兩隊皆派出新進勢力,ahq 獻出 Chawy 處女秀, FW 則是祭出 MMD 上路以及 Breeze AD 的陣容。可惜的是,新進勢力並沒有對戰局產生 劇烈的影響。Ziv 一如往常的稱霸上路,帶給 FW 2-0 的比賽結果,ahq 目前以 9 場連 勝 FW 的戰績保持領先。W1 後續賽程 HKE 老大哥則是送給新同學 CGE 和 MSE 新手教學 課程,在 Olleh(SUP)和 Dinter(JG)對地圖視野的優勢掌握之下,CGE 和 MSE 雙雙 遭到 HKE 擊敗。另一方面,M17 數度讓 ahq 陷入苦戰,但缺乏經驗的 M17 call 巴龍會 戰失利,最終讓 ahq 拿下 W1 第 2 勝。MSE vs. XGamers 互不相讓各拿下一局,MSE M1ssion 和 XG SuwaKo 凱瑞隊友展現領袖風範。老兵不死 TPA 對上 M17 跌破大家眼鏡 ,反轉先前明顯的弱點,由新人 FoFo 的雷茲秀翻全場最終獲得完全勝利。 The week started on a high note with Flash Wolves vs. AHQ. Both squads utilized new additions with AHQ Chawy making a debut, and MMD(Top) and Breeze(AD) playing for the Wolves. Unfortunately, new players yielded same results as Ziv crushed top lane giving AHQ the 2-0. AHQ are now on a 9 game win streak vs. FW. Week 1 continued with HKE sending two brand new rosters CGE and MSE packing, as advanced vision control from Olleh(Sup) and Dinter(JG) proved far too much for the rookies. AHQ’s match was much harder fought versus M17, but an inexperienced Baron throws gave AHQ a second sweep. MSE and XGamers split a series with mid laners, MSE M1ssion and XG SuwaKo, carrying a game apiece. Finally, TPA surprised everyone with a blowout win over Machi, the veterans reversed all their perceived weaknesses and newcomer FoFo electrified the stadium on Ryze. II. Meta 分析 Meta Watch W1 的12 場賽事中有 7 場出現好運姐 vs. 伊澤瑞爾的選角陣容(中路 / AD)。 隨著小龍 的重要性越來越低,陣容的組合開始導向如何能在敵方鎮守之下摧毀防禦塔,選擇好運姐 能著重在區域封鎖,而伊澤則是能多多poke。以目前來說,我們的探險家EZ已經成功在私 人博物館收藏 5:2 的領先戰績了。 7 out of 12 games this week featured a matchup between Miss Fortune comps and Ezreal comps(both mid and bot). With the importance of Dragon drastically falling off, compositions have been focused on sieging turrets in the presence of defenders, with MF comps picking up more area denial and Ezreal comps focusing on the poke aspect. So far, the Prodigal Explorer has been successful in curating a pirate museum with a 5-2 edge. “別太囂張,我們後會有期!” - 好運姐 “"Don't get cocky. I'll be back!" - Miss Fortune 儘管貪啃奇經歷數次的 nerf,這位大漢依然在上路找出全新的定位,貪啃奇散發的恐懼 佈滿整座峽谷。如果你跑的沒他快,貪啃奇配上輕靈之靴和不死之握的加持,在對線期可 說是極端可怕的存在。我們的河中巨怪似乎在目前 Meta 有太多優勢可活用,如目前後期 AD 角大多難以在下路生存、可用符文護甲來撐兩條血、或是攻塔陣容自己擔任開戰 / 淨化 / poke 的角色。 Tahm, despite taking a number of heavy nerfs, has found a new role to terrorize the rift with: Top lane. With boots of Swiftness and Grasp of the Undying, his laning phase quickly becomes ridiculous if you can’t run away. The River King just seems to have too much going for him in the meta, few late games carries making it out of bot lane, double dipping in Runic Armor, siege oriented comps where he can initiate/cleanse/poke himself. “他超強,走過去一直舔對面就好了。” 引述自 Ziv 的貪啃奇教學 “He’s very strong, just walk toward the enemy with your tongue out.” - AHQ Ziv, on how to play Tahm 上季 LMS 聯盟有 5 隊至少握有 1 位韓國外籍選手,但新的賽季開打後, Olleh 目前是 LMS 碩果僅存的唯一韓國選手。Republic 前往 LPL 替 Energy Pacemaker. All 效力, Kramer 加入 CJ,Stitch 加入 Samsung Galaxy,GuGer(Lupin) 加入 e-mFire,許多 外籍選手紛紛離開 LMS。 細看這些選手,每位都是有經驗的高端選手,但在與 LMS 戰隊整合上遭遇到難以避免的 語言隔閡,這點從 Machi 和 TPA的近期全本土陣容就能看出改善效果。 雖然引進韓籍選 手的實驗最後可說是以失敗作收,但兩支戰隊皆獲得寶貴的一課。韓籍選手讓戰隊看見一 個選手所做的付出與空前決心,更能在教練的要求下展現極高的耐力。反過來說 LMS 替 這些韓籍選手提供了一個證明自己的舞台,成為堅強的跳板讓他們在中國或家鄉的戰場繼 續發光發熱,祝你們好運! Olleh is the only Korean player left in the LMS. In the previous season, five LMS teams fielded at least one Korean import. Now, Republic plays in the LPL on Energy Pacemaker. All, Kramer on CJ, Stitch on Samsung Galaxy, GuGer(aka Lupin) on e-mFire, and the list goes on. Individually, Korean imports have all been upper echelon players, however their integration into LMS teams(due to language barriers) has been questionable. Both Machi and TPA showed improvements with a completely local roster. Though ultimately the Korean experiment has been a failure, both parties have gained valuable lessons. Koreans players have shown their counterparts unprecedented dedication to their craft, with most coaches commending their endurance in practice. In turn the LMS has served as a proving ground for these players, launching their careers into China and back in their native countries. Best wishes! “經過明星賽之後,我理解到與隊友溝通是多麼重要的一件事。 中文很難,但我一定會學好,因為我要帶領我的隊伍前進” - HKE Olleh “After All-Stars, I realized how important it is to be able to communicate with your teammates, it’s a hard language, but I’ll learn it. I need to lead my team.” - HKE Olleh on learning Mandarin III. 每週MVP Player of the Week TPA 本週的整體表現證明他們寶刀未老,Morning 開始靈活運用 TP ,REFRA1N 大殺四方 擔任 Key-Player 位子更拿下第 2 場的前 4 個頭, Jay 展現果斷決策能力,而 BeBe 則是穩定提供隊友火力輸出,新同學 FoFo 更像是鐵了心要在處女戰大放異彩。FoFo 使 用雷茲連續單殺敵方 2 次讓人驚嘆,同時以 31 % 全隊擊殺貢獻領先隊友,燃起了 TPA 的化學反應。新人要出頭,下一場 1 月 22 日的賽事將對上 Maple 的閃電狼,期待是否 能成功挑戰 LMS 當今最強之一。 The entirety of TPA looked rejuvenated this week. Morning seemed to discover teleporting, REFRA1N slayed his way to taking the Key-Player and the first four kills of game 2, Jay was very decisive and Bebe anchored the team in terms of damage. But Mid laner FoFo has to be especially commended for a breakout performance as a new comer. Leading the team with a 31% Kill Share, FoFo seems to have started a chemical reaction here. The highlight for FoFo this week is when his Ryze single handedly invaded for two consecutive solo kills on the enemy team. FoFo’s test will come this week on January 22nd as they take on Maple and the Flash Wolves for a chance to crack the top two. "你開了雷茲,你要負擔這個問題。" - 叉燒評放雷茲 “Well, you left Ryze open, now you have to take responsibility for that decision.” - Commentator Fluidwind, on M17 not banning Ryze IV. 每週最精彩 Game of the Week Game 1:M17 vs. AHQ 這場比賽之所以精彩的原因很簡單,就是看 ahq 把陣容發揮到淋漓盡致實在太爽了! 兩大看點: A. 不死小安:燈籠 + 大快朵頤 + 時光倒流,小安可以不顧一切放手去打,雖然不知為 何還是奧術躍遷跳進拉克絲的連招死了幾次。B. 整人遊戲:EZ的大招和極靈的炸彈可以 蒸發任何被瑟雷西鉤到的英雄、大快朵頤 / 定時炸彈的飛天小兵自殺炸彈、遨遊深淵 / 雷珂煞能即時三人 dive,如此多樣化的套路和招式逼的敵人守塔困難重重。從頭到尾非 常享受貝克教練能想出如此發揮 ahq 綜效的陣容。 This the best Game of the Week simply because it was too fun watching this AHQ composition in action. Two themes stand out: A. Immortal An. With Lantern, Devour, and Chronoshift, An was allowed to play as reckless as he pleased. Well, he wasn’t technically immortal, as he somehow still managed to get himself killed after Arcane Shifting into a Lux combo, but it is the idea that counts. B. Siege Shenanigans. Ezreal ults and Zilean Bombs to evaporate anyone caught by the Thresh hook. Devour/Time Bomb flying minion combos. Instant three man tower dives with Abyssal Voyage/Rek’ Sai. So many tools and tricks for punishing the enemies sitting under a tower. Thoroughly enjoyed this synergetic composition that fit their players and the meta from Coach Backstairs. “I think An’s always trolling.” “What do you have to say for yourself An?” “That’s accurate.” -Chawy and An, in the post-game interview 我覺得小安一直都在戳。 你有什麼話想要評反一下啊,小安? 對啊。 - Chawy 和 小安,賽後訪談 網址 http://lol.esport.garena.tw/news/news_info.php?nid=2776 -- 剛從Clement FB看到這個的 希望有更多外國人能知道我們LMS~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1453290207.A.C62.html

01/20 19:45, , 1F
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認真 推
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01/20 20:13, , 8F
推 寫得很好
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01/20 20:21, , 11F
一直舔對面就好 不愧是汁iv
01/20 20:21, 11F

01/20 20:24, , 12F
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01/20 20:25, , 13F
推門門 寫這個很辛苦而且每個禮拜都要寫...
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01/20 20:27, , 14F
克萊門檻真的好用心 加油
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80 同事 嗎XDDD
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01/21 01:16, , 34F
幫推個 認真推廣文
01/21 01:16, 34F

01/21 01:25, , 35F
所以 英文轉播呢?
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01/21 02:36, , 38F
優質 讓人想把沒看到的比賽也補回來
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01/21 08:45, , 41F
tpa冠軍是事實阿 為什麼不能講
01/21 08:45, 41F

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文章代碼(AID): #1MdtBVnY (LoL)