Re: [外絮] Power Ranking 排名 6/23 (補上外卡的翻譯)消失

看板LoL作者時間9年前 (2015/06/24 19:36), 9年前編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
小弟花了些時間把外卡也翻了 順便賺一些p幣 BRAZIL 1.( - ) Keyd Stars (5-0-0) 2.(+1) INTZ e-Sports (4-1-0) 3.(-1) paIN Gaming (3-0-2) 4.( - ) CNB e-Sports Club (1-3-1) 5.( - ) g3nerationX (2-0-3) 6.(+2) INTZ e-Sports Red (0-2-3) 7.(-1) KaBuM! Orange (1-4-0) 8.(-1) KaBuM! Black (0-3-2) Keyd Stars remain at the top of Brazil, still undefeated in their impressive 2015 CBLoL Winter run. This week it was support Caio "Loop" Almeida's turn in the Keyd spotlight, with a flashy five-man Bard ultimate, stopping KaBuM! Black's Last-Ditch Effort to get back in the game. Also noteworthy was Leonardo "Robo" Souza's return to the INTZ Red top lane, as the previously struggling team took a game off of paiN Gaming. Robo's Ekko impressed with timely teleports, 1v1 outplays, and precise teamfight targeting in his debut. With the loss, paiN Gaming slips into third in our rankings as INTZ e-Sports moves up to second. 巴西 Keyd Stars依舊保持在巴西之頂,他們從冬季賽以來一直以令人難忘的表現保持著無敗的 戰績。這星期是輔助選手Caio “Loop” Almeida表現的機會了,他精美的巴德大絕定到 五人,同時也阻止了Kabum! Black扳回遊戲的決心。 令人值得注意的是Leonardo “Robo” Souza回到了INTZ Red的上路,這支先前還在努力 掙扎的隊伍從paiN手中奪取一勝。Robo的艾克有著精準的傳送、略勝一籌的一對一表現以 及在會戰中一登場就精確地擊中他的目標的能力。paiN帶著這一敗掉到了第三名,而 INTZ e-Sports則移到了第二。 LATIN AMERICA 1.( - ) KLG (6-0) 2.( - ) Lyon Gaming (6-0) 3.(+1) Gaming Gaming (4-2) 4.(+1) Furious Gaming (4-2) 5.(+2) Havoks Gaming (4-2) 6.(-3) Last Kings (3-3) 7.(-1) Dash9 Gaming (2-4) 8.( - ) Rebirth eSports (2-4) After a critical week facing off against their southern rivals, KLG has once again defeated Furious Gaming in a heroic effort. Both teams fought tooth and nail but just when things were going in favor of Furious, KLG closed the game with a sneaky backdoor to remain undefeated. Last Kings have plummeted in the charts after a series of their own technical difficulties made them no-show to their game against Bencheados. Things have turned around in the north as newcomers Havoks Gaming have almost secured second place in their region after some very impressive performances. Meanwhile MYM, who was 0-6, managed to find their first victory by beating second-place Gaming Gaming in dominant fashion, this victory comes after MYM finally settled in their gaming house and met their new coach. With only 2 weeks left in the regular season, things are still up in the air for the playoffs. And with Havoks and MYM on the rise in the north, nobody knows who will face who at the finals in Mexico City on August 8. 拉丁美洲 當他們在那個關鍵的星期擊敗了來自南邊的強敵之後,KLG又靠著英雄式的努力擊敗了 Furious Gaming。正當著這兩隊打得難分難解而風像開始吹向Furious Gaming的時候, KLG偷偷摸摸的靠著BD結束了這場遊戲。 Last Kings因為他們在設備上出了一些問題而無法與Bencheados對戰,使得他們的排名暴 跌。 在北邊事情幾乎被翻盤了,Havoks Gaming靠著優異的表現幾乎穩拿了在他們區第二名的 寶座。同時,MYM有著一個0-6的戰績卻以夾帶巨量優勢的姿態打敗了第二名的 GamingGaming,這也是在MYM終於找到他們的訓練室以及新教練的結果。 在剩下兩個星期的季賽中,季後賽才未成定局,Havoks和MYM各自崛起,沒有人知道到底 誰會進入到8月8號在墨西哥城舉辦的總決賽。 JAPAN 1.(+1) Ozone Rampage (5-1) 2.(+1) DetonatioN FocusMe (4-2) 3.(-2) 7th Heaven (4-2) 4.( - ) RabbitFive (3-3) 5.( - ) Rascal Jester (2-4) 6.( - ) ApeX R Gaming (0-6) Though it kicked off with the biggest fail-gank of the season, last week's marquee matchup between DFM and 7H rose far beyond its opening misfire to become the most entertaining match yet. Kyohei “Ceros” Yoshida pulled out a pocket Karma and made full use of her supportive kit, helping to outmaneuver the opposing team while protecting his own through the highlight-reel teamfights coming out of both sides. Ultimately, DFM came out on top, which left the Power Ranking in a bit of an awkward spot. Ultimately, we have to give Rampage credit where credit's due. They've earned their chance to be 1st, but they know better than anyone how hard they'll have to work to keep it going. There are only three weeks left of regular season play, and this is still anyone's game. 日本 雖然在上星期DFM和7H之間的精彩對決以一個Fail-Gank開局導致前期沒明顯的風像帶動, 但卻成為了本季最好看的決戰。Kyohei “Ceros” Yoshida 拿出了口袋深處的卡瑪然後 將她發揮得淋漓盡致,除了幫助隊伍在操作上壓制敵方以外在重點的會戰中還能保護自家 的隊伍。最後DFM獲勝也使得排名進入了一種尷尬的氣氛。 最終我們承認Rampage他們的成就,他們獲得了得到第一的機會,但他們比任何人都更清 楚要保持如此的戰績就必須付出更多的努力。在這賽季只剩下三個星期但是任何的隊伍都 還是有機會的。 TURKEY 土耳其的隊伍戰績不知道為啥貼不上來.. 請參考其他篇 Turkey is on hiatus for one more week. The Turkish Championship League will return on June 27 with Week 5 matches 土耳其的聯賽還處於一個停擺的狀態,應該在六月27日會回歸正軌。 CIS 1.( - ) Tornado RoX (7-2) 2.( - ) Hard Random (6-3) 3.( - ) Just.MSI (5-3) 4.(+1) Dolphins (5-4) 5.(-1) Carpe Diem (6-4) 6.( - ) Solar Wind (3-5) 7.( - ) Your Exit (2-6) 8.( - ) Dragon (1-8) StarSeries Summer really looks like a swing -- every team waivers back and forth. None of the Top 3 teams managed to end this week without losses. As a matter of fact, no one did. In their key match of the week, Hard Random defeated JustMSI but then lost to Dolphins for the second time this season. Solar Wind suddenly upset Tornado.ROX while Your Exit continued their flashy cheesy tactics, once even successfully pulling out a Shaco. The gap is closing between the top teams and the field, but at the same time, no one has emerged as a true No. 1 team. 獨立國家國協 StarSeries的夏季聯賽就像個盪鞦韆似的,每一隊都很抖,沒有任何一支前三名的隊伍在 這週裡獲得全勝的,其實整個聯賽也都沒有全勝的。 在他們這週的關鍵比賽中,Hard Random擊敗了JustMSI但是輸給了Dolphins也是本季第二 次輸給他們。Solar Wind突然讓Tornado RoX無法輕易地拿下比賽,而Your Exit繼續使用 他們的奇招,他們甚至成功地拿出薩科來使用。 雖然各個強隊的距離正在拉近,但這也代表這區還沒有一支真正最強的隊伍出現。 OCEANIA 1.( - ) Chiefs eSports Club (9-0) 2.(+1) Legacy eSports (6-3) 3.(+1) Avant Garde (5-4) 4.(-2) Dire Wolves (6-3) 5.( - ) Sin Gaming (5-4) 6.(+1) Absolute (2-7) 7.(-1) Team Immunity (3-6) 8.( - ) Sudden Fear (0-9) As we get closer to playoffs, it's starting to become clear which Oceanic teams are playoffs contenders and which teams will have to wait for next year. While Chiefs continue their undefeated rampage over the region, Legacy and Avant seem to working out their issues, while Dire Wolves will need to head back to the drawing board with the departure of ace support Trevor "ChuffeR" Lao. The second half of the season has delivered us continued (if slow) improvement from rookie teams Sin, Absolute, and Sudden Fear. If nothing else, this hints at a potentially more competitive 2016 in Oceania -- but for now, their improving performance will be a test for the higher-ranked veteran teams as they approach playoffs. There's still quite a ways to go until the end of the regular season, but for now, it seems like the top three teams in our Power Rankings are a lock for playoffs, as long as they maintain their current form. Watch out especially for Avant and their young AD carry Kieran "Warble" Brown -- if this man gets his hands on a hypercarry, Avant could definitely indulge in some giant killing. 當我們離季後賽又更進一步的時候,大洋洲的隊伍之中可以明顯地看出哪些隊伍可以衝擊 季後賽,而哪些隊伍又必須等到明年再來。當Chiefs繼續他們在這區的不敗神話,Legacy 和Avant看樣子解決了他們的問題,而Dire Wolves的戰績表也反映了他們王牌輔助 Trevor "ChuffeR” Lao的出走。 在這下半個賽季,我們看到了幾之菜鳥隊伍包括Sin、Absolute和Sudden Fear都有在進步 。不出意外的話,這代表2016大洋洲的會變得更加競爭,但現在這些進步對於較強的那些 隊伍只是個小考試而已。 雖然離季後賽還有一段時間,但現在看起來前三名的隊伍只要繼續保持就可確定獲得季後 賽的門票了。不要小看Avant跟他們的ADC Kieran “Warble” Brown,如果他拿到了混傷 carry便很有可能拿到巨量的擊殺數。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 有任何的意見都歡迎指教 感謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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推 話說GPL也開打了
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