[閒聊] Reddit上AHQ VS SKT的討論翻譯消失

看板LoL作者時間9年前 (2015/05/09 13:32), 9年前編輯推噓64(64021)
留言85則, 66人參與, 最新討論串1/1
雖然輸了 但還是引起不少討論 小弟英文不好 只好試著拋磚引玉翻了一些 希望有其他強者有興趣翻譯其他有趣的段落 Reddit縮址:http://tinyurl.com/mzsqrun [–]pedrost1nger 63 指標 1 hours ago Faker got nervous in his sleep for a second Faker睡到一半時心悸了一下 [–]SirDoober 57 指標 1 hours ago AHQ impressed the hell out of me this entire tourney, and yet people are still like 'taiwan joke region lol' AHQ這一系列打下來把我嚇歪了,不然本來大家還以為"台灣這搞笑賽區" [–]Just4Money 12 指標 1 hours ago They are one of the core regions for a reason. I feel like the fact that they're "out of touch" with the west - in terms of not having an English cast - hurts our perception of those teams. The thing is, they are right next to China and Korea, the two strongest regions, so they probably have consistent practice against top tier teams. I really hope that we stop underrating a consistently strong region like Taiwan in the future (referring to the Yoe and TPA performances at international events). 因為他們(台灣)也是主要賽區之一,我認為雖然實際上他們與西方不同掛 - 我們沒有英文 轉播這賽區 - 影響了我們對於這些隊伍的認識,但其實他們就緊鄰中韓這兩個最強賽區,所 以他們可能也會這些頂級戰隊的一貫訓練模式,我真的希望我們停止低估台灣這強勁賽區 在未來的表現(看看Yoe跟TPA在國際上的活動) [–]Jonofthefunk [分數隱藏] 54 minutes ago Without the English cast, we will never know about DreamOrReality, the team that surpassed Coast as the worst team in pro scene (0-21 in competitive play and then lost 0-3 against Machi to get relegated) 沒有英文台轉播,所以我們也永遠不知道像DOR這種超越業餘的最爛職業隊伍(0-21的激烈 戰績,然後被0-3被麻吉刷掉) 譯註:這個是台灣人上去嘴的吧???LOL 接下來是西門討論串 [–]kimmjongfun 26 指標 1 hours ago hes known as the 'Korean killer' in taiwan probably the 4th best mid at MSI, behind pawn, faker, ezhoon 他在台灣有"韓國殺手"封號 他可能是這次MSI四大中路選手,另外三名是胖,faker,ez混 [–]whereismyleona 10 指標 1 hours ago He has been fantastic in this tournament compare to his playoff performance and how low he was rated coming to MSI 他這系列打下來有夢幻般的表現,看看他打MSI之前被評價得多低 [–]kimmjongfun 10 指標 1 hours ago yea a lot of previously good mids just kick it up a notch when it comes to international tournaments, this just shows hes still one of the best mids in the world. its like a completely different person when hes going against top tier mids, fun player to watch. 是啊,之前很多優秀中路頂多達到一個水準,而這次國際大賽證明了西門仍然是世界最好 的中路之一 他徹底的有別於其他選手,挑戰最高水準的中路,看他表現真有意思 [–]doomdg 4 指標 1 hours ago He has the experience to always be on KR solo Q, he has all the experience playing against marin and faker and the other top challengers, but that of course never gets considered by the analysts 西門之前就有打韓服的經驗了,他有在精英場跟Marin及Faker交手的經驗,不過很多人都 沒考量到這點 [–]TheseStreets 1 指標 1 hours ago Because solo q means shit 因為單排只是屁 [–]homm88 3 指標 1 hours ago It does mean something if you're playing against actual top progamers and able to win against them 當你能打贏過他們的時候,單排就不只是屁而已 [–]SAFFATLOL 1 指標 1 hours ago They take solo queue more seriously in Korea. Rush has even said in an interview that mechanically the NA solo queue players are just as good, but they tend to troll more. This attitude is likely in part of the reason our solo queue talent is so limited and why NA has so many imports 他們打韓服單排都認真多了,Rush被採訪時甚至說過NA單排場雖然不錯,但他們還是容易 戳,這種態度就是為什麼我們極限就這樣而已,而且還需要這麼多外籍選手 [–]My-Life-For-Auir 0 指標 1 hours ago All of the Korean pros disagree. Even Faker said in an interview they showed in the MSI opening ceremony that he thinks Soloq is very important and needs to be used to hone and practice a teams skills. But nah you're right, you know better than PawN, Faker and Westdoor. 所有的韓國職業選手都不會同意這點,甚至Faker在MSI開幕影片就說單排非常重要,可以 練習跟實踐很多技巧 如果你是對的話,你就比胖,Faker,西門都還要強啦 [–]doomdg 0 指標 1 hours ago Being a good solo q player doesn't mean anything in competitive. But not being a good solo q player means you're shit. Now... lets look at who actually made challenger in Korea during S4 worlds? 單排很強不代表你就很有競爭力 但是如果單排不強那你一定爛得跟屎一樣,現在讓我們看看誰S4時有確實爬到韓服菁英 的? 這次好多地方我都翻不太確定 有些地方直翻太怪我就照語意去修了 希望沒有偏離原意太多 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1431149542.A.AA9.html

05/09 13:33, , 1F
Inven上 AHQ VS SKT的評論才是一絕
05/09 13:33, 1F
※ 編輯: DarkerWu (, 05/09/2015 13:33:58

05/09 13:33, , 2F
推個翻譯 \⊙▽⊙/
05/09 13:33, 2F

05/09 13:33, , 3F
05/09 13:33, 3F

05/09 13:34, , 4F
05/09 13:34, 4F

05/09 13:34, , 5F
05/09 13:34, 5F

05/09 13:34, , 6F
05/09 13:34, 6F
※ 編輯: DarkerWu (, 05/09/2015 13:35:37

05/09 13:34, , 7F
台灣連韓服低ping真爽 歐美沒韓服練哭哭
05/09 13:34, 7F

05/09 13:34, , 8F
05/09 13:34, 8F

05/09 13:35, , 9F
West door best door
05/09 13:35, 9F

05/09 13:35, , 10F
05/09 13:35, 10F

05/09 13:35, , 11F
所以JJ開台一直戳 戳到自己都不會打比賽了
05/09 13:35, 11F

05/09 13:35, , 12F
05/09 13:35, 12F

05/09 13:35, , 13F
05/09 13:35, 13F

05/09 13:35, , 14F
05/09 13:35, 14F

05/09 13:36, , 15F
you're shit
05/09 13:36, 15F

05/09 13:36, , 16F
05/09 13:36, 16F

05/09 13:36, , 17F
所以jj開台以外的時間都不單排? 好有趣的見解
05/09 13:36, 17F

05/09 13:36, , 18F
05/09 13:36, 18F

05/09 13:36, , 19F
05/09 13:36, 19F

05/09 13:37, , 20F
戳到solo第一喔 那也是一絕了
05/09 13:37, 20F

05/09 13:37, , 21F
單排打得好不能證明啥 可是連單排都打不好 大賽要
05/09 13:37, 21F

05/09 13:37, , 22F
05/09 13:37, 22F

05/09 13:37, , 23F
05/09 13:37, 23F

05/09 13:37, , 24F
05/09 13:37, 24F

05/09 13:37, , 25F
不知道有沒有人能翻臺灣不是外卡 那篇QQ
05/09 13:37, 25F

05/09 13:37, , 26F
05/09 13:37, 26F

05/09 13:38, , 27F
05/09 13:38, 27F

05/09 13:38, , 28F
05/09 13:38, 28F

05/09 13:38, , 29F
05/09 13:38, 29F

05/09 13:39, , 30F
回想去年底 大家還在想我們會不會變外卡區
05/09 13:39, 30F

05/09 13:40, , 31F
明天繼續打臉阿!!!!! 加油!!!!
05/09 13:40, 31F

05/09 13:40, , 32F
05/09 13:40, 32F

05/09 13:40, , 33F
現在不僅不用擔心 可能連名額都還能增加呢
05/09 13:40, 33F

05/09 13:40, , 34F
05/09 13:40, 34F

05/09 13:40, , 35F
05/09 13:40, 35F

05/09 13:40, , 36F
有看看Faker實況就知道,Faker的solo q可以亂選角又
05/09 13:40, 36F

05/09 13:41, , 37F
faker 真的拿小號拿試練(玩)
05/09 13:41, 37F

05/09 13:41, , 38F
05/09 13:41, 38F

05/09 13:42, , 39F
打鄉民臉 版上不是一堆說SOLOQ是屁的
05/09 13:42, 39F

05/09 13:42, , 40F
05/09 13:42, 40F

05/09 13:42, , 41F
05/09 13:42, 41F

05/09 13:42, , 42F
DoR躺著也中槍 = =
05/09 13:42, 42F

05/09 13:43, , 43F
05/09 13:43, 43F

05/09 13:43, , 44F
台灣搞笑賽區 XD 美國也是有人沒穿褲子
05/09 13:43, 44F

05/09 13:44, , 45F
05/09 13:44, 45F

05/09 13:44, , 46F
不過reddit目前重點還是在Tsm Hate Train(?)
05/09 13:44, 46F

05/09 13:44, , 47F
看到一個 Wow, Dyrus didn't die in that game!
05/09 13:44, 47F

05/09 13:45, , 48F
faker就soloq之王阿 隨便選隻機器人都carry
05/09 13:45, 48F

05/09 13:45, , 49F
05/09 13:45, 49F

05/09 13:46, , 50F
去年絕大多數表現真的搞笑賽區 勿忘明星賽……
05/09 13:46, 50F

05/09 13:47, , 51F
一個NA隊搞到只有睡神一個美國人 笑死
05/09 13:47, 51F

05/09 13:47, , 52F
05/09 13:47, 52F

05/09 13:47, , 53F
我想國外應該沒人真的知道DOR XDDD
05/09 13:47, 53F

05/09 13:47, , 54F
比單排 西門絕對是世界第一啊
05/09 13:47, 54F

05/09 13:48, , 55F
05/09 13:48, 55F

05/09 13:48, , 56F
05/09 13:48, 56F

05/09 13:48, , 57F
05/09 13:48, 57F

05/09 13:49, , 58F
05/09 13:49, 58F

05/09 13:50, , 59F
最後一段說的好啊 單排不能證明什麼 但單排打不好代
05/09 13:50, 59F

05/09 13:50, , 60F
表你就是爛 XD
05/09 13:50, 60F

05/09 13:51, , 61F
05/09 13:51, 61F

05/09 13:52, , 62F
reddit專注TSM很正常吧 美國討論區就專注美國隊啊
05/09 13:52, 62F

05/09 13:53, , 63F
05/09 13:53, 63F

05/09 13:55, , 64F
05/09 13:55, 64F
小峰之前好像只是鑽石玩家?? ※ 編輯: DarkerWu (, 05/09/2015 13:56:14

05/09 13:56, , 65F
05/09 13:56, 65F

05/09 13:57, , 66F
小楓 韓服鑽三 S4台北站 表現還可以
05/09 13:57, 66F

05/09 13:57, , 67F
就像平常考的好不能證明什麼 但考不好期末考就是爆
05/09 13:57, 67F

05/09 14:00, , 68F
05/09 14:00, 68F

05/09 14:00, , 69F
RD 單排都戳好玩的
05/09 14:00, 69F

05/09 14:02, , 70F
05/09 14:02, 70F

05/09 14:03, , 71F
Faker: 幹差點被叫起來打加賽
05/09 14:03, 71F

05/09 14:05, , 72F
05/09 14:05, 72F

05/09 14:05, , 73F
永遠忘不了小峰的伊瑞莉亞 咻咻咻唰唰唰
05/09 14:05, 73F

05/09 14:08, , 74F
05/09 14:08, 74F

05/09 14:13, , 75F
小峰就是牌位被嘴超慘 結果一比賽馬上打臉
05/09 14:13, 75F

05/09 14:13, , 76F
05/09 14:13, 76F

05/09 14:14, , 77F
PDD沒記錯的話是白金牌 還不是屌打一堆
05/09 14:14, 77F

05/09 14:15, , 78F
球Z以前也被嘴牌位過 後來好像也洗白
05/09 14:15, 78F

05/09 14:21, , 79F
05/09 14:21, 79F

05/09 14:58, , 80F
Faker:單排(X) 糞GAME TIME(O)
05/09 14:58, 80F

05/09 15:59, , 81F
05/09 15:59, 81F

05/09 18:32, , 82F
05/09 18:32, 82F

05/09 19:52, , 83F
單排很強不代表什麼 但是單排不強那就是屁
05/09 19:52, 83F

05/09 20:18, , 84F
DOR: #0-24TheReality
05/09 20:18, 84F

05/13 18:51, , 85F
05/13 18:51, 85F
文章代碼(AID): #1LJPlcgf (LoL)