[外絮] 專題:閃電狼帶給台灣希望

看板LoL作者 (注意力不足過動症)時間9年前 (2015/04/03 17:29), 9年前編輯推噓132(135387)
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RISING TIDES: YOE FLASH WOLVES GIVE HOPE TO TAIWAN Fourth place is not usually a placement of particular honor. Yet, for Taiwan's yoe Flash Wolves, their IEM Katowice placement belies its significance. Their home region might be one of the prestigious few to boast of owning a World Championship title, but the Taipei Assassins' miraculous run through 2012 was -- for esports -- a very long time ago. In the intervening years, the region has fallen into increasing obscurity on the international stage. 第四名這個名次通常不會受到什麼特別的待遇。然而對於來自台灣的閃電狼來說,這個名 次所代表的,遠大於它本身的意義。他們的家鄉是少數可以宣稱擁有過世界冠軍的地方, 但TPA奇蹟似的在2012贏得世界冠軍,已經是很久以前的事了。不過幾年間,這個區域已經 漸漸地從世界的舞台沒落了。 All of the teams at Katowice were playing for their home region as much as for themselves. But the Wolves bore an additional burden -- to prove to their own fans that they belonged there at all. 在Katowice比賽的所有隊伍都不只為了自己,也為了他們的區域而奮鬥。但閃電狼背負了 更多額外的負擔--向他們的粉絲們證明,他們所生長的地方。 OLD GLORY "Since Season 2, a lot of [LoL Master Series] fans only love TPA and AHQ," said Wang "MrRemember" Chi-Te, head caster for the LMS and former analyst for the Flash Wolves. In fact, the regional community's expectations for the Wolves was extremely low: Wang admits that much of the audience thought that the Taiwanese region just wasn't that good anymore. In his words, there was "no hope, no power to compete with others." 過去的榮耀 「自從S2以來,多數的台港澳區的粉絲都只喜愛TPA和AHQ」LMS的首席主播、曾經擔任閃電 狼分析師的記得先生(王繼德)這樣說。事實上,當地的論壇社群對於閃電狼的期待是非常 低的,記得也承認非常多的觀眾認為台港澳區已經不再有競爭力了。他是這樣形容的:「完 全沒有和其他區域對抗的希望和能力」 The internal assessment, among players and coaches, was similarly grim. "In the past two years, our region was really bad," said Shih "Fluidwind" Yi-Hao, Flash Wolves analyst, citing a particular weakness among Taiwanese teams when put under high pressure matches. From his prior work as Taipei Assassin’s analyst, he claims that their scrim results were far in excess of what was demonstrated before the cameras, yet the Assassins were quickly demoralized upon their first defeat. 在選手和教練自己所做的內部評估也是非常的相似的。「過去兩年,我們的區域就是比較 爛。」閃電狼的現任分析師叉燒(史益豪),在提到台灣隊伍在高壓力下的弱點的時候, 他這樣說。從他擔任上一個職位,TPA分析師的經驗,他表示:團練的結果其實是比在舞台 上的表現好非常多的,但TPA再輸了第一場之後很快地就失去信心。 Even in Katowice, the threat of that fragility loomed. "After losing to SK, even Fluidwind thought, 'Maybe our region isn't that good,'" said MrRemember. "On the second day, even winning versus Cloud9 -- it was more like C9 didn't know how to close the game." 即使是這次的Katowice比賽,這樣的弱點依然是一個問題。「輸給SK之後,甚至叉燒也曾 想過:『或許我們真的比較爛』」記得告訴我們。「即使第二天贏得了和C9的對戰,但那 似乎更像是C9不知道該如何結束那場比賽。」 MrRemember recalls that the last two years had been a gradual step-down in expectations. "Because we beat down the Korean and Chinese teams in Season 2, lots of people thought, 'TPA is good!' But Season 3, we lost all of our international matches. People thought, 'We're not that good, but we're still better than the LCS regions.' Then last year, we saw TPA lose to SK and TSM, and SK even without Svenskeren in the jungle. And only AHQ won against EDG -- a miracle. After last year, I think the audience thought our region's really weak -- no difference from the GPL or International Wildcards." 記得回憶過去兩年,對於世界賽的期望越來越低。「因為我們在S2的時候擊敗了韓國和中 國隊伍,那時候很多人覺得:『TPA很強』,但是S3我們一場國際賽都沒贏。於是大家心裡 想:『我們雖然不再那麼強了,但至少我們還贏EU和NA』,直到去年,我們看到了TPA輸給 SK和TSM,即使SK的Svenskeren不在場上。只有AHQ奇蹟似的贏了EDG一場。在這之後,我想 很多觀眾都覺得我們台港澳區其實很爛,可能跟GPL和外卡一樣。」 CONTENDERS Yet, in contrast to the pessimism of the community both globally and at home, "we expected to hit the semifinals," claimed both Fluidwind and top laner Chou "Steak" Lu-Hsi. "Our opponents weren't that bad," said Fluidwind. "We thought GE Tigers would be the best team in the tournament, but they weren't. We think, to fight against SK, it was a 50% chance—they're a really good team. Every team in every region was really strong, not that easy to defeat, but also with their own disadvantages." 競爭者 然而,有別於全球或是台港澳輿論的悲觀看法,「我們預期能夠打進四強。」叉燒和上路 選手牛排這樣表示。「我們的對手並不弱,」叉燒說「我們以為GE會是這比賽中最強的隊 伍,但他們不是。我們覺得和SK的比賽,大概會55開,他們是很強的隊伍,每一個聯賽的 隊伍都很強大,不是那麼容易擊敗的,但他們一定也有他們的缺點。」 The Flash Wolves had managed to practice versus both TSM and WE, the Katowice finalists, during their time in the city. Said Fluidwind, "We scrimmed versus TSM and thought we were really close -- but they're stronger than us in strategy. They use hard-engage comps like Sivir/Annie -- we usually play Janna or Morgana to secure our AD carry's damage and use long-range champions to defeat them in team fights, and aren't 100% confident with their team comp. Their team members have very good skill -- I think Bjergsen was the best mid laner of that tournament." 在Katowice時,閃電狼曾經和兩個打入冠軍戰的隊伍團練。叉燒表示:「我們在和TSM團練 時覺得其實我們實力很接近,但他們在策略上更勝我們一籌。他們利用強開陣,像是希維 爾安妮,而我們則比較常使用珍娜或魔甘娜來保障我們AD的輸出,利用遠距離輸出的英雄 來打贏會戰,並沒有百分之百的信心可以對付像是他們這樣的陣容。他們隊伍的每個選手 技巧都很好,我想BJ森應該是他們聯賽的最強中路。」 "Especially in the mid game, we think our team knows how to win this game— even when competing with the LCK or LCS teams," said MrRemember. Fluidwind and Steak confirmed that top LMS teams spend most of their scrim time against their Korean and Chinese peers. Top LMS players practice primarily on Korean servers too. 「特別在遊戲中期,我覺得我們的隊伍知道怎麼拿下這場遊戲,即使是在對上LCK或LCS的 隊伍。」記得先生說。叉燒和牛排表示,LMS前段的隊伍花很多時間在和中韓隊伍團練,前 段的選手也都已在韓服修練為第一優先。 LESSONS LEARNED So what changed between their failures in 2013, 2014, and now? Humility, hard-earned twice over, was the greatest contributing factor for the Flash Wolves’ recent successes. "Before Season 3, I know the Bears didn't scrim and practice that hard," said Fluidwind, referring to the team’s former Gamania Bears sponsors. "They've been a little cocky, and thought they could easily defeat the teams at Worlds, then learned that every team was really strong. They saw their VODs and thought 'they're really bad,' but couldn't defeat them in a single match -- the team was in shock." 學到的教訓 所以究竟是什麼改變使得前兩年的失敗和現在不同呢?謙遜和得來不易的第二次機會,是 閃電狼最近取得成功的重要因素。「在S3之前,我知道橘子熊並沒有對世界賽練習得這麼 認真,」叉燒談到隊伍的前身橘子熊的時候表示。「他們有點自大,覺得可以很容易的擊 敗其他區域的隊伍,然後才知道每個隊伍都很強勁。他們看其他隊伍的VOD都覺得他們很爛 ,但事實是面對這些隊伍他們連一場都贏不下來,他們徹底被震驚了。」 From there on out, the team spiraled downward. Not only did their old sponsors close shop, but the new age restrictions for Season 4 threw a wrench into their team synergy. Mid laner Maple, then 16, was shuffled off to the Wolves’ junior team, and the main team’s subsequent performance in the expanded Southeast Asia Garena Premier League circuit hammered in their inadequacies. "After they got out of the GPL, they finally had to think about why they lost. 'We're good players, but we can't even stay in the GPL. How did that happen? That's really awkward.' They had to think about what disadvantages they hadn't conquered, and finally improved their strategy and techniques." 從那之後,整個隊伍狀況不斷地滑落,除了他們原本的贊助者不玩了之外,S4賽季開始的 新的年齡限制也為他們的隊伍帶來了影響。中路選手楓棠歲月,被迫暫離到閃電狼的青年 隊,而本隊在之後的表現也因不適應而被GPL沉重打擊(?)。「在無法進入GPL之後,他 們真的必須要好的思考為何他們輸掉了比賽。『我們有好的選手,但我們卻打不進GPL,怎 麼會這樣?這實在是很蠢』他們必須思考他們尚未克服的缺點,而最終終於改進他們的技 巧和遊戲策略。」 What might have ultimately saved the region was Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau's departure from the GPL entirely -- paradoxically, because it was now even harder for the teams. "In the GPL, there are only two or three strong teams. Only TPA and AHQ are strong, but you could only face them two times in groups and in semifinals every four months," explained Fluidwind. "Most of the time, you're facing teams you can never lose against—now they have to practice hard, and I think this makes a big difference." The intensive focus, and Maple ’s return to mid lane, has put the yoe Flash Wolves at the forefront of the Master Series, where they are expected to win the spring split title outright. 最有可能是拯救了台港澳區的事件或許是把台港澳區和GPL聯賽完全分開。詭異的是,因為 這樣反而增強了隊伍所需要面對的對戰強度。「在GPL,只有兩到三支強隊。只有TPA和AHQ 比較強,但你遇到對方的機會只有小組賽兩次和每四個月一次的四強,」叉燒解釋「大部 分的時候,你面對的是你幾乎不可能輸的隊伍,然而現在,他們需要更努力的練習,我覺 得這是一個很大的改變。」密集的重點訓練加上楓棠的回歸。再次把閃電狼帶回LMS的一線 隊伍,並且被寄予奪得春季賽總冠軍的厚望。 But victory in the LMS isn’t enough to whet their appetites. They still have farther to go, and more growing to do, and have a very concrete idea of what it takes thanks to the pan-Asian networking between the LPL and LCK circuits. Said Fluidwind, "We think [top LMS teams] are almost the same as LCS NA and EU's best teams -- not that easy to defeat them, but not easy to defeat us either. But I think LPL and Korea are still stronger. EDG is stronger than GE Tigers—we scrimmed with EDG and they're really hard to play against. The LCK teams aren't at the same level." 但LMS的勝利並不會滿足他們的野心。他們還有很遠的路要走,也有很多可以成長的地方, 並且有對於中韓聯賽的具體想法(?)(這邊完全看不懂= =)。叉燒說:「我覺得LMS前段 隊伍實力幾乎和歐美是不相上下的,擊敗他們並不容易,但同樣的,他們也不是很輕鬆可 以擊敗我們。但我覺得中韓的對手還是非常的強。EDG比GE強,我們和EDG團練覺得他們非 常難以對付。LCK的隊伍也不是同一個層級的。」 "I don't think we'd have a chance to win versus EDG in a Best of 5," admitted Steak, at least for now. He expects EDG to have a significant advantage come the Mid Season Invitational. But he's confident that the Wolves -- and everybody else -- will reach parity by October. 「我不覺得我們有機會在BO5的比賽中打敗EDG。」牛排坦白的說,至少現在是這樣。他預 測EDG在MSI的季中賽會有很大的優勢。但他也有信心,閃電狼,和其他的隊伍,會在今年 10月(世界大賽的意思?)達到這個高度。 -- 看到沒人翻就嘗試翻了一下 第一次翻這種長文請多指正 有些小不懂意思的後面會加問號(?) 有一句整句看不懂的我有在後面附註QQ 原文和圖片連結: http://goo.gl/WYfDMJ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1428053398.A.6F9.html

04/03 17:34, , 1F
04/03 17:34, 1F

04/03 17:34, , 2F
希望真的能在10月達到高度xd 別讓我熬夜看被虐乾
04/03 17:34, 2F

04/03 17:34, , 3F
還有整整6個月 是真的有機會追EDG
04/03 17:34, 3F

04/03 17:35, , 4F
04/03 17:35, 4F

04/03 17:36, , 5F
推翻譯 謝謝!
04/03 17:36, 5F

04/03 17:36, , 6F
04/03 17:36, 6F

04/03 17:37, , 7F
後面一個翻譯 TPA翻成YPA 記得改哦~~
04/03 17:37, 7F

04/03 17:39, , 8F
04/03 17:39, 8F

04/03 17:39, , 9F
04/03 17:39, 9F

04/03 17:39, , 10F
後面討論中韓不單純是說非常強 而是比歐美台強
04/03 17:39, 10F

04/03 17:39, , 11F
閃電狼帶來希望 老編帶來絕望
04/03 17:39, 11F

04/03 17:40, , 12F
04/03 17:40, 12F

04/03 17:40, , 13F
04/03 17:40, 13F

04/03 17:42, , 14F
04/03 17:42, 14F

04/03 17:42, , 15F
EDG真的很猛Q_Q 閃電狼加油!!!
04/03 17:42, 15F

04/03 17:43, , 16F
其實我覺得不能說沒落 是其他地區崛起了
04/03 17:43, 16F

04/03 17:45, , 17F
推 台灣近年來的希望
04/03 17:45, 17F

04/03 17:45, , 18F
推推 以S2非韓來說當然是崛起 但以S3來說橘子出線本
04/03 17:45, 18F

04/03 17:45, , 19F
來就算是很意外 又直接撞上SKTT1...
04/03 17:45, 19F

04/03 17:46, , 20F
04/03 17:46, 20F

04/03 17:47, , 21F
加油 IEM之行至少出了一口氣
04/03 17:47, 21F

04/03 17:47, , 22F
不只EDG LPL前幾名都很噁
04/03 17:47, 22F

04/03 17:47, , 23F
04/03 17:47, 23F

04/03 17:47, , 24F
現在的EDG好像沒洞 非常類似之前SSW
04/03 17:47, 24F

04/03 17:48, , 25F
04/03 17:48, 25F

04/03 17:49, , 26F
04/03 17:49, 26F

04/03 17:49, , 27F
沒有啦 EDG算一支獨秀 下面的比EDG有點距離
04/03 17:49, 27F

04/03 17:50, , 28F
04/03 17:50, 28F

04/03 17:50, , 29F
EDG現在也是統治LPL LCK第一跟他們團練也是被屌虐
04/03 17:50, 29F

04/03 17:52, , 30F
台灣隊伍加油 \⊙▽⊙/
04/03 17:52, 30F

04/03 17:53, , 31F
團練 是說跟SKT嗎?????
04/03 17:53, 31F

04/03 17:53, , 32F
推 感謝翻譯
04/03 17:53, 32F

04/03 17:53, , 33F
04/03 17:53, 33F

04/03 17:54, , 34F
04/03 17:54, 34F

04/03 17:54, , 35F
台港澳區一直都不強吧 強的只有S2的TPA而已
04/03 17:54, 35F

04/03 17:54, , 36F
04/03 17:54, 36F

04/03 17:55, , 37F
04/03 17:55, 37F

04/03 17:55, , 38F
WE可以吃掉GE LPL第一的EDG卻離去年SSW很遠?
04/03 17:55, 38F
還有 148 則推文
04/03 19:38, , 187F
04/03 19:38, 187F

04/03 19:41, , 188F
謝謝翻譯 閃電狼加油 希望能延續這次IEM給人的希望
04/03 19:41, 188F

04/03 19:43, , 189F
04/03 19:43, 189F

04/03 19:44, , 190F
04/03 19:44, 190F

04/03 19:50, , 191F
今年LPL那邊太有趣了 各種買選手補強 不跟著競爭就
04/03 19:50, 191F

04/03 19:51, , 192F
可能明年掉到次級聯賽 LPL名額就價值三四百萬人民幣
04/03 19:51, 192F

04/03 20:00, , 193F
04/03 20:00, 193F

04/03 20:12, , 194F
LMS看世界欸 MAPLE前三? 希望如此
04/03 20:12, 194F

04/03 20:15, , 195F
04/03 20:15, 195F

04/03 20:19, , 196F
支持閃電狼改名閃電哈士奇 改了我就當腦粉
04/03 20:19, 196F

04/03 20:20, , 197F
04/03 20:20, 197F

04/03 20:20, , 198F
04/03 20:20, 198F

04/03 20:23, , 199F
大家也太沒自信了吧 今年才沒多久就已經進步到可以
04/03 20:23, 199F

04/03 20:24, , 200F
和別人一戰的程度 雖說別自滿 也別這麼自卑阿
04/03 20:24, 200F

04/03 20:26, , 201F
今年冠軍一定是我老婆faker 藏招而已等他爆氣什麼ge
04/03 20:26, 201F

04/03 20:26, , 202F
edg 能看嗎
04/03 20:26, 202F

04/03 20:29, , 203F
看完怎麼有點 鼻酸
04/03 20:29, 203F

04/03 20:36, , 204F
04/03 20:36, 204F

04/03 20:45, , 205F
到底有沒有看比賽?媽寶被單殺單純只是大意 沒交閃
04/03 20:45, 205F

04/03 20:45, , 206F
04/03 20:45, 206F

04/03 20:46, , 207F
算是五五開 了
04/03 20:46, 207F

04/03 20:52, , 208F
成王敗寇 阿就是輸了
04/03 20:52, 208F

04/03 20:54, , 209F
反正MSI還是有很大機會對到 這次穩贏ler
04/03 20:54, 209F

04/03 21:48, , 210F
04/03 21:48, 210F

04/03 23:04, , 211F
LMS真的很棒 比GPL猛好幾個層級 這一年改變很多
04/03 23:04, 211F

04/03 23:09, , 212F
閃電狼加油 MSI是比IEM更強的關卡 對手會注目你更多
04/03 23:09, 212F

04/03 23:22, , 213F
幫改一下 知道怎麼贏LCK隊伍那邊前面那句是指遊戲
04/03 23:22, 213F

04/03 23:22, , 214F
期 mid game
04/03 23:22, 214F

04/03 23:22, , 215F
04/03 23:22, 215F

04/04 00:35, , 216F
加油吧~~~閃電狼的孩子 選手們
04/04 00:35, 216F

04/04 01:27, , 217F
BJ森還是高Maple一等 看BO3第一場就知道 真的猛
04/04 01:27, 217F

04/04 01:54, , 218F
04/04 01:54, 218F

04/04 02:24, , 219F
even without Svenskeren 就算Svenskeren不在場上
04/04 02:24, 219F

04/04 02:24, , 220F
04/04 02:24, 220F

04/04 07:40, , 221F
拜託S2 IPL5 TPA一樣打倒M5與CLG,成績也比之後台灣
04/04 07:40, 221F

04/04 07:40, , 222F
04/04 07:40, 222F

04/04 11:46, , 223F
04/04 11:46, 223F

04/04 14:41, , 224F
04/04 14:41, 224F
※ 編輯: ADHD (, 04/04/2015 16:55:21

04/07 03:50, , 225F
04/07 03:50, 225F
文章代碼(AID): #1L7bsMRv (LoL)