[情報] 新aram地圖的彩蛋 (已翻完)

看板LoL作者 (flare0118)時間11年前 (2013/04/14 16:33), 編輯推噓35(35020)
留言55則, 32人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:reignofgaming/surrender@20 http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/04/411-pbe-update.html 除了新reroll機制 首先就是叫poro的中立小動物 玩家身上的porosnax植物 拿植物餵牠 牠會冒出愛心並開心的轉圈 http://ppt.cc/FqhG http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QTYZiVCXCWw
再來就是Howling abyss新aram地圖的商人們的對話啦 來自皮爾托福的北商人 會透露VI還有一個姐OR妹 並且會將麗姍卓誤認為SAND WITCH 也就是之前被解程式抓出的新角色SETH MORELLO也預告了會有這個用沙的角色 另外南方的商人是遠古將Watcher推落至Howling Abyss的勇士其中之一 當時弗雷爾卓得的人都被Watcher轉化為冰族(像麗珊卓那樣),甚至連瓦羅蘭 都被佔領大家都遵循Watcher的發言者Seeker的命令,要建造什麼,要毀滅什麼, 即使征服了這2個大陸,冰族們仍沒有自由,Avarosa因此起而帶領大家推翻Watcher, 當戰火延至Howling Abyss時,冰族們踏過自己夥伴們的屍體和Watcher奮戰,但是用盡 方法就是殺不死Watcher,最後他們將Watcher丟到Howling Abyss,並決定留下一人看守 當時很多人自願犧牲,但是Avarosa相中了Gregor,親手結束Gregor的生命並將他的靈魂 禁錮在此地作為永恆的看守,只要Watcher回歸,Gregor便會吹響號角集結弗雷爾卓得的 所有人再次對抗共同的敵人。 (所以理論上阿瓦羅莎根本有機會永生,是不是真的消失了?還有瑟瑞妲到底是誰? 是否還活在弗雷爾卓得?? 還有這故事好像魔戒阿.. 只是丟的是怪物不是戒指..) 北邊的商人LYTE (Lead Designer of Social Systems) 寵物是機器人GEEVES (Lead Live Designer) When Ashe opens the shop 當艾希點開商店 You bear a striking resemblance to Avarosa! 你跟阿瓦羅莎有夠像 Welcome, Ashe, the next Queen of the Freljord! 歡迎 弗雷爾卓得的下任皇后 艾希 That bow of yours, a unique artifact. 妳的弓是獨一無二的工藝 When Blitzcrank opens the shop 當機器人點開商店 Would you like a job, Blitzcrank? I have an opening for an assistant. 你想要一份工作嗎 機器人? 我缺一位助理 Beep... Boop? Is that how you say it? 逼 撲? 你是這麼說的嗎? When Caitlyn opens the shop 當凱特林點開商店 I knew your mother, a brilliant scientist. 我認識你的母親,她是一位聰明的科學家。 Arrest that ghost for the violation of... the laws of nature! (edited) 逮捕那位違反常理的幽靈! <--指南方商人 I swear officer, I have a permit to dig here. 警察大大,我發誓我有權這這裡挖掘探勘 When Ezreal opens the shop 當EZ點開商店 When I was your age, Ezreal, I was already a professor. 當我再你這年紀時,我早就當教授了EZ Why don't you get a real job, Ezreal? Help me here at the digsite. 為啥你不找個正常的工作? 比方說在我這個挖掘點幫忙。 Study hard, and one day, you could be just like me. Hm, stuck in the cold with a useless robot. 認真唸書,你就會像我一樣。 痾 跟一個沒用的機器人一起被困在這鬼地方.. Is it true what I've heard of you and uhm, Ms. Crownguard? Hmm? (WHAT) 我聽到你跟Ms. Crownguard(拉克絲)的傳聞是真的嗎? (這啥八卦? 緋聞?? 蓋輪GG) When Heimerdinger opens the shop 當泡麵頭點開商店 Did the academy send you, Heimerdinger? 學會叫你來的嗎? Welcome, professor! Let's compare notes. 歡迎教授! 我們來比對一下筆記吧! Order, entropy. It's not a cycle at all. (這句很難翻阿) When Jayce opens the shop 當傑西走進商店時 Together we could make a transforming robot. (edited) 我們聯手的話一定可以做出變形金剛 I made a mercury hammer once, Jayce. It was much nicer. Bigger, too. 我曾經做過一個水銀槌,它看來更好 更大! When Lissandra opens the shop 當麗珊卓點開商店時 Are you the sand witch I've heard so much about? Hm, now I'm hungry. (edited) 你是我聽過的沙之女巫嗎? 痾,我好像餓了。 Can you turn off that ice, I'm cold enough as it is! 你可以關掉那些冰嗎.. 我超冷的.. You want to be queen as well? Eh, too many queens. 你也想當皇后? 痾,也太多皇后了吧.. When Orianna opens the shop 當球女點開商店 You look just like her. 妳跟她長得一模一樣 I knew your father, Orianna. Nice fellow. 我認識你爸,他是我老朋友。 When Sejuani opens the shop 當史瓦妮點開商店 You bear a striking resemblance to Serilda! 妳跟瑟瑞妲長的好像! Welcome, Sejuani! The next queen of Freljord! 歡迎史瓦妮! 下一位弗雷爾卓得的皇后! Does your boar like to eat robot? 妳的野豬喜歡吃機器人嗎.... When Vi opens the shop 當菲艾點開商店 You look like your sister, wait... I'm not supposed to talk about that. 妳長的好像你的姊(妹) 等等,我好像不該說這些。 You and Caitlyn get along, or not? It seems ambiguous. 妳跟凱特林到底關係是好是壞阿? 根本看不出來阿.. (傲嬌拍檔..) Vi, can you punch some sense into my robot? 你可以幫我揍好這台機器人嗎.. When Zilean opens the shop 當極靈點開商店 Nice beard, Zilean. But mine is bigger. 不錯的鬍子! 但是我的更大喔 南靈魂商人 So you want to hear the story of this place, of my glorious death? Stay awhile, listen. I might tell you that... and more. We were human once, and then the watchers came. They changed us. Forged us into weapons. Made us Iceborn. We served the Watchers willingly. The Seeker was their voice. He told us their desires: what to build and who to kill. We took Freljord, we took Valoran, everywhere we went, men trembled, and ice followed us. We forged a mighty empire, but it wasn't ours. So long as we served the Watchers. Avarosa united us. She showed us the freedom was worth dying for. So, we turned on the Watchers. We knew we were stronger than they were. They had given us too much power. This is where the final stand took place: this bridge. They held out for days. So many Iceborn died, but we kept on fighting. We climbed over the bodies of our fallen, pressed the attack. The Watchers still wouldn't die. In a mighty, final surge, we overran; we lifted them from the ground, we tossed them, howing into the abyss. That must have killed them. Nothing could survive that fall. We needed a guardian, in case the Watchers came back. We needed someone who couldn't be killed, someone who could never leave. Hundreds volunteered, but Avarosa chose me. I am Gregor, the eternal guardian of the Howling Abyss. Avarosa herself killed me. It was a great honor. She bound my spirit here, so I can sound the horn if the Watchers return. When Anivia opens the shop 當冰鳥點開商店 I welcome you, Cryophoenix. I remember your sacrifice. 歡迎你冰晶鳳凰。我記得妳的犧牲。 If the Watchers return, we will need you, Anivia. 若是Watchers回歸,我們會需要妳的。 When Ashe opens the shop 當艾希點開商店 You carry an Iceborn weapon, Ashe. Use it wisely. 妳手持冰族的武器,請謹慎使用它。 Is that Avarosa's bow? You know what happened to her? 那是阿瓦羅莎的弓嗎? 妳知道她後來怎麼了嗎? (理論上冰族化的人類應該是不死身,所以可以推測阿瓦羅莎可能還活著) You look so much like my queen. 妳長得好像我的皇后 When Olaf opens the shop 當歐拉夫點開商店 Not sure if this is your kind of store. 不確定這是不是你想要的店 Broooooooooooooooooooooo. (BRO!) Find your destiny in battle, Olaf. Battle brings out the ice in your blood, brother. 找到你在戰鬥中的使命! 戰爭會帶出你體內的冰族之血,兄弟。 When Gragas opens the shop 當酒桶點開商店 Got any graggy ice for me? Come on, just a drop. 有帶點古拉冰給我嗎? 拜託,只要一點。(就是想喝一杯就對了) A man of Iceborn girth. 一個擁有冰族傳統腰圍的男人。(都很愛喝吼) After you win the battle, let's talk brewing. It was a hobby of mine. 等你贏了這場,我們來談談釀酒吧。 那也是我的興趣之一。 When Lissandra opens the shop 當麗珊卓點開商店 Seeker? You still live? Seeker?(Watcher的發言人) 你還活著? Who do you speak for? The Watchers, or the Iceborn? Watcher和冰族妳到底站在哪邊? What happened to Avarosa? 阿瓦羅莎到底怎麼了? When Nami opens the shop 當娜米點開商店 Sorry I'm fresh out of moonstones. 抱歉..我不知道啥是月石。 (adding on: Moonstones are what Nami's race is looking for to survive. Originally, they traded Moonstones with the Lunari as a ritual that occurs once in a century, except Lunari all died and only Diana is the one who knows about the Moonstones) 反正月石的下落只有黛安娜知道,人魚一族需要找到石頭才活。 When Nunu opens the shop 當努努點開商店 Have you considered riding a boar? 你有想過騎野豬嗎? The yeti could be powerful allies if the Watchers return. 當Watcher回歸時雪怪可以作為強力的同盟 I tried to ride a yeti once, it uh, didn't work out too well. 我嘗試過騎雪怪,痾..下場不是很好.. When Sejuani opens the shop 當史瓦妮點開商店 You will find truth and death. 你將會發現死亡和真實 Lucky boar. 幸運的野豬 Iceborn blood is strong in you, Sejuani. 妳體內的冰族之血很強大 You look like Serilda! That woman knew how to fight. 妳長的很像瑟瑞妲! 她很懂怎麼作戰。 When Trundle opens the shop 當特朗得點開商店 Watch yourself, troll. I killed my share of your kind. 當心一點! (後面不太會翻) Egh, smells like something died here! 痾,有死人味.. Even the trolls have kings now? Hah! 現在連食人妖都有國王了.. When Tryndamere opens the shop 當蠻王點開商店 Rage unlocks the power in your blood, Tryndamere. 憤怒解放你的潛能! Such anger, can you control it? 你能控制這份怒氣嗎? You understand the bloodcries. 你懂得血的呼喊! When Udyr opens the shop 當烏迪爾點開商店 Welcome, honored chairman. 歡迎你,榮譽主席。(啥主席阿XD) You still follow the ancient ways. May your spirits guide you. 你仍遵循古法。願你的靈魂指引你。 When Volibear opens the shop 當弗利貝爾點開商店 The ursines have always been our allies. Ursines永遠是我們的同盟 Visions are only warnings, you can save Freljord. 你預見的指是警告,你可以拯救弗雷爾卓得的。 If I sound the horn, will the Ursines answer the call? 如果我吹響號角(意指Watchers回歸) 你的族人會回應我嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 16:35)

04/14 16:34, , 1F
04/14 16:34, 1F

04/14 16:35, , 2F
哇靠 這個猛
04/14 16:35, 2F

04/14 16:35, , 3F
誤認為 三明治 (誤
04/14 16:35, 3F
那只是暫定的發音 甚至不算名子 當初ZYRA也是有被改過 總之有計畫做SAND WITCH的樣子 紅帖我還要翻才知道在哪.. ※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 16:37)

04/14 16:37, , 4F
04/14 16:37, 4F

04/14 16:41, , 5F
04/14 16:41, 5F

04/14 16:43, , 6F
推 !!
04/14 16:43, 6F

04/14 16:43, , 7F
04/14 16:43, 7F

04/14 16:44, , 8F
SAND WITCH直接翻應該是沙之女巫吧O_O?
04/14 16:44, 8F

04/14 16:45, , 9F
04/14 16:45, 9F

04/14 16:46, , 10F
04/14 16:46, 10F

04/14 16:47, , 11F
04/14 16:47, 11F

04/14 16:49, , 12F
04/14 16:49, 12F

04/14 16:49, , 13F
吃了惡魔果實的 前七武海 用沙
04/14 16:49, 13F

04/14 16:49, , 14F
GW2/diablo/zelda etc.
04/14 16:49, 14F

04/14 17:04, , 15F
04/14 17:04, 15F

04/14 17:05, , 16F
04/14 17:05, 16F

04/14 17:06, , 17F
04/14 17:06, 17F

04/14 17:06, , 18F
04/14 17:06, 18F

04/14 17:06, , 19F
04/14 17:06, 19F

04/14 17:10, , 20F
04/14 17:10, 20F

04/14 17:20, , 21F
04/14 17:20, 21F

04/14 17:22, , 22F
新地圖有時候FPS會暴跌 整個不能動 還有隱形塔
04/14 17:22, 22F

04/14 17:31, , 23F
蝦米 還有我愛羅....
04/14 17:31, 23F

04/14 17:42, , 24F
04/14 17:42, 24F

04/14 18:05, , 25F
04/14 18:05, 25F

04/14 18:08, , 26F
04/14 18:08, 26F

04/14 18:13, , 27F
04/14 18:13, 27F

04/14 18:45, , 28F
04/14 18:45, 28F
※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 19:32)

04/14 19:06, , 29F
04/14 19:06, 29F

04/14 19:34, , 30F
拉克絲的頭銜就是 Crownguard 皇家護衛
04/14 19:34, 30F

04/14 19:35, , 31F
04/14 19:35, 31F

04/14 19:37, , 32F
熊熊看錯.. 我改一下
04/14 19:37, 32F
※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 19:37) ※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 19:38)

04/14 19:41, , 33F
04/14 19:41, 33F

04/14 19:47, , 34F
我在想 Entropy 是不是拿來修飾 Order
04/14 19:47, 34F

04/14 19:49, , 35F
我孤狗了一下, 在lolwiki上, 漢默丁格的台詞被記載為
04/14 19:49, 35F

04/14 19:49, , 36F
04/14 19:49, 36F

04/14 19:49, , 37F
"Order, entropy; A never ending cycle."
04/14 19:49, 37F

04/14 19:50, , 38F
Entropy也可以當作"熵", 我想這句話有兩層意義
04/14 19:50, 38F

04/14 19:50, , 39F
04/14 19:50, 39F

04/14 19:51, , 40F
提出"熵根本不是無限循環" 來打臉 (不過正確與否我就
04/14 19:51, 40F

04/14 19:51, , 41F
不清楚了); 我想老闆這句台詞應該源自於此吧
04/14 19:51, 41F

04/14 19:52, , 42F
我是把那句拆成 A, 用名詞修飾A, B 那種結構來理解啦
04/14 19:52, 42F

04/14 19:53, , 43F
04/14 19:53, 43F

04/14 19:55, , 44F
04/14 19:55, 44F

04/14 19:56, , 45F
04/14 19:56, 45F

04/14 19:56, , 46F
臉說不是無限循環 然後下面很多人同意
04/14 19:56, 46F
※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 20:40) ※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/14 21:24)

04/14 21:14, , 47F
04/14 21:14, 47F
※ 編輯: s963870 來自: (04/15 04:58)

04/15 17:42, , 48F
Serilda 由兩方商人都表示史瓦妮很像她來看, 應該是
04/15 17:42, 48F

04/15 17:43, , 49F
史瓦妮的母親. 但是她在一次太急的襲擊中戰死
04/15 17:43, 49F

04/15 17:43, , 50F
這部分可以參考小弟翻譯的 #1HN2xCTg
04/15 17:43, 50F

05/04 12:12, , 51F
05/04 12:12, 51F

05/04 12:13, , 52F
分享一下 為什麼能這樣翻譯XD?
05/04 12:13, 52F

05/04 14:36, , 53F
05/04 14:36, 53F

05/04 14:37, , 54F
05/04 14:37, 54F

05/07 01:57, , 55F
05/07 01:57, 55F
文章代碼(AID): #1HQcd3ea (LoL)