Re: [情報] Salce 問答集 part 1

看板LoL作者 (.人.)時間12年前 (2011/12/08 02:53), 編輯推噓20(20018)
留言38則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
只翻譯了一些跟遊戲比較有關的問題 有錯請指正 感謝 Best Mid Champs to gain ELO and why? 最好提高你elo的中路英雄 Some of the best champs to win mid with at the moment to gain elo would probably have to be Sion, Xerath, Brand,Ryze , and Kassadin. Also probably Karthus as well. All of these champs have the potential to destroy mid lane and carry the advantage elsewhere into strong ganks, and strong team fights. Also as for Sion + Kass who lack in team fights they can gank very effectively. 賽恩 齊勒斯 布蘭德 雷玆 卡薩丁 喔或許死歌也是好選擇 因為他們壓線容易壓贏 容易gank別路 會戰強 雖然賽恩跟卡薩丁會戰比較沒這麼厲害 但是gank超牛 What are your opinions on Rumble and Orianna? 你認為球女跟rumble怎麼樣 Orianna is lacking i used to play her or attempt after her nerfs. I had some great games and was confident that i could use her competitively but now my opinion has changed. I learned one bad positioning on q, can really make or break a fight too much. What made her strong was being able to poke and insta-gib squishy champs while not being close enough to die... Which has now changed and poking in most cases puts her at risk of getting caught. I feel like she is strong but she is definitely lacking and I would feel more confident in other ap champions to do the job. I feel like I would much rather pick Xerath at this point then Oriana. 以前的球女poke強而且有機會秒殺軟皮角 現在poke往往帶來很大的危險(nerf Q的距離) 雖然他還是很強 但我寧願選齊勒斯(距離更遠 更安全) As for Rumble i think he is very good. He is an incredibly strong top lane and his ult can work wonders in initiating team fights. As for viability I'm still not too sure about Rumble. I have not seen any good competitive Rumble players really make a difference to be noteworthy, so my opinion on Rumble is FUN but unsure on viability. He also is a great pub stomper because too many people underestimate his danger zone and damage. 我覺得Rumble超棒 上路壓線強 大絕又好開戰 可是我沒看過任何值得我注意的Rumble so...總結來說Rumble很有趣 但我不確定他的可行性 (ps 注意他danger zone的傷害) What's your thoughts on Kennen? Also could you include your suggested core build, runes and masteries. I really enjoy him but I have a hard time setting him up (currently I use Revolver, Deathcap and Rylais) My thoughts on Kennen is that he is a very very strong laner and has about 2-3 things that can actually beat him. He is incredibly ultimate dependent and he is really hard to gank, has lane killing potential, and he has fun mechanics. As for runes I would use what I always use magic pen reds, energy regen per level yellows, flat magic resistance blue, and 2 hp quints / 1 magic pen quint. Masteries seem standard for 95% of ap's which is 21-0-9. Item build often boots>will>mercs/sorc>deathcap unless they have too much knockback then an hourglass is needed first. Then finish dcap / hourglass. Then a voidstaff if they have magic resistance. Then you can build a rylais, abyssal, or even a lichbane. 凱南Rune:紅魔穿 黃回覆能量成長 藍固定魔防 兩顆紫HP和一顆紫魔穿 天賦:21/0/9 跟大部分AP一樣 裝備:鞋子>吸血書>魔防鞋或魔穿鞋>帽子(沙漏) 如果他們傷害夠高的話要先出沙漏 >沙漏(帽子)>如果對面有魔防出魔穿杖>冰杖>深淵權杖>超有錢>巫妖之禍!! Why don't people play vlad? 為什麼大家都不玩吸血鬼 People still think Vlad is really bad but I actually think he is a lot better with new masteries. Maybe people will learn eventually that he is a bit better than people think. His lane sustain is great and an early death cap with masteries, runes, and passive make him very scary about 20 minutes in the game if you can manage to get that. 大家覺得吸血鬼SUCK 但其實我認為在新天賦下吸血鬼變強不少 賴線能力強 早早出帽子搭配天賦 符文 被動讓他在20MIN左右的時候非常強勢 Who are the top 3 AP mid laners you have ever had to lane against? 列出你遇過前三名的AP玩家 Regi and sometimes Jiji is all I can recall to be honest I just thought for a long time and can't recall anyone else to list. Reginaid 以及狀況好的bigfatjiji 我想了很久再也想不到其他人了 AP Carry masteries? Why do some people still go utility? why do some go 21-9-0 or 21-0-9? And what do you prefer? AP Carry的天賦?21/9/0還是21/0/9? Seems standard that 21-9-0 for non-mana champs and 21-0-9 for mana champs. So much AP scaling and more useful masteries for AP carries than utility. Utility is definitely the support tree and there aren't enough things in utility to want me to sacrifice the AP bonuses for. Although there are exceptions not all AP champions are 21-0-9 one exception being Ryze and maybe others mastery fizz differently I actually am not too sure, but there are some exceptions. 21/9/0給非魔力角 21/0/9給魔力角 不過總是有些例外 像是Ryze或Fizz If you had to start over, not knowing ANYONE in the league, haven't played a single game of ranked, but you still had the knowledge of the game: How would you go about reaching the top? 如果你不認識任何人而且從沒玩過rank game 但你仍然擁有你對遊戲的知識和技術 你會如何打上top Take solo lane top or mid, crush it and take my advantage of being very strong and farmed into team fights and lanes. 單中或單上 壓爆你對線的 不停的farm win the lane ,win the game! When did you realize you had improved your game play and in what area did you improve the most in? 你從哪些地方進步了 I realized that I had improved my game play when I started to play different roles and learn some of the champions capabilities and also a very big one is smart casting. Adapting to smart casting was a big improvement. 智慧施法超棒 What do you think is the hardest AP to counter if you were to play against them? + Reasons 對到哪些AP角你會超幹 Probably Kassadin and Zilean for me. Most ap champs have a difficult time with them in lane. Zilean is hard to kill with his ult and speed. Then Kassadin has rift walk, passive, and hits hard even with a build like tear / catalyst and only sorc treads. 卡薩丁或時鐘老 大部分AP角對到他們壓線都不有利 時鐘老超難殺又會加速減速 卡薩丁大絕 被動都超討厭 更可怕的是即使只出賴線裝(眼淚或催化神石)+魔穿鞋 輸出還是很痛 Also do you think Malphite is/will ever be worth a damn in competitive play? 你認為Malphite石頭人怎麼樣 He could be used against AD heavy teams but that seems like the only place he will fit. 對抗高AD輸出隊伍不錯 也只能對抗高AD輸出隊伍 -- 如果將字母 A 到 Z 分別編上 1 到 26 的分數,(A=1,B=2...,Z=26) 你的知識(KNOWLEDGE)得到 96 分(11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96) 你的努力(HARDWORK)也只得到 98 分(8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98) 但是如果你(OGC OGC OGC OGC) OGC4次的話 就可以得到100分呢 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/08 02:53, , 1F
WOW 棒棒
12/08 02:53, 1F

12/08 03:05, , 2F
12/08 03:05, 2F

12/08 03:10, , 3F
12/08 03:10, 3F

12/08 03:10, , 4F
12/08 03:10, 4F

12/08 03:10, , 5F
12/08 03:10, 5F

12/08 03:14, , 6F
ap玩家 他還漏掉了壽司呀....
12/08 03:14, 6F

12/08 03:15, , 7F
12/08 03:15, 7F

12/08 03:16, , 8F
12/08 03:16, 8F

12/08 03:16, , 9F
12/08 03:16, 9F

12/08 03:23, , 10F
DH應該有遇過喔..不過可能沒跟他對線 印象中蘇雪走上
12/08 03:23, 10F

12/08 03:24, , 11F
不過就算有可能也忘了XD 太久了
12/08 03:24, 11F

12/08 03:53, , 12F
12/08 03:53, 12F

12/08 03:59, , 13F
12/08 03:59, 13F

12/08 04:19, , 14F
EG大比賽打不太進去 跟Fnatic交手機會少
12/08 04:19, 14F

12/08 04:19, , 15F
12/08 04:19, 15F

12/08 04:24, , 16F
EG ADC西米跟DYRUS都只會玩幾隻.他們都是強上路.
12/08 04:24, 16F

12/08 04:25, , 17F
12/08 04:25, 17F

12/08 04:25, , 18F
12/08 04:25, 18F

12/08 04:49, , 19F
12/08 04:49, 19F

12/08 05:15, , 20F
12/08 05:15, 20F

12/08 05:15, , 21F
12/08 05:15, 21F

12/08 05:15, , 22F
12/08 05:15, 22F

12/08 05:33, , 23F
12/08 05:33, 23F

12/08 06:32, , 24F
12/08 06:32, 24F

12/08 07:24, , 25F
有人問他排球打得如何嗎? (誤
12/08 07:24, 25F

12/08 07:58, , 26F
應該要問他 不是誰比較強 要問他跟hsgg 誰比較帥
12/08 07:58, 26F

12/08 09:14, , 27F
12/08 09:14, 27F

12/08 09:14, , 28F
12/08 09:14, 28F

12/08 09:23, , 29F
12/08 09:23, 29F

12/08 10:35, , 30F
玩了500場 永遠都只有我玩藍寶...沒遇過其他的...
12/08 10:35, 30F

12/08 10:35, , 31F
有時候選藍寶還會被定義是爛角= =
12/08 10:35, 31F

12/08 10:50, , 32F
然後之前JIJI的問答是Salce太保守 Regi太侵略 xD
12/08 10:50, 32F

12/08 10:59, , 33F
12/08 10:59, 33F

12/08 11:01, , 34F
EG好像相對CLG跟TSM而言 比較少打到歐洲的
12/08 11:01, 34F

12/08 11:57, , 35F
12/08 11:57, 35F

12/08 12:48, , 36F
12/08 12:48, 36F

12/08 12:48, , 37F
12/08 12:48, 37F

12/08 13:09, , 38F
進退時間是重點吧 很多人噴火就無腦向前 給人殺
12/08 13:09, 38F
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