[情報] A New Champion Approaches: Xin Zhao

看板LoL作者 (御夢)時間14年前 (2010/07/09 10:33), 編輯推噓-10(526230)
留言144則, 45人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=158433 Whenever Jarvan III, the king of Demacia, delivers one of his rallying speeches from the glinting marble balcony atop the Royal Palace, Xin Zhao is at his side. Coined the Seneschal of Demacia, Xin Zhao is the personal steward of the Lightshield Dynasty. His enigmatic, silent vigil has led to an abundance of conjecture concerning his “secret life” and origins. Whether it ’s “Zaun double-agent” tendered at the dinner table or “indebted rune mage ” mused in the editorials of the Demacian Constant, Xin Zhao betrays no hints to sate the curiosity of the masses…for good reason. Prior to the formation of the League, Noxus was renowned for a spectacle called The Fleshing. It was a gladiatorial event with a cruel twist: as a fighter won matches, his number of opponents (generally prisoners of war) fought simultaneously would increase. This meant eventual death for every contender, but with unparalleled glory. Xin Zhao, known then as Viscero, was slated to face 300 soldiers, nearly six times the previous record. This was clearly meant to be his final match. Jarvan II, hearing of this unprecedented feat, infiltrated the arena to offer him an alternative: serve Demacia and punish those who ultimately sentenced him to death in exchange for his freedom. Xin Zhao accepted, astonished that a king would risk his own life on his behalf. Under the cover of a prearranged Demacian assault on Noxus, Jarvan liberated Xin Zhao and his 300 opponents. During their retreat, Xin Zhao took a poisoned dart meant for Jarvan. This act of loyalty, from a man who vowed no allegiance, earned Xin Zhao a spot at his side until the day the king died. Now in the service of his son, Jarvan III, Xin Zhao is stepping into a new ring – the Fields of Justice – to fight for his adopted country and to honor the legacy of the man who gave purpose to his life. “Death is inevitable; one can only avoid defeat.” Demacian Manual of Arms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 背景大意: 在傳奇聯盟競賽開始舉辦之前,Noxus就有一種殘酷的競技,當鬥士比賽獲勝之後, 對手數量就會翻倍,因此鬥士最終都會面臨死亡的命運。然而Xin Zhao締造了一個新紀錄 他即將面對300個對手,而這空前的事蹟讓Demacia的國王震驚,因此派人滲透進去提供了 一個提議,要Xin Zhao為Demacia而戰,與那個使Xin Zhao陷入死亡境地的國家Noxus抗爭 做為交換的則是Xin Zhao的自由。Xin Zhao欣然同意了,他想不到竟然會有一國之君會冒 了生命危險來救他們這些競技鬥士。隨著Demacia奇襲了Noxus,成功解放了Xin Zhao和 他的那300個對手,而在撤退時,Xin Zhao為Demacia的國王擋下了毒鏢(該不會是KAT丟 的吧XD),這行為被認為是一個堅貞不二的表現。到了今天Xin Zhao仍在輔佐Demacia的 前國王之子,現任的國王Jarvan,三世。並投身到傳奇聯盟中,為了這個接受的它的國家 而戰,並榮耀那個給予他生命意義的人。 Abilities: Three Talon Strike: Xin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage, with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air. Xin Zhao的下三個普通攻擊,傷害增加並在第三下攻擊的時候,將對手擊飛到空中。 Battle Cry: Xin Zhao passively increases his attack speed and can activate this ability to further increase attack speed and lower his ability cooldowns with each attack. 被動地增加攻擊速度,主動使用時增加功速並起讓每次攻擊降地技能CD Audacious Charge: Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing damage and slowing it and all other enemies in the area. Audacious Charge increases Xin'Zhao's armor temporarily and lowers the cooldowns of all of his abilities. 衝鋒敵人,對範圍內的敵人造成傷害和緩速,並且短暫增加防禦和降低全部技能CD Crescent Sweep (Ultimate): Xin Zhao fiercely sweeps his spear around him, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on their current health. 大絕:以長槍週身旋轉,對敵人造成傷害,傷害量依據敵人目前血量。 Tireless Warrior (Passive): Xin Zhao is healed for every 3 attacks that he lands. This amount increases every 2 levels. 被動:每三下擊中敵人的攻擊,將會使Xin Zhao補血 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Alleyn 來自: (07/09 10:33) ※ 編輯: Alleyn 來自: (07/09 10:34)

07/09 10:35, , 1F
故事擺明說他事無雙啊= =
07/09 10:35, 1F

07/09 10:36, , 2F
07/09 10:36, 2F

07/09 10:37, , 3F
07/09 10:37, 3F

07/09 10:37, , 4F
攻速堆到2.5 1秒多一點就打飛一次 比blitz還誇張 囧
07/09 10:37, 4F

07/09 10:37, , 5F
07/09 10:37, 5F

07/09 10:38, , 6F
看錯 以為是passive 請無視我
07/09 10:38, 6F

07/09 10:39, , 7F
他三招neta感都好重 XD
07/09 10:39, 7F

07/09 10:39, , 8F
07/09 10:39, 8F

07/09 10:40, , 9F
07/09 10:40, 9F

07/09 10:40, , 10F
我要女乳神 (敲碗
07/09 10:40, 10F

07/09 10:41, , 11F
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07/09 10:45, , 12F
Yi Cho, King of tank
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07/09 10:48, , 13F
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07/09 10:48, , 14F
07/09 10:48, 14F

07/09 10:48, , 15F
Zeu Ma, the girl of Magic
07/09 10:48, 15F

07/09 10:49, , 16F
打贏對手 敵人數量翻倍 想知道300怎麼解?256接下來就
07/09 10:49, 16F

07/09 10:49, , 17F
512了 抱歉 我認真了
07/09 10:49, 17F

07/09 10:51, , 18F
07/09 10:51, 18F

07/09 10:51, , 19F
07/09 10:51, 19F

07/09 10:52, , 20F
07/09 10:52, 20F

07/09 10:53, , 21F
07/09 10:53, 21F

07/09 11:00, , 22F
那應該是被動 打中敵人取走百分比的金錢
07/09 11:00, 22F

07/09 11:00, , 23F
07/09 11:00, 23F

07/09 11:03, , 24F
07/09 11:03, 24F

07/09 11:04, , 25F
對抗Xin Zhao:被打兩下就跑
07/09 11:04, 25F

07/09 11:15, , 26F
07/09 11:15, 26F

07/09 11:18, , 27F
07/09 11:18, 27F

07/09 11:19, , 28F
感覺沒有原本的英雄強 應該說是會平衡吧
07/09 11:19, 28F

07/09 11:20, , 29F
各位 開始存六千塊囉(∩_∩)
07/09 11:20, 29F

07/09 11:27, , 30F
老闆~Kog Mow可以退錢嗎? [求售]Kog 半價~~ OQ
07/09 11:27, 30F

07/09 11:29, , 31F
07/09 11:29, 31F

07/09 11:32, , 32F
第一招:打人會擴散 第二招:把人推去撞牆 附帶暈
07/09 11:32, 32F

07/09 11:32, , 33F
第三招忘了 第四招:增加攻速
07/09 11:32, 33F

07/09 11:35, , 34F
07/09 11:35, 34F

07/09 11:35, , 35F
07/09 11:35, 35F

07/09 12:03, , 36F
Yao Yao,The Goddess of Otaku
07/09 12:03, 36F

07/09 12:21, , 37F
趙雲跟姜維的合體無雙武將 >Q<
07/09 12:21, 37F

07/09 12:46, , 38F
挑飛人我聯想到FF13...-.-" 最近玩多了...
07/09 12:46, 38F

07/09 13:03, , 39F
07/09 13:03, 39F
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