[情報] 官方論壇:Role of champions, and wha …

看板LoL作者 (拉普拉斯之魔)時間14年前 (2010/05/27 10:40), 編輯推噓-96(5214891)
留言291則, 38人參與, 最新討論串1/1
雖然板上大部分的人都不需要這東西 不過我覺得這對新手來說還蠻重要的 這東西追究他的細分方向會沒完沒了 看個大概讓心裡有個底就好 This list is made for people who are already playing draft mode inhouses, but are sometimes confused on what heros counter what heros. This list is intended to help players learn how to play as a strong unit, and adjust from having a "carry solo Q" mentality. *Note that some heros are mentioned under a few different roles* MAIN TANKS Offensive-Tanks: Amumu, Malphite, Shen, Blitzcrank Defensive-Tanks: Alistar, Gragas Anti-Caster Tanks: Cho'Goth OFF-TANKS AoE Off Tanks: Nassus, Rammus, Mordekaiser, Cho'goth Single Target Off Tanks: Poppy, Singed, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Blitzcrank, Taric CASTERS Inital Area of Effect Casters: Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Pantheon, Katarina, Ryze, Gangplank, Annie, Ezreal Secondary Area of Effect Casters: Twitch, Katarina, Morgana, Karthus, Anivia, Annie, Corki, Kennen Anti-Caster Specialists: Veigar, Kassadin RANGED DPS Power-Carries: Ashe, Trist Circumstantial Carries: Corki, Twitch, Twisted Fate Scouts/Laning Phase Specialists: Teemo, Niadlee, Twisted Fate MELEE DPS Intial DPS: Jax, Tryndamere, Garen, Master Yi, Warwick, Udyr, Secondary DPS (clean-up): Gangplank, Akali, Garen, Shaco, Nidalee, Katarina, Evelynn Laning Phase Gankers: Evelynn, Shaco SUPPORT HEROS Supporters of Physical Dps: Ezrael, Sivir, Kayle, Janna, Zilean, Morgana, Taric Supporters of Casters: Morgana, Kayle, Zilean, Soraka Pure Healer Support: Soraka Early Baron Heros: Mundo, Poppy, Nassus, Amumu, Warwick, Sivir, Janna, Ezrael Strong Jungle Heros: Warwick, Udyr, Maphite,Rammus, Amumu, Shaco, Master Yi, Main Tanks- In a team fight, these are the guys that will lead the entire group. All players should position themselves so that they can use their ultimates at a moments notice to help the tanks. Offensive tanks are the ideal "pack leaders". Defensive tanks are more useful when trying to counter the other champions while protecting allied champions. An example of this would be Alistar headbutting a fiddlesticks away. Anti Caster tanks specialize in shutting down heavy caster teams, while still being able to lead a group. Off-Tanks: Off-tanks are not quite the pack leader, but they support the main tanks. They usually lack the CC needed to aid allies. However, they bring powerful dps to a team fight, and are not afraid to take damage like the squishies of the team. These tanks help position allied squishies, because they are able to stand inbetween enemy heros and allied heros. Casters: Casters are a main source of aoe damage. Inital AOE casters take priority in intiating a fight, after a tank has aquired a target. They are to co-op with the tank in order to deal massive amounts of aoe damage. An example would be as fiddle begins to ult, a main tank will see this and then begin his CCing, such as an amumu ult or a shen taunt. Secondary AOE casters usually come in after the initial AOE casters. They have valuable damage, but are best used after the intial AOE casters make their move. An example of this would be Kennen. Because his AoE damage is a tiny bit weaker than a fiddles ult, and he is weak to CC, he should go in after intial AOE. Secondary aoe somtimes prove secondary stuns as well, such as a kennen or morgana ministun. Ranged DPS: These guys are basiclly auto attackers. While some offer valuable CC, most of them revolve around bursting down targets one by one. Power Carries tend to have the strongest auto attacks, while others offer circumstantial power, such as secondary aoe damage, or scouting abilities. Melee Dps: The intial dps are the ones who can go in first. Usually they are able to survive longer than other melee dps. For example, tryndamere can ult mid battle, and yi can cast meditate if he gets in trouble. Secondary Melee DPS, usually fall too fast to be a front line dps, so they are usually assigned to "clean-up"duty. Evelynn and Shaco are what i call laning phase gankers, because they rely on ganking during the laning phase, before team fights begin. Support: These champions are pretty hard to define, because they have roles that vary so greatly. However, they should be in the "middle" of the group, so they can support whoever needs it most, be it tank or an ashe in the back of the group. I listed Junglers under support because they give the team the advantage of having two solo lanes. I listed Early baron under support, because they help to make baron a possibility before level 10. -- ╭─────────────────╮ │ An unknown error has occurred │ │ ┌──────┐ ┌────┐ │ │ │Show Details│ │ Close │ │ │ └──────┘ └────┘ │ └─────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 10:42, , 1F
05/27 10:42, 1F

05/27 10:58, , 2F
05/27 10:58, 2F

05/27 11:06, , 3F
05/27 11:06, 3F

05/27 11:15, , 4F
Pantheon被分在Inital Area of Effect Casters!? XD
05/27 11:15, 4F

05/27 11:25, , 5F
05/27 11:25, 5F

05/27 11:31, , 6F
05/27 11:31, 6F

05/27 11:34, , 7F
簽名檔XD 原來initial是只在坦克後第二個攻擊的我一
05/27 11:34, 7F

05/27 11:34, , 8F
直以為是第一個攻擊 害我想說Ez這麼薄要怎麼initial
05/27 11:34, 8F

05/27 11:35, , 9F
ashe與其說是DPS, 不如說是牽制、騷擾、輔助
05/27 11:35, 9F

05/27 11:36, , 10F
05/27 11:36, 10F

05/27 11:38, , 11F
05/27 11:38, 11F

05/27 11:50, , 12F
原來ashe R起手沒有爆發力? 0.0
05/27 11:50, 12F

05/27 12:16, , 13F
05/27 12:16, 13F

05/27 12:25, , 14F
05/27 12:25, 14F

05/27 12:26, , 15F
樓下sigma ^_^
05/27 12:26, 15F

05/27 12:51, , 16F
05/27 12:51, 16F

05/27 12:56, , 17F
05/27 12:56, 17F

05/27 12:57, , 18F
Ashe 打人根本不痛 說是控場角還差不多
05/27 12:57, 18F

05/27 12:58, , 19F
ashe的R通常是暈來給隊友殺的 :P
05/27 12:58, 19F

05/27 13:01, , 20F
對阿 偽DPS
05/27 13:01, 20F

05/27 13:02, , 21F
ashe is fine
05/27 13:02, 21F

05/27 13:03, , 22F
ashe打人不痛?樓上都是遇到noob ashe嗎
05/27 13:03, 22F

05/27 13:04, , 23F
05/27 13:04, 23F

05/27 13:07, , 24F
這是對手noob吧 .
05/27 13:07, 24F

05/27 13:28, , 25F
自己玩法有問題 還嫌ashe打人不痛 你要不要檢查檢查?
05/27 13:28, 25F

05/27 13:29, , 26F
05/27 13:29, 26F

05/27 13:30, , 27F
05/27 13:30, 27F

05/27 13:30, , 28F
哪個角色肥起來打人不痛 XD
05/27 13:30, 28F

05/27 13:34, , 29F
soraka吧 我想
05/27 13:34, 29F

05/27 13:35, , 30F
我看過IE + 冰錘的Soraka
05/27 13:35, 30F

05/27 13:45, , 31F
05/27 13:45, 31F

05/27 13:45, , 32F
ashe其實真的很痛 還沒貼上去之前就被他先手好幾箭
05/27 13:45, 32F

05/27 14:04, , 33F
Tris、wick、Teemo、Yi、Jax...... 跟這些比起來,
05/27 14:04, 33F

05/27 14:04, , 34F
05/27 14:04, 34F

05/27 14:04, , 35F
05/27 14:04, 35F

05/27 14:06, , 36F
強跟傷害高是不同的,進一步說,Ashe比Jax強嗎 ?
05/27 14:06, 36F

05/27 14:07, , 37F
岳飛打張飛 打個屁洨
05/27 14:07, 37F

05/27 14:07, , 38F
比warwick強嗎? 比Twisted Fate強嗎? 比Alistar強嗎?
05/27 14:07, 38F

05/27 14:08, , 39F
05/27 14:08, 39F
還有 212 則推文
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09/10 16:10, , 277F
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09/10 16:24, , 286F
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09/10 16:25, , 287F
09/10 16:25, 287F

09/27 09:51, , 288F
09/27 09:51, 288F

09/27 09:51, , 289F
09/27 09:51, 289F

03/18 02:43, , 290F
真的不懂在噓啥= =
03/18 02:43, 290F

04/27 09:51, , 291F
04/27 09:51, 291F
文章代碼(AID): #1B_TkuFj (LoL)