[閒聊] 好文 - What next? We move on!

看板Liverpool作者 (王者 http://ppt.cc/veL1)時間12年前 (2012/05/19 22:55), 編輯推噓55(55040)
留言95則, 36人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文來自EOTK http://bit.ly/JZHE9W 前言: 在最近眾多保國王派與倒國王派的聲浪交雜中 大家似乎都變的有點不理智了 當然 這也包括我 (我是堅決反對開除KD的) 然而我發現這篇文章提供了我一些利物浦未來的方向 =================================分隔線===================================== What next? We move on! by: Tonio Bone Those that thought Kenny’s removal as manager was not a possibility must be living in another universe. FSG started ‘cracking the whip’ (as I have a habit of writing) as the season came to a close rather progressively and aggressively. Comolli, Bruckner, Cotton and now Dalglish have all been unceremoniously removed which means that the ownership is looking at a new chapter and which also translates to the owners not having been entirely convinced that ‘the project’ was going to work. In my view, the outcome was written on the wall for some weeks: expect Steve Clarke and Kevin Keen to be shown the door as well once the new manager is announced, and do NOT be surprised to see Jamie Carragher joining the coaching staff (depending on who is appointed). 那些認為國王不可能被炒的人明顯和我們活在不同的世界。FSG在賽季快結束時就開始 大刀闊斧的把相關人員清洗出去了。Comolli, Bruckner, Cotton, 最後是國王,一個 接一個不光彩的離去。這表明我們老闆要從頭再來,也間接的暗示上述四人的合作計畫 沒有真真正正的說服老闆。在我看來,這樣的結果在數星期前已經很明顯了,而像Steve Clarke 和 Kevin Keen之流在新任主帥確定之後也很可能會被逼走人。在新的執教團隊 中,很有可能會看到副隊長的身影,擔任甚麼工作端看主帥是谁。 It is very unwise to slag off the owners for having come to this decision. These people want the best for the Club because they also want to protect their investment, and possibly enhance it. Lest we forget that these people saved us from possible administration and more importantly from being mocked by the media and rival clubs. They probably came to the conclusion that Comolli brought in players with Kenny’s consensus and that the general overhaul did not bear the desired fruit. I had written on many occasions that the target was Champions League football and I have a gut feeling that even though this target was not achieved by a long margin, winning the FA Cup final might have saved Kenny his job. Perhaps it was not meant to be. Kenny managed to uplift everyone emotionally, fans included, but he arguably did not succeed in giving the team the necessary technical and tactical impetus that would have translated in achieving consistency, which was without a shadow of a doubt the teams main issue this past season! The Reds alternated scintillating performances with outrageous ‘no-shows’ from one game to another, culminating in a final 8th League position. My take is that losing the FA Cup Final and especially not landing a Champions League berth translated into the owners opting to clean the slate and go for a fresh start. 而那些砲轟老闆做出開除國王這個決定的,是很不理智的。FSG當然是想要利物浦好,因 為利物浦是他們投資的,不能增值也至少要回本。別忘了當初是FSG把我們從接管邊緣救 了回來,免得媒體和對頭又有更多的笑話可看。老闆們的結論是:由Comolli出面洽談,引 進國王想要的球員,這樣的補強工作並沒有把我們的漏洞補齊。我之前曾強調過很多次, 這個賽季的目標是進軍歐冠,然而有個不詳的預感,那就是就算我們離歐冠差了十萬八千 里,足總杯冠軍搞不好能保住國王的飯碗。國王的確把每個人的心都團結起來了,包括球 迷,但他卻沒有把球隊的戰術和技術層面顧好,以致我們這賽季如此的不穩定。有時候光 芒閃耀,大殺四方。有時候碌碌無為,頻頻和門柱交朋友,導致最後排在第八名。正是第 八名的尷尬排名,以及輸掉了足總杯,使得老闆們認為該是時候重新再來了。 Many seem to be terrified of what is to come, but I am not that pessimistic. Kenny will still be around and he will remain part of whatever happens at LFC. Now the Reds will have a new manager, and whether it will be AVB, Martinez, Rodgers, Capello, O’Neill, Klopp or some other candidate (including Benitez), the fans’ desire, unlike in the case of Kenny’s appointment, will have absolutely no bearing on it. What the fans will need to do is, unlike in the case of Roy Hodgson, give the new manager time to stamp his blueprint on the team and give him their unconditional backing and support. Let’s face it, if we are perfectly honest with ourselves, the team gave some disgraceful performances under Roy, but they gave us some embarrassing performances under Kenny as well. We adore if not worship Kenny, so many negative aspects were forgiven and we closed an eye if not both on many an occasion. 很多人好像都不知道該如何面對未來,但我不至於那麼悲觀。國王一直都會留在我們心裡 ,不管之後發生甚麼事。而現在我們將迎來新任主帥,而這位主帥,不管是AVB,Martinez ,Rodgers,Capello,O'Neill,Klopp或者是Benitez,球迷們都不會有太多的容忍。球迷 們真正該做的,是給新任主帥時間以及無條件的支持,好讓他建立起他個人風格的球隊。 坦白說,雖然在Hodgson期間我們的戰績慘不忍睹,但在國王執教下也有非常糟糕的時候。 要不是因為他是國王,我們怎麼會睜一隻眼閉一隻眼呢? Now I am eager to see who is going to be the next Gaffer! Personally, and forgive me if I am not of anyone’s opinion, I’d prefer a Brendan Rodgers to a Capello. Word of warning: what Klopp did at Dortmund and what Guardiola did at Barcelona are NOT that easily transferable. So those that might foolishly think that bringing in a manager would see the Reds playing the same way as the team that manager had just left is nothing short of wishful thinking. If Klopp was to bring his first eleven with him than that possibility is more likely. You cannot replicate a recipe without the exact same ingredients, and even then a lower flame might make a difference to the flavor. 現在就要看是誰來當利物浦下一任教頭了。我個人是比較偏向Brendan Rodgers之流,而非 像Capello這種。我先聲明,像Guardiola在巴薩以及Klopp在多特蒙德所締造的成就並非那 麼容易能夠轉移的。所以請別癡心妄想要成為另外一支巴薩,或另外一支多特蒙德。就算 是同樣的原料配料,火候不一樣也未必能夠炒出同樣的一盤菜。 If the new manager, whoever it may be, gets just a fraction of the support and affection Kenny got during his 18 month stint, then we may, just may, have a chance of kick-starting a new era and a new cycle that should propel the Club to the higher levels of football hierarchy it so rightly deserves to be amongst! I’d love to see Jamie taking up the assistance manager role though……..! 新任教頭若能得到球迷們一些些的支持,那搞不好能夠開啟一個新的時代,新的序章,把 利物浦帶入一個新的高峰,利物浦應當身處的位置。而副隊長擔任助理教練也是我樂於預 見的。 The news that Liverpool had approached Wigan for Roberto Martinez came out yesterday evening. I read a statement by Gary McAllister that said ‘There is also the problem of whether he can attract the type of player that Liverpool need to get into the Champions League. I think it’s more in today’s game. I think in the past Liverpool was Liverpool but now I think that top players are attracted by top managers, managers that have been and done the distance. I’m a fan of Martinez, don’t get me wrong, but he’s battling away at the wrong end of the league for his entire Premier League career.” 昨天傍晚球會接見了Martinez,而我們的前球員Gary McAllister曾提到:"Martinez是否能 吸引到利物浦需要的球星,還是個問題。過去來講,利物浦是利物浦,沒人能超越球隊。 但現今的趨勢是,大牌教頭能吸引一流球星。別誤會,我也很喜歡Martinez,但他一直都 在英超中下游拼搏。" Could be true Gary, but in the last three seasons we had Benitez, Hodgson and Dalglish, and we did attract top-dollar stars, almost two dozen of them! We did not however obtain Champions League football so perhaps your reasoning here does not hold that much water. Note that Klopp with Dortmund built a team that played high-pressure football that no one could keep up with, culminating with a 5-2 crushing of mighty Bayern Munich in the German cup final: not many star players in the Dortmund line-up I believe…and if there are, they weren’t when they first got their! In the end today’s game is in the running and the tactics, not really in the primadonnas! I am in no way promoting the candidature of Martinez, and I am sure the Club will speak to a few pretenders before a final decision is taken. Gary說的或許不錯,但仔細想想,從09年到現在,我們換了三位主帥,也吸引了將近兩打 的頂級球星(這有點誇張...),但是卻沒有衝進歐冠,所以這個理論有點站不住腳。要知道 Klopp建立的多特蒙德一開始也沒幾個頂級球星,但是卻打出了高強度的足球,在德國杯 決賽中5-2橫掃了拜仁慕尼黑。現今的比賽講究的是跑位與戰術,而不是價錢昂貴的球員。 我並不是在幫Martinez背書,但我相信球會會和幾位人選溝通後再決定誰來出任主帥。 On a final note, thank you Kenny! Thank you for what you have done in the past, the present, and what you will be doing for our beloved Club in the future. Because no one is greater than the Club, but you are part of its successful history and its legacy and that speak volumes of what the fans think of you! 最後,我要感謝Kenny!謝謝你過去,現在,以及將來為我們所做的一切。沒人會超越球隊 ,但你卻是球隊成功史的其中一員,這在我們球迷的心目中占有極重要的位置。 -- But Liverpool haven't given up hope yet, and a splendid effort! it's a winner by Mellor, in stoppage time for Liverpool. You couldn't write a fairy tale like that, right in front of the KOP! A speculated effort, by one of the least experienced players on the field, has given Liverpool three points and devastated the champions... What a moment!!! 2004-11-28 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 23:08, , 1F
05/19 23:08, 1F

05/19 23:21, , 2F
05/19 23:21, 2F

05/19 23:21, , 3F
05/19 23:21, 3F

05/19 23:49, , 4F
05/19 23:49, 4F

05/19 23:53, , 5F
05/19 23:53, 5F

05/20 00:06, , 6F
05/20 00:06, 6F

05/20 01:04, , 7F
中肯文 推一個
05/20 01:04, 7F

05/20 01:22, , 8F
05/20 01:22, 8F

05/20 01:24, , 9F
國王依然是利迷的國王 但還是要為他的固執跟自信負責
05/20 01:24, 9F

05/20 01:29, , 10F
推中肯文 但想補充的是在英超想要走多特蒙德那一套
05/20 01:29, 10F

05/20 01:30, , 11F
是相當相當困難的 英超的轉會投入在阿布和油王來後已經
05/20 01:30, 11F

05/20 01:30, , 12F
失去平衡了 你不買即戰力的明星 就是會被別人買走
05/20 01:30, 12F

05/20 01:31, , 13F
德甲基本上真正花大錢投入的也只有拜仁一隊 其他隊伍
05/20 01:31, 13F

05/20 01:32, , 14F
05/20 01:32, 14F

05/20 01:37, , 15F
05/20 01:37, 15F

05/20 01:41, , 16F
現在才發現是板主貼的文XD 暱稱網址要調一下
05/20 01:41, 16F

05/20 02:00, , 17F
We move on!!
05/20 02:00, 17F

05/20 02:13, , 18F
05/20 02:13, 18F

05/20 02:13, , 19F
但不離不棄,死忠堅直下去,也是不平凡的展現 Walk on!
05/20 02:13, 19F

05/20 04:59, , 20F
05/20 04:59, 20F

05/20 05:34, , 21F
05/20 05:34, 21F

05/20 05:56, , 22F
05/20 05:56, 22F

05/20 05:58, , 23F
恭喜他們奪冠! 這場真的很戲劇化
05/20 05:58, 23F

05/20 05:59, , 24F
恭喜他們...真的是靠獸巴跟切赫! 拜仁可惜了
05/20 05:59, 24F

05/20 06:00, , 25F
05/20 06:00, 25F

05/20 06:00, , 26F
諾一耳好威阿 可惜了
05/20 06:00, 26F

05/20 06:03, , 27F
05/20 06:03, 27F

05/20 06:07, , 28F
05/20 06:07, 28F

05/20 06:07, , 29F
05/20 06:07, 29F

05/20 06:09, , 30F
.........ㄟ 對耶 有歐冠資格是給亞軍
05/20 06:09, 30F

05/20 06:09, , 31F
05/20 06:09, 31F

05/20 06:09, , 32F
05/20 06:09, 32F

05/20 06:10, , 33F
05/20 06:10, 33F

05/20 06:10, , 34F
本來聯賽盃冠軍就能踢歐霸 只是足總杯拿冠可以不用踢小組賽
05/20 06:10, 34F

05/20 06:11, , 35F
利物浦本來就可以踢歐霸 聯賽盃冠軍呀
05/20 06:11, 35F

05/20 06:12, , 36F
05/20 06:12, 36F

05/20 06:13, , 37F
05/20 06:13, 37F

05/20 06:14, , 38F
不用踢小組賽差很多 不然密集的賽事球員容易受傷
05/20 06:14, 38F

05/20 06:15, , 39F
這場歐冠決賽蠻好看的 恭喜魔獸在退役前拿到歐冠 QQ
05/20 06:15, 39F

05/20 06:16, , 40F
嗯..好像是熱刺(4)小組賽 紐卡索(5)附加賽
05/20 06:16, 40F

05/20 06:17, , 41F
不是不用踢小組賽 是不用踢附加賽吧?
05/20 06:17, 41F

05/20 06:18, , 42F
八月還有國奧隊的比賽= = 不知道隊上有誰會被徵召
05/20 06:18, 42F

05/20 06:18, , 43F
喔 應該是小組附加賽 XD
05/20 06:18, 43F

05/20 06:18, , 44F
六月有歐國盃 能不踢附加賽最好 不然球員都沒休息到= =
05/20 06:18, 44F

05/20 06:20, , 45F
往年我們踢歐霸的壽命都很短 也沒轉播可看 所以沒啥注意..
05/20 06:20, 45F

05/20 06:43, , 46F
05/20 06:43, 46F

05/20 06:53, , 47F
05/20 06:53, 47F

05/20 07:13, , 48F
05/20 07:13, 48F

05/20 07:15, , 49F
05/20 07:15, 49F

05/20 13:38, , 50F
05/20 13:38, 50F

05/20 13:49, , 51F
05/20 13:49, 51F

05/20 13:49, , 52F
05/20 13:49, 52F

05/20 13:50, , 53F
05/20 13:50, 53F

05/20 14:09, , 54F
下一季歐霸艾爾達會播 不過我覺得用6成力就好了拉...
05/20 14:09, 54F

05/20 14:10, , 55F
05/20 14:10, 55F

05/20 14:29, , 56F
好想看紅軍踢歐冠+1 昨天看別人踢 整個鬱悶在胸口啊
05/20 14:29, 56F

05/20 14:40, , 57F
真的 歐冠中立球迷還要當多久.....至少還要一年......
05/20 14:40, 57F

05/20 14:45, , 58F
05/20 14:45, 58F

05/20 14:46, , 59F
05/20 14:46, 59F

05/20 14:48, , 60F
聯賽冠軍當然>歐冠 有聯賽冠軍就有歐冠看了~
05/20 14:48, 60F

05/20 14:54, , 61F
但首要目標是前四 好想看歐冠...還要多久
05/20 14:54, 61F

05/20 14:58, , 62F
歐霸就隨便來吧 練練兵就好 希望可以放棄所有盃賽保聯賽
05/20 14:58, 62F

05/20 16:09, , 63F
05/20 16:09, 63F

05/20 16:12, , 64F
老闆。。。要勝。 都二等兵卒哦,就 呵依切 啦
05/20 16:12, 64F

05/20 16:21, , 65F
05/20 16:21, 65F

05/20 16:21, , 66F
05/20 16:21, 66F

05/20 16:24, , 67F
聯賽冠軍對我們來說不實際 但是聯賽必須全力拼前四
05/20 16:24, 67F

05/20 16:25, , 68F
四線作戰對我們不利 所以聯賽杯跟歐霸杯可以先練小將
05/20 16:25, 68F

05/20 16:55, , 69F
05/20 16:55, 69F

05/20 16:58, , 70F
戰績上我們現在屬中游球隊 能拚奪的榮譽有歐霸冠軍還有
05/20 16:58, 70F

05/20 17:00, , 71F
歐冠資格 朝這兩個目標邁進 能鼓舞球隊士氣
05/20 17:00, 71F

05/20 17:00, , 72F
05/20 17:00, 72F

05/20 17:03, , 73F
昨夜的切爾西與0405的Liverpool很類似 雖進的粒數不同
05/20 17:03, 73F

05/20 17:06, , 74F
但是每位球員拚著解圍處理球 不斷的攔胡 那是一樣的信念
05/20 17:06, 74F

05/20 17:10, , 75F
確實要先照回精神面貌 2012年精神面貌太差了
05/20 17:10, 75F

05/20 17:22, , 76F
05/20 17:22, 76F

05/20 18:56, , 77F
05/20 18:56, 77F

05/20 18:57, , 78F
05/20 18:57, 78F

05/20 19:27, , 79F
務實點吧 重回前四才是復興之路的重點...
05/20 19:27, 79F

05/20 19:28, , 80F
歐霸聯還是有重要性的 事關我們的歐戰績分
05/20 19:28, 80F

05/20 19:29, , 81F
不曉得等回到歐冠賽場我們已經變成第幾檔次的球隊= =
05/20 19:29, 81F

05/20 19:30, , 82F
不過我也覺得盡力去爭取各項錦標 鍛鍊精神戰力確實很
05/20 19:30, 82F

05/20 19:31, , 83F
重要 不應該再忽視.. 歐霸冠軍從歷史紀錄看是雞肋
05/20 19:31, 83F

05/20 19:32, , 84F
但是對於當下的球隊士氣與整體向心力 只有更多的好處
05/20 19:32, 84F

05/20 19:36, , 85F
要從第一檔掉到第四檔還蠻難的 XD
05/20 19:36, 85F

05/20 20:20, , 86F
我們現在還是在二檔啦 前幾天有看到表
05/20 20:20, 86F

05/20 20:23, , 87F
05/20 20:23, 87F

05/20 20:30, , 88F
05/20 20:30, 88F

05/20 20:35, , 89F
05/20 20:35, 89F

05/20 20:36, , 90F
05/20 20:36, 90F

05/20 20:37, , 91F
05/20 20:37, 91F

05/20 20:41, , 92F
05/20 20:41, 92F

05/20 21:17, , 93F
05/20 21:17, 93F

05/20 22:33, , 94F
不好意思 感謝翻譯 借轉錄 會附上出處和譯者名稱
05/20 22:33, 94F

08/27 22:32, , 95F
08/27 22:32, 95F
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